Top 15 best manufacturers of circuit breakers: rating + recommendations

Update date: 02/28/2021 14:39:46 23421 Share:

Author of the article: Vinogradov Dmitry Alekseevich

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Sometimes dozens of years spent on the construction and improvement of a house can be erased by one short circuit that creates a fire. This could be a jammed refrigerator compressor, a shorted chandelier or a washing machine. To prevent such a disaster, it is important to install automatic switches in the electrical circuit of an apartment, house or office. They react to short circuits or thermal overloads by opening the circuit. We have selected a list of the best manufacturers of this protective equipment, which will help you navigate the current diversity and choose a “machine” with positive reviews and reliable operation.

Technical characteristics of the machine

The circuit breaker protects the wiring from short circuits and overloads within the electrical network. The absence of such a switch often leads to disastrous consequences: in an emergency, the current melts the cable insulation, which causes the wiring to catch fire and increases the risk of a fire. Therefore, each emergency panel must be equipped with several circuit breakers. Now you will learn more detailed criteria on how to choose a machine so that its characteristics are fully suitable for your conditions of use.

What to consider when choosing a device

  • Short circuit current is your first selection criterion. According to the rules for electrical installations, it is impossible to install circuit breakers whose maximum breaking capacity is less than 6 kA. These include circuit breakers with ratings of 3 and 4.5 kA. The ideal option would be a machine with a rating of 6000 Amps. You can also install a switch that is triggered by a short circuit of 10 kA - such measures are usually resorted to if the home is located near a transformer substation.

  • Operating (rated) current is the next important criterion for choosing a machine. This parameter means that in the event of an increase in the current indicated in the rating characteristic, the circuit will be disconnected, and this will protect the wiring from overload and possible short circuit. The operating current in machines can vary from 10 to 40 Amperes. When choosing a switching device based on this indicator, you should take into account the cable cross-section of your wiring and the power of the equipment consuming electricity. Therefore, the choice will depend on the current power that the wiring can withstand and the total power of the equipment located in your home.

Selectivity and operating current of the machine

  • Selectivity - the ability to turn off only one section of the network in the event of an emergency. In this case, it is worth choosing machines based on the lines they will serve. At the very top of the circuit there must be an input circuit breaker: its rating cannot exceed the permissible load on the wiring, which is determined by the cross-section of the cable. The rated current of an input circuit breaker must always exceed the operating current of the machines that will be located “below”.

For clarity, it is worth giving the indicators of devices for various purposes: automatic input machine - at least 40 A, electric hob - 32 A, sockets - at least 16 A, all other electrical devices not exceeding 5 kW - about 25 A. Guided by these indicators, you correctly fulfill all selectivity conditions.

  • Pay attention to the trip current. When starting high-power electrical appliances, a significant excess of the rated current value may be observed. This can lead to constant operation of the switching device, since it will evaluate the excess of the nominal value as a short circuit. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the correct class of circuit breaker.

In everyday life, machines of classes B, C, D are often used. If your home does not have very powerful appliances, including an electric stove, then you should limit yourself to a machine of class B. If you have a boiler or an electric hob, give preference to a device of class C. Well, if you have home of powerful electric motors, choose an automatic machine with class D, which will protect you from constant tripping of the protection.

Number of poles and correct manufacturer

  • The number of device poles is an obvious selection criterion. A single-phase, two-pole circuit breaker is suitable for a single-phase 220 Volt network. Choose a single-pole switch for equipment that is connected separately, as well as for lighting. A four-pole machine is used as input for a three-phase network, and a machine with three poles for 380 volts is needed to protect the motor from overcurrent.
  • The correct choice of manufacturer is the key to success in operating the device. Purchase circuit breakers only from trusted stores. Remember that for any of the specified parameters, insufficient quality will lead to failure in the event of a critical and emergency situation. A reputable manufacturer does not skimp on the quality of components and assembly so that the protection works as correctly as possible.

You can choose any characteristics of circuit breakers, but do not skimp on the quality of the device. Not only the safety of property, but also the life of the owner depends on its confident work.


General unification has led to the fact that it is very difficult to discern the difference between a difavtomat and an RCD based on the shape and size of the case. For a single-phase network, the housings of these devices have a size equal to two housings of a single-pole circuit breaker. Each of them has a test button, they are two-pole. Installing an RCD on a DIN rail is no different from installing a difautomatic device.

Externally, differential circuit breakers differ from RCDs:

  • according to the inscriptions on the front panel;
  • labeling;
  • functional diagram.

Usually at the top of the device below the name of the manufacturer is the name of the device. For example, VD and several numbers. VD means differential switch, that is, it is an RCD. If the abbreviation RCBO is present (an abbreviation for the expression: residual current automatic switch), then it is a difavtomat. In case of damage to the inscription on the front panel, the manufacturer prudently embossed the name of the device on the side of the device. True, to determine the type of device you will have to remove it from the DIN rail. But this method applies mainly to domestic manufacturers.

Foreign suppliers do not bother about this. Therefore, you have to navigate by markings and diagrams.

Rated current designation

The difference is observed in the designation of the rated current. In the RCD it is written as a number, for example 16 A, which means that the device will operate normally at currents not exceeding 16 amperes. The main characteristic for it is the value of the shutdown current.

For a difavtomat, in addition to the leakage shutdown current, the time-current characteristic is important. It determines at what overload currents and how quickly the device will turn off

Therefore, before the rated current value there is a letter indicating the limit of exceeding the rated current at which the device will instantly operate. If there is an inscription on the front panel, for example, “C16”, then this means that this is a difavtomat. The electromagnetic release of this automatic device will instantly disconnect the line when the rated current is exceeded by 5-10 times.

Functional diagram

On the RCD diagram on the front panel, you can see an image of the magnetic circuit of the differential transformer, a test resistor, three switches and a control winding. Two switches disconnect the phase and neutral wires in case of leakage currents exceeding the setting. The third key is needed to allow the current limited by the resistor to flow, bypassing the transformer. Thus, an imbalance is created between the currents flowing through the phase and zero.

The diagram of the difavtomat, in addition to the RCD diagram, shows a key connected to the phase wire at the output of the transformer. Or maybe a different image. Instead of an additional key, a square is shown with a figure inside a positive sine wave and a rectangular pulse. A sine wave means an electromagnetic release, and a square wave means a thermal release.

How to calculate the required nominal value of machines

The apartment needs a two-pole input device in front of the meter and switchgear with one pole.
The cable, in accordance with clause 1.3.6 of the Electrical Installation Rules, has a cross-section of 4-6 mm2. The garage will need an input switch for the electric meter, a 10 A device for lighting and a 16 A device for sockets. A comparison of different machines shows that the type of device depends on the load on the electrical wiring. To calculate the power rating of a machine with a current of 16 A for a single consumer you will need:

  1. Determine the type of network and its protection.
  2. Set the consumer class.
  3. Calculate the number of consumers and the total maximum load. B – old wiring with heaters, electric stoves, ovens. C – rooms with household appliances, gas-discharge light sources. D – for garages with compressors and pumps.
  4. Calculate the current strength in real conditions using the formula I = P/(U*cos φ) - for a single-phase network.
  5. Calculate the current strength in real conditions using the formula I = P/(1.73*U*cos φ) - for a three-phase network, where U=380 V.
  6. Select the cross-section of the conductor (aluminum, copper) according to the PUE tables.

Before installation, check the switch for phase-zero loop resistance.

Purpose of the differential machine

The difavtomat is used to protect the electrical network from overload, short circuit and leaks. In addition to the capabilities of an RCD, it performs the functions of a circuit breaker.

It happens that a person connects an extension cord with five or six additional sockets to one outlet, and connects several powerful devices through them. In such circumstances, overheating of the conductors is inevitable. Or, let’s say, when the electric motor is turned on, the shaft jams, the winding begins to heat up, after some time a breakdown occurs, followed by a short circuit of the wires. To avoid this, a difavtomat is installed. If the current excess is significant, then the difavtomat will turn off the line within a few seconds, without waiting for the insulation to melt, thereby preventing a fire.

The speed of switching off the automatic circuit breaker depends on how many times the flowing current exceeds the rated current for a given line. If the voltage is exceeded multiple times, up to a short circuit, the electromagnetic release is instantly triggered. If the current flowing through the line exceeds the rated current by more than 25%, then after about an hour the device will turn off the line and the thermal release will operate. If the excess is greater, the shutdown will occur much earlier. The response time can be determined from the time-current characteristics given for each device.

Unacceptable mistakes when choosing a machine

The most insignificant, at first glance, miscalculation when choosing a circuit breaker can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, choose your device carefully and do not repeat the mistakes outlined below.

What mistakes do beginners in the electrical field make when choosing switching devices:

  • When concluding contracts, subscribers stipulate the power of connection to their home. After this, the technical department calculates and determines the connection location. Depending on the specified power, the wiring cross-section and the rating of the circuit breaker are selected. It is prohibited to increase the input load without agreement with the technical department, as this requires modernization. Even before installing a more powerful machine, you should contact this department to resolve the issue.
  • When choosing a machine, the power indicators of household appliances are not so important as the condition of the wiring. If your hob machine has a rating of 32A, and the wiring cannot withstand even 10A, then you cannot avoid a short circuit. Therefore, when replacing a machine with a more powerful one, you should first replace the electrical wiring so that it matches the characteristics of the protection device.
  • If you calculate the operating current and get an average value that is equally close to two characteristics, choose the device with the larger value. Be sure to consider whether your wiring can handle it!
  • To avoid operational problems, choose safety devices from the same manufacturer.
  • For a garage or cottage, take a machine with a “reserve”, since high-power devices are usually used there.

And as a bonus, we offer a useful video on how to choose a circuit breaker step by step.

Features of slot machines of some famous brands

1. TDM. Country of origin: China. They are making two episodes. BA 47-29 can be connected with a comb and has side notches for cooling. Short circuit current 4.5 kA. Conveniently, these machines can be sealed using special plugs. True, they are sold separately. Unlike KEAZ and Decraft, which have them included.

The second series 47-63 without comb connection and no notches. Short circuit current 4.5 kA.

The price for these machines is one of the most affordable. On average 130 rubles.

2. Energy (China). There are also two series being released. VA 47-29, the comb is placed on both sides, there are side recesses, a power indicator, the short-circuit current is already 6 kA.

The second series is 47-63. It also has a short-circuit current of 6 kA, but there are no recesses or an indicator.

3. IEK (China). One of the most popular slot machines. Most buyers have heard of them. Therefore, they often ask and give preference to this brand. Episode 47-29. Current 4.5 kA, comb on both sides. There are side recesses.

4. Decraft. Made in China. It is distinguished by the presence of stickers for different groups: kitchen, rooms, bathroom, corridor, children's room, etc.

5. EKF. The main feature is that the Proxima series includes plugs for sealing. They do not need to be inserted into grooves like TDM, KEAZ or IEK. They are made in the form of a hinged lid. Keep in mind that the cheap 47-63 series does not have them.

6. KEAZ. The abbreviation stands for Kursk Electromechanical Plant. Produces two series of household machines. VM63 is made in Kursk. It comes with a comb and sealing, seals are included, there is a contact indication, they are designed for a current of 6 kA.

VA 47-29 is a cheap Chinese version. Does not fit the comb, no indicator, current 4.5 kA, not sealed.

7. GE (Hungary). Space for the comb on one side, starting with single-pole ones. Current 6kA, no side recesses. They look solid and weigh noticeably.

8. Moeller. Produced in Austria and Serbia. Suitable for those who don't like everything Chinese.

9. Eaton. Just a series of slot machines from Moeller. Produced in Europe.

10. Shneider Electric. These machines are green. Several series are being produced.

The first Acty 9 – no recesses, indication or comb. Manufactured in Thailand and Bulgaria. C 25 A Bulgaria, below Thailand.

The Easy 9 series is very popular. It is inexpensive. Single-pole ones cost 150 - 180 rubles.

11. Legrand TX (Poland). Current 6000 A, there are recesses, no comb and indicator. Alternative to Schneider.

12. ABB (Germany). Those who value quality choose ABB or, in our opinion, simply ABB. Cool electricians and electrical panel assemblers love this brand for its reliability and affordability. These machines are still made in Germany. The Germans also produce two series:

S – 6000 A, recesses, indicator, comb on one side. Price about 200-300 rubles.

SH – 4500 A, recesses, no indicator and comb. Price about 150-250 rubles.

Ease of installation

More expensive machines may have some differences in terms of wiring. For example, ABB S series are equipped with double terminals.

You can connect a wire under one terminal, and a mounting bar or jumper to the next machine under the other.

Shields assembled on ABB S series are multi-layered.

  • the first layer is the power wires going behind the Din rail
  • second layer – comb
  • third layer - wires from the upper terminals of the machines
  • fourth layer – outgoing wiring from the lower terminals

But the ease of installation is important primarily for electricians, not for you. The master can make a double connection on automatic machines in another way - with a special NSHVI tip for two wires.

Why do you need to overpay for this? Of course, it is beneficial for the master to do everything faster, more beautifully, and maybe even post photos of the assembled electrical panel on Instagram. But this will not make the client feel cold or hot.

Which manufacturers are better?

The next question is: Whose production should we take? Cheap ones are usually from China. There is a wide choice of them: TDM, Energy, IEK, EKF, Defraft, Chint. The cost of a single-pole one is around 100-130 rubles.

KEAZ may have an average price tag: VM 63 series. This is a good price/quality ratio. Moeller and Hager are European manufacturers with a price tag below premium.

The premium segment is Schneider Electric, ABB and Legrand.

Over ten years of working in the electrical trade, I, like Uncle Vasya, have formed my own rating for automatic machines. Let me say briefly, if you are buying for your own home, then ABB would be the best option. I recommend this brand to all my friends.

Connecting additional devices

Budget models of machines do not have the ability to connect additional accessories. Such as independent releases, auxiliary contacts, signal elements, etc.

This also includes an indication of the state of the machine when disconnected from a short circuit (multi-colored window).

But in an apartment you don’t need this. Even if you need such gadgets, as a last resort you can buy switches from the middle line. It's all there in abundance.

There is no point in looking at the industrial series as a panacea.


Among foreign companies, European brands are the most popular on the Russian market. Some American and Chinese manufacturers are trying to compete with them.

5th place CHINT

The largest Chinese brand

The CHINT brand occupies a leading position in the Chinese market. The shares of this company are listed on world stock exchanges, which confirms the serious intentions of the brand. The assortment includes thousands of electrical products. Among the achievements of the Chinese manufacturer, it is worth noting the National Quality Control Award, as well as the title of “Chinese Famous Brand”, which was awarded for a series of universal and power machines.

The Chinese manufacturer also has its weaknesses. First of all, experts note the underdeveloped dealer network in Russia. Therefore, it will not be possible to buy products from this brand in all regions. Electricians managed to appreciate the compactness and stylish design of the CHiNT DZ47-60 machines, which are presented in different versions. They have proven themselves well in domestic networks of domestic users.


Country: USA

The best circuit breakers in terms of reliability and durability are considered to be models from the American company General Electric. High quality products allow the US brand to compete in different parts of the world. Russia is no exception. On forums, users often argue which machine is better, Legrand or General Electric. Both in terms of quality and price, these brands are comparable, but finding products from an American manufacturer in our country is more difficult. Therefore, the company is located slightly lower in the ranking.

As for the assortment, on the Russian market there are air circuit breakers Power Break II, models in a molded case Record Plus, as well as modular equipment with DIN-bar mounting. Consumers speak highly of the uninterrupted operation of the machines for many years. Dissatisfaction is caused by the meager range of products in the retail chain.


Country: France

The products of the French company Legrand are very well known on the domestic market of electrical products. The popularity of circuit breakers of this brand can be judged by numerous reviews and comments on thematic forums. Legrand invariably appears among the leaders in various ratings, and many experts call the brand the best European manufacturer. The company operates in 90 countries around the world, supplying about 230 thousand products. The manufacturer has more than 3.8 thousand patented developments.

Professional electricians attribute the popularity of the brand to the high quality of products that have been produced for decades. But lately there have been defective products and outright counterfeits. The disadvantage of Legrand machines is their high price.


Country: France

The products of the French company Schneider Electric are well known in different countries of the world. The brand presented a wide range of its electrical equipment in Russia. There are 5 production sites and several logistics centers successfully operating in our country. The concern offers not only sockets and circuit breakers, but also system solutions for equipping enterprises with electrical products. Domestic consumers with different incomes can choose a suitable machine for their power grid.

Electricians recommend that owners of apartments and private houses use single-phase 16-amp circuit breakers of the EASY 9 series, which successfully combine affordability and quality. The switches are securely mounted on a DIN rail, and the electrical wires are secured with clamping bolt contacts. The machine immediately operates when the specified range is exceeded. The brand deservedly ranks among the top three in our ranking.


Country: Sweden-Switzerland

The leading position in the electrical engineering market is occupied by the Swedish-Swiss company ABB (Asea Brown Boveri Ltd). The brand appeared in 1988, when two well-known manufacturers Asea (Sweden) and Brown, Boveri & Cie (Switzerland) merged. Today, the main production sites are located in Germany, there are branches in many countries, including Russia.

Today, several dozen electrical products come out of the ABB assembly line. Automatic switches are distinguished by impeccable quality and durable operation. This was achieved by the company's employees thanks to unique developments and high-quality technologies. The main disadvantage is the high price. But the best machine gun cannot be cheap. Many domestic users understand this, giving preference to single-pole circuit breakers SH201 25A 4.5kA and SH201L B16 4.5kA.

Rating of the best manufacturers of circuit breakers

The best foreign manufacturers of circuit breakers1Schneider Electric5.0
The best domestic manufacturers of circuit breakers1KEAZ5.0
The best Chinese circuit breaker manufacturers1CHINT4.5

Top 5 Russian manufacturers of electric machines

1 No. 1 - Contactor

This enterprise is a leader in almost all ratings of domestic manufacturers. It produces both classic machines and devices for industry. A series of household switches is designated “KPRO” and is designed for current up to 100 A. These are powerful and reliable devices, well protected, easy to install and have protective covers. There is also an adjustment that provides protection against short circuit and overload.


  • protection adjustment
  • good response range
  • certified equipment
  • good level of protection for installed equipment


  • ugly design
  • dangerous if installed carelessly

2 No. 2 – Svetozar

Russian company with a plant in Volgograd. It produces lighting equipment, as well as automatic switches. All products are certified and manufactured in accordance with GOST. All models are equipped with a good contact group that is durable. The range includes the Premium and Master lines with current ratings ranging from 10-63 A. Triggering occurs at values ​​of 4.5-10 kA. It is noted that the machines do not heat up even when very powerful devices are connected, and the spark arresting chambers are sealed.


  • nice price
  • presence of viewing windows
  • a large assortment
  • durable contact groups
  • don't warm up


  • poor quality cases

3 No. 3 – KEAZ

A brand that has been operating since the 45th year of the twentieth century and has huge production capacities that allow it to produce a lot of equipment. The product range includes two lines of devices. KEAZ - time-tested automatic machines. The second line is KEAZ Optima - modern devices created on the basis of the latest developments. There are models for both AC and DC current.


  • time-tested brand
  • a large assortment
  • in stock - accessories for machines
  • nice price
  • compact dimensions


  • all new models are expensive
  • short-lived

4 No. 4 – DEKraft

This is a brand owned by the Delixi Electric company, which is relatively young, but its products are very popular and are in demand not only in the Russian Federation, but also in some foreign countries (in Europe, the brand’s products are sold under the name Himel). The production facilities themselves are located in Asia, thanks to which the manufacturer manages to keep the price of devices low. Machines from the brand are recognized as one of the most durable and reliable - models can withstand up to 6 thousand shutdowns.


  • ISO certified products
  • high reliability
  • durability
  • low cost


  • there is a current limit of 63 A
  • not suitable for all wires

5 No. 5 – IEK

The main production facilities of this company are also located in Asia, but our brand is Russian. The product range includes thousands of all kinds of electrical appliances, including about 200 switches with ratings from 0.5 to 64 A. The product line is constantly updated and improved, which is facilitated by the presence of its own laboratory and constant testing of products in Europe. The prices are very reasonable and the quality is good. In addition, the equipment is very easy to connect, and the information window allows you to easily assess the status of the contacts.


  • low price
  • high quality control
  • a large assortment
  • ease of connection
  • reliability


  • You can buy a defective device
  • service life may be short

The best foreign manufacturers of circuit breakers

Now let's move directly to the review of the best manufacturers. The most reliable and long-lasting products are foreign goods. Here is a list of companies that produce them.

Schneider Electric

Rating: 5.0

Despite the German sound of the name, Schneider Electric is a French company. The manufacturer has been producing voltage supply products since 1836. The company's catalog offers circuit breakers with one, two or three poles. The place where the wires are connected is securely hidden from accidental touches. Most of the products are modular and are designed to be mounted on a busbar in a distribution panel. Buyers like the reviews about the accuracy of the circuit breaker from the French manufacturer. It reacts to each new ampere of power consumption and will prevent the core from overheating and the cable winding from melting.

Our experts identified the manufacturer as the best in the production of circuit breakers for high-power factories. The company's catalog offers not only household series 10-32 A, but also 100-800 A, capable of ensuring the safety of cables from large press machines, electric cranes and huge pumps.


  1. reliable operation;
  2. strong fixation of cores in terminals;
  3. react to short-term current surges;
  4. serve for 10-15 years.


  1. high price;
  2. the case is not protected from dust;
  3. To tighten the terminal screw, you need a thin screwdriver.


Rating: 4.9

In second place is the manufacturer ABB, which appeared in 1988 thanks to the merger of two companies (BBC and Asea). The company's headquarters are currently located in Zurich, Switzerland. The manufacturer specializes in electrical engineering, industrial automation, and robotics. The company's factories operate not only in their homeland, but also in Italy, Germany and Sweden. The manufacturer offers circuit breakers of type B (for apartments, houses, offices), C (small workshops, garages), and D (for circuits with high loads of active-inductive type). The position of the switch toggle switch is clearly marked on each case so that the user can easily navigate. Judging by the reviews, the craftsmen like the strong fit of the circuit breakers on the ABB bus, where everything is attached tightly and compactly.

Our experts considered the manufacturer to be the best due to the long service life of the products. Even the simplest household series SH201 is designed for 20,000 operation cycles. And the special XT1B line can withstand up to 25,000 cycles without breakdowns.


  1. reliable operation;
  2. “automatic machines” are assembled with high quality;
  3. narrow body takes up little space on the tire;
  4. It is convenient to tighten the terminal screws.


  1. high price;
  2. the number of operation cycles of the semi-professional S803C series automatic machines is up to 4000 times.


Rating: 4.8

The third place of honor is occupied by another French manufacturer LEGRAND. The company was founded in 1860 and is now headquartered in Limoges. The priority industries are structured cabling systems, protective switching equipment, and automation systems. The manufacturer offers three series of automatic switches. RX³ is the company's very first product designed for use in residential premises, offices and small workshops. In this category there are automatic circuit breakers for 6-63 A with a shutdown threshold of 4.5 kA. For shops, shopping centers and administrative buildings, the company offers the TX³ line with a rating of 6-63 A, which differs from the previous breaking capacity of 6-10 kA. For production and factories, LEGRAND has a third series DX³ with circuit breakers up to 250A, and an operating threshold of 36 kA.

In our opinion, this manufacturer is the best in terms of equipment for “automatic machines”. Here you can find models with adjustment of the electromagnetic release, which helps to adjust the accuracy of the breaker operation depending on the connected devices.


  1. reliable isolation of input poles;
  2. convenient switch keys;
  3. can be used at temperatures from +30 to -30 degrees;
  4. models for 220 and 380 V with 1-3 poles.


  1. high price;
  2. The terminal clamp screws are set deep.


Rating: 4.7

The review continues with a manufacturer from Germany. SIEMENS headquarters are located in Berlin. The company was founded in 1847. The concern specializes in electrical engineering, lighting equipment, medical devices and electronics. The manufacturer's catalog offers circuit breakers with currents of 6-32 A for home and office, as well as industrial versions of 32-300 A, designed for one, two or three poles. They can be operated at temperatures from -25 to +45 degrees. In reviews, electricians like the increased protection of the circuit breaker housing from dust with a degree of IP40 (competitors have IP20). This ensures the cleanliness of contacts and reliable operation.

Experts drew attention to the manufacturer due to the presence of differential circuit breakers in the catalog. This is complex equipment that combines the functionality of a simple “automatic machine” and an RCD. Such a device will not only protect the apartment from fire in the event of a short circuit, but will also prevent a person from being injured by electric current that “goes” to the body of the refrigerator or washing machine.


  1. it is convenient to reach the screws for tightening the terminals;
  2. precise operation;
  3. sealed enclosures;
  4. wide range of current ratings for domestic and industrial use.


  1. narrow handle of the toggle switch - you can break your nail when turning it on;
  2. stick out from the tire by 68 mm;
  3. high price.


Rating: 4.6

This is an American manufacturer established in 1878. The company produces medical equipment, household and photo equipment, and light bulbs. She even has contracts for the military industry. The range of “automatic machines” is divided into two categories. G are intended for low-voltage electrical networks with operating ratings from 6 to 40 A and sensitivity of 6 kA. To complement them, the company produces Tele L2 independent releases, which are attached to the body of automatic circuit breakers. For production, the company offers the Hti line, designed for currents up to 125 A. All equipment can be used at temperatures of -40...+50 degrees.

According to the magazine's editors, this manufacturer is the best because it produces a rare type of four-pole circuit breakers. This type of breaker is used in conditions of high probability of electric shock, where it is necessary to de-energize even the neutral wire (for example, emergency vehicles with a welding generator set).


  1. reliable insulation of the wire input;
  2. comfortable toggle switches with reliefs;
  3. household and industrial series;
  4. number of poles from 1 to 4.


  1. high price;
  2. Terminal screws are for Phillips slots only.


Rating: 4.5

The German concern Moeller continues the category of foreign manufacturers. The company has existed since 1899 and is now headquartered in Bonn, Germany. The company specializes in electrical equipment, automation equipment and low-voltage networks. The concern has representative offices in 90 countries. Products are manufactured in 15 factories, so the country of manufacture for a particular product may be the USA, Japan or Korea. Recently, the manufacturer introduced a new brand, Eaton, so semi-automatic devices are sold under this name. The range is divided into the household series PL 4-7, and FAZ, which are suitable for current strengths of 6-63 A. Their short-circuit current varies from 4.5 to 10 kA. For production, the company offers the BZM1-3 line, designed for 125-400 A. In reviews, customers are satisfied with the long service life of the products.

Our experts paid attention to the visual convenience of monitoring the position of the switch lever. Below it there is a window showing the status of the device in color (red or green). This allows you to understand from a distance whether an operation has occurred.


  1. most switches are designed for 20,000 operation cycles;
  2. the terminals are located deep in the housing;
  3. soft pads on the levers;
  4. strong fixation on the splint.


  1. the body of the “machine gun” collects dust;
  2. The BZM series has a small toggle switch.


Rating: 4.4

Rounding out this category is the imported brand Hager, which originated in 1955 in Germany. Now the manufacturer has factories for the production of electrical products both in its homeland and in France. Hager switches belong to the premium class. The assortment contains models with ratings from 0.5 to 125 A. Products are divided into two large series M and N, each of which has subcategories (MB, MC, NBN, NCN, NDN). For production, the company has automatic type power switches with a rating of up to 1600 A. Electricians in the reviews like that here you can find rare “automatic circuit breakers” with a breaking value of 70 kA.

The manufacturer was added to the review of the best due to the special geometry of the terminal, which cannot be connected incorrectly. This eliminates the possibility of poor contact and overheating of the wiring. The company also tries to maintain the same external dimensions of the switches, despite the regular release of new types. This allows you to combine new series with old ones in one panel if you need to replace the device.


  1. There are switches with characteristics A, B, C and D;
  2. prefabricated and solid housings;
  3. current range 16 -1600 A;
  4. There are thermomagnetic devices.


  1. high price;
  2. slippery levers.

Rating of electric machines by reliability

User ratings of circuit breakers for quality and reliability include several devices.

1st place - SH201L B16 from ABB

SH201L B16 from ABB
According to consumer reviews, it is better to choose electric machines from ABB. The single-pole device is designed for a rated power of 16 A, alternating voltage type. Rated breaking capacity – 4.5 kA.


  • compatible with electromagnetic and thermal dissipators;
  • rated voltage 230 V;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • attaches to DIN rail.


  • high price;
  • disposable grooves.

2nd place – Power Break II from General Electric

Power Break II from General Electric
American air machines are designed for long-term operation. The rms value is 200 thousand A, the rated voltage is up to 240 V.


  • presence of insulation;
  • current 200-4000 A;
  • comfortable handle.


  • intended for combination tires only;
  • difficult to purchase offline.

3rd place – KPRO series from Kontaktor

KPRO from Kontaktor
Russian models of this series can be taken for domestic needs. They support current up to 100 A, are installed in housings, and are covered with casings.


  • availability of protection adjustment;
  • Customs Union certification;
  • current range 16-100 A.

Cons: small number of models in the line, contacts are not recessed in the body.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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