Neodymium powerful magnet: how to make it yourself, the purpose of powerful magnets
From early childhood, a person never ceases to be amazed at the amazing abilities of magnets - to attract
How to rewind a commutator motor: winding the rotor with your own hands, diagrams, tachometer device
Do-it-yourself drill repair - breakdown of motor parts (stator, armature) - wear of brushes
Li ion batteries: charging and operating rules, what not to do with lithium-ion batteries
Assembling a Li-Ion battery with your own hands is a feasible task, but to successfully solve it you need
What is a capacitor, types of capacitors and their applications
Marking of ceramic capacitors - tables with explanations of symbols
What is a capacitor? A device that stores electricity in the form of electrical charges is called a capacitor. Quantity
What are thermistors, their design, types, technical parameters
What is a thermistor? A regular resistor has a relatively stable resistance. Of course, the electrical resistance of a conventional resistor
dielectric rod
Testing of operationally insulating dielectric rods
NAME OF WORK UNIT. MEAS. QTY PRICE UNITS Testing of dielectric rods of all types of pairs. 1
Superconductivity, phenomenon, discovery, theory and application
Mysterious quantum phenomena still surprise researchers with their unimaginable behavior. We talked earlier
The direction of the current and its magnetic field lines. Gimlet rule
Magnetic field Already in the 6th century. BC. in China it was known that some
How to distinguish a circuit breaker from a switch
Surely many of you have used circuit breakers. Problems turning lights on and off using these switches
Where and how to use SIDACtor protective thyristors from Littelfuse
May 28, 2018 security systems resource accounting lighting engineering motor control medicine consumer electronics Littelfuse article discrete semiconductors Powerful interference occurring in networks
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