Bipolar power supply from ready-made Chinese dc-dc step down LM2596 modules
Nowadays ready-made modules of pulse voltage converters based on the LM2596 chip have become available. Stated to be quite high
How to determine the poles of a magnet (B. Aleinikov)
How to determine the poles of a magnet Humanity became acquainted with magnets quite a long time ago: the first deposits of magnetite stone
Current stabilizer on two transistors (circuit, board, assembly, testing)
For the correct functionality of many electrical devices, it is necessary to maintain certain operating parameters of the power supply network. Exit
Calculation of Rectified Voltage After Diode Bridge Ripple Factor
Calculation of Rectified Voltage After Diode Bridge Ripple Factor
If everyone in the area has low voltage, you need to think about how to increase the voltage
Types of stress
What does a voltmeter show, or socket mathematics?
What is AC voltage? As is known, electric current is the ordered movement of charged particles, which
Krona battery - features and characteristics
The modern world is unthinkable without such necessary devices as a flashlight, radio, and remote control. Functionality
Connection of capacitors
Practical lesson No. 4 Topic: Calculation of the total capacitance of the capacitor
In electrical circuits, various methods of connecting capacitors are used. The capacitors can be connected: in series, in parallel
Vasiliev Dmitry Petrovich
Power factor cos φ: definition, purpose, physical meaning
Mathematically cos φ Mathematically cos φ is defined as the ratio of active power to apparent or
Simple circuits of electronic fuses for power supplies.
Short circuit (and overload, as a special case) are the most dangerous emergency situation during operation
NE555 pinout
Operating modes, description of characteristics and pin assignments of the NE555 chip
The NE555 chip, according to its main characteristics, is included in the category of universal timers. The spread of time intervals that
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