The perfect home automation system and a great overview of the race leaders.

I decided to think about what a Smart Home system should be like before I started studying existing home automation systems. With a clear mind, so to speak. From the knowledge base so far there are only industrial fire and security systems, and even attempts to automate your home using Arduino and crafts from Aliexpress.

Therefore, my thoughts will probably be greatly influenced by addressable fire alarm systems from the point of view of how it should be. And Arduino crafts from the point of view - as it should not be.

Strictly speaking, these are two different poles and home automation systems should fall somewhere between them.

The most likely functions of a home automation system.

1. Zone heating with installation of different modes.

2. Weekly daily work schedule for something.

3. Events from sensors, actuators and in real time.

4. Control scenarios with steps, delays, event conditions.

5. Security alarm.

6. Fire alarm.

7. Gas control and gas shutdown.

8. Lighting control.

9. Cross dependencies, for example, changing the heating mode depending on the arming/disarming of security sections.

10. Full or partial control from the cloud service and via SMS.

11. Mobile phone application.

12. Actuators with state monitoring.

13. Resource accounting.

14. Monitoring the status of the 220V network.

15. Control of the heating device.

The best Smart Home lighting systems

You can control the operation of the lamps using the Smart Home kit. The controllers regulate the level of illumination, turn the lights on and off according to a certain scenario, simulating the presence of the owners of the apartment or cottage, and react to movement. Manufacturers offer different solutions based on control units - touch switches, smart light bulbs.

PS-Link PS-2301

The kit is based on a gateway operating using ZigBee protocols. The set is designed for a studio apartment and consists of three touch switches that are installed to replace standard electrical devices. A special feature of the design is the glass panel, which harmoniously combines with any interior materials. The LED panel helps you find the switch in complete darkness.

The system controls the light by touch, works according to a schedule and prescribed protocols. You can control the switches remotely using a smartphone app. An optional remote control is available. The basic gateway is compatible with sensors for various purposes. This allows you to set the light to turn on when one of the microclimate parameters changes. The protocol is transmitted over Wi-Fi channels.


  • Elaborate design;
  • Adapts to a mobile modem;
  • Low power consumption;
  • No neutral wire required;
  • Easy setup.


  • High price.

Rubetek Lighting Control

The basis of the kit is a two-channel control unit. The design is designed for hidden installation in a socket box. Controls two independent loads, the power of each can reach 1.5 kW. The controller measures energy consumption over a period specified by the user using a mobile application. Transmits power readings of connected electrical equipment. The unit is compatible with security sensors and can work as a security alarm control center.

The set includes one Wi-Fi lamp that can change the lighting from warm to cool. You can control the device using scripts, touch or voice. The lamp can glow in any shade - there are 16 million colors in the database. The equipment can be used to simulate the presence of home owners. The package includes a motion sensor that will help reduce energy consumption. The sensor reacts to movement, turning on the light according to a user-selected scenario.


  • 64 sensors can be connected to the central unit;
  • Convenient mobile application;
  • The power consumption of the lamp is 7 W;
  • Increased resource of each component;
  • The sensor range is 100 m.


  • High price.

Requirements for a home automation system.

1. It must be a self-sufficient device - a device or a controller.

2. All scenarios must run inside the central device.

3. Basic functions must be specified using bindings, settings and options.

4. It is desirable to be able, in parallel with the main basic functions, to execute a program in a programming language, such as in the Esmi MCOX module (the cost of which, for a minute, is 100,000), in order to implement any functionality.

5. It must be possible to connect control and display panels.

6. There must be a WEB interface for control and configuration from the tablet directly.

7. Cloud service for monitoring and management via the Internet.

8. RS485 bus for connecting expansion modules, keyboards, controllers, communicators.

9. Address communication line with power supply through it for connecting different addresses with one wire.

10. Possibility of connecting radio sensors.

11. Possibility of connecting capacious input and output modules.

12. A choice of communicators: GPRS, Wi-Fi or LAN.

13. I’m not sure that integration with video is needed, but I have seen it in some systems.

14. Also not sure about the need for support, for example Z-Wave.

15. The cost of a basic home automation system should fit within the monthly income of a Russian family of 40,000 rubles.

It is clear that such a system does not exist.

But, as will be shown below, its existence is quite possible.

How to manage

Control of smart home components and household appliances is carried out using a universal remote control panel, PC or smartphone.

The panel screen displays all consumer home devices connected to the project. Touching the monitor is enough to turn on the lighting or music, the air conditioner or other parts of the system. The program's capabilities are not limited to this. Setting up home automation for different scenarios is available. For example, in the “Sleep” scenario, one button is responsible for locking the door, closing the curtains, turning off the lights and music. If desired, various scenario options are created, each of them is launched into action with a separate button.

If desired, you can configure your smart home to be controlled by voice using:

  • Special speakers
  • Smartphone (Android/iOS)
  • iPhone (using Apple Siri)
  • Voice assistants and assistants Alice from Yandex, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant or other platform that understand speech
  • Other gadgets and devices

In addition to the voice method, it is possible to use applications offered for Android, iOS scripts and widgets.

Control is available by clapping your hands. Hand manipulations are instantly captured by sensitive motion sensors, instantly executing the given command. It's simple, even a teapot can figure it out.

Voice scripts

Where can we expect such a home automation system to appear?

Normal price and system performance can only be ensured by mass production of components. But a home automation system cannot be widespread enough from a Russian manufacturer for Russian buyers.

Therefore, the emergence of a home automation system can be expected either from abroad, or as a branch of systems with mass production of non-home automation equipment.

A home automation system may appear purely as an intellectual product (add-on application) as a result of the torment of enthusiasts or as a gift from Big Brother.

Or as a side effect of an intellectual product that is already in use.

It is also possible that such a successful idea or technical solution will emerge that all manufacturers will immediately rush to implement this particular solution.

For Athos this is too much, and for the Count de La Fère too little.

Foreign home automation systems.

With the current exchange rate of bibariks to normal money, I won’t even consider this option. A foreign home automation system will be more expensive than the automation item itself.

Electronic circuits

Radio amateurs offer electrical circuit diagrams of various home automation devices with a description and list of parts. They are simple and reliable. The radio components that are used in them can be purchased at any specialized store. Before manufacturing devices, you should prepare and think through design features. A simple algorithm that all radio amateurs use will help with this:

  • make a list of necessary radioelements;
  • become familiar with the operating principle of the device;
  • find an electrical circuit diagram of home automation;
  • think over the design features of the device;
  • prepare tools: soldering iron, tin, solder, pliers, side cutters, etc.;
  • the presence of a measuring device is mandatory;
  • the workplace should be comfortable;
  • buy the necessary radioelements and parts for the structure.

A list of necessary radio elements is necessary for comfortable work, since it is not very pleasant to constantly run to the store for radio components that have not been purchased. To manufacture a device, you should find its electrical circuit, familiarize yourself in detail and understand its principle of operation, since this will greatly facilitate further diagnostics of the operation of the product. Construction features and design are also important. This issue should be approached very seriously.

The quality of work is determined not only by the internal “filling” of the product, but also by the design features. The latter plays an important role in its trouble-free operation. For example, if the device gets hot, then you should consider a cooling system. Besides, it’s not very pleasant to watch an ordinary rusty box. Appearance is also of great importance, as it shows the accuracy of the craftsman.

The presentable appearance of the product can contribute to additional income. Preparation of the workplace and tools is one of the reasons for the high productivity of the craftsman, since he is not distracted by the search for the latter.

The presence of the device is very important, since after purchasing the radio components they should be checked again. A faulty radio component can damage other elements of the circuit. The device must measure resistance, voltage and perform continuity testing of semiconductor elements. A simple multimeter is suitable for these purposes. It is very important to calculate the cost of the device, since this is a very interesting activity. For example, a radio amateur decided to make an electronic alarm. He will be interested in knowing the cost of parts and labor in order to compare with store-bought counterparts.

Thermostat in everyday life

The device is designed to maintain and regulate temperature . It is simple to implement and not sensitive to frost. The product must be used in heating systems, incubators, greenhouses, to maintain the temperature in the room, etc. In addition, it makes sense to use the device in overheating protection and fire alarm systems.

The device is connected to a load, the role of which can be played by a heating element, a three-phase relay or any heating element. It can be connected to the GSAV15R series 0.5" (½") gas electric valve, and perform automatic control in the cellar, greenhouse, garage or room.

The thermostat device is very simple and does not require programming skills. The block diagram of the product connection is shown in Figure 1.

Picture 1 . Block diagram of connection.

The thermostat consists of the following structural blocks: thermal diode, main thermostat cascade, relay and power supply. The latter consists of an ordinary RC filter. It is designed for the correct operation of all elements of the circuit. The resistor included in the power supply also functions as a regulator for setting the hysteresis of the thermostat operational amplifier.

The main cascade performs regulatory functions in automatic mode. It also includes a control element - a variable resistor. The thermal diode is an element that controls the operation of the main stage. The output stage is a relay controlled by an operational amplifier. The operating temperature range is adjustable from 15 to 97 ° C.

Scheme 1 . A simple DIY thermostat.

It is recommended to place the board with the relay in a separate housing. The thermal diode is attached to the surface where it is necessary to control the temperature. The list of radio components is as follows:

  • operational amplifier: AD822;
  • power supply: 12 V 0.5 A;
  • electrolytic capacitors: 1 µF at 16 V;
  • resistors: R1 (5 Ohm 0.5 W), R2 (variable at 10 kOhm), R3 (10 kOhm), R4 (500 kOhm) and R5 (39 kOhm);
  • diode D1: D226 series (with any letter index);
  • transistor: IRFZ44n;
  • DC relay: any for supply voltage up to 12 V and switching over 220 V.

The transistor switch is made on an N-channel field-effect MOSFET transistor. It has good technical characteristics and is suitable for controlling powerful loads. Its power reaches 110 W, but the radio component should be placed on a radiator to remove thermal energy.

The thermostat circuit can be upgraded by installing 2 LEDs (preferably in different colors). The first is placed at the output of the power supply. It signals that the device has power. The second one needs to be connected in parallel to the load (heating element). It must be taken into account that the LED must be connected in series with a resistor. For power indication, a resistance value of 0.8 to 1.2 kOhm is suitable. In the second case, for 220 V you should select a resistor with a resistance of 150 to 200 kOhm.

Security system

Modern security alarms are very complex devices. They perform many functions. However, it does not make sense to buy systems to perform one function. For example, if you need to protect a garage door, there is no point in using electronics with a variety of functionality. Manufacturers are constantly making equipment more complex, and this affects its cost.

Radio amateurs offer a simplified model with a minimum number of radio components. A block diagram describing the principle of operation of the device is shown below (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 . Signaling block diagram.

The device consists of the following components: power supply, sensor(s) for perimeter control, relay and alarm device. The power source is an ordinary 12 V battery. Instead, you can use a bridge rectifier circuit powered from a transformer (220/14 V). An electrolytic capacitor should be installed at the output of the diode bridge. In this case, polarity must be observed. A sensor is an ordinary reed switch or a group of elements that are connected in series. The relay closes the electrical circuit and activates the alarm device when the reed switch is activated.

If the perimeter is violated, one of the reed switches is activated. As a result, the electrical circuit opens. One of the relay contacts opens and the other closes. Power is supplied to the alarm device and it is activated. The circuit diagram of the device is quite simple (Scheme 2).

Scheme 2 . Simple sound alarm.

The circuit can use from one to several reed sensors. List of radio alarm components:

  • DC relay P1: any with an operating voltage of 12 V and a current of 1 A (one pair is activated and the other is opened);
  • signaling device: any 12 V;
  • reed switch: 100 mA and 12 V.

Reed switches are recommended to be installed in places where the probability of penetration into the object is quite high (doors, windows, etc.). All alarm elements are masked.

Radio amateurs recommend using up to 10 reed switches. Exceeding their number makes it difficult to diagnose alarm faults.

Rocker for crib

There are times when it is necessary to put a child to sleep, and it is necessary to constantly rock the crib so that the baby falls asleep. This takes a lot of time, but sometimes you want to relax. In this case, electronics in everyday life will come to the rescue. The schematic diagram of the “assistant” is not very complicated. The product can be divided into several parts: power supply, generator, actuator and children's bed.

The power supply consists of a transformer (220/15), a diode bridge, a capacitor and a zener diode. The output voltage must be stabilized. Its value should not exceed 12 V, and the current strength should not exceed 4 A. The generator and actuator are assembled on microcircuits (scheme 3).

Scheme 3 . Electronic "nanny".

The bridge driver (actuator) is assembled on the L298 chip. When a logical one appears at the “IN1” input, and a logical zero appears at the “IN2” input, the driver moves in different directions. The actuator speed must be controlled using the “ENA” input. The ATmega16 microcontroller controls the driver. However, to do this, you need to download “firmware” to it, which you can write yourself or download a ready-made file from the Internet.

The product is equipped with a microphone that picks up the baby's cry. In this case, the signal is converted into an electrical pulse supplied to the microcontroller. After this, a discrete signal is sent to the actuator. It makes 15 swings (it all depends on the firmware file). The speed and frequency of swings are controlled using resistors R1 and R2, respectively. The microphone must be placed near the child. Parts list:

  • microcontroller: ATmega16;
  • pulse generator: LM78 (can be replaced with L05C, T092);
  • actuator (driver): L298;
  • variable resistors: R1 (10 kOhm) and R2 (10 kOhm);
  • resistors: R3 (1 Ohm) and R4 (2 kOhm);
  • capacitors: C1 (1 nF) and C2 (1 nF);
  • diode bridge: any diodes designed for a reverse voltage of 20 V;
  • electrolytic capacitor: 2200 µF;
  • transformer: 220/15 V;
  • electric motor;
  • microphone: any 12 V.

In addition, you should consider the installation diagram and design. It must be reliable and durable. The microphone is isolated, and the product itself is located in a place safe from children.

Street automatic lighting

Situations arise when it is necessary to turn on the light in the yard. If the owner is at home, then this is easier to do. When a person returns from work and it is dark outside, he has to turn on the flashlight on his mobile phone or use another source of light energy. Radio amateurs offer a simple scheme for automating the switching on of lighting. It consists of widely available radio components (Scheme 4). The main element of the product is a microcircuit.

Scheme 4 . A device for automating the switching on of lighting.

DA1 chip is an operational amplifier that is used as a comparator. If the voltage at the non-inverting input “3” is higher than at the input “2” (inverting), then the signal level is set high at output “6”. The divider, assembled on resistors R2 and R3, sets the voltage at input “2”. It is 5 V. At output “3” the magnitude of the potential difference depends on the value of R1, as well as on the state of the phototransistor VT1.

At night, the resistance of VT1 is high, since it is in a closed state. At input “3” the voltage value is less than the supply voltage of the product. At input “6” a high level of the signal is set, supplied through R4 to the base of transistor VT2. As a result of this, it opens. Power is supplied to the relay coil. Its contacts close the power circuit of the incandescent lamp.

In situations where the illumination of the phototransistor is high, it is in the open state. In this case, the voltage value is “3” lower than “2”. It follows from this that the signal level at “6” tends to zero. The voltage and current are insufficient to power the DC relay and its contacts are open (the lamp does not light). List of radio components:

  • operational amplifier D1: KR544UD1B (you can use KR544UD1 with any letter index);
  • phototransistor VT1: MP26B;
  • transistor VT2: KT815 or KT817 (any letter index);
  • resistors: R1 = R4 = 2.4 kOhm, R2 = 9.1 kOhm and R3 = 6.2 kOhm;
  • capacitor C1: 4700 pF (ceramic);
  • electrolytic capacitor C2: 20 µF at 16 V;
  • diode VD1: KD522B;
  • DC relay K1: any 12 V and contact switching of at least 220 V.

The power source can be of any type at 12 V. Voltage regulation does not need to be done, since the circuit is not sensitive to its fluctuations. The response threshold is achieved by resistor R1.

Thus, automation plays an important role not only in production, but also in everyday life.
It ensures comfortable work and life because it allows you to perform tasks automatically without human intervention. YotuWP Warning: The API key has been removed, please contact your administrator regarding this.

Home automation, as a special case of an industrial automation system.

There are many manufacturers of modular programmable logic controllers, but the closest one comes to home automation systems is OWEN. Thanks to the OwenCloud cloud service and the visual programming environment, our requirements become feasible. Moreover, there are already implemented projects: the “Smart Home” system based on the OWEN PLC160 controller.

We will already get the necessary functionality by purchasing the following devices at a minimum:

PR200 programmable relay with display 5760r .

PE210 network gateway for accessing the OwenCloud RS-485 Ethernet service 3600r .

But to create home automation, we will have to become even more of a programming specialist. Every small home automation task will take a lot of time to solve.

The best security and security systems "Smart Home"

Protecting a country mansion, cottage and apartment from unauthorized entry is a fundamental task for most property owners. The Smart Home security system is equipped with motion and opening sensors, which, when triggered, transmit a signal to the base station. The control center contacts the owner and informs about the emergency situation. You can connect cameras to the gateway, which will show the reason why the sensors are triggered. We offer 5 sets for automation of security systems, which are characterized by simple installation of equipment and good sensitivity.

PS-Link Security PS-1201

Part of the Tuya Smart ecosystem, data from smart sensors is transmitted wirelessly through a home router. The kit includes only door opening and motion sensors, which operate according to the scenario selected using the smartphone application. When triggered, the ecosystem receives information, analyzes the data, and transmits messages to the property owner.

The sensors are equipped with Wi-Fi modules and have functions. control over battery charge. There is an event log that can be viewed at any time if your smartphone has access to the Internet. The user can independently develop security scenarios.


  • Housing made of impact-resistant plastic;
  • Automatic low battery alert;
  • Voice control support;
  • Wide viewing angle;
  • Can work in conjunction with a mobile GSM modem;
  • Low price.


  • A starter kit that requires expanded functionality.

Optima GSM

Powered by GSM technology: you need to insert a SIM card into the central unit. In addition to motion sensors and door opening sensors, the kit contains: a siren, two remote controls for remote disarming. It is configured using SMS commands that can be sent from a regular mobile phone. The user receives information about events in text messages.

You can connect several video cameras to the central unit, which will help you visualize events in the house. The hub works with smart sockets, through which it can control household appliances. Notification - to three programmed phone numbers.


  • Low power consumption;
  • Loud sound of warning siren;
  • Installation, configuration within 10 minutes;
  • Receives voice commands;
  • Informative display.


  • Not detected.

Ring Alarm Home Security System

The base station is equipped with a button panel, with which you can quickly select the optimal operating mode. The sensors are sensitive and error-free. If desired, the monitoring system turns off all sensors at the same time. Included is an audible alarm.

The equipment easily adapts video cameras, smart doorbells, smart locks. Compatible with Alexa eco-environment, supports voice commands, allows you to listen to everything that is happening in the house. The functionality is expanded with the help of smoke detectors, glass break detectors, and other equipment of our own production.


  • Easy installation;
  • Siren volume 110 dB;
  • Compatible with major smartphone OS;
  • Possibility of connecting professional monitoring.


  • High price.

Ajax StarterKit Plus black

The control panel communicates with the detectors via an encrypted radio channel, which has a range of up to 2 km. Data transmission to the user is possible via wired Ethernet or wireless channels - Wi-Fi, GSM. Setup using the smartphone app or the included key fob.

Communication with devices is two-way, checked automatically every 12 seconds. You can connect up to 150 devices to the base, which makes the kit suitable for a large estate or company office. Has backup power, which is enough for 15 hours of uninterrupted operation. The central unit is equipped with 2 SIM cards. When the detectors are triggered, it sends SMS messages, pushes or makes a call to the owner’s phone. The hub's database can store up to 99 contacts of people who are allowed to arm the equipment.


  • Design;
  • Housing made of impact-resistant plastic;
  • Good jamming protection;
  • Sensors ignore pet movements;
  • Detectors operate without replacing batteries for 7 years;
  • The sensors are triggered when you try to open the case.


  • Overcharge.

Rostelecom Advanced Security

Registers movement, changes in room temperature and light levels, reporting information to the base station via protocols. Reacts to the appearance of smoke, burning, or increased humidity in the room. Effectively protects against leaks, fire, and unauthorized entry.

Communication with the base controller via the Z-Wave-Plus protocol, setting up scenarios is carried out using the base interface. Easily integrates additional devices and interacts well with smart sockets and lighting systems. Equipped with a 1700 mAh battery.


  • Day and night operation;
  • Wired, wireless connection;
  • Control via smartphone;
  • Low power consumption.


  • New devices are detected with a slight delay.

Ready-made home automation solutions from Russian integrators.

In this case, a “Russian manufacturer” of ready-made solutions means a system integrator who creates a program for a tablet, a program for a PLC, and rules for integrating equipment—the same PLC with peripherals.

Examples: EasyHome, EasySmartBox.

The cost of central PLC equipment + programs + tablet will start from 60,000 rubles.

In essence, a Russian manufacturer of smart homes is an installation organization that wants to somehow get money for commissioning.

Software platforms that combine various equipment into a single system.

The system integrator offers a software platform (cloud service) for combining various equipment from different manufacturers into a single system. In essence, the integrator is promoting the global integration program with its weight.

The system integrator himself can only produce a gateway for connecting equipment to his server, and this is not necessary - the equipment can be connected as he or she wishes.

The following global automation systems are well-known: Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Yandex Alice, Rostelecom Smart Home, IFTTT.

Equipment manufacturers are already forced to build into their products support for the systems of global integrators, because when choosing, for example, a Wi-Fi thermostat, the buyer will look at whether it supports Google Home.

Sellers on AliExpress, without bothering, immediately display support for everything on their Wi-Fi product.

The devices I reviewed in the review of WiFi thermostats all have the declared (not actually working) ability to integrate with Google Home, Amazon Alexa, IFTTT.

As far as I understand, in such a global automation system there is no controller and all scenarios are carried out on the integrator’s server.

That is, if the Internet goes out or the system integrator fails, smart devices will turn into ordinary products at best, and into plastic at worst.

A paranoid scenario, of course - in the last post-apocalyptic films that I watched, there was light and the Internet worked, even despite the zombies scurrying everywhere.

But nevertheless, Telegram is blocked for me.

Rostelecom has gone the furthest among system integrators and charges a subscription fee for devices connected to its smart home. Maybe I misunderstood something in the tariffs, but for each sensor you need to pay 250 rubles per month.

That is, if you get tired of paying every month, then the controller from Rostelecom will turn into a pumpkin. Probably all those who use communication channels will follow the path of Rostelecom.

There are two paths of movement for system integrators.

And they see the ideal end of their journey as follows: either even a vacuum cleaner will spy on you or you will pay for every time the light is turned on in the toilet

How to choose a Smart Home system

The property owner must decide which Smart Home system to choose for his cottage or city apartment. Manufacturers offer ready-made kits with different functionality, as well as individual devices that can be selected to suit your needs. It is not enough to decide what tasks the hub will solve. You need to carefully choose the type of connection of devices and the method of controlling the equipment. If preference is given to a ready-made solution, then you need to check the packaging. It is important not only to make sure which sensor is available, but also to purchase the optimal number of sensors. This will help create a reliable, effective system for providing comfort and safety.

Device connection type

Users can buy a Smart Home kit, in which all elements are connected wirelessly or connected to each other by wires. Both options work effectively. Wireless devices are attractive due to their simple installation, but the price of this equipment is higher and the power consumption is greater. The owner of a house or apartment will have to regularly change the batteries, and if the sensor is left without power while the owners are away, this will lead to a decrease in the level of security.

Wired devices are economical, data exchange is faster, and the price of the equipment is lower. The only drawback is the complicated installation. It is recommended to hide the wires, and this requires gating the walls. The process is dusty and expensive, for this reason wired kits are more suitable for new buildings.

The user must decide which connection with the Smart Home he prefers. Information can be exchanged with the central gateway via a smartphone or tablet. Home, mobile routers are used for this. The advantage of this type of communication is its information content and wide functionality. Owners of regular mobile phones are better off purchasing equipment based on GSM communications. Data exchange will be carried out by sending SMS messages.


Settings can be changed using the control panel, mobile application, or voice commands. Each solution has its own merits. The control panel is informative and understandable, but direct contact is required to enter settings. Mobile applications are more convenient, visual, and have wide functionality. Most manufacturers offer equipment with such control. Disadvantage: Internet access is required.

Voice commands are offered by leading manufacturers - Apple, Amazon, Google. The developed systems respond to predefined commands. The controls are simple and convenient, but not all stations understand Russian. Amazon's voice assistant accepts commands in English. It won't be difficult to learn a few short phrases, so you shouldn't refuse to buy systems with Alexa.

Equipment with GSM communication is controlled via SMS messages. This reduces functionality, but expands geographic application possibilities. Mobile communications are available in most holiday villages, and owners of garden plots need security systems with a minimum number of functions. For this reason, GSM equipment is in steady demand among summer residents.


A mandatory device is the intelligent center around which the Smart Home is built. This equipment processes signals received from sensors, reacts to critical changes, and informs the owner about events. For its operation to be effective, sensors are needed. Detectors for security and fire protection systems are produced. The devices respond to changes in temperature, humidity, air composition, and movement. The choice of sensors depends on the purpose of the Smart Home.

The kits contain a limited number of sensors. The number of these devices must correspond to the characteristics of the facility. All windows and entrance doors are equipped with opening sensors. Motion detectors have a certain viewing angle; if the room has a complex layout, this must be taken into account. Water leakage control equipment is installed in each toilet and bathroom. Before purchasing, you need to count the maximum number of sensors. Information is necessary to select a base gateway: not all devices support several dozen sensors.

Ready-made solution or DIY assembly

Which Smart Home should you choose - a ready-made kit or individual components that you can independently assemble into a single system? It all depends on the technical skills of the property owner and the desire to spend time arranging the system to organize personal comfort and safety. Ready-made kits are distinguished by their low price, simple installation, and basic configuration. Most scripts are written in the database.

Disadvantage: limited functionality. To eliminate this, you will need to purchase additional sensors. Ready-made solutions are suitable for a country house, a small country cottage, a typical 1-2 room apartment.

Do-it-yourself assembly will cost more, since all components are purchased separately at retail prices. The advantage of this solution is the ability to provide the maximum level of protection and comfort. The assembly can be entrusted to professionals, this will eliminate the need to do installation and settings yourself. This solution is suitable for apartment buildings, large country houses, and commercial real estate.

Xiaomi similar smart homes.

This is the case when the equipment manufacturer itself becomes a system integrator, using a huge circulation of its equipment.

And it's not just Xiaomi. Samsung followed the same path when promoting its SmartThings.

Surely every self-respecting smartphone manufacturer has something similar. It would be a sin for large manufacturers not to try to jump on the Smart Home train.

Huawei, with its “Smart City” and “Friendly Home” concepts, has greatly slowed down something - apparently Big Brother gave it a hard blow in the forehead for sacrilege with its own OS.

Xiaomi smart home is very popular. A huge selection of not very expensive household devices that can also be ordered on AliExpress. A radio channel addressable temperature sensor costs only 900 rubles.

The devices are easily integrated into a Xiaomi smart home, but this smart home does not work without a Chinese server. The Xiaomi hub can only execute the most basic scenarios locally.

In one article I read this:

This is an important point in the program that is worth paying attention to. Select Mainland China. If you choose a different location, there will be problems connecting devices. This is justified by the fact that many devices were developed and tested exclusively for the Chinese domestic market and should not work in other places.

In general, you can’t do without problems with these exciting toys.

It is worth noting that some Xiaomi devices use the common ZigBee protocol and can be used in other systems that support ZigBee. Huawei is also going to use the ZigBee and Z-Wave protocol.

Here is an up-to-date Excel table of all Xiaomi devices with links to products in the AliExpress store.

After looking at this table, I realized that “Smart Home” and “Home Automation” are different things.

The best Smart Home heating systems

Climate control equipment installed in a country house, office or city apartment consumes a large amount of energy. Most of the time, residents or company employees are absent from the premises, which allows them to lower the air temperature and reduce heating costs without creating an atmosphere of discomfort. When using oil heaters, convectors, and infrared heaters, smart sockets that will be controlled by smart electronics will help organize climate control. We propose to consider three kits that differ in installation complexity, but have good functionality.

Hommyn Climate control KH-30-WZ

The development is designed to control a heater and humidifier. The kit includes a central controller that acts as a mesh network coordinator, a temperature and humidity detector, and a smart socket. Information transfer between devices is carried out using an encrypted radio channel. The controller receives data, processes it, runs scripts, and sends push notifications to the property owner’s smartphone. There is a setting for storing data in the cloud. You can connect security system sensors and automatic lighting to the control panel.

To monitor the room climate, the parameters of the zone in which the sensor measures temperature and air humidity are set. These settings are adjusted using an application on your smartphone. Smart sockets communicate with the controller via Wi-Fi and turn on or off the connected climate control equipment.


  • Two communication protocols;
  • Fastening elements included;
  • Good opportunities for expansion;
  • Sensitive sensors.


  • Not detected.


Controller designed for installation on a DIN bus. Used to control heating and air conditioning. Adjusts the speed of the air conditioner - selects one of 4 preset modes. Controls four valves by analyzing information from internal and external temperature sensors. Controls the position of the air conditioner curtains and is controlled from the temperature panel.

Designed for apartment buildings, business centers, administrative buildings. Can be switched to manual control mode. Power supply requires a voltage of 21-30 V. It operates at temperatures from -5 degrees, which allows installation in panels located in entrances and hallways.


  • Small sizes;
  • Long service life;
  • Resistance to power surges;
  • High speed of information processing;
  • Easy installation.


  • High price.

Rubetek RK-3591

A country version of a “smart socket” designed to connect a heater. Built-in temperature and humidity sensors provide control over the basic climate indicators in the room. Informs the user when preset parameters are exceeded. Can be used in conjunction with an air conditioner, humidifier, or infrared heater.

During operation, constant user control is not required: control is carried out according to scripts in automatic mode. The information is sent to a mobile application installed on a smartphone or tablet. Data transfer via Wi-Fi via a home or mobile router. It is possible to connect climate control equipment with a power of 2.3 kW and cope with peak loads of 3 kW.


  • Heat-resistant plastic housing;
  • Low battery warning;
  • Detector response range 30 m;
  • Easy sensor installation;
  • Low price.


  • There is no possibility to expand functionality.

Almost or completely free or open source home automation server software.

The user downloads a free application and installs it on a single-board computer at hand, most likely a Raspberry Pi - the result is a smart home server.

You can connect any devices whose operating protocol is supported by the smart home server to the periphery of a single-board computer.

And the smart home server supports many protocols, thanks to installed extensions. You can connect protocol adapters, such as ZigBee and Z-Wave, via USB or a special expansion card.

The server has a convenient WEB interface, and possibly a mobile application.

Most likely, software manufacturers also provide a cloud service for integration with a smart home server.

There are many such solutions. There is a product of one person, and there are entire communities.

The most common: Openhab, HomeAssistant, ioBroker. Well and briefly described by an enthusiast of one person's system Lazyhome.

Lazyhome generally runs on Arduino Mega 2560 or Arduino DUE.

You can also add Domoticz, iot.mozilla, MajorDoMo and Arduino Mega Server, intraHouse Lite.

There are probably many more.

As an example of what it is - Instructions for connecting the Beok Wi-Fi thermostat from AliExpress to MajorDoMo.

This version of the home automation system meets the established requirements, if you forget about the fact that time is money.

Popular manufacturers

Every year, smart home technologies are gaining more and more fans. The assortment is growing rapidly, and there really is plenty to choose from; you don’t even have to order from abroad. When you start planning the assembly of a smart home, the question usually arises, what manufacturers are on the market? Whose decision to choose? How is one different from the other?


One of the most popular manufacturers of smart devices is Xiaomi.
Their product range includes almost all household appliances connected to a smart home, as well as specialized IP cameras, sockets and light bulbs, various sensors (temperature, humidity, CO2) and many other devices. Xiaomi does not use any one wireless technology for its devices, but chooses the optimal one for each type. For example, ZigBee is used to control lighting, sockets and curtains, and to connect them you definitely need a hub from Xiaomi that supports this protocol. TVs, vacuum cleaners and IP cameras are connected via Wi-Fi through a router, because not everyone needs a full-fledged smart home, but almost everyone has Wi-Fi.

Temperature, humidity, air quality sensors and locks work via Bluetooth. Such devices can be connected directly to the phone and only view the readings, or they can be connected to a Xiaomi hub with Bluetooth support, then it becomes possible to use the sensor in climate control scenarios.

It would seem that a smart home from Xiaomi is an excellent solution, because the company offers many good devices for creating a smart home and convenient automation settings. But the Xiaomi hub does not allow you to set up complex automation and use scripts. Only ZigBee devices can be controlled from a phone without the Internet (via a hub), but Wi-Fi lamps and sockets work only via the Internet. ZigBe hubs from other manufacturers allow you to remove these restrictions.


Apple doesn't make smart home devices, but it created the HomeKit protocol that other manufacturers use to create compatible devices. HomeKit devices operate using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi protocols. Locks, thermostats, lighting controls, RGBW lamps, cameras and many sensors are produced with HomeKit support. In addition to devices, there are also gateways that convert commands from ZigBee and Z-Wave devices into HomeKit commands. Xiaomi, Ikea, Philips and many others have such gateways. Thanks to this, Apple's range of smart home devices is expanding. So far, Apple's automation capabilities are very modest and do not allow creating a completely arbitrary scenario. However, the big advantage is the integration of HomeKit with the Siri voice assistant. Also, HomeKit, for obvious reasons, is not suitable for Android users.


Fibaro is the manufacturer of the most popular Z-Wave devices and home automation centers. All Fibaro devices have many settings and additional functions. The line of equipment includes opening, motion, leakage, smoke sensors, micro-relay modules, dimmers, rgbw, etc. The Home Center 2 home automation controller has a pleasant and intuitive user interface and allows you to configure scenarios of any complexity. Because Since the Z-Wave protocol provides compatibility between devices from different manufacturers, Fibaro can work with any other Z-Wave devices.

Activities of enthusiasts.

Here the product is born from a hobby.

As a result of creative search, solutions appear that can be repeated by others, bypassing the stage of search and torment.

This is a controller or central device made of ready-made components with a set of peripheral devices or recommendations for the use of common peripheral devices.

As software, we often offer a choice of proven options from the previous paragraph - free, cheap or open source software for home automation.


Here we offer both a controller and software for joint use with it: Lazyhome.

One of the options for the central device Lighthub Shield V2.0 costs only 900 rubles.


An interesting solution is the Ukrainian project 1M, the main products of which are free software Kernel 1-M CORE and Nanoserver 1M NS1011 for a symbolic price.

The 1-M CORE core is integrated into various devices and a central Smart Home controller is obtained.

For example, the 1-M Core software update (package) from 1-M Smart Home, which turns the Keenetic serial router into a central home automation controller.

1-M Smart Home involves working with third-party devices, but there are several proprietary devices.

Works both locally and through the cloud.

Prices on the website are in hryvnias or dollars.

Nanoserver 1M NS1011 can be used as a central device of the system for 700 UAH.

Relay 1M Relay200WC-220 (2 inputs 2 outputs) 800 UAH.

SONOFF BASIC (with 1M firmware) 280 UAH.

Gateway 1M Gate100-5. Converts one type of connection (WiFi) to another (RF, IR) and vice versa. Communication with the central controller of the Smart Home via WiFi. 800 UAH

1ST CLOUD is paid and costs $2 or $5 per month.


Noteworthy is the activity of an enthusiast in creating the KaScada project, which, using the Android application, turns any tablet into a HIM control panel with a cloud service for OWEN programmable relays.

In addition to the HIM panel application itself, there is the Cascada Cloud cloud service, as well as gateways for this cloud service, implemented for Owen and Arduino equipment.

It will be very difficult for enthusiasts to compete with the smart home options discussed above. The latest news from 1-M Smart Home dates back to April 2022.

Systems amenable to automation

A smart home is equipment for a country house and at the same time an effective system for centralized management of communications in apartments and in any other premises. It includes many sensors, control mechanisms and devices that perform tasks in accordance with the parameters specified during configuration.

Just as the human body functions effectively when all its organs interact well, so a house in which all systems work smoothly and without interference will provide the most comfortable living conditions for its residents.

The photo shows a centralized automation system. In order to ensure long-term and efficient operation of all parts of the system, it is worth contacting professionals who specialize in installing specific equipment. This will save your time, money and nerves

Thanks to the use of smart equipment, it is possible to coordinate all life support systems, exercise full control and surveillance of the house via the Internet from a laptop or mobile phone, and program the connection of all important home systems.

The introduction of intelligent systems into everyday life allows you to configure changes in their parameters depending on your desire or other factors. For example, such as day or night, air humidity level and many other parameters.

However, there are many options for Smart Home systems on the market. To make the right choice, you need to know what types of systems exist, what you should pay attention to first when purchasing, and what parameters the system should have.

You should also familiarize yourself in detail with the advantages and disadvantages of specific manufacturers.

If you are a business person and are often away from your home or apartment, then you should think about installing a smart video surveillance system. It will allow you to monitor your property via the Internet directly from your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or computer

We have conducted an analysis and are ready to talk about the general principles of operation of the systems and which systems can be automated. A comparative review of several systems from popular brands was also conducted.

To successfully install all components of the Smart Home system, it is first necessary to carry out design work. As a rule, this is the only stage of work that requires the direct participation of the customer. After correct, full-scale design and preparation of successful equipment combinations, installation follows directly

Almost all systems existing in a household can be automated and remotely controlled.

This can include:

  • Heating system regulation;
  • Controlling access of persons to various premises, managing the security system and protection against fires and fires;
  • Setting parameters of ventilation and climate systems;
  • Preventing consequences in case of emergencies, for example, a break in a gas or water pipe, a disruption in the power supply;
  • Video surveillance of the territory of the house, both on site and remotely;
  • Control of lighting inside the house and on the property;
  • Centralized management and integration of video and audio streams;
  • Selection of temperature range for floor heating, storm drainage;
  • Limitation and distribution of energy consumption loads;
  • Management of additional power resources: generators, batteries;
  • Remote and adaptive control of mechanisms controlled by an electric motor, i.e. pumping stations, automatic watering systems, barriers, gates, roller shutters;
  • Management and monitoring of all the above systems via the Internet remotely or from home.

For a clearer understanding, the main systems that can be automated should be described, their features and advantages.

Heating using the Smart Home system

Most owners do not set up and install the heating system themselves. Most often, boilers, pumps and other necessary heating equipment are located in the basement or in a boiler room specially designed for these purposes.

Heating devices attract attention:

  • during installation;
  • carry out maintenance if necessary;
  • in case of any problems;
  • when the season changes, when you need to manually adjust the appropriate temperature and other parameters yourself.

Each time, you need to waste time, nerves, and in some cases call a specialist to your home and pay a decent amount for repairs and maintenance.

The Smart Home system differs from manual control and configuration by the ability to automatically adjust the room temperature depending on the programmed parameters of the heating curve, which significantly reduces the need for human participation in control processes.

Heating is the first industry into which engineers began to introduce the principles of the Smart Home. Due to the fact that heating costs take up a large part of the costs associated with the operation of premises, there is a need to optimize the level of energy consumption and energy costs as much as possible. Thanks to remote control, owners have the opportunity to set the desired temperature in advance

In this case, the minimum power consumption mode is observed. The cost of the equipment and its installation is relatively small, and installation into an existing system is not a problem for experienced professionals.

A smart heating system operates thanks to thermostatic heads and valves, temperature sensors, thermostats, radiators and programmers. Each element performs its own function. According to the most general calculations, economical assembly options can reduce heating costs by about 20%.

Systems in the “Smart Home” category with new technological equipment for furnishing country houses are controlled via a network via a mobile phone, which allows you to remotely adjust all heating parameters.

Additional functionality of advanced systems includes various settings, for example, automatically reducing the temperature if there are no residents in the house or turning off the heating systems while ventilating the premises.

Modern digital technologies ensure economical use of resources. Thanks to weather-compensated control, the heating starts or stops depending on the readings of sensors that read the weather conditions outside the room. It is also possible to maintain the room temperature within specified limits.

Owners often encounter constant problems with their heating system. And even after installing a “Smart Home”, many questions arise, and some owners are afraid for their home while they are away from it. However, for such cases, there are special remote monitoring services that monitor all the main parameters in your boiler room

Comfort from using smart heating systems is ensured by automatic control and no need for constant manual adjustment. Remote control allows you to remotely regulate the power of heating equipment and prepare a warm room for the imminent arrival of the owners directly from your smartphone.

Automated ventilation and air conditioning

Air conditioning using the Smart Home system is carried out by installing detailed settings of climate control devices, sensors and controller. Almost any remote-controlled climate control equipment can be installed in a smart system. Temperature, air humidity and presence sensors are very popular.

The operating principle of the climate system is that all sensors that read information about the environment, as well as air conditioners and other ventilation devices, are connected to the main controller.

Having thus united all the key links in a single control center, you can set various scenarios and configure the operation of the equipment in accordance with the indicators of the reading devices.

The control panel, through which direct control is carried out, is most often installed at the entrance to the house or in any convenient place. The possibility of remote control via a smartphone or tablet significantly increases the ease of use of the system.

Experts annually expand the list of recommendations according to which air exchange networks should be operated. The function of air exchange in rooms is performed only by ventilation, since even modern air conditioners do not fully cope with the function of mixing fresh air

Installation of the “Smart Home” system for air conditioning gives the owner the following advantages:

  • Thanks to the integration of all devices in a single center, there is no need to use remote controls designed for individual air conditioners;
  • Starting and stopping the operation of the equipment can be done from anywhere in the room within reach of the signal, not only from the control panel, but also using software installed on a computer, laptop, tablet or phone;
  • Creating scripts allows you to set up the system once and never have to return to this issue. Thus, you can configure individual parameters for each individual device, set the automatic ventilation function;
  • The air conditioning and ventilation system is easily combined with other elements of the Smart Home system - heating, lighting, fire safety and others.

Thanks to sensors that read environmental parameters, fully automatic operation of the entire complex of equipment is possible after adjusting the system’s response to the received information.

Modern smart ventilation systems not only provide fresh air, but also create the necessary microclimate in the room. Residents should not be afraid of drafts or germs, since the equipment is equipped with a special cascade cleaning system. Thanks to this, the air is not only supplied in parts, but also purified from all unpleasant odors and small particles

Smart ventilation guarantees the owner of smart technology:

  • Security , which is ensured by encryption and a password that limits access to management;
  • Timely notification and signaling of an emergency;
  • Comfort , thanks to many different settings, including taking into account the amount of carbon dioxide in the room;
  • Health , since clean and fresh air with a normal level of humidity guarantees good health when staying in such a room;
  • Cost-effectiveness is ensured by the ability to configure equipment to operate only when a person is present, which eliminates excessive energy consumption when it is not needed.

The market offers smart ventilation with good functionality and various parameters. It is not difficult for the user to choose the appropriate model for the interior of any house or apartment.

Water supply control systems

Many residential properties do not have a good water supply system that meets the standards. In addition, it often requires additional attention from residents, which takes a lot of time.

So, to water a personal plot, someone may simply not have enough time for the necessary procedure, while another person will flood the plot with water in excess of the norm. In order to avoid these negative aspects, a smart water supply system is installed.

Soil moistening to supply water to cultivated plants can be fully automated in accordance with a given scenario. A humidity sensor measures its level in the fertile soil layer, and if there is insufficient moisture, the system releases water.

Watering can be adjusted depending on the time of day, day of the week and other parameters. An automated irrigation system is often protected by manufacturers from freezing temperatures. Therefore, it is not in danger of freezing in the winter season.

Sensitive leakage sensors instantly detect the appearance of water on the floor in the bathroom, kitchen, and other places, and special valves turn off the water supply, which prevents the negative consequences of leakage.

In this case, the owner is instantly sent a notification to the application on his smartphone or tablet. The same notifications come about changing filters.

The controller shown in the photo receives sensor signals and, in the event of a leak or other unexpected situations, shuts off hot or cold water. To correctly configure the sensors, controller and their installation, you should contact a company specializing in the installation of smart water supply systems

If you like to take a bath or soak in a jacuzzi after a hard day at work, but want to do it immediately after arriving or after dinner, then a smart water supply system will be useful in this situation. It is enough to set the scenarios and water collection algorithm.

For example, filling by the hour, upon arrival, or with several parameters at once. You can fill any water containers in the same way.

The water supply complex regulates the water supply system according to the following basic parameters:

  • Water purity;
  • Presence of leaks;
  • Water temperature;
  • System pressure;
  • Energy consumption.

The system provides users with savings, rationality and comfort. Sensors that measure various parameters of the water supply system identify any discrepancies with the required value and promptly signal the owner about the need to replace filters or other elements.

So, if the cold water supply stops and the hot water temperature is too high for a person to bathe, the system turns off the water to protect the user from adverse consequences.

The first line of home safety

An access control system is the first defense of your home against intrusion by third parties.

Smart Home access control includes the following elements:

  • Mechanical or magnetic electric locks that can be opened remotely;
  • Sensors and sensors for the use of contact and contactless keys, as well as contactless magnetic cards for access to premises;
  • Systems designed to track time spent at work;
  • Intercoms and video intercoms of various configurations;
  • Automatically opening gates and barriers.

A magnetic lock is cheaper than an electromechanical lock and has a simpler and more reliable device. Operation requires a continuous power supply of 12 volts. It is advisable to purchase an additional uninterruptible power supply unit, since in the event of a power outage the lock will stop working.

Due to its resistance to low temperatures and high humidity, magnetic locks are recommended for installation on outdoor doors.

The electromechanical lock is also not bad. It is activated by an electrical impulse and can be opened mechanically using a key. However, at low temperatures its mechanisms often freeze and require additional care.

A biometric sensor is an innovative technology that identifies access rights. Thanks to the reading device, entry into the premises is possible only after identification of the individual using a fingerprint. In addition, this type of lock can be installed on almost any type of entrance door. Owners can also configure login settings for multiple individuals, thereby limiting access to unauthorized persons

To use contact and contactless keys, a key information reader is installed on one side, and another reader or exit button is installed on the other.

Time tracking is usually necessary in enterprises and large organizations. A special controller reads the information and transfers it to the computer's memory card. Thus, it is easy to track how many times people entered and exited the door and determine how much time the employee spent at his workplace.

When choosing an intercom, you should pay attention to the quality of transmitted video and audio. Also, when installing an intercom on a street door, you should ask the seller if there is anti-vandal protection, protection from moisture and cold

Intercoms with audio and video transmission systems are installed on entrance doors. After the call, the owner can open the door by pressing one button on the control panel. Different models differ not only in design, but also in the quality of transmitted audio and video information.

Automation of opening and closing gates, as well as raising and lowering barriers, is popular among owners of large country houses and businesses. Automatic gates come in sliding, swing and lift-and-section types.

Automatic lighting system

Lighting control and monitoring is a very popular feature. Thanks to the Smart Home lighting system, many functions become available: turning on the lights on a schedule, by voice or remotely.

All these functions are made possible thanks to bus technology, which has gained recognition in European countries and connects all switches in the house through a single trunk line.

There are five types of smart lighting:

  • Local control , carried out through the use of switch keys;
  • Scheduled lighting control , that is, it turns on at predetermined periods of time;
  • Use of motion sensors , when changes are detected in the serviced space, motion sensors give a signal to turn on the light;
  • Remote control , when the user can turn on the light using an application via a mobile device without even being in the house;
  • Event lighting , turning on the light when a programmed event occurs.

Remote control is especially popular. This is done in several ways.

When installing a smart lighting system, the user receives a number of advantages, from the fact that the system can simulate the presence of a person or automatically dim the brightness when the TV is turned on, ending with the ability to control the light using voice

The first option is to install a special application on a computer located in the illuminated area. Using this application, you can adjust the brightness of the light, turn it on and off.

The second way is to use the remote control. It has almost the same functionality as a computer application. There are buttons for controlling groups of switches.

The third way is to control lighting using Android and iPhone mobile systems. You can download special applications on the breeder’s website or on special platforms.

Using proprietary applications, you can control the lighting system remotely via the Internet. This allows the user to relax and rest comfortably from the constant need to turn off the lights manually

The fourth method is to control it using a wall controller, which is battery powered and easy to install.

Russian manufacturers of controllers and peripheral equipment for smart homes.

The boundary between enthusiasts and industrial producers in Russian conditions is fluid and the division into points 7 and 8 may be conditional.


A block-modular approach is used and a large selection of Smart Home modules and components of our own production is offered.

The MegaD-2561 controller can work autonomously (without a server).

Some free open platforms can be used as server software.

We have our own server software: Demo interface.

A controller with a real-time clock MegaD-2561-RTC costs 4160 rubles.


WIREN BOARD 6 costs 14850 rub.

Works with several cloud services.

MegaD-2561 is the first product for home automation that I wanted to buy - this, in my opinion, is the most promising developments.

Wiren Board 6, although it costs 3 times more, is a device of a different level. And if such functionality is assembled on MegaD blocks, it will not be cheaper.

Home automation using addressable security system equipment.

All the letters above were an introduction. Now let's get to the point.

Indeed, ]addressable equipment for addressable security and fire alarm systems[/anchor] have large volumes of production of all kinds of sensors, controllers, interfaces, etc. and they have engineers, laboratories, developments - who better than them to produce home automation equipment.

Even though the boards and sensor housings were ordered in China, these are Russian developers.

I think that such a strict regulatory framework for fire automatics exists precisely to support our own manufacturers of engineering systems.

In the context under consideration, three addressable systems out of a dozen addressable alarm systems discussed earlier may be of interest - Bolid, Rubezh, Astra.

The central controllers of these systems cost up to 10,000 rubles.

Addressable wired I/O devices cost about 500 rubles, addressable sensors cost about 1000 rubles.

Radio channel sensors from 1500 rub.

Capacity expanders for system functions start from 2500 rubles - and these are full-fledged devices containing many inputs or outputs.

But there is no way to organize home automation. Even the light in the chicken coop cannot be controlled by time.

Bolid address system and home automation.

It would seem that there is a bunch of all kinds of equipment: fire alarms, burglar alarms, resource accounting, access control - why not put together a home automation system.

But no. All subsystems can be combined into a single whole using an automated workstation on a personal computer using an OPC server.

And all that remains is to lick your lips, looking at the cheapest addressable temperature and humidity sensor, knowing that there is no way to use it. The S2000M controller could only display the temperature value, but what are you talking about - an ordinary person cannot even relieve an alarm using this controller.

With the advent of the S2000-T technology controller, the situation has become a little better. It has become possible to use the technological controller to solve local home automation problems.

But the price is 11,000 rubles... With the “one task - one controller” , this is too expensive.

No network work and no monitoring using a mobile application and cloud service.

And no normal scripts in the controller.

Recently a thermohygrometer with a radio channel indicator began to be sold:

Unfortunately, the buttons do not regulate the temperature as we would like.

Rubezh address system and home automation.

With the Rubezh-2OP device everything is just fine with scenarios - every time I discover something new for myself.

But there is no way to use system time in scripts.

And there is no periphery.

Radio channel equipment cannot be used in the same system with address equipment - all equipment has split into three incompatible subsystems: R3, Globol, Alexa.

It didn’t work out with remote monitoring either.

We can monitor the temperature in the room where the thermal fire sensor is installed. That's all.

The device complies with fire regulations so much that no one will be able to control anything with it. Except for specially trained people.

Over the course of 5 years, having completely changed the operating protocol of the equipment three times, nothing was achieved in terms of non-fire alarm systems. Of course, the squeezed Bolide is a sacred task. But it has been resolved and it’s time to take on a new goal.

Astra address system and home automation.

You can connect an entire addressable security and management system based on the Astra-812 Pro device to the Security Hub cloud service.

This device costs only 6385 rubles .

It is already possible to connect native (!) radio channel sensors to the device, and with the use of expanders - contact and address sensors. The device communicates with the cloud service using GPRS or LAN.

Based on this equipment, it is already possible to create a semblance of a smart home, which is closer to our requirements than others. At least this follows from the advertising brochures of the Astra Smart Home.

I would like to note an interesting feature of the radio channel sensors of the Astra system. The temperature value can be obtained and used in the scenario not only from temperature sensors, but also from motion sensors and fire sensors.

Top 7 smart home systems in 2022 according to KP

AJAX StarterKit black

AJAX StarterKit black. Photo:

The complex consists of a system) and two sensors: motion and door opening. This is quite enough to control the room. To activate AJAX, just turn on the device and connect it to the Internet.

The device works through an application - it can be installed on any system, be it Android or iOS, after installing which the owner will be able to receive notifications about sensor activation on his smartphone in the form of a push message.

The sensors included in the kit are highly sensitive - they will be triggered literally from the first step of a person in the room. The camera viewing angle is up to 135°.


Equipmentgateway, MotionProtect motion sensor, DoorProtect opening sensor, SpaceControl control panel, installation accessories, instructions
Quantity included4 things.
Device connection typewired, wireless
Communication protocolGSM, Ethernet
Alarm centralHub

Advantages and disadvantages

Simple installation, high sensitivity of sensors, easy system control

Quite a high price, false alarms are occasionally possible, weak batteries

show more

Xiaomi Aqara Smart Bedroom Set

Xiaomi Aqara Smart Bedroom Set. Photo:

This kit will help you turn your apartment or house into a smartphone-controlled space quickly and easily. The smart home center (Hub M1S) is its “brain”, which unites all other devices that are part of the complex. The Hub also helps to integrate Aqara components into the network and manage them using voice assistants (Siri, Alice).

The kit includes “standard” motion and opening sensors, as well as additional ones. The first is a leak sensor that reacts to water ingress. True, the liquid must directly touch the contacts of the device. The second is a temperature and humidity control sensor - it can turn on air conditioners or humidifiers if necessary.


EcosystemXiaomi Mi Home, Aqara Home
Equipmentsocket for air conditioner Aqara Smart Socket Zig-Bee, built-in socket Aqara Smart socket, volume, motion sensor Aqara Human Body Sensor, temperature, humidity and pressure sensor Aqara Temperature And Humidity Sensor, two-button redundant switch 2 pcs, one-button redundant switch 1 pc
Quantity included7 pcs.
Device connection typewireless
Communication protocolWi-Fi, ZigBee

Advantages and disadvantages

Good equipment and functionality, reasonable price, ease of management and installation

The system sometimes freezes, there are false positives, the smart button does not always respond to the required number of presses, so other functions may be activated, sometimes the image is displayed in a distorted form

show more

Rubetek "Video control and security"

Rubetek "Video control and security". Photo:

This kit is a full-fledged security system that allows owners to monitor their home and property. They will be helped in this by a powerful camera with a wide viewing angle (355°) and a motion sensor, which in the “Security” mode will turn on a loud siren and send the owner an SMS or push notification about the incident.

Additional bonuses: the presence of a water consumption control sensor - in the event of a water leak, the owner of the house will immediately receive a message and will be able to fix the problem in a timely manner.

This complex has a distinctive feature - up to 7 smartphones can connect to it simultaneously, that is, in the event of force majeure, the likelihood of a quick response will be greater.


Equipmentopening sensor RS-3210, water leakage sensor RS-3220, PTZ Wi-Fi camera RV-3404, instructions
Quantity included3 pcs.
Device connection typewireless
Communication protocolWiFi

Advantages and disadvantages

Remote camera control, good technical support, easy installation

Inconvenient messages from sensors - there is no specification of which one worked, this can only be eliminated by purchasing additional devices; for some users the camera quickly failed

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Ring Alarm Home Security System 4K11D9-0EU0

Ring Alarm Home Security System 4K11D9-0EU0. Photo:

The system will protect your home from outside intrusions and emergency situations. The system uses motion and opening sensors. This kit is convenient because it can be moved from apartment to apartment - most security systems do not have this ability.

The Alarm system gives audible warnings when triggered. In addition, the owner will receive a push notification on his smartphone.

This kit fits perfectly with other smart home devices, due to which its functionality can be expanded. For example, you can add a sensor that will monitor the level of gas or fire, which can promptly warn of a fire or gas leak.


EcosystemAmazon Alexa
Equipmentbase station, keypad, smart opening sensor, smart motion sensor and range extender
Quantity included5 pieces.
Device connection typewireless
Communication protocolZ-Wave

Advantages and disadvantages

Ease of use, functionality

Sometimes modifications may be required during installation - the instructions do not always correspond to the actual settings, weak battery, high cost

show more

Rubetek "Access Control"

Rubetek "Access Control". Photo:

This complex will protect the lives and property of owners of private houses, apartments, and commercial premises. The device includes motion and opening sensors.

In order for Rubetek to work, you need to install and configure a control center - this is the “brain” of the system. It is he who will control the sensors. Information about the activation of any of them is sent to the owner’s smartphone in the form of an SMS or push notification.

How a motion sensor works: it “reads” a person’s thermal radiation and sends the owner a notification to his smartphone that a stranger is in his apartment. It can also automatically turn on the lights when a person appears.

The intrusion sensor is triggered by the opening of a window or door - any penetration into the house will not go unnoticed.


Equipmentmotion sensor RS-3203, opening sensor RS-3210, Wi-Fi socket RE-3301
Quantity included3 pcs.
Device connection typewireless
Communication protocolWiFi

Advantages and disadvantages

Easy to manage, ability to expand functionality, affordable price

There are false alarms, low battery capacity (enough for about 3 months, then change), the replacement of which will be expensive

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Xiaomi Smart Home Security Kit

Xiaomi Smart Home Security Kit. Photo:

Multifunctional Smart Home Gateway complex, with which you can not only control the safety of your home, but also receive many additional bonuses, for example, waking up to your favorite tune.

The device includes two window/door sensors: the system will send a message to the home owner if the doors and windows are open in his absence. At the same time, an alarm will be triggered.

In addition to the motion sensor, the kit also includes a motion sensor, after which the camera will automatically record. But in order to use this feature, you will need an IP camera.

Additional bonuses that the kit has: a smart socket that allows you to control energy consumption, and a wireless switch.


EcosystemXiaomi Mi Home
Equipmentgateway, motion sensor, opening sensor, wireless button, socket
Quantity included5 pieces.
Device connection typewireless
Communication protocolZigBee

Advantages and disadvantages

Complete set (sensors and additional gadgets), integrates well with iOS

To connect, you need an adapter - the plug does not fit Russian sockets, does not integrate well with some gadgets, the complex only works through Chinese servers, so there may be failures when sending an alert system

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Philips Hue Starter Kit

Philips Hue Starter Kit. Photo:

This complex is convenient because it can be easily combined with a large number of smart home platforms, for example, with the system from Yandex or Apple. That is, you can control it not only through the “native” Philips Hue application, but also using the usual Alice or Siri.

In addition, these applications have add-ons that significantly expand their functionality. For example, you can create the illusion of a thunderstorm or space flight at home.

This system can create the right lighting for any situation: dim romantic light for a romantic date, bright for hard work, or dimmed before bed.


Control blockHue Bridge
Equipmentgateway, light bulb, control panel, power adapter
Quantity included4 things.
Device connection typewireless
Network cableEthernet
Smart LED Bulbs3 pcs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Easy to control, compatible with many applications, easy to install

Limited functionality, high price

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Current product

Automatic home security is not a whim, but a necessity

Home automation from monitoring system manufacturers.

In this context, we are interested in two manufacturers out of many manufacturers of monitoring and control devices with cloud service.

These systems come as close as possible to the ability to solve home automation problems among all systems designed for monitoring.

There is an expansion bus and a certain range of network devices.

There are radio channel sensors and not only fire and security alarms.

There is a cloud service and in the ideology of the systems there is a place for the words “smart home”.

Rhythm Contact.


Theoretically, the equipment of these systems can be used to create something for a specific task.

Home automation as an extension to an already used cloud service.

While studying cloud services for the articles Review of thermostat models with WiFi and cloud service and Review of cloud services from manufacturers of security and IoT devices, I drew attention to several promising services.

The platforms seem to be tailored for one specific task, but what prevents you from adding functionality to systems that are already in demand.

Zont-online allows you to add devices for various purposes: car monitoring, climate control, security, home automation control - that’s not bad.

SST-cloud allows you to manage and monitor only two types of devices: water leakage control and room thermostat. But it is possible to add devices from at least three manufacturers: Open API - and any manufacturer can use it.

my.terneo - only thermostats and only one manufacturer, but stable operation and all the most unusual functions are taken into account.

Selection of input machine and starters

The circuit diagram of an electric boiler automation always begins with the supply of voltage through the input circuit breaker.

Electric heating usually implies the presence of a three-phase 380V input. This means that the machine must be three-pole.

Please pay special attention that this must be one three-pole switch, and not three separate single-pole ones.

In the event of a short circuit and damage to the heating element of any phase, the protection must stop supplying voltage to all phases.

After the introductory circuit breaker, the phase conductors need to be separated.

This is done using electromagnetic starters.

It is they who are responsible for the main work on automatic switching of the electrical network. You turn the machine on and off manually, and the starter will do this without your participation, based on the supply of control voltage from the corresponding sensors.

In this case, unlike an automatic machine, buy three separate single-phase modular starters. Old models such as PML, PMA, KMI will not work here. And the point is not at all in their noisy work and loud clicks.

A modular three-phase unit in a single housing will also not be suitable for our circuit.

The most important advantage of single-phase ones is the ability to manually and very simply adjust the power of the electric boiler. This will be discussed in more detail below.

The heating elements (heating elements, electrodes) of the heating boiler are connected to the power terminals of each contactor.

Joint efforts.

As we can see, if we hypothetically combine the advantages of at least two systems discussed above, we will get the system we need.

We have already seen the combination of the Ritm Contact monitoring system and the Rubezh addressable fire alarm system to successfully solve the problem of Remote monitoring of the status of the Rubezh addressable system. All that was needed was to develop the Rubezh UOO-TL interface device.

You can also see that many manufacturers do not come up with their own radio channel system, but add low-level support for Astra-RI M radio channel sensors to their systems, as if they were native ones.

Bolide began producing the S2000-PP protocol converter for working via ModBUS with third-party devices and even began to integrate it into the S2000-KDL.

And Xiaomi creates universal devices with the ZigBee protocol.

Z-Wave and the like.

And this is a successful example of both a successful Idea and successful joint efforts.

Z-Wave is simply a protocol designed for home automation devices to communicate over a radio network.

And there is more than one such protocol. The ZigBee protocol has already been mentioned.

Any manufacturer can join the Z-Wave Alliance and has the right to use the patented Z-Wave protocol.

This is such a successful protocol that at the moment the Z-Wave Alliance unites more than 700 members.

A large selection of central controllers for 5000r-50000r and a huge selection of compatible devices.

The cheapest controllers are simply device gateways to a cloud server. The most expensive ones contain all the functionality.

The buyer chooses the balance he needs.

Or a smart home that will delight you. Or a controller that will teach programming languages. Delightful controllers cost starting from 25,000 rubles.

It is possible to turn any computer, even a single-board one, into a smart home server with Z-Wave support by inserting a USB Z-Wave adapter into it and installing special software.

There is a RaZberry expansion board for the popular single-board computer Raspberry Pi for 6,000 rubles.

There is a Z-Uno expansion board for Arduino 3600r, which allows you to create your own Z-Wave device.

The price of a simple Z-Wave device starts from 3500 rubles. You can find them on AliExpress for 1800 rubles, but I don’t know what kind of devices they are.

Devices more complex than a socket or switch are already expensive.

The Z-Wave room thermostat costs RUB 7,650.

The joint efforts of many manufacturers have led to the fact that a smart home based on the Z-Wave platform almost meets my requirements. Except for the price and the complete lack of wired devices.

Having briefly familiarized myself with ZigBee, I concluded that this protocol is not so widespread, but it is already mentioned in the context of industrial automation systems.

Is it possible to assemble a smart home with your own hands?

Fully automating your own cottage or apartment without organization is easier than it initially seems. There is Z-Wave. Thanks to the Z-Wave wireless system, the required smart elements of the required versions are installed and configured in a few minutes. There is no need to stretch wires, after which you will have to make repairs.

We will describe a consistent scheme of actions for independent intellectualization of a country house (probably during construction) or an apartment (apartment building):

  • Equip and configure a web server
  • Install video surveillance via a computer, which can significantly increase the security aspect
  • You will need to connect web cameras and alarms, which will be responsible for the safety of your home.
  • Configure your Internet connection
  • Mount the system by connecting sensors and other components of the executive group
  • Connect microclimate and lighting sensors
  • Organize heating system control with further settings
  • Connect all engineering nodes to the central control unit of the smart grid

It’s especially easy to want and make your apartment smart:

  • Sensors attach to any surface
  • Electronic sockets with a smart function are often inserted in place of conventional ones.
  • To install a socket, knowledge of physics at the high school level is sufficient

If you choose the wired home smart technology option, you will need:

  • Think about where it’s best to place the buttons
  • Pre-draw a cable routing diagram
  • Determine the wiring output points to the control devices
  • Find a good programmer who will help you correctly program the necessary processes

It is not necessary to purchase a whole set of components at once. In our store, which is located in Moscow, you can order a socket and a pair of sensors, and then purchase other elements.

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