What kind of outlet is needed for an electric oven? Is a regular one suitable?

Home » Sockets » How to correctly position the socket for an oven 09/06/2015 When designing a box for an oven, not all home owners and furniture assemblers remember one important feature: it is necessary to correctly position the socket of the device, choosing the most suitable place for it. To do this, you need to follow certain rules.

What sockets are needed for powerful equipment?

The oven requires power sockets of 16-32 A, depending on the technical characteristics of the equipment.
The cable and socket for the oven should be selected according to the power of the device. It is usually indicated in the technical documentation for the equipment. Basically, ovens operate at a voltage of 220/380 V. The current strength here is 25/32 A. It all depends on whether the equipment in front of the master is single-phase or three-phase.

More often, the following sockets for stoves and ovens are used for powerful cabinets:

  • For 16 A and 220 V. Designed for standard household appliances with a power of up to 3.5 kW.
  • At 32A/220 V. Used with single-phase ovens with a power of 3.6-7 kW.
  • At 20 A/380 V. Designed for three-phase equipment.

All power points for powerful equipment are grounded. Therefore, they have more terminals than standard elements. For single-phase sockets, there are two supply points and one ground. Three-phase ones have 3 feeders, one for grounding, one for zero (5 in total).

Location of sockets in the kitchen

Today I have a useful article, it sounds like the location of sockets in the kitchen. In my article I will not give out complex diagrams and drawings; today’s article is for those who do the repairs themselves. Of course, if you order a design project, then all the sockets in the kitchen will be calculated for you, and the distance will be almost up to a millimeter. But let’s say you don’t have 30-50 thousand for a design project and you decide to do the wiring in the kitchen yourself, then this article is just for you...

There should be a lot of sockets in the kitchen. And here, the more, the better. It is in my kitchen of 13 square meters that there are 10 double sockets, that is, I can simultaneously connect 20 electrical appliances. “A lot,” you say! “YES, nothing like that,” I’ll say. Here are a few points to help you position your outlets correctly.

1) First, you need to understand that sockets are made for electrical appliances and there is no need to just leave them like that. Therefore, you need to keep in mind a ready-made plan for the kitchen unit (kitchen), the location of the refrigerator, TV, and additional lighting (if needed).

Possibility of connecting the oven to a regular outlet

It is not recommended to connect the oven to a regular outlet. Fire safety standards establish that separate power lines must be installed for powerful kitchen appliances. This is due to the fact that oven and frying equipment consumes more power than standard appliances: washing machine, hair dryer, kettle, etc. If you do not make a separate line, the machine will constantly work in the house or an emergency will arise due to melting/ignition of weaker wiring .

The exception is ovens with a power of up to 3.5 kW. They can operate from a standard outlet.

Locations for installing power points

The oven socket cannot be installed in the following areas of the kitchen, according to established standards:

  • on the wall in close proximity to hot equipment;
  • in the area of ​​wet objects: washing, draining, water pipes;
  • at a height much larger than the working surface;
  • near gas pipes - sockets are removed from them by at least 40 cm;
  • in close proximity to the floor - it is advisable to raise the power point 15-20 cm from its level, ideally 100 cm.

A good area to install a power point is the wall under the countertop - under the built-in furniture. In this case, access to the outlet is always open, and the area where it is located remains dry. Connecting the plug to the socket is very simple here.

Craftsmen recommend refraining from the decision to make an outlet behind the oven. The feeding point should be located in a dry place accessible to the owner’s eye. It should not be exposed to temperature changes. And in any case, this is inevitable when the cabinet is operating.

Another point worth considering is the operation of the combi oven (steam supply to industrial installations). Even in small quantities, condensation can settle on an outlet located behind the equipment. This is already an assumption of an emergency situation.

A power point installed immediately behind the cabinet may prevent it from being organically integrated into the overall “ensemble” of the kitchen. The equipment will unsightly protrude beyond the same common line with the furniture.

Electric stove socket installation height

First of all, let's look directly at the installation height. On the one hand, we need to be able to easily remove the voltage from our heating device if necessary. On the other hand, it is advisable to hide the outlet from prying eyes.

Installing an outlet behind the stove

At the moment, there are three most common ways to solve the problem of installing an outlet for an electric stove:

  • Firstly , the stove socket can be installed, like other sockets, in rooms at a height of 10 - 15 cm from the floor level.
  • The second option involves installing the socket 5–10 cm above the level of the countertop, slightly away from the stove itself.
  • And the third option completely eliminates the installation of a separate outlet for the stove.

Let's look at the arguments for each of these methods. When installing an outlet according to the first option, we visually hide it from our field of view, but getting to such an outlet will be somewhat more difficult.

On the other hand, it is extremely necessary for us to remove the voltage from the socket only during washing, or in emergency situations. Based on this, this option is now one of the most common.

Installing an outlet above the countertop

If you decide to install the socket slightly above the level of the countertop, then it will be much more convenient for you to operate the plug, but the appearance of your kitchen may suffer from this. If you are going to remove the plug from the socket every time you finish cooking, then we must warn you.

This will lead to weakening of the contacts and possible contamination of the contact part. Therefore, this option is not the most successful.

Connecting an electric stove without an outlet

The last possible option is to connect the electric stove without an outlet at all. This method involves connecting a cable from a circuit breaker in the apartment panel, directly connected to the terminal block of the stove.

To relieve tension while cleaning the stove, or in emergency situations, the instructions advise using a circuit breaker in the apartment panel. The only drawback of this method is the impossibility of moving the slab after installation, but as practice shows, this is done very rarely.

Power determination

Power is the main parameter that determines the choice of outlet to which you can connect later when installing the oven. To calculate it, you need to divide the amount of power consumed by the equipment (for example, 3.5 kW) by the network voltage. Typically, the master receives a value of 16, 20 or 32 A. This socket indicator will allow you to safely install, connect and operate the oven.

Parameters to consider

When connecting the oven and hob to the electrical outlet, it is important to pay attention to the type of appliance plug. More often it is presented in the European standard. Therefore, you need to buy a socket from the same class. Otherwise, the money will be wasted.

Additionally, it is advisable to pay attention to the material of the inside of the socket. It is better if these are ceramic rather than aluminum components. Only under such conditions will the power point withstand a continuous cycle of operation of the equipment for 2-3 hours (standard mode for oven equipment).

In order to de-energize the kitchen as quickly as possible in the event of an emergency, it is better to provide 32 A circuit breakers in the distribution panel.

Socket installation diagrams

Installation diagram of equipment and sockets
Connecting the power point can be done in the following ways:

  • Open installation. Provides for the use of an overhead socket on the wall. Power points must be installed openly on wooden walls. This is regulated by the PUE. It is prohibited to embed either wiring or sockets into the tree. For concrete, brick, gas blocks, the open installation method is at the discretion of the master, if it fits into the overall concept of the kitchen interior.
  • Hidden way. Involves inserting a socket into the wall. This method is most often used when carrying out major renovations in the kitchen or before finishing, since the work is quite dirty. You will have to significantly damage the tiled kitchen apron. However, for an experienced master this is not a problem.

From a fire safety point of view, the open method of installing sockets is more preferable. In addition, they can be easily built into kitchen cabinets or tables.

How to move a socket?

Sometimes, during the renovation process, it is necessary to make changes to the design of the arrangement of furniture and household appliances and, as a result, adjust the placement of sockets. It’s good if it is possible to hire people who will do everything quickly and without your participation. And if not?

In practice, moving sockets is not so labor-intensive and is a completely realistic process that can be done with your own hands. The most difficult thing to do is to make a recess for installing a new mounting box.

If we are talking about a brick or plasterboard wall, there will be no problems with this. In the first case, you can get by with a chisel, drill and hammer, in the second - a crown or knife.

It is most difficult to move sockets in apartments or houses with reinforced concrete walls. In such situations, a special tool may be required. After the “socket box” is in place, it is enough to make a recess in the plaster (if any) to the thickness of the wire, or simply attach it to the wall surface using ties or clamps.

Power must be “pulled” from a nearby outlet. It is worth noting that the old “point” does not have to be preserved. It is possible to use a cable connection, which is possible using the simplest modern sockets.

If you do not plan to install fittings, you will need to use classic “terminal blocks”, the selection of which must be made taking into account the size of the wire cross-section. Thus, you can “multiply” and make the required number of power points and move them to the required location.

Transfer without scoring

The corresponding task can be assigned to a completed repair. Naturally, in order to move one socket and install it in the right place, there is absolutely no reason to “drill” the walls, re-plaster them and perform a fine finish.

Many homeowners, not understanding how to add a new outlet after renovation, are ready to pay incredible amounts of money in order to realize their idea. In reality, the problem is not as terrible as it might seem at first glance.

If the new “point” is out of sight, then laying an additional wire from another “invisible” socket (for example, behind the cabinets of a kitchen set), with a connection with “terminal blocks” or crimp sleeves, is quite suitable.

Instead of a built-in socket, you can purchase a special remote insulated analogue. The method is much better, more reliable and safer than using stationary extension cords.

Installing an additional socket or moving an existing socket in visible places is somewhat more difficult. The specifics for installing the wire are similar to those described above. The only difference is that you will need to additionally install a decorative cable channel.

Fortunately for many, today similar products are available for sale in different color options, so that it is relatively easy to choose the design to match the existing interior. The cable channel is fixed to the wall using dowels and screws. Additionally, you will need a hammer drill and a 6 mm drill.

Possible mistakes

Sometimes craftsmen make the following mistakes when installing sockets under the oven:

  • Lay a separate wire, grounding the power point to pipes and risers. This is life-threatening.
  • Connect other household kitchen appliances to the oven's power circuit. This provokes emergency situations.
  • Three-phase models of equipment are connected to a single-phase electrical line. Some of the hob burners will be blocked, and their indicators will show residual heat.

To choose the right socket for your oven, you must first read the technical documentation for it. You cannot use a double combination socket to connect a hob and oven at the same time. A separate powerful cable is pulled for each type of equipment. If both types of equipment are on the same supply line, this will trigger the machine.

In new buildings, the issue of connecting power lines to kitchen electrics is already provided for. Therefore, here it is easier for the master to connect with his own hands.

How to properly arrange sockets in the kitchen - height, quantity and placement

The kitchen space includes household appliances (stove, refrigerator, hood, microwave oven) that require separate connectors for power supply. In typical apartments, it is necessary to adjust the placement of sockets when carrying out repairs for the author's project. When drawing up the diagram, the parameters of the kitchen unit, the height and length of the walls, and window blocks are taken into account. Before placing sockets in the kitchen, you need to count the number of household electrical appliances.

Layout of sockets in the kitchen

When installing new kitchen furniture, you can use a ready-made professional scheme for work. In the absence of a drawing, it is necessary to think over a plan in accordance with the parameters of the space.

When designing the layout of sockets in the kitchen, the size and configuration of the unit are taken into account. A detailed drawing of the furniture is drawn up with parameters, including small elements (drawers, shelves), for an accurate plan of power supply sources for household appliances. Marking begins with large and built-in devices that are not planned to be moved. The next step is sockets from medium and compact devices; The drawing indicates the height and dimensions of the connection points.

The layout of electrical appliances for safe operation is regulated by regulatory documentation. The standards for the location of sockets are described in GOSTs 7396.1-89, 7397.0-89, 8594-80, data from SNiP 3.05.06-85.

Basic requirements regulate the installation height of sockets no more than 2 m in height from the floor covering. Electrical appliances are placed at a distance of no more than 1 m from the connector.

According to safety regulations, the location of sockets in the kitchen should be at a sufficient distance from steam and water splashes, and changes in temperature conditions.

The design and diagram depend on the type of sockets that are produced:

  • invoices;
  • corner;
  • retractable;
  • built-in (hidden).

The overhead elements are standard and are optimal for connecting open wiring. The designs are easy to install, but are not the most harmonious for kitchen spaces.

Corner power supply designs are popular in kitchen spaces because... functional, ergonomic. The elements are located at the joints of wall panels or walls and hanging racks. Corner connectors can be single or multi-part (modular), allowing efficient use of available space. Installation of structures is standard.

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