EMI filters and anti-aliasing filters for switching converters
Shall we count? In this century, the number of sources of electromagnetic interference in our homes is growing exponentially.
The concept of permissible electrical power for an apartment and ways to increase it
What is the “allocated power” of electricity? The allocated power is the maximum permissible load on the consumer’s network
In what units is illumination measured - a list of basic ones
In what units is illumination measured - a list of basic ones
What is illumination Illuminance refers to the luminous value, which is defined as the ratio of the luminous flux
From left to right: Pierre Curie (1859–1906), Bernard Tellegen (1900–1990), L. D. Landau (1908–1968) (right) and E. M. Lifshitz (1915–1985), I. E. Dzyaloshinsky (left ) and D. N. Astrov, George Rado, G. A. Smolensky (1910–1986)
Electromagnetic interaction (electric and magnetic fields)
The magnet senses the electric field A. P. Pyatakov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. K. Zvezdin, Doctor
Bourns potentiometers and trimmers: from the beginning to the present day
By purpose Let's consider more types of resistors by purpose. They are of general and special purpose.
Electromagnetic field.
What are the differences between a magnetic field and an electric field, is there a difference
Magnetic and electric fields are often considered together, being, so to speak, two sides of the same coin.
The main elements of a TV cable
How to connect a television cable: to the plug, antenna, shield
Features of cable installation The television cable “comes” into the apartment from the floor panel and is routed along
How are devices classified according to their operating principle: voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters
Ammeters are used to measure the strength of direct or alternating electric current. Graphic designation of this device
Power current transformer power table calculation
A rational power supply scheme depends on a technically sound selection of transformer power, which affects operating costs
Rheostat and stove resistor - what they are, functions and operating principle
In one of the previous articles we discussed the main aspects regarding working with resistors, so
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