Li ion batteries: charging and operating rules, what not to do with lithium-ion batteries

Assembling a Li-Ion battery with your own hands is a feasible task, but to successfully solve it you need a responsible approach and experience in performing electrical installation work. When creating batteries, amateur designers often make mistakes that lead to deterioration of performance, reduced battery life and other negative consequences. Therefore, from a technical point of view, most homemade lithium batteries are inferior to factory-made counterparts.

When assembling a lithium battery from individual cells at home, difficulties arise already at the stage of selecting cells with the same characteristics. In the professional production of rechargeable batteries, cells are thoroughly tested, and elements with differences in parameters of no more than tenths of a percent are selected for combination in one housing.

Amateur designers traditionally assemble batteries from existing cells with noticeably different characteristics. When using such batteries, they become unbalanced and wear out prematurely, despite the use of a BMS board. Next, we will look at the popular mistakes of novice craftsmen and tell you how to make a lithium-ion battery with your own hands without sacrificing quality.

I'm assembling a battery from 18650 12V cans

Hello everyone, I want to show you how to assemble a battery from 18650 12V cans. I am assembling such a battery for a winter underwater camera, and it can also be used for a screwdriver. Briefly what we need, but first I’ll say that I didn’t use special equipment, but, as they say, collected everything on my knees.

So, in order for you to assemble a simple and reliable battery, you will need:

  1. electrical tape (what would happen without it)
  2. ironing iron 100-150 W
  3. solder acid
  4. thin copper plate
  5. battery charge module board (this is required) Link here
  6. hands (preferably growing from a normal place
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