Causes and methods of eliminating vibration of electric motors
Causes of vibration of electrical machines can occur at idle speed, then the source of the defect is
What Happens If a Person is Struck by 220 Volts - e-mail subscription
One type of injury is electric shock. Unfortunately, despite the fact that
Thermal sensor
Do-it-yourself temperature sensor: instructions with photos and description of connection diagram and settings
A temperature sensor assembled with your own hands can bring undoubted benefits both at home and in the garden.
Soldering copper wires
How to solder correctly with a soldering iron: the basics and subtleties of do-it-yourself soldering
What is the essence of soldering? Soldering uses the ability of some metals in a molten state
Decoding abbreviations for cables and wires.
Home Designations of brands of cables and wires Serial number of letters and numbers Designation in this
Frequency converter calculations for asynchronous motors
Calculation of frequency converter parameters for asynchronous motors
It is often necessary to reduce the rotation speed of a motor that performs certain tasks in a mechanism. Reducing the speed
UMZCH supply voltage stabilizer. Modified scheme by V. Oreshkin (subscription to boards completed)
The bipolar power supply proposed by V. Oreshkin largely meets the mutually exclusive requirements for the stabilizer
Running fire garland diagram
Symbol system for domestic thyristors
What is a thyristor and their types? Many have seen thyristors in the “Running Fire” garland, this is
Marking of wires and cables during installation: PUE, in electrical panels
GOST 18690-2012 stipulates that each cable product is subject to symbolic marking. This makes selection much easier
Electromagnetic ballast
Electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps: what they are, how they work, connection diagrams for lamps with electronic ballasts
Are you interested in why an electronic ballast module is needed for fluorescent lamps and how to use it?
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