4 ways to determine the power consumed by electrical appliances

Power in watts and kilowatts: a detailed analysis of the relationship between power values

Power is measured by a single unit, that is, Watts, which are designated W in markings and calculations.

According to the international system, Watts are classified as derived measurement values.

Sometimes Watts are converted to Kilowatts (denoted by the letters kW) for more convenient measurements and calculations. Moreover, the equivalence of these notations is quite simple. Let's look at how watts and kilowatts relate to each other.

Learn more about value ratios

Watts are derived units. This means that values ​​are expressed using basic system units. One W is the power of one joule per second. So the power looks like this:

In addition, watts can be expressed in terms of joules and newtons.

People use prefixes to indicate that a value is a multiple of ten of its original value. Kilo is a common prefix, translated from Greek it means 1000.

If this prefix is ​​used, it means that the indicator has been increased tenfold.

The formula for converting Watts to kilowatts will look like this:

Kilowatts refers to the power of many electrical appliances that we use every day.

These include vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, and many other devices. Engines in cars are also calculated by this value, although in cars this value can also be represented in horsepower.

But horsepower is outside the system, and has been used since the moment when the power of a machine was calculated by the number of horses it could withstand. The kW value is quite easy to convert into them:

Thus, as can be understood from the above, 1 kW equals a thousand watts. Compared to the first formula (1), the second will look like this:

To convert W to kW, you need to increase the W value tenfold.

To obtain Watts from kW, you need to perform the reverse operation accordingly and divide the kW value by ten to the minus third power.

There are tables that can make the calculation much easier. For example:

Let's look at examples

In life, converting Kilowatts to Watts and vice versa occurs quite often. Let's look at a few examples where such calculations can be useful.

  1. The electric motor has a power of 1.5 kW. You need to understand what the engine power will be in W. Multiply kilowatts by a thousand. We get:
  2. Tables of values ​​contain a nominal mechanical power of nine hundred watts. In Kilowatts we get the following:

Kilowatts are constantly encountered in our lives.

For example, when paying for electricity, it is often measured in kilowatts per hour of energy use. This shows how much energy an object consumes in one hour of operation. In this case, the power of devices is often calculated in Watts.

If we want to know how much 500 watts are spent per hour, we need to make the following calculation:


So, where in real life you might need conversions from W to kilowatts and vice versa:

  • The ability to apply such simple calculations in life will help you plan your electricity expenses;
  • Knowing the units of measurement will help determine the wire cross-section for electrical wiring and select suitable protective devices;
  • Different devices have different values, so you can adjust them to a single value and sum them up.
  • Such knowledge is simple and necessary for every person, since such measurements relate to calculations in physics in high school classes.

Now you know how to correctly convert Watts to Kilowatts, how to do the opposite action and why this is needed. Don’t let physical quantities scare you, because making calculations is easy and interesting!

How much does a washing machine consume per month?

Yes, I know that after the post about boiling tea in the microwave, everyone is waiting to compare the kettle with an electric stove, but a wattmeter is not suitable for this, because... The stove has a different outlet, and for measurements you will have to use an electric meter, turning off all other consumers in the apartment, but you just can’t get around to doing that. I will definitely do this soon.

In the meantime, I’ll try to answer the question of whether it’s really worth bothering to put the washing machine on at night in order to save on the nightly electricity tariff, and in general, whether it consumes a lot. Suddenly? I’m shocked, but I’ve been interested in this question for a long time.

My washing machine is Electrolux EWS 10410W, like this:

It has the following efficiency parameters:

Here, by the way, the estimated energy consumption is indicated; at the end we will try to estimate the calculations with it.

Since I don’t know much about energy efficiency classes, I dug up a cheat sheet:

I’ll add that modern washing machines have class “A” with a lot of advantages, that is, my washing machine is still considered average.

I took a wattmeter and stuck it somewhere under the kitchen unit in the back of the washing machine, leaving it like that for a month. After a month I was too lazy to take it out (it’s very difficult to get into it), so I took the readings on the 37th day of measurements. This is what I saw there:

For 37 days, the washing machine consumed 10.67 kWh, which corresponds to 8.8 kWh/month.

Now about the number of washes. During this time, 10 washes were done. Most often the wash was set for 2 hours at 60 degrees, spin 1000 rpm, but a couple of times it was an hour and a half, 40 degrees and 900 rpm.

Let's move on to the calculations.

In St. Petersburg, our daily tariff is 4.06 rubles/kWh, and the night tariff is 2.34 rubles/kWh. Thus, with a daily tariff, the washing machine will wind up 35.72 rubles

, at night -
20.59 rubles
The difference is 15.13 rubles
per month. This is even less than the savings from not using an electric kettle! At the same time, the price of one wash turned out to be 4.3/2.5 rubles per day and night, respectively (not counting 3 rubles for water).

Now let’s compare our measurements with calculations based on the washing machine’s passport. To do this, let's take:

the total time of washing is 18.5 hours, the average load of the washing machine is 3 kg (I estimated based on the maximum 4.5 kg according to the passport), the consumption according to the passport is 0.19 kWh/kg, we multiply everything, we get the estimated consumption for 37 days - 10.55 kWh, for month - 8.7 kWh

. Oh my God, it came together!

Conclusion: the statement about the possibility of saving on overnight washing is a little exaggerated; it’s easier not to sweat and start the washing machine when it’s convenient. But if 15 rubles a month is not too much, then it’s better to pay for the night.

Energy consumption

Energy consumption is closely related to power. It is calculated based on the power of the device multiplied by its operating time. This is precisely the indicator by which consumer energy costs are judged. The exact value of power consumed in the entire apartment or house for a certain time period will be indicated by the meter data. In order to think through ways to reduce this consumption, measure the power of specific electrical appliances.

How to calculate amperes

Ways to save energy:

  1. If possible, try not to use old models of refrigerators, televisions and other household electrical appliances that are designed for significantly higher consumption;
  2. Replace incandescent lamps with fluorescent ones, or even better, LED ones. For comparison, the average incandescent lamp consumes 60 W, a fluorescent lamp consumes 15 W, and an LED lamp consumes only 8 W. When using 5 lamps of different types for 3 hours a day, the daily consumption is: incandescent lamps - 0.900 kWh, fluorescent lamps - 0.225 kWh, LED lamps - 0.120 kWh. The savings are significant;

Important! Low power of energy-saving lamps does not mean poor lighting. Their brightness is almost equal to that of more powerful incandescent lamps.

  1. Most TV and computer displays consume between 0.1 and 3 watts of power, even when in sleep mode. Therefore, it is important to unplug them when the devices are not in use for a long time.

Methods for calculating power using tester measurements will give approximate values ​​due to insufficient consideration of the reactive power indicator in AC power networks. The most accurate measurement of power consumption is a wattmeter for household use.

What is power consumption?

Power consumption is a numerical measure of the amount of electrical energy required for the operation of an electrical appliance or converted by it during operation. For static devices (stove, iron, TV, lighting), current energy turns into heat during operation). During conversion (electric motors), the energy of electric current is converted into mechanical energy.

The basic unit of electrical power is Watt, its numerical value

where U is voltage, Volts, I is current, amperes.

Sometimes this parameter is indicated in V×A (V×A for imported equipment), which is more correct for alternating current. The difference between Watts and VA for household networks is small and can be ignored.

Electrical power consumption is important when planning wiring (the cross-section of the wires depends on it, as well as the choice of ratings and the number of circuit breakers). During operation, it determines the costs of maintaining the home.

How to correctly calculate power consumption

The amount of electricity consumed by household appliances, lighting, heating, air conditioning and ventilation directly affects the amount of payment for electricity. Any equipment absorbs energy in the amount of the corresponding power of the device. This important characteristic is the basis for calculating electricity consumption. How to calculate the power consumption of electrical appliances and determine the electricity consumption are questions that are answered in this article.

Electricity consumer connection:

The problem of proper operation of the household electrical network

From a constructive point of view, the household electrical network has been developed to a high degree of perfection: its normal operation does not require special knowledge.

The network is designed for certain operating conditions, the violation of which leads to complete or partial failure, and in severe cases, to a fire.

The condition for proper operation is the absence of overload.

At the same time, the load capacity of sockets and the consumption of equipment connected to them are measured in different units:

  • for sockets this is the maximum permissible alternating current (6 A for traditional Soviet sockets of old housing stock, 10 or even 16 A for European-style sockets);
  • connected equipment is characterized by power, which is measured in Watts (for powerful devices, larger units are indicated instead of Watts: kilowatts (1 kW = 1000 W), which allows you to avoid confusion with numerous zeros).

Hence the need arises:

  • determining the relationship between power and current;
  • finding the power of an individual electrical appliance.

The relationship between Watts and Amps is simple and follows directly from the definition of Watt above. The task is simplified by the fact that the voltage of a working household network is always the same (220 or 230 V). From here, power is always found along the current.

Different capacities in the electric power industry

In the electric power industry, the concept of “power,” depending on what it is, means many different quantities. Let's try to systematize them and figure out how they differ from each other. Maximum power is the largest amount of power determined for simultaneous use by energy receiving devices (electric grid facilities) in accordance with documents on technological connection and determined by the composition of energy receiving equipment (electric grid facilities) and the consumer’s technological process, within which the network organization undertakes to provide transmission of electrical energy , calculated in megawatts . If the consumer has turned on all of his power-receiving devices, then per hour his consumption should not exceed the maximum power value established in the Act on the implementation of technological connection (Act of delimitation of balance sheet). Within the limits of maximum power and without changing the external power supply scheme, the consumer can carry out his consumption without coordinating it with the network organization or the guaranteeing supplier (energy sales organization). The law provides for serious penalties for exceeding the maximum power. The procedure for determining the excess of maximum power (excess per month, per hour or instantaneous excess) is currently not regulated by law. You can increase the maximum power volume or change the external power supply circuit using the process connection procedure. Permitted power - currently there is no such term in the legislation. It is often used as a synonym for maximum power. Connected power is the total value of the rated power of transformers and power receiving devices connected to the electrical network (including indirectly) of the electrical energy consumer, calculated in megavolt-amps. This definition lost force when the Rules for Retail Electricity Markets were approved (Government Decree No. 442 dated 05/04/2012). However, the connected capacity is still used on the wholesale market. For example, when determining the need to equip supply points for “transit consumers” with a commercial metering system that meets the requirements of the wholesale electricity market. For a set of supply points whose connected capacity is less than 2.5% of the enterprise’s connected capacity, it is sufficient to create technical accounting. Although there is currently no definition of connected power, it is understood as the transformer power of the consumer, that is, the power of the input transformers, determined in megavolt-amps. Network power - there is no concept of network power in the legislation. Instead of this short definition, the following is used: the volume of electrical energy transmission services paid by the consumer of electrical energy (power) for the billing period at a rate reflecting the specific cost of maintaining electrical networks, a two-part price (tariff) for electrical energy transmission services. So, for the sake of brevity, I still suggest using a more concise definition. Network capacity is the volume of power paid by consumers who use a two-rate tariff in payments for electric energy transmission services. The volume of network capacity is multiplied by the rate for the maintenance of electrical grid facilities. The volume of network power is equal to the arithmetic average of the maximum values ​​for each working day of the billing period from the total hourly volumes of electrical energy consumption at the appropriate voltage level for all supply points at the appropriate voltage level related to the energy receiving device (set of energy receiving devices) of the consumer of electrical energy (power) system operator scheduled peak hours. As a rule, after reading the definition above, no one understands how the amount of network power is determined. Therefore, on energo.blog there is an article “Calculating the volume of network power”, which provides a step-by-step algorithm. Purchased power (consumed, wholesale). On the wholesale market for electrical energy and power, two goods are traded - electrical energy and power. If, when paying for network capacity, the consumer compensates the network organization for the costs of maintaining electrical grid facilities, then by paying for the purchased power, the consumer pays electricity producers on the wholesale market for generating equipment that can produce electrical energy. That is, once again and roughly:

  • Network power - fees for poles, power lines and transformers
  • Purchased power is payment for turbines and power units.

The volume of purchased power is equal to the monthly average of the enterprise’s consumption values ​​during peak load hours, during which the maximum total consumption was observed in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the enterprise is located. The step-by-step algorithm is also described in the article Calculation of the volume of purchased (consumed) power. The fundamental difference in the calculation of purchased and network power is that for network power the maximum consumption during peak load hours of the enterprise itself is determined, and for purchased power the hour of maximum load of the region is taken and consumption at this hour is taken for calculation.

Thus, on a given day, the amount of electricity for calculating purchased power can be equal to the network (if its own peak coincides with the peaks of the region), or the amount of electricity for calculating purchased power will be less than the amount of electricity for calculating network power (if the peaks do not coincide). Thus, the volume of paid purchased power for an enterprise will always be less than the volume of network capacity. R eservable maximum power (reserved power) - calculated as the difference between the maximum power and the network power. Determined for consumers with a maximum power of at least 670 kW. Currently, it is communicated to consumers for informational purposes in their electricity bills. PJSC Rosseti is actively promoting a bill according to which consumers will be forced to pay for the reserved maximum power if it is more than 40%, and then they generally plan to switch to paying for transmission services based on the maximum power. As of the date of writing this article, the bill has not been adopted. Declared capacity is the amount of power planned for use in the upcoming regulatory settlement period, used for the purpose of setting tariffs for electric energy transmission services and calculated in megawatts. That is, the declared capacity is used only for settlements between network organizations at individual tariffs for electric energy transmission services. For consumers of electrical energy, the use of the declared power is not legal. Installed capacity is the electrical capacity of facilities for the production of electrical and thermal energy at the time of commissioning of the corresponding generating facility. Available power is the maximum technically possible power of a power plant, taking into account restrictions and the permissible excess over the installed power of individual units. Consumers pay generators for the amount of available power. But you should not compare the volumes of available and purchased power - they do not correspond due to the fact that the energy system must maintain a reserve of generating capacity. Generators must satisfy not only the demand for actual power, but also ensure reliable power supply, including in the event of an unplanned increase in demand, as well as in emergency situations in the power system. Because of this, the available power is greater than the purchased power by the power reserve factor, which is usually 1.5-2.

How to determine?

To solve the problem of finding power, you can use various methods. All of them are available for use even with knowledge of physics and electrical engineering at the school curriculum level.

More often, power is found by determining the current; sometimes you can do without intermediate procedures and determine it immediately.

We look at the technical passport

Typically, the power consumption is indicated in the passport or description of the device and is duplicated on the nameplate. The latter is located on the rear wall of the case or its base.

If there is no description, this parameter can be found on the Internet, for which you just need to search by the name of the device.

The power indicated by the equipment manufacturer refers to peak power and is consumed from the network only at full load, which is quite rare. The resulting difference is considered as a reserve. At the regulatory level, this reserve is determined through the power factor.

Ohm's law to help

The power of most household electrical devices can be fairly accurately estimated experimentally and by calculation using Ohm's law, known since high school. This empirical law relates voltage, current and load resistance R as:

P = U 2 /R. U = 230 V, and the resistance is measured by a tester. The following is a simple calculation using the formula P = 48,400/R W.

For example, with R = 200 Ohm we obtain power P = 240 W.

The method does not take into account the so-called reactance of the device, which is created primarily by input transformers and chokes, and therefore the resulting estimate is somewhat overestimated.

We use an electric meter

When determining power from a meter, you can proceed in two different ways. In both cases, only the device under test should be powered from the household network. Without exception, all other consumers must be disconnected.

In the first approach, an optical meter indicator is used to measure power, the intensity of its flashes is proportional to the power consumption. The proportionality coefficient is indicated on the front panel in units imp/kWh or imp/kWh, Figure 1, where imp is the number of pulses (indicator flashes) per kilowatt hour.

Figure 1. Front panel of a household electricity meter with optical indicator

After turning on the device under test, you must begin counting the indicator flashes for 15 or 20 minutes. The resulting value is then multiplied by 3 or 4 (for a 20- or 15-minute measurement interval, respectively) and divided by the coefficient from the front panel. The result of the calculation gives the power of the device in kW, which in some cases is conveniently converted into Watts by multiplying by 1000.

Example. For the counter we have k = 1600 pulses per kilowatt hour. With a 20-minute measurement interval, the indicator worked (flashed) 160 times. Then the power of the device will be 160*3/1600 = 0.3 kW or 300 W.

The second approach also uses a 15- or 20-minute time interval, but the energy consumption is determined on a digital scale. For example, with a difference in readings over 20 minutes of 0.2 kW×hour, the power of the unit is 0.2 × 3 = 0.6 kW or 600 W.


A modern household power meter or wattmeter is convenient to use because:

  • it is connected directly to the open circuit, for which it is equipped with a plug and socket, see Figure 2;
  • equipped with an easy-to-read digital indicator and equipped with internal automatic adjustment circuits, which eliminates errors in readings;
  • has good weight and size characteristics.

The device is ready for use immediately after switching on.

Rice. 2. Digital household wattmeter

Its only drawback is its narrow specialization, so this device is rarely found in the household.

How to find out the power of the device

You can do this in several ways:

  • Look in the technical data sheet or on a special sticker (label) on the device. The latter is usually located on the back wall or base.
  • View specifications for the device model on the Internet.
  • Using an electricity meter. It is necessary to turn off all other current consumers, measure the indicator, then turn on the desired device and wait 15 minutes. Then measure the indicator again and multiply the resulting difference by 4. The result is current consumption per hour.

Direct current measurement

The methods of that group are characterized by higher accuracy due to the fact that they are based on direct measurement of current. There are two devices for performing this procedure at home.

Metering with current clamps

The most convenient to use are current clamps that do not require breaking the controlled circuit. Designed as a hand-held device with a measuring unit based on a toroidal core. To measure the current, the assembly is opened in the manner of pincer sponges, and then closed to cover the wire, Figure 3. The effective value of the current is determined by the change in the magnetic field, which is recorded by the Hall sensor.

Rice. 3. Measurement with current clamps

Measurement with a tester

The second method is based on the use of a tester, which is switched to ammeter mode and connected to an open circuit. The difficulties of implementing this procedure using simple means make it little popular in practice. We also cannot discount the fact that some tester models do not have current protection and fail (burn out) if the range is incorrectly selected (current overload).

Power measurement devices

How is power measured?

If this is an ordinary household appliance that is plugged into an outlet, then the supply voltage of the electrical network is known - 220 V. When connected to other power sources, their voltage is taken.

The current can be measured:

  • current clamps;
  • using the tester.

With the help of current clamps, measurements are simpler, since they are carried out in a non-contact manner on one wire suitable for the load.

There are two methods for measuring power with a multimeter:

  1. Turn it on in current measurement mode in series with the electrical appliance and then calculate the power using the formula. This method is not always suitable, since it may not be possible to break the power supply circuit of the device to connect the multimeter;
  2. Connect the multimeter to the device in resistance measurement mode and then determine the current using the formula I = U/R, knowing the voltage. Then calculate the power.

Measuring the resistance of a heating element with a multimeter

Important! If the current strength of household electrical appliances is measured, then the tester is set to measure alternating current.

Power meter

The problem of accurately calculating the power consumption of a TV or computer display comes down to the quality of the screen's build, energy-saving features, and the usage patterns of the individual user. A good way to accurately find out the consumption of a particular electrical appliance is to use a special wattmeter for measuring the power of household devices.

Household wattmeter

This meter is an inexpensive, but safe and effective way to determine power consumption. The wattmeter is connected directly to the socket, and then the electrical appliance is plugged into its socket input.

Watt calculation: conversion to other units, current and power, energy cost

  1. Converting Watts to other units
  2. Current and power
  3. Calculation of the cost of energy consumption

When purchasing certain electrical appliances, we often encounter problems. The fact is that the technical characteristics of devices are replete with a large number of terms, and not everyone is able to easily understand them. Everything is complicated by the fact that devices are often labeled with different units of measurement. For example, consumers of electrical energy - light bulbs, refrigerators, televisions - are characterized by power. It is usually measured in Watts or kiloWatts. And for sockets, meters, switches and fuses, the value is usually indicated in Amperes or milliamps. In addition, there is a voltage designation (for example, 220 or 380V).

How can we find a correspondence between all these units of measurement and find out whether, for example, it is possible to connect a microwave oven to an outlet without causing unpleasant consequences?

Formula for determining power

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the passport data of the devices. The power consumption in watts may also be indicated on various labels attached to the devices.

Often the power indicator is indicated in volt-amperes (V*A). This usually happens when the energy consumed by the device has a reactive component. Then the total power of the electrical device is indicated, and it is measured in volt-amperes.

Power consumption indicated on the appliance

But this information is not always available. Then a simple formula and measuring instruments come to the rescue.

The basic formula used to calculate power consumption:

P = I * U, that is, you need to multiply the voltage and current.

If the rating data of an electrical appliance does not contain power, but the current is indicated, then it can be found out using this formula. Let's say the device takes a current of 1 A and operates from a 220 V network. Then P = U * I = 1 * 220 = 220 W.

Converting Watts to other units

What does the term “Watt” even mean? Watt (W) is an SI unit of power and denotes the work of 1 joule performed by a current in 1 second, or the power of a current of 1 Ampere and a voltage of 1 Volt. Manufacturers provide information about it so that users can calculate the amount of current power consumed, as well as to determine the size of the total load or the load of individual devices. This is necessary in order to be able to determine what the power of the circuit breaker or voltage stabilizer should be.

As mentioned earlier, the basic unit of measurement is the Watt. This means that, if necessary, to carry out a calculation, you must first convert the data used to Watts.

What units are used to measure power? Most often used:

  1. Watts (W);
  2. Kilowatts (kW);
  3. Joules per second (J/s);
  4. Horsepower (hp).

How to convert from watts to kilowatts? To do this, you need to divide the power measured in Watts by 1000:

100 W = 100/1000 = 0.1 kW.

To convert kilowatts to watts , do the opposite:

40 kW = 40 x 1000 = 40000 W.

Joule per second is a value equivalent to one Watt, i.e. 60 W = 60 J/s.

To indicate the power of engines, a non-system unit of measurement is often used - horsepower. How to determine how many kilowatts are in one horsepower? To do this, simply multiply the value by a factor of 0.736. For example, for an Oka car the maximum power will be from 39 to 53 hp. With. Let's determine how much it is in kilowatts:

39 l. With. = 0.736 x 39 = 28.7 kW.

53 l. With. = 0.736 x 53 = 39 kW.

Methods for determining the electricity consumption of household appliances and tools

The average electricity consumption in citizens' apartments per month is the sum of the total electricity consumption of all electrical appliances used by its residents. Knowing the electricity consumption for each of them will give an understanding of how rationally they are used. Changing the operating can provide significant energy savings.

The total amount of electricity consumed per month in an apartment or house is recorded by the meter . There are several ways to obtain data for individual devices.

A practical way to calculate electricity consumption based on the power of an electrical appliance

The average daily electricity consumption of any home appliance is calculated using the formula ; just remember the basic characteristics of electrical appliances. These are three parameters - current, power and voltage. Current is expressed in amperes (A), power in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW), and voltage in volts (V). From the school physics course, we remember how electricity is measured - it is a kilowatt-hour, it means the amount of electricity consumed per hour.

All home appliances are equipped with labels on the cable or on the device itself, which indicate the input voltage and current consumption ( for example, 220 V 1 A ). The same data must be present in the product passport. Based on current and voltage, the power consumption of the device is calculated - P=U×I, where

  • P – power (W)
  • U – voltage (V)
  • I – current (A).

Current and power

To determine what power electrical appliances can be connected to the network, you need to know 2 parameters - voltage and current that the fuse or socket can withstand. There are usually no problems with tension. The most commonly used are 220 V (in apartments and for loads less than 15 kW), 380 V (in industrial enterprises) or 12 V (in a car).

The most commonly used current values ​​and their corresponding power can be found in the table below.

Converting from Amperes to kilowatts using a table is not difficult: in the first column you need to find the current strength indicated on the machine or fuse, then select the required voltage in the first line, find the cell at the intersection of the line with the current strength and the column with the voltage.

For example, the maximum current that an outlet in an apartment is designed for is 16 A. The network voltage is 220 V. Accordingly, the maximum load that this outlet can withstand is 3.52 kW. This means that you can easily connect a TV, iron or hair dryer to it. However, connecting a boiler with a power of 6 kW to it will lead to the fact that the outlet will begin to melt and may even catch fire.

What to do if the required current value is not presented in the table? You should calculate it yourself using a simple formula: P = IU, where P is power, I is current, U is network voltage. It can also be used in a situation where the power of an electrical appliance is known, and the current strength needs to be determined for it. In this case, the formula is transformed into the following relationship: I = P/U.

Let's consider this example. An oven with a power of 2000 W was purchased. Can I plug it into a 10A outlet? Since houses usually use a voltage of 220 V, we perform the calculation as follows: I = 2000/220 = 9.09 A. Since we received a value that does not exceed the maximum permissible, we conclude that using such an outlet to connect an oven it is possible, but only if the condition of the outlet and wiring in the house is good.

Determination of power consumption

Calculating electricity consumption by power can be done in several ways. They are described below.

Nameplate data

Over time, a generally accepted practice has developed - to indicate the technical parameters of household appliances on nameplates. To find out the power consumption, just read the data on the plate.

Calculation by formula

Knowing the voltage in the current source (household outlet, batteries or accumulator) and the current that the device consumes, there is nothing easier than determining the power consumption of an electrical device. In this case, the calculation formula will look like this:

N = VxI. Where N is power (W); V—voltage (V); I - current strength (A).

For example, using a multimeter in ammeter mode, they find out the current strength for which the electric saw is designed - 8.2 amperes. Since the equipment operates from a household power supply of 220 volts, it will be quite simple to calculate the power consumption of the saw: 220 × 8.2 = 1800 W = 1.8 kW.

Circuit for measuring current with a multimeter:

Measurement with a wattmeter

This is a universal way to calculate electricity consumption using such a device. Currently, it is quite easy to purchase it online in one of the Chinese online stores.

Wattmeter is a power meter for various electrical consumers. The device determines the power characteristics of a device for any purpose operating from a household electrical network. On its back there is a plug that is inserted into the socket. In the front part of the case, under the display, there is its own socket. The equipment under test is connected to it.

Using this tester is one of the ways to calculate the electricity consumption of any household electrical appliance. The power meter is a kind of bridge that connects the consumer with the current source. They take measurements over a certain period of time. Then you can calculate how much money a refrigerator or washing machine “spends”. The tester has a built-in battery, which is needed to remember previously obtained readings and calculate the monetary costs for consumed electricity. In other words, a wattmeter can be characterized as an individual electric meter that serves one electrical appliance.

Calculation of the cost of energy consumption

Speaking of power, one cannot help but recall the calculation of the cost of electrical energy consumed in the apartment. How can you check how much energy will be used in a certain time? To calculate the Watts consumed in 1 month, as well as the cost of energy spent , you need to know:

  1. What electrical appliances are used in the house and for how long;
  2. Power consumption of each of these electrical appliances;
  3. Cost 1 kW/h.

Let's say you need to calculate how much it will cost to use a vacuum cleaner for 1 hour once a week. The power of the vacuum cleaner is indicated on the label located on the back or bottom. Let's assume that this household appliance consumes 1.2 kW. This means that 1200 W will be used when operating the device for an hour. Typically, manufacturers report a maximum value that is often higher than the average power value. The vacuum cleaner only works 4 hours a month. Per month for the device to work you need:

1.2 kW x 4 = 4.8 kW.

Now, to understand how much it will cost, all that remains is to multiply the resulting value by the cost of 1 kW/h. The price of electricity may vary for different cities and times of use. For example, let’s consider the current cost of one kilowatt-hour as of December 31, 2017 for St. Petersburg when using a tariff differentiated by 2 zones (day and night) during the daytime. The tariff rate will be 4.55 rubles per 1 kW/h.

The calculation will look like:

4.8 kW x 4.55 = 21.84 rub.

At first glance, the amount looks quite small, but it is worth remembering that a vacuum cleaner is far from the only electrical appliance used in the house. In order to get a complete picture of the amount and cost of energy per month , there are 2 methods:

  1. Manual calculation: for each device that uses energy, the power consumed per month is indicated according to the example indicated above. Allows you to determine approximately how much energy will be used per month.
  2. Using a wattmeter: connecting a measuring device between an electrical appliance and the network. Using this method, you can get a more accurate value, and many models can immediately show the power in kilowatt-hours.

Measuring power with an electric meter

In order to find out the power of an electrical appliance using a meter, you need to disconnect all other devices from the network and look at the meter:

  1. There are electronic meters that immediately show how much power is being consumed. To do this, you just need to use the appropriate buttons, finding the active power;
  2. In other electricity meters, a flashing indicator allows you to count the number of pulses. For example, having counted them in 1 minute, you need to multiply the resulting figure by 60 (you get the number of pulses per hour). The device must indicate the value imp/kW*h (3200 or another figure). Now the number of pulses per hour is divided by imp/kW*h, and the power of the electrical appliance is obtained;
  3. If an induction meter is installed, the power is calculated in several stages.

Calculation of power by meters

Calculation of power consumption using an induction meter:

  • you need to find a number on the meter display indicating the number of disk revolutions made per 1 kWh;
  • using a stopwatch, count how many rotations the disk will make in 15 seconds (you can take another time period);
  • calculate the power using the formula P = (3600 x N x 1000)/(15 xn), where n is the coefficient found on the counter, N is the counted number of rotations of the disk, 15 is the time period in seconds, which can be represented by another figure.

Example. In 15 seconds the disk made 5 rotations. The transmission coefficient of the electric meter is 1200. Then the power will be equal to:

P = (3600 x 5 x 1000)/(15 x 1200) = 1000 W.

Obviously, it is almost impossible to measure the power of devices designed for low consumption using an induction meter. The measurement error is too large. If the disk rotates very slowly, it is impossible to correctly account for part of the revolution. On an electronic counter the result will be a little more accurate.

There are calculators on the network for calculating power, where you need to enter current and voltage values ​​​​in the appropriate windows and get the calculated power value. Sometimes it is enough to indicate the name of the electrical appliance in the calculator field. Another option is to use tables that show the average power consumption values ​​for various electrical appliances.

Power consumption table

Power consumption of kitchen electrical appliances: values, nuances and conclusions for sockets

Electrical appliances with a power of no more than 3.5 kW can be connected to an electrical outlet. This limitation arises due to such a parameter as the rated current of the electrical outlet, usually 16A.

Let's see how much power kitchen electrical appliances consume. Comparing the power of kitchen appliances with a value of 3.5 kW, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Do I need to put an electrical outlet under the device? An alternative is to power the device directly from the power cable or from a power outlet.
  • Is it possible to turn on two electrical appliances at the same time if they are powered by a double electrical socket (the rated current of a double socket is the same as that of a single socket, it is 16A)?

Power of large and small kitchen appliances

Large kitchen appliances

When the refrigerator is turned on for a few seconds, the power consumption will be 3-4 times higher than that which will be in the operating mode (an explanation for this phenomenon can be found by searching for “starting currents”).

When you turn on the dishwasher, the power consumption is approximately 3-4 times higher than the operating power.

Connection using a power cable directly to the terminals or via a power socket

Depends on the model, see the manufacturer's instructions for more details

Maximum power for machines with a drying function.

When you turn on the washing machine for a few seconds, the power consumption will be 3-4 times higher than that which will be in operating mode.

Built-in kitchen appliances

Depends on model

A modern electric hob with 4 burners is often connected using a power cable with a cross-section of at least 4 mm 2

. A household electrical outlet is not required for this hob.

Connection using a power cable directly to the terminals or via a power socket

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