Why regular batteries cannot be charged, but rechargeable batteries can - a simple answer

Alkaline battery design

The size of the cylindrical element is similar to the size of the element of the manganese-zinc system with a salt electrolyte.
However, there are some differences between the design of alkaline and salt power sources: alkaline batteries have an inverted design. In a battery containing an alkaline electrolyte, zinc is in powder form. In this regard, the zinc cup is replaced with a nickel-plated steel cylindrical body, which serves as a current conductor for the electrode with the “+” sign. In the active state, the positive electrode is pressed against the inner walls of the housing. In an alkaline cell, as a rule, it is possible to place a larger amount of the active mass of the positive electrode than in a salt analogue of the same size. Thus, an alkaline D-type battery can contain 35–40 g of manganese dioxide. A salt battery of this size holds no more than 25–30 g of electrolyte.

The separator is pre-impregnated with electrolyte and then inserted into the internal cavity filled with the active mass of the anode. The separation material can be hydrated cellulose film or some non-woven polymer material.

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A current lead (made of brass) of the cathode is placed along the axis of the chemical current source, and an anode composition consisting of zinc powder is introduced into the cavity between the brass current lead and the separation material

It is important that before this the zinc powder is saturated with a thickened electrolyte

In production, alkalis pre-saturated with zincates are often used as electrolytes. This measure reduces alkali consumption at the initial stage of operation. In addition, the zincates present in the electrolyte inhibit the development of the corrosion process.

Main characteristics of batteries

We've sorted out the terminology, now let's see what types of batteries there are and how they differ from each other.

Form factor

Modern batteries - both galvanic cells and batteries based on them - are available in various form factors. The most common are cylindrical and disk. Some batteries may be rectangular in shape.

The most popular sizes of galvanic cells and batteries

As for batteries, they can exactly repeat the shape and size of galvanic cells, but they can also have an original shape. In the photo below, from left to right, you can see a cylindrical AA battery of 3.7 volts (but not 1.5, like a regular AA battery), a disk one that exactly follows the shape of a lithium galvanic cell, and a disk one of the original shape (tablet).

Batteries, like galvanic cells, can be produced in different form factors

Battery types

Based on the type of electrolyte and electrode material, galvanic cells can be divided into:

Saline. Elements of this type have electrodes based on manganese and zinc; salt, ammonium chloride, is used as an electrolyte. The devices are characterized by low electrical capacity and fragility, but have a low cost.

Alkaline. In cells of this type, the same materials are used for electrodes, but alkali is used as an electrolyte - potassium hydroxide. Batteries of this type have higher capacity and longer service life. They are capable of developing high supply currents, but are several times more expensive than salt cells. Alkaline batteries are often called alkaline or alkaline.

Lithium. The anode of these elements is made of lithium, while the cathode and electrolyte are selected depending on the required output voltage, which can vary from 1.5 to 3.0 V depending on the purpose of the current source. Lithium galvanic cells (not to be confused with lithium batteries) have a high capacity, are durable (work for years), but are more expensive than alkaline ones.

Lithium AA battery (voltaic cell)

Silver-zinc. These batteries usually come in tablet form. They can be found in wristwatches and similar small-sized, economical equipment. This is a compact and durable current source, but it is quite expensive (relative to the capacity) and does not have a large electrical capacity.

Output voltage

The output voltage of all salt and alkaline galvanic cells is 1.5 V. Silver-zinc “tablets” produce the same 1.5 V. Lithium cells, as mentioned above, depending on the type of cathode and electrolyte, can have an output voltage from 1.5 to 3.0 V.

Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries (accumulators) produce 1.2 V. This type of battery is the most popular and is often used as a replacement for finger (AA format) and little finger (AAA) galvanic cells.

Nickel-cadmium (left) and nickel-metal hydride batteries in AA and AAA formats

Nickel-zinc (Ni-Zn) batteries have an output of 1.6 V.

Recently, lithium-ion and lithium iron phosphate batteries have become widespread. The former produce 3.7 V, the latter - 3.2 V. They may have the same form factor as salt or alkaline batteries, but due to the difference in output voltages, one cannot be replaced with another.

Battery selection

At first glance, choosing a AA battery that can be charged using a charger may present some difficulties, because outwardly such an element is no different from a disposable one.

However, when purchasing, it is not necessary to resort to the help of sales consultants; it is enough to understand the labels on the product.

For example, the voltage value of a conventional battery will be 1.6 V. For a battery, this parameter is lower and is 1.2 V.

A little knowledge of English will also not hurt in such a situation. The inscription rechargeable on the element in translation means “rechargeable,” which speaks for itself.

And vice versa - the phrase do not recharge will tell the potential consumer that the battery is not subject to alternate charging.

Another difference is the manufacturer’s indication of the battery capacity, which is expressed in mAh (milliampere hour). You will not find such a parameter on a regular one-time element. Rechargeable AA batteries, which receive “new life” from a charger, are divided according to the type of material that is their basis.

Nickel-cadmium battery

They are the cheapest compared to other varieties. Despite their low cost, such rechargeable batteries are not without advantages, the main one of which is the ability to retain a charge at subzero temperatures.

There are several disadvantages - the inability to accept a charge until completely discharged and its loss even without using the element in the device.

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Nickel metal hydride

Such elements have the ability to store their charge for a long time, but for this opportunity the owner pays with considerable dimensions and the cost of such a battery.


One of the most modern batteries, the main advantage of which is the absence of a “memory effect”, as is the case with Ni-Cd-based cells, and the ability to retain a charge for a long time.

The main disadvantage is the high cost in relation to other varieties and the effect of rapid self-discharge when operating at subzero temperatures.

Occasionally, you can see the inscription LSD on some batteries. The English abbreviation stands for low self-discharge, which translates as “low self-discharge”.

But is it different for lithium-ion batteries in phones and laptops?

The same applies to lithium-ion batteries. Of course, no one has canceled the concept of “charging and discharging simultaneously with the release of heat” (if you understand what we’re talking about), but in practice the EMF of a regular gadget is about 3.7 V, and the charging voltage is much higher (~5 V). That is, the battery is not used while charging.

About the concept of “charging and discharging simultaneously with heat release”

Here's what sometimes happens in laptops: If a battery-powered external power supply device can handle heavy loads, the battery ends up being used as a buffer for external power.

For example, a circuit requires a circuit of 10 A for 30 seconds, then 1 A for the next 30 seconds. Yes, voltage matters, but let's just stick to current to explain things more simply.

So overall we need 5.5A on average. Let's assume that the external power supply can provide 6 A (laptops usually have 4.74 A and 6.3 A adapters, but let's simplify for the sake of this example).

Thus, for 30 seconds of every minute the battery is discharged at a rate of 4.4 A. During the remaining 30 seconds, it can be charged at 4.6 A. In this case, 0.2 A is the charging and discharging loss. In other words, at the end of the cycle the battery is at the same level as before. This 0.2A is what generates the heat.

How to recharge: two experiments

It is impossible to charge the batteries - scientists struggled to clean oxides from the contacts without disassembling the battery. There is no way to reverse the reaction. But to carry out this experiment, you need special equipment, and you shouldn’t do it at home.

What if you put a battery in a battery charger? Miss Clean magazine strongly recommends against doing this: there is a high risk of an explosion.

Why does it explode

Basically, the problem is alkali. If you pass a reverse current through it, it will begin to heat up, releasing gas. And BOOM! The alkali and its reaction products will scatter throughout the room, and fragments of the body will easily burn and injure your hands and face.

But they showed it on YouTube!

Indeed, there are videos on YouTube in which batteries are charged. In essence, this is a way to slightly extend the battery life, nothing more.

How it's done:

  1. The battery is placed in the charger for approximately 15 minutes.
  2. Strictly monitor the temperature. As soon as the battery has warmed up to 40 degrees (you can feel it with your palm so that the cool case has become warm) - get out of the device.

This “reanimation” is enough for the battery to last another 5-10 minutes. It is much easier and safer to go to the store and buy new batteries.

The method is effective with cheap elements, but not with expensive ones. Why? Because the latter use higher quality materials, and the electrons are not blocked by oxides, but are consumed to the end, and it will not be possible to rip them back out of the anode. If it were possible, the cell would be called a battery.

Let's summarize. There is no point in charging batteries, especially expensive ones - it’s easier to buy new ones. And safer. If you are concerned about the environment and savings, spend a certain amount one-time and purchase two sets of batteries and a charger. This set will serve you for many years, so you will forget to think about batteries and buying them, especially charging.

Battery for recharging

The battery is only used to recharge alkaline batteries. The device has four compartments; batteries are inserted into three of them, and the battery itself is inserted into the fourth.

It is important to know how long to charge the battery; it usually lasts between five and ten minutes.

After this, you can use the batteries again, but their life will be short. It is best to take a battery with a charge indicator, which is most convenient to use.

  • It is best to choose a battery with multiple battery compartments;
  • The charger should turn off automatically;
  • The greater the power of the device, the better;
  • The charger must have a built-in indicator and display;

The cheapest devices are not recommended for use, as they have a short service life and can ruin a good battery. More expensive options are of good quality and are more worth the purchase.

Additional charger options.

In addition to recharging batteries, energy replenishing devices can perform the following functions:

  • Battery discharge function. In addition to being able to charge, these devices can drain the battery. This function is needed if the charged batteries are not planned to be used for a long period of time.
  • Battery recharge function. This function is useful when the batteries in use need to be slightly recharged, and the charge level does not necessarily have to be at a low level. In essence, recharging adds another layer of charge to the existing level of charge, but this method can bring the battery to the end of its useful life much faster. The most interesting thing is that in the case of recharge, the battery life also decreases. If, with a full charge, the battery can work for about a day, then in the case of recharging, the work will only last for a few hours.
  • Battery precharging function. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to restore the working condition of completely discharged batteries without causing undesirable consequences.
  • Trickle charging function. In this case, electricity enters the battery in a uniform layer and does not affect the shutdown when the charge level is full.
  • Fast charging function. This function is characterized by a fast supply of electricity, smoothly transferring to the spare compartment.

How to extend the life of batteries

Despite the attempts of some craftsmen to recharge batteries, their device does not allow reversing chemical processes, as happens with batteries

If it is not possible to replace the battery with a new one, then there are several methods, to varying degrees unsafe, to extend the operating time:

  • Short-term increase in temperature. For example, dip the battery in hot water for half a minute. Do not heat it over an open fire.
  • Hull deformation. By squeezing the outer capsule of the battery, you can achieve a short-term increase in charge. Danger arises when the integrity of the housing is damaged and a caustic solution leaks. This operation cannot be performed with teeth.

Disposable alkaline batteries are difficult to “reanimate”; recharging them is accompanied by the risk of burns from leaked electrolyte. Therefore, it is easier to buy new batteries.

A battery is that element of everyday life without which a person today will have a hard time. Without batteries, most electronic devices cannot function, be it a simple watch, a flashlight, or an abstruse children's toy. Batteries are divided into two types: rechargeable (rechargeable) and galvanic (disposable). For many, a question like “Is it possible to charge a disposable battery” remains open, so next we will try to look at the most common ways to charge batteries.

How long should batteries be charged and how should they be charged?

At the very beginning, you need to figure out how to properly recharge the battery. If it is not charged correctly, the service life will be significantly reduced.

You should first carefully read the instructions that come with the device. You can find the charging time in the instructions. But it may be that the instructions are missing. In this situation, it is necessary to use universal rules. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Battery charging time. How to calculate the charging time of an ordinary battery? If there is no information, then try to do the calculations yourself. Battery capacity required. It must be divided by the charging current, and at the end everything must be multiplied by 1.4. The result of these calculations is a number indicating the amount of charging time. Depending on the location of installation, there may be a different time value. Consumption in video cameras is higher when compared with cameras.
  • Action with a new battery. To increase the service life to the maximum, a technological process called molding is carried out. It is necessary to fully charge the battery 3-4 times. Remember that immediately after purchase it must be completely discharged. After this, charging is carried out, which takes a sufficient amount of time. Under no circumstances should charging be interrupted. After fully charging, the device must be discharged again. This procedure has 3-4 repeated cycles.
  • If it was not possible to calculate the charging time, then you need to focus on general values. General values ​​are 10-14 hours. Checking for full charge is carried out as follows: you need to feel the surface of the device. If the surface is warm, then the battery can already be used.

Microprocessor charger: charging with brains

Devices with a microprocessor are more expensive, which is why they are most often used by those who need batteries for their occupation. For example, photographers. But the prices are by no means astronomical, so nothing prevents you from making a choice in favor of a smart charger. How is it usually better?

  • Has settings. You can independently set the optimal current for a specific battery.
  • Has independent channels. You can charge only one battery, or you can have a battery with a capacity of 1600 mAh in one slot, and a battery with a capacity of 1600 mAh in the other, and both will be charged 100%.
  • Has foolproof and overheating protection. They simply won't turn on until you place the batteries in the correct way and will turn off if the battery gets too hot.
  • Has special modes. For example, “Training” - successive cycles of charging and discharging the battery in order to restore its capacity.
  • Has a display. You see all the information about the accumulated capacity, voltage, current...

Method 4: Volume reduction

The method is quite incomprehensible and exotic at first glance. We need to reduce the size of the battery so that the charge in it is restored on its own.

What should you do for this? Mechanically reduce and make the body volume thinner. To do this, the battery is hit against something hard - asphalt, wall, stone, brick, etc. Or they simply trample on it with thick shoes. You can try to flatten it with a handy tool - for example, pliers.

This method will charge all AA batteries. It must be said that such a “barbaric” method helps restore the charge in some cases even to 100%!

Effective online calculator

The question that worries me is how many hours it takes to charge the batteries, there is a logical and simple answer. Thanks to a simple formula for calculating the result, you can obtain the necessary data in a few seconds. To do this, you need to enter the parameters of the battery capacity and charger current into the table. Click the “calculate” button and accept the ready answer.

Attention: the resulting value must be multiplied by a factor greater than 1, because part of the energy turns into heat and is lost, especially at temperatures below zero. When calculating the charging time of nickel batteries, a percentage ratio of 1.4 is suitable

The battery discharge voltage should not be less than 0.9V, regardless of the discharge current. In most devices, the threshold value is determined automatically.

You can interrupt the charge, but the total value should not be less than the calculated value. During the charging process, the device body may heat up, the maximum temperature is 55 degrees. In this case, the device switches from the main charging mode to the secondary charging mode. The temperature drops and the process is renewed.

Charging methods

Before charging a AA battery at home, it is advisable to know what type of charger control you will need to use. Two charge control methods are used:

  • by current;
  • by voltage.

The first method is used for NiCd and NiMh batteries, and the second for lead-acid, LiIon and LiPol batteries. Automatic battery chargers using specialized microcontrollers allow you to properly recharge any type of energy cell and control the stages of energy recovery.

Charger with current control

Such devices are called galvanostatic. The main parameter of the memory is the battery current value. Correctly recharging the battery and not deteriorating its characteristics can be achieved by selecting the current value and charging speed. In order to determine the current values, the equality I = 0.1C is used, where C is the battery capacity. It is not difficult to understand why it is not recommended to use a larger value by imagining the chemical processes taking place in galvanic devices. In addition, firstly, there is increased heating, and secondly, there is a memory effect.

To avoid self-discharge, chargers usually switch to low-current charging mode at the end of the charge.

But this method is unacceptable for alkaline batteries, so they cannot be recharged in this mode. For these types, a charging termination method is used when the current does not change for several hours.

Voltage control method

The type of operation is based on a potentiostatic mode that turns off the charging process when a certain voltage is reached. For this type of charger, different charging rates are used. For nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride, three charge rates are used: long (0.1C), fast (0.3C) and ultra-fast (1C). During the charging process, the current decreases, and the voltage at the battery terminals approaches the charger voltage. It is believed that this method cannot fully charge the battery.

Can batteries be charged?

For the sole purpose of “stirring up” hidden resources, you can place the battery in a charger and connect it to the mains for no more than 15 minutes, regularly monitoring its external temperature.

The following happens inside the battery:

  1. High currents flow through internal reactants.
  2. The dielectric obstacle (crust) is destroyed.
  3. Free elements begin to react.
  4. The battery regains some of its charge, but does NOT charge.

Actually, for the same purpose, an ordinary battery is bitten with teeth, tapped, and artificially resuscitated.

In this case, the battery does NOT charge, but only increases its efficiency.

ATTENTION! If you forget to remove the battery in time or it overheats, serious troubles are possible:

  • battery breakdown;
  • swelling;
  • bloating;
  • release of gases;
  • electrolyte boiling;
  • leakage of electrolyte, alkali;
  • a battery explosion with all the ensuing consequences - damage to the charger, alkali particles flying around the apartment, etc.!

How to properly charge a battery

  1. Before charging at home, read the instructions for the device and recommendations from the manufacturer.
  2. Modern batteries do not have a memory effect, so there is no need to pump up the battery. With the exception of nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries.
  3. Observe temperature conditions, do not insert into the charger at temperatures below 5 degrees and above 50 degrees Celsius.
  4. Select a charger specifically for batteries; it’s good if this was done right away. Keep in mind that the slower the energy charge is delivered, the better.
  5. Do not leave the battery in the charger for more than a day. If they are not charged, then there is no point in continuing.

Important! When charging, the battery will heat up, this is normal, but it should not be very hot; if it seems to you that it is overheating very much in the charger, then stop the procedure.

In the Union, the batteries were being charged...

Many craftsmen in Soviet times charged dead batteries. That's what they thought. In fact, the battery design does not allow chemical processes to be reversed, as happens with batteries.

Older galvanic cells used salts that could clump or create a crust of residue on the current collectors. Passing current through the battery eliminated these awkward moments and forced more reagents to react. Unfortunately, in most cases, about 30% of the substance remained unused. Thus, what the craftsmen called recharging the battery was in fact just a small shake-up.

Modern galvanic cells leave no more than 10% of the substance unused. The more expensive the reagents, the greater their capacity, while the same ones on silver work 7-10 times longer, but they are also not cheap at all. In normal everyday conditions, simple salt batteries are sufficient. They aren't so expensive that you risk your health trying to figure out a way to charge them.

Irreversibility of chemical reactions

It is the necessary internal processes that distinguish a galvanic cell from a rechargeable battery. And, of course, the price.

In other words, the charge once generated by a conventional battery cannot be restored!

The secret to resuscitating a disposable AA battery is to “revitalize” those resources of the power source that have not yet reacted and given up their electrons.

Statistics claim that due to internal oxidation and deposition of dielectric compounds, even a spent battery can retain from 10 to 70% of its “working” mass, which does not react.

Choosing a charger

And finally, let’s look at which chargers are chosen by users of devices powered by rechargeable batteries. The table was compiled according to the degree of popularity of the latter.

Rating of chargers by popularity

RatingAppearanceModelManufacturerBattery typeBattery sizeNumber of compartments (independent channels)Additional functionsprice, rub.Where can I buy
1Nitecore D4TM NitecoreIMR/Li-ion, Ni-MH/Ni-CdAA (R6), AAA (R03), AAAA, C (R14), 26650, 22650, 18650, 10440, 14500, 16340, CR123A, 17670, 17500, 18490, 183504Automatic type detection, status display on LCD display, capacity detection, restoration, protection against polarity reversal, overcharge, overdischarge, powered by car cigarette lighter2 200Ya.Market

Liitokala Lii-500LiitokalaLi-ion, Ni-MH18650, 18490, 18350, 17670, 17500, 17335, 16340 (RCR123), 14500, 10440, 26650, 22650, 26500, A, AA, AAA, SC4Automatic type detection, LCD status display, test function, recovery, reverse polarity protection, overcharge, overdischarge protection, USB port 5V/1A2 700Ya.Market

Palo P10PaloNI-MH, NI-CDAA, AAA8LED charge indication, fixed charging current (200 or 180 mA), low cost, pair charging, pair auto-off at the end of charging900

Opus BT-C3100 v2.2OpusNi-Cd, Ni-MH and Li-IonAA, AAA, C (R14), 10440, 16340, 14500, 17500, 17335, 17500, 18490, 17670, 18650, 22650, 266504Auto-detection, charge/discharge/testing, status display on LCD display, charging and recharging current programming, trickle charging mode, recovery2 800Ya.Market
5SkyRC MC3000SkyRCNiMh, NiCd, NiZn, Eneloop, Lithuim-Ion, Lilo4.35, LiFeP04AA, AAA, C, D, SC, AAAA, 18650, 14500, 16340, 32650, 14650, 17670, 10440, 18700, 18350, RCR123, 18500, 18490, 25500, 13500, 13450, 1665 0, 22650, 17500, 10340, 17650, 10500, 26500, 12340, 12500, 12650, 14350, 14430, 16500, 17350, 20700, 21700, 22500, 326004Automatic type detection, status display on LCD display, remote control via Bluetooth 4.0, recovery, protection against polarity reversal, overcharge, overdischarge, temperature control, USB port 5 V/2.1A, power supply from on-board network, maximum charging current up to 3 A7 000Ya.Market

How to understand how long to keep charging the battery

It may well happen that after putting the battery on charge and waiting for some time, you discover that no charging has occurred. There is no need to suffer any further. Clearly something went wrong. Maybe the battery itself is faulty, or maybe the charger is faulty.

The most important thing when dealing with batteries is to charge them correctly. And for this you need to know exactly and observe their charging time.

To determine this time, you can go in two ways:

  • Go to one of the specialized sites and calculate everything in an online calculator. Everything here is simple and clear.
  • You can calculate this time yourself. A formula has been developed for this.

Formula for calculating charging time and its fineness

To calculate the time required to fully charge the battery, use the formula:

Time required for charging = battery capacity / current * recharge coefficient, which ensures a 100% charge.

The coefficient can be from 1.2 to 1.4

For this formula to work, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • In order to charge the battery, you need to spend from four to twenty hours. No more, but no less. If the battery is charged earlier than four hours, the charger itself will stop supplying current. The battery can now be used. If the battery has not been charged in more than twenty hours, then the current strength is very low. In this state, the battery can remain in the charger for almost a week. It won't do him any harm.
  • The capacity value can be taken from the battery case, or you can find it out from the information on the packaging or in the instructions.
  • The current required for charging is written on the battery case, and it is also duplicated in the instructions.

The time it takes to recharge is not constant. This depends on several factors:

  • chemicals included in the battery;
  • ambient temperature;
  • amount of charge remaining in the battery.

Number of recharge cycles

When using rechargeable batteries, be aware that they do not last forever. Their resource is gradually decreasing, and each new charge brings this closer. For example, batteries based on nickel and cadmium can be recharged between a thousand and one and a half thousand times. True, newer batteries can be recharged up to four thousand times.

The main thing for a battery is the first four recharge cycles. At this time, the battery capacity “builds up”, which will remain throughout the entire operation of the product.

Do not be lazy to study the instructions for the battery in detail. They are written by smart people and describe in detail how to charge the device.

How long do you have to wait for the battery to charge?

Calculating the amount of time required to fully recharge a battery is easy. To do this, divide the battery capacity by the charger current. Do not forget to take into account the coefficients. They range from 1.2 to 1.6.

To find out which coefficient needs to be applied, let's look at the difference between the current and the battery capacity value. The greater the interval between them, the greater the coefficient value we use.

Online calculators on special websites operate on exactly the same principles.

How long does it take to charge batteries?

To correctly determine the battery charging time, use the standard formula:

X (hours) = 1.4 * Y (mAh) / Z (mA) , where 1.4 is the coefficient used, because not all the current goes into the battery charge, you can call it a discount on heat transfer.

Some of the current turns into heat, so the battery overheats.

If the capacity is 2400 mAh, and the charger current is 150, then the formula turns out: 1.4 * 2400 / 150 = 22.4

To charge a battery with a capacity of 2400 mAh with an incoming charge of 150 mAh it will take up to 22 and a half hours. Some chargers do not detect the battery charge; voltage is supplied constantly, even if the battery is already fully charged. This approach can harm the battery by shortening its shelf life or rendering it unusable due to overheating.

In order to make your life easier, it is recommended to use modern smart chargers that are equipped with a charge indicator. They can provide information on how many milliamps (mA) were transferred to the battery, and since the capacity is indicated on the case, using a simple subtraction method you can find out how many percent the battery is charged. Also, after charging is complete, the device will turn itself off.

Still have questions or have something to add? Then write to us about it in the comments, this will make the material more complete and accurate.

It is impossible to properly charge battery power sources without understanding how charge times are calculated.

And this can be done in two ways:

1. Using our online calculator. 2. Make your own calculation using the formula.

What batteries can be recharged?

In order for the battery to be recharged, it must be of a special, rechargeable type. You can determine which battery we have in front of us by reading the information indicated on the case. Do not even try to insert simple, disposable batteries into the charger.

If you do not follow this recommendation, the following may occur:

  • if you are a lucky person, then nothing will happen;
  • the battery may boil;
  • the housing will overheat and, as a result, fire or explosion.
  • It may also close the network.

It is precisely because of these likely consequences that you should not insert ordinary batteries into the charger.

In their shape, batteries are very similar to simple batteries. Among the batteries there are the same types, except for the tablet form. Limited quantities of tablets are produced. Those button batteries that are produced are intended for hearing aids.

The user may have a natural question: “How should batteries be charged?” The question is correct, because in order for the battery to be used for a long time, the charging process must be approached competently. You cannot take the battery and leave it on charge for two or three days. There is a simple formula to determine the exact recharging time, or you can use various services that have calculators for calculating time.

Why do regular batteries not charge?

The appearance of rechargeable batteries and simple batteries is almost the same. This leads many to mistakenly assume that all batteries, without exception, can be recharged. Naturally, this is far from the truth. All processes that occur in conventional batteries cannot be reversed. But in battery-powered ones it’s easy.

The process taking place inside both types of batteries is based on a single principle. The energy of the chemical process is converted into electricity. Batteries contain a special substance called electrolyte. The electrolyte contains electrodes. As a result of the chemical reaction occurring at the electrodes, a potential difference occurs. As soon as the ends of the terminals are closed by a conductor, the electrical discharge passes to it. Gradually, the number of ions decreases, and the battery charge runs out.

What's the point of passing current through a simple battery? There is nothing and nowhere to be restored there.

A completely different picture with the battery. In them, both the electrolyte and the electrodes easily return to their original state. In rechargeable batteries, the electrodes and the electrolyte itself can be restored to their original state.

Which batteries can be charged and which cannot?

As we found out, there are a great many types and types of batteries. Which ones can be charged via a charger and which ones cannot?

The answer is simple. You can only charge batteries - it will not be possible to restore energy in a discharged galvanic cell. That is, you cannot charge alkaline, salt, lithium and silver-zinc galvanic cells, which, in fact, are disposable.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

Ask a Question

Healthy. Many people, even after reading this paragraph, will still have the question of whether it is possible to charge an alkaline battery. As we defined above, an Alkaline battery is an alkaline galvanic cell, which means it cannot be charged.

What happens if you charge regular batteries?

Now let's find out why you can't charge disposable batteries. First of all, it's useless. During manufacture, the galvanic cell is “charged” with chemicals, which are destroyed during battery operation, forming complex chemical compounds. When the initial substances are completely used up, the battery stops delivering current. It is impossible to restore the original substances from the resulting compounds. The item will have to be thrown away.

Charging galvanic cells is not only useless, but also dangerous. If you force a battery to do something for which it is not intended, for example, forcefully “fill” voltage into it, then the cell may lose its seal and “leak,” flooding everything with electrolyte. But this is also a lesser evil. It’s much worse when, when trying to charge, the battery overheats and explodes. Here it’s not far from an injury, and a stone’s throw from a fire. Thus, under no circumstances should you charge a completely discharged galvanic cell.

But it is not all that bad. Yes, a disposable battery cannot be restored, but it can be recharged without waiting for it to completely discharge. By recharging periodically, it is quite possible to extend the life of the galvanic cell by double or even triple.

Where does the extra energy come from in a battery whose chemical reactions are irreversible? The fact is that during the operation of the galvanic cell, the starting materials are not fully used. Even a completely discharged battery still has a lot of untapped potential. If the battery is completely dead, it will not be possible to revive it. But if the element is periodically “shake” with small charging currents, then it will use up the components more fully and will be able to last longer.

Important! Even recharging a galvanic cell may carry a certain danger of an explosion or fire. Therefore, if we nevertheless decide to do this, we must clearly understand that we are doing this at our own peril and risk.

Can an alkaline battery be charged?

The market for galvanic cells is diverse. Millions of different batteries roll off assembly lines every day. There are plenty of cheap copies available to everyone. They can be purchased at the checkout counter of any supermarket or electrical goods store. Thus, the question of whether alkaline batteries can be charged has lost its relevance. Everyone knows from a school chemistry course that when the caustic alkali contained in batteries is heated, a violent chemical reaction can occur. The reverse current of the charger, passing through a closed space, provokes boiling of the battery and even a thermal explosion.

If the battery manages to survive a single charge cycle, its capacity will still not increase to its original level. Any alkaline battery will most likely lose its charge again soon. In this case, depressurization of the housing and leakage of electrolyte may occur, and this may cause breakdown of the device consuming energy. It turns out that instead of the desired savings, you can simply ruin an expensive device.

For those who are willing to take the risk or need an emergency recharge because there is no way to buy an alkaline battery at the moment, there are several clever ways to extend the life of the current source.

  1. Take the power supply and plug it into the network. Next, using wires, connect the element to the adapter. We must not forget about observing polarity: minus is connected to minus, and plus must be connected to plus. Polarity is usually indicated on the top of the battery housing. The galvanic element is heated to 50 degrees, after which the power is turned off and cooled. Then, within two minutes, connect the charger to the network and immediately turn it off. After the manipulations have been completed, the battery is thrown into the freezer for 15 minutes.
  2. You can charge an old battery by heating the latter. This method is fraught with danger - everything can end in an explosion. The discharged object is placed in boiling water for 30 seconds - and the battery is again suitable for use for some time.
  3. You can recharge an alkaline battery by reducing its volume. To do this, you need to flatten it with your hands.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without the so-called “helpers” - technical devices that are powered by batteries or accumulators.

A camera, a laptop mouse, a key fob for a car alarm - all these things cannot function without batteries, and a person, at least once a month, has to worry about buying a new battery for one or another household appliance.

However, not everyone knows that some batteries can serve as a battery, that is, they can withstand repeated use - to do this, they just need to be recharged.

In this article we will look at the main differences between a regular battery and a reusable battery, which is completely identical in appearance to a standard battery. It will also talk about the main criteria when selecting a charger for batteries and accumulators.

Battery and accumulator - general

So, the general device is clear: liquid is poured into a container, an element rich in negative particles is placed at the bottom, and a positively charged element is placed at the opposite end. Electrons are eager to occupy “positive” places, but the reaction flows weakly - until the contacts are connected. As soon as the circuit is closed (i.e., batteries/accumulator are placed on contacts in some device or simply connected with wires to a light bulb), the reaction becomes intense. Negative particles rush to the anode and stick to it. The reaction lasts, in theory, until the entire supply of negative particles is exhausted.

Power bank on AA batteries

There are two options to get a Power Bank:

  1. Buy in store.
  2. Do it yourself.

The first one is the simplest. The second one is a little more complicated.

A power bank with AA batteries is not very efficient and not very profitable.

For self-assembly you will need:

  • 4 batteries or more.
  • USB connector.
  • The wire.
  • In some cases, a controller, resistor, or LED may be required.
  • Diodes.

Additional Tips

Depending on the battery device, they may take different amounts of time to charge:

An acid battery made of lead and used in a car is charged with a current of 0.1 of the rated value. The time is ten o'clock. If the capacity is 50 A/h, then a current of 5 A is required. The condition of the lead plates will not deteriorate from a full charge.

Lead acid battery

Another type is nickel-cadmium batteries. Types: finger and little finger. For the charging procedure, chargers are used, which indicate the required current value. To determine the time, use the calculation method described above.

Nickel-cadmium batteries

Polymer batteries made from lithium. The battery is charged using pulsed currents. Charge control is carried out using the charger processor. The time depends on the current. The time range is 30-60 minutes.

Lithium polymer batteries

The first two types of batteries must be fully charged. But the last type does not need to be charged; a full charge is murder for them.

How long does it take to charge batteries?

The charging time can be determined by dividing the battery capacity by the charger current. In this case, it is important to take into account the coefficients of conversion of electricity into heat, energy dissipation coefficients, which take values ​​from 1.2 to 1.6.

The charge coefficient can be taken from the calculation of the ratio of the charge current to the battery capacity. The greater this difference, the larger the coefficient should be used.

Note: the online calculator “how long to charge batteries”, located above this article on our website battery.rf, works in a similar way.

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