Is it possible to use a converted machine: how to install correctly, possible consequences

Today, electrical networks in many homes are of great concern, since in old buildings the wiring has not been changed for years, and often has existed since the last century. For this reason, it can be extremely difficult to increase the allocated power in the network.

It often turns out that it is impossible to replace the input circuit breaker with a device with high power, since the networks themselves are already overloaded. Sometimes the answer to such a problem is a converted machine gun.

A converted machine (sometimes called a “charged machine”) is a device in housings with sixteen Amperes, while with mechanisms, for example, for forty Amperes.

Today, consider how you can remake a circuit breaker and whether you can use one.

Who needs converted circuit breakers?

Most often, circuit breakers of at least 25A are installed at the input. However, you can find houses that still have 16 amp circuit breakers. This means that they are able to withstand a load from electrical appliances of no more than 3.5 kW. By today's standards, given the large number of electrical appliances in the house, this is prohibitively small.

There are two ways to solve the problem: replace the circuit breakers with larger ones or remake them. The second method is prosecuted by law, but with the first, red tape often arises associated with calling electricians, unsealing the meter, etc.

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Methods for converting machine guns.

Increasing operating current

Alteration of the machine - replacement of the case

Electricity consumption is growing every year. The number and power of electrical appliances used in apartments and private houses is increasing. The power provided by the energy supply organization is no longer enough. For example, 15 kW is allocated for a private house, and only 4.5 kW for an apartment. This power is enough to simultaneously turn on the kettle, heater and refrigerator, but if you want to use any other electrical appliance, the input circuit breaker will trip and turn off the electricity. Increasing the allocated power through the energy supply organization is time-consuming and expensive, which is why converted high-power circuit breakers have been very popular lately. On the body of such a machine the rated current is indicated according to the allocated power, and inside the machine there is a higher rated current, which allows you to increase the power consumption.

There are several ways to modify a circuit breaker. Here are some of them using the example of ABB machines.

Increasing the thermal release threshold.

Modern automatic machines usually have two releases. Electromagnetic - for protection against short circuits and thermal, for protection against overload currents. The design of ABB automatic machines provides the ability to adjust the thermal release threshold. At the bottom of the machine there is a screw that allows you to adjust the bending of the bimetallic plate and thereby increase the operating current. By rotating it counterclockwise, you can ensure that the machine will operate at a slightly higher current. But this method can lead to a fire, since the machine’s conductors are made of wire of different sections depending on the rated current. If a larger current flows than that for which the machine is designed, these conductors will heat up and in the end the machine will simply burn out, since the thermal release will not work.

Thermal release adjustment screw (highlighted in red)

63A and 25A circuit breakers, the conductors through which current flows inside the switch are highlighted in red

Remaking the machine by replacing half of the housing with the specified rated current.

The rating of the ABB machine is indicated on the half of the housing of the first module; by replacing it, you can get a machine with the desired rating. But it should be noted that an experienced installer will easily determine that the machine is not rated, since the rated current is also indicated on the back surface of each pole.

Machine denomination on the back cover

Complete overhaul of the machine.

One of two circuit breakers is assembled. The mechanism of the machine of the required rating is repacked into the case on which the lower rated current is indicated. Each body is riveted and the machine is assembled. The result is a fully working machine of the required rating in a factory case, on which a lower current is indicated. It should be especially noted that it is necessary to correctly rivet each pole of the machine; if this is not done or, for example, by gluing old rivets, such a machine may fall apart during operation. In normal operation, the machine heats up depending on the amount of current flowing through it. And when turned off, in the event of a short circuit, an arc occurs inside the machine, which also generates a significant amount of heat. Periodic temperature fluctuations and dynamic loads during the on-off process also have a detrimental effect on the holding power of the adhesive.

How the introductory machines are redesigned

The editors of the site categorically do not recommend altering introductory machines. This action is punishable by law and is punishable by fines; below we will tell you what they are.

However, for the sake of familiarization, we will consider the main methods of remaking input circuit breakers:

The first method is to replace the characteristics on the front panel. Everything is simple here, and a 40A circuit breaker has characteristics identical to a 16 or 25A circuit breaker. The method is quite simple, but in fact very difficult to implement.

Method two - with this method, a machine with a small rating is mechanically disassembled and its internal elements are replaced from a circuit breaker of a higher rating. The 63A and 16A machines are almost identical inside, the difference lies only in the cross-section of the current-carrying plates, which open at the time of overloads and short circuits in the electrical network.

What machines are we remaking?

The most important advantage of converting a circuit breaker is the ability to use as many household appliances as your comfort requires!

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How much does a rebuilt circuit breaker cost?

The cost of such a “magic machine” depends directly on the brand, polarity (number of phases) and, of course, on its actual value.

  • IEK prices
  • ABB prices
  • Legrand prices
Marking → denominationSingle pole
25A → 40A950 rub.
16A → 63A1500 rub.
25A → 63A1600 rub.
Marking → denominationBipolar
25A → 40A1750 rub.
16A → 63A2400 rub.
25A → 63A2500 rub.
Marking → denominationThree-pole
25A → 40A2300 rub.
16A → 63A3700 rub.
25A → 63A3900 rub.
Marking → denominationSingle pole
25A → 40A1350 rub.
16A → 63A1650 rub.
25A → 63A1900 rub.
Marking → denominationBipolar
25A → 40A2300 rub.
16A → 63A2850 rub.
25A → 63A3200 rub.
Marking → denominationThree-pole
25A → 40A3300 rub.
16A → 63A4000 rub.
25A → 63A4100 rub.
Marking → denominationSingle pole
25A → 40A1800 rub.
16A → 63A2200 rub.
25A → 63A2300 rub.
Marking → denominationBipolar
25A → 40A3400 rub.
16A → 63A3500 rub.
25A → 63A3700 rub.
Marking → denominationThree-pole
25A → 40A4800 rub.
16A → 63A5400 rub.
25A → 63A5600 rub.

The cost of converted circuit breakers with a larger number of phases (poles) is calculated individually based on the required rating and order volumes.

You can order a refurbishment of your circuit breaker by phone or by leaving a request on the website, a specialist will contact you as soon as possible to clarify all the necessary information and place your order!

Answers to frequently asked questions

What converted electrical machines can be ordered from you?

For the most part, people order from us the conversion of machines of the following denominations:

  • conversion of a 16A machine to 25A;
  • conversion of a 16A machine to 63A;
  • conversion of a 25A machine to 40A;
  • converted 25A to 63A circuit breaker.

Despite this, we can assemble a machine with any marking on the body and any rating inside - 16A, 25A, 40A, 63A, 80A, 100A or 125A.

How to determine what amperage of the machine I need?

In order to determine which converted machine with increased power is suitable for your needs, we recommend using the table “Selecting a machine by power and connection”

To which regions do you deliver?

We deliver converted circuit breakers throughout Russia.

Do you provide a guarantee for your introductory machines?

Yes. We guarantee uninterrupted operation of the machines throughout the entire period of operation in accordance with the factory warranties for components.

Do you provide discounts on products?

For every second machine, as well as for all subsequent purchases, we provide a 10% discount.

How can I pay for the converted introductory machine?

Payment for finished products is made upon receipt - in cash to the courier, or you pay for the goods upon receipt at the post office or at the delivery terminal.

Fines and consequences for using converted machines

Let’s not be verbose and just say that if you use converted circuit breakers at the input, you may be charged under Article 7.19 (“Unauthorized connection and use of electrical energy”).

If the power grid proves your guilt, and this is exactly what will happen, then you will face a fine of 2,000 to 200,000 Russian rubles. In addition, we must not forget about other risks associated with altering introductory machines.

First of all, these are possible loads that neither the input cable nor the electrical wiring can handle. In this case, the circuit breaker will not work, which will lead to a fire in the protective sheath of the conductors.

How to remake a switch

There are several ways to change the input circuit breaker ratings.

Option 1. You can redraw the characteristics from the front of the case. In this case, you need to erase the old values ​​and change them to the new numbers you need.

It turns out that a machine with a sixteen-amp body actually has thirty-two amperes inside or any other values ​​of the rated current power.

The advantages of this option:

  1. In general, we can say that you will save money on the product itself.

Disadvantages of this option:

  1. It is almost impossible to carry out this operation yourself.
  2. The new paint on the body may be of poor quality. This way, an inspector can easily identify interference during an inspection by simply looking at the device.

Option 2. A mechanism from a machine with high power is installed in the body of a machine with lower nominal values.

This fraud is carried out as follows. Several circuit breakers are taken (for example, sixty-three or twenty-five Amperes, or other rated values), after which they are disassembled.

The design of the machines involves several parts connected by a pair of metal tubes. The tubes are flared, thanks to which the structure remains intact.

Then the mechanism with high power is installed in the machine body with a lower value.

The advantages of this option:

  1. Thanks to the “real” values ​​​​on the device panel, it is impossible to determine visually what rating it is actually designed for.

Disadvantages of this option:

  1. Today, many machines have a non-separable design. In other words, due to different cases, it is not a fact that elements from different devices will fit each other. It is also difficult to get the tubes into place correctly.
  2. Sometimes the body is glued, and the tubes are cut and glued at those points where they were supposed to fasten the structure of the machine. After this, such tubes cannot be used as a fastening element.
  3. It may also be that you were deceived, but the device was not changed at all (which is also true for the first option). Often, scammers sell standard circuit breakers as converted ones, greatly increasing the price.

You can often find converted machines from the likes of Schneider, ABB and others.

What is circuit breaker modification and why is it needed?

The realities of modern life in the Russian Federation are such that the country’s energy system still has a lot of equipment that was put into operation several decades ago even before the collapse of the USSR. Therefore, the electric power industry uses standards focused on this equipment. On the other hand, household electricity consumption is growing every year, people strive to ensure a comfortable existence and are purchasing more and more new electrical appliances. Energy supply organizations limit the power allocated to consumers for various reasons, which we will not consider. In some cases, the official allocation of additional capacity is allowed, in others it is not, but even when this is possible, registration requires significant costs and time. The result, as a rule, is a banal replacement of the machine with a higher denomination. Against the backdrop of constantly declining household incomes, a more attractive solution is to replace the introductory machine with a converted machine of higher power. The body of such a machine indicates the allowed current, for example, 16A, and inside there is a mechanism from a more powerful machine. Installation of a repackaged machine does not require any approvals and does not lead to the theft of electricity. You pay as much as you consume, but no longer experience problems with constant power outages due to exceeding the permitted power. Such a machine can only be identified by dismantling it and loading it on special equipment, which local electricians usually do not have at their disposal. Calling an electrical measuring laboratory costs a lot of money and the service organization must have good reasons for this. If, however, it is discovered that your incoming machine does not comply with the requirements of the electricity supply agreement, you will receive an order to replace the incoming machine; there are no penalties for this.

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