Installation of a Separate Automatic Machine at Zero of a Three-Phase Network Introduction to the Device
Switching diagram of the input machine Connection diagram When connecting the input machine, it is important to follow the rule according to
Temperature control in zonal heating systems: overview of manufacturers' solutions
Raising the set temperature to heat the room faster If you have just entered a cold
How to check the starting current of a battery with a multimeter
How to check the starting current of a battery with a multimeter
A multimeter is a universal device for accurately determining voltage, current or resistance and not
7 Commonly Used Resistors Today in 2022
A resistor (from the Latin “resisto”, which means “I resist”) is a passive element of an electrical circuit that has
Magnetic induction vector. Ampere force and Lorentz force
Sources of Magnetic Field The above experiment clearly demonstrates how anyone can determine the direction
An electrical circuit in which the voltage and current are constant
Electric current power: definition, formulas, units of measurement, designation
In this article we will tell you what electric power is and how
Magnet insulator and magnetic field shielding
The technology of sintering neodymium alloys, developed as a result of long-term research and experiments, makes it possible to create powerful
Vasiliev Dmitry Petrovich
Ammeter: purpose, connection diagrams, types, characteristics
Definition Dmitry Petrovich Vasiliev Professor of Electrical Engineering, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University Ask a question An ammeter is an electrical measuring device,
How many kilometers do you need to drive to charge the battery?
Inexperienced car enthusiasts often ask how long it takes to charge the battery. To this question
Diagram of the simplest method for checking zener diode voltage
Device for testing zener diodes and LEDs
The device presented here is a zener diode for testing the voltage value of an unknown zener diode. A zener diode is
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