VVG cable: technical characteristics

Technical characteristics and service life

  1. AVVG cables are operated at ambient temperatures from minus 50 °C to plus 50 °C.
  2. The cables are operational at relative humidity up to 98% at temperatures up to 35 °C, according to GOST 15510-69.
  3. The electrical resistance of current-carrying conductors to direct current must comply with GOST 22483.
  4. Electrical insulation resistance of cores, 1 km length at a temperature of 20 °C, not less than:
      10 MOhm, for conductors with a nominal cross-section of 2.5 - 4 mm2;
  5. 9 MOhm, for conductors with a nominal cross-section of 6 mm2;
  6. 7 MOhm, for conductors with a nominal cross-section of 10 – 240 mm2.
  7. AC test voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz for AVVG cables
    Rated voltage, kVTest voltage, kV
  8. The warranty period for cables is 5 years from the date of commissioning.
  9. The service life of the AVVG cable is at least 30 years.

Main technical characteristics of cable VVG 5x6

We presented all the cable characteristics necessary for ordering and calculation in the form of a table.

Characteristic nameUnit change Meaning
GOSTGOST 31996-2012
Core class according to GOST 22483-20121
OKP code35 2122; 35 3371
Fire hazard classO1.
Operating temperature range°C-50 to 50
Minimum installation temperature°C-15
Duration of operationyears30
Mains voltageINup to 1000
AC frequency in the networkHz50 Hz
Allowable tensile forceN900
Maximum permissible core heating temperature during short circuit°C160
Short circuit duration, no moreWith5
Estimated mass (weight) of the cable, 0.66 kVkg/km462
Estimated mass (weight) of one meter of cable, 0.66 kVkg/m462/1000
Estimated mass (weight) of cable, 1 kVkg/km516
Estimated mass (weight) of one meter of cable, 1 kVkg/m516/1000
Allowable bending radiusmm165
Permissible current load when laying in airA46
Permissible current load when laying in the groundA59
Permissible one-second short circuit currentA0.65
Volume of combustible massl/km227
Core insulation resistanceMOhm/km9
Core insulation thickness, 1 kVmm1
Core insulation thickness, 0.66 kVmm0.7
Mass of non-ferrous metalg/m2.9
Maximum power when installed in air, 220 VkW13.49
Maximum power when installed in the ground, 220 VkW17.31
Maximum power when installed in air, 380 VkW30.27
Maximum power when installed in the ground, 380 VkW38.82
Core heating temperature based on non-ignition conditions°C350
Long-term permissible core heating temperature°C70
Permissible temperature in overload mode°C90
Electrical resistance of the conductorOhm/km3.08

Expert opinion

Chief Editor of LinijaOpory

Alexander Novikov is the main author and inspirer of our site. Author of diagrams and drawings.

Before making calculations, we recommend that you additionally request cable characteristics from the manufacturer!

Operating instructions:

  1. Table of maximum voltages of electrical networks for which the AVVG cable is used:
    Rated cable voltage, kVMaximum voltage of the three-phase network for which the cable is intended, kV
  2. AVVG cables must be used in accordance with the “Unified Technical Guidelines for the Selection and Use of Electrical Cables”.
  3. Cable laying must be carried out in accordance with the current “Electrical Installation Rules” (PUE) and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
  4. It is allowed to lay cables without preheating at a temperature not lower than minus 15 °C.
  5. The minimum bending radius during installation must be at least 7.5 Dn for multi-core cables and at least 10 Dn for single-core cables (Dn is the outer diameter of the cable, mm.)
  6. The long-term permissible heating temperature of the cores during operation should not exceed 70 °C.
  7. The maximum permissible core temperature during a short circuit should not exceed 160 °C. The duration of the short circuit should not exceed 4 seconds.
  8. The permissible heating of cable cores in emergency mode should not exceed 80 °C. The duration of cable operation in emergency mode should not exceed 8 hours per day and 1000 hours over the entire service life of the cable.
  9. AVVG cables can be used in DC networks at voltage values ​​2.4 times higher than the voltage between the core and the screen or metal sheath.
  10. The electrical insulation resistance per 1 km of length, measured at the long-term permissible heating temperature of the cable cores during operation, must be at least 0.005 MOhm.
  11. Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents must correspond to the table values:
    Nominal core cross-section, mm2Permissible current loads on cable AVVG, APermissible one-second short circuit current of AVVG cables, kA
    On airIn the groundOn airIn the groundOn airIn the ground


Power cables / Catalog / Power cables / Power cables with plastic insulation / AVVG

Power cables with plastic insulation are intended for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy in stationary electrical installations at rated alternating voltages of 0.66, 1 kV and 3 kV.

1. Preferred area of ​​application

Climatic modifications UHL and T, placement categories 1 and 5 according to GOST 15150-69. HL cables are intended for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy in stationary installations with a rated alternating voltage of 0.66; 1 rated frequency up to 100 Hz. Types of climatic modifications of cables HL, placement category 1, 2 and 5 according to GOST 15150.

2. Design

The conductor is aluminum or copper, single-wire or multi-wire.

The insulation is made of polyvinyl chloride plastic for cables of the brands AVVG, VVG, AVVGE, VVGE, AVVGng(A), VVGng(A), AVVGEng(A), VVGEng(A), AVBShv, VBShv, AVBShvng(A), VBShvng(A); for cables of brands APvVG, PvVG, APvVGE, PvVGE, APvVGng(A), PvVGng(A), APvVGEng(A), PvVGEng(A), APvBShv, PvBShv, APvBShvng(V), PvBShvng(V), APvBShp, PvBShp-iz silanol crosslinkable polyethylene.

The inner sheath of unarmored cables is made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound or chalk-filled unvulcanized rubber mixture. In armored cables of brands VBShv, AVBShv, PvBShv and APvBShv - from polyvinyl chloride plastic compound, in cables of brands APvBShp and PvBShp - from polyvinyl chloride plastic compound or polyethylene, in cables of brands AVBShvng(A), VBShvng(A), APvBShvng(V), PvBShvng(V) ) – made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound of reduced flammability.

The screen in shielded cables of the brands AVVGE, VVGE, AVVGEng(A), VVGEng(A), APvVGE, PvVGE, APvVGEng(A), PvVGEng(A) is made of copper tape or copper wires fastened with copper tape.

The sheath for cables of brands AVVG, VVG, AVVGE, VVGE, APvVG, PvVG, APvVGE, PvVGE is made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound, in cables of brands AVVGng(A), VVGng(A), AVVGEng(A), VVGEng(A), APvVGng(A) ), PvVGng(A), APvVGEng(A), PvVGEng(A) - made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound of reduced flammability.

The armor in armored cables of the brands AVBShv, VBShv, AVBShvng(A), VBShvng(A), APvBShv, PvBShv, APvBShvng(V), PvBShvng(V), APvBShp and PvBShp is made of flat galvanized steel strips.

The protective hose in armored cables of the brands AVBShv, VBShv, APvBShv, PvBShv is made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound, in cables of the brands AVBShvng(A), VBShvng(A), APvBShvng(V), PvBShvng(V) - from polyvinyl chloride plastic compound of reduced flammability, in cables APvBShp and PvBShp brands – made of polyethylene.

The nominal cross-section of the cores is from 1.5 to 1000 mm2, depending on the cable brand, number of cores and rated voltage.

Cables are made with one, two, three, four or five cores. Multicore cables are manufactured with cores of equal cross-section. Four-core cables may have one conductor of a smaller cross-section. HL cables are manufactured with one-, two-, three-, four- and five-core cables for a rated voltage of 0.66 and 1 kV with a frequency of 50 Hz. The current-carrying conductors of five-core power cables of category HL must be single- or multi-wire.

3. Installation and operating instructions

The operating temperature limits of the environment are from minus 50 °C to plus 50 °C (except for cables with a protective polyethylene hose) and relative air humidity up to 98% at temperatures up to 35 °C.

Cables with a protective polyethylene hose are designed for operation at ambient temperatures from minus 60°C to plus 50°C.

Cables of the HL category are intended for operation at ambient temperatures from minus 60°С to plus 50°С, cables of all brands with the index “ng” - from minus 50°С to plus 50°С, cables of all brands with the index “ng-ХЛ” -60" and "mb" - from minus 60°C to plus 50°C.

4. Cable characteristics

4.1 Permissible current loads of cables with insulation made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compounds

Nominal core cross-section, mm2Permissible current load of cables, A
on direct currenton alternating current*on alternating current*
with copper corewith aluminum corewith copper corewith aluminum corewith copper corewith aluminum core
on airin the groundon airin the groundon airin the groundon airin the groundon airin the groundon airin the ground

4.2 Permissible heating temperatures of conductors

Cable insulation material Long-term permissible core heating temperature, °C In overload mode Limit at short circuit According to the condition of non-ignition in case of short circuit
Polyvinyl chloride plastic compound 70 90 160/140* 350
Cross-linked polyethylene 90 130 250 400

*For cables with conductive cores with a cross-section of more than 300 mm

Application area

Cables of the VVGng brand are used for transmission and distribution of electric power with stationary installation at a rated alternating voltage of 0.66 kV and 1 kV frequency of 50 Hz.
VVGng cables are intended for use indoors, outdoors, electrical installations (ducts, pipes, trays, tunnels, etc.) in the absence of tensile loads on the cable.

VVGng cables are used in cases where increased fire safety is required to prevent the spread of combustion when laying cables in bundles. Corresponds to category A GOST 12176.


  • Brand? Abbreviation (marking), as a rule, each capital letter has the meaning of a property or design. AVVG
  • Number of cores? The power cable has from 1 to 5 cores. A cable with 1 core is used depending on the color of the core: g/h - grounding, blue (blue) - zero. white, red, black - phase colors. Cable with 2 cores used for zero and phase, 3 wires - zero, phase, 2
  • Cross-section of the core (mm/sq)? Section or cut area, measured in square millimeters. The throughput of the core depends on the cross-section, in other words, how many amperes the core can carry. The larger the cross-section, the lower the resistance (Ohm). For voltage, the cross-section is 10
  • Core material? Copper is the first most important core material, this is due to: 1) High electrical conductivity. 2) Sufficient mechanical strength. 3) Satisfactory corrosion resistance. Aluminum is the second most important core material according to the following points Aluminum
  • Insulation material? PVC - polyvinyl chloride (the most common insulation material, with advantages: low fire hazard, relatively high durability in gentle conditions, with disadvantages: toxicity of combustion products.) HDPE - polyethylene (the most resistant to PVC
  • Sheath material? Sheath (protective hose) - protects the insulation of the cores from external influences (mechanical, chemical, thermal, ultraviolet). PVC
  • Maximum weight (kg/m)? Weight is an estimate, actual values ​​may vary. 0.268
  • Maximum outer diameter (mm) 14.8
  • Electrical resistance of the core (ohm/km) 3.08
  • Allowable bending radius (mm) 148
  • Permissible current load when laying in air (A) 50
  • Permissible current load when laying in the ground (A) 59
  • Permissible one-second short circuit current (kA) 0.7
  • Rated alternating voltage (kV) 1
  • Operating temperature range (°C) from -50 to +50
  • Service life 30
  • OKP code 353 771
  • Fire hazard class according to GOST 31565-2012 O1.
  • Volume of combustible mass (l/km) 211
  • Core insulation resistance (MOhm/km) 7
  • Core insulation thickness (mm) 1
  • Weight of non-ferrous metal (g/m) 53.6
  • Core design ok
  • Maximum operating temperature (°C) 50
  • Minimum operating temperature (°C) -50
  • Maximum power when installed in air, 220V (kW) 14.67
  • Maximum power when installed in the ground, 220V (kW) 18.48
  • Maximum power when installed in air, 380V (kW) 32.9
  • Maximum power when installed in the ground, 380V (kW) 41.45
  • Type of execution according to GOST 31565-2012 Without designation
  • GOST 31996-2012
  • Core insulation thickness 0.66 Kv (mm) 0.9
  • Core insulation color Gray, Blue
  • Core class according to GOST 22483-2012 1
  • Maximum core diameter 3.7
  • Outer diameter 0.66 kV (mm) 14.4
  • Estimated mass 0.66 kV (kg/km) 255
  • Maximum design weight (kg/km) 268
  • Long-term permissible core heating temperature 70
  • Limit heating temperature of cores 160
  • Heating temperature of the cores under the condition of non-ignition 350
  • Allowable traction force (N) 1000
  • Permissible temperature in overload mode 90
  • Minimum installation temperature -15
  • Minimum installation temperature -15
  • AVVG 2x10
    - power cable with 2 aluminum cores with a cross-section of 10 square millimeters, insulated and sheathed from polyvinyl chloride plastic.

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