Choosing a heater for your home: a complete guide

Good day to all! What is so necessary in winter when the batteries are either turned off, or when they provide little heat - that’s right, heaters. Heaters help us maintain a comfortable room temperature in winter.

Sometimes heating batteries is simply not enough, or heaters are used where there is no heating system, these are garages, cottages, pavilions, kiosks, etc. Before using a heater, you should first calculate how much electricity heating devices consume, and how much you will have to pay for electricity. Today we'll try to figure it out.

So, the most popular heaters are the following types:

Fan heater

A fan heater is a small gun, inside there is a coil that heats up and a fan that quickly disperses the heat; this is the cheapest and most accessible option for heating a room. The air combustion of this device is the strongest, unlike others, so its use requires periodicity, that is, switching on with short breaks. Another disadvantage of this type is the noise of the fan; there is no noise in other heaters.

Principle of operation

Infrared devices are leaders in saving electrical energy among heating systems, and also have a lot of additional advantages:

  • do not reduce the amount of oxygen in the air;
  • due to the rays hitting objects directly, they are well suited for large areas: shops, cafes, restaurants;
  • heat rooms three times faster than conventional heat sources;
  • distribute heat evenly in the upper and lower layers of air;
  • not dangerous to the body. Moreover, infrared ray therapy treats colds, relieves excess weight, cellulite, and stomach problems;
  • built-in regulator provides automatic switching on and off;
  • the created temperature difference between heated objects and air has a beneficial effect on health;
  • quiet operation;
  • maintain optimal humidity in the room and protect the air from dust;
  • work great outdoors, including in winter;
  • protect from fires;
  • combined with the operation of additional ventilation devices;
  • accessible installation unlike heating cable;
  • long service life;
  • highly aesthetic.

Convection heater

Convection heater - considered one of the safest heaters, the principle of operation of a convection heater is mixing and circulation of air layers, at the bottom of the convector there is a grill through which air enters, and already heated air exits through the holes at the top. The convector has protection against tipping over and overheating; this type of heater can be hung on the wall for convenience; it has a flat shape and small size.

Infrared heater

Infrared heater - the operating principle of such a heater is based on infrared radiation, which heats various objects in the room, and the objects heat the air, this is the most natural way of heating the air. The oxygen combustion rate, in contrast to other heater models, is much lower.

Each type of heater has its own recommended room volume to fully warm it up.

Calculator for calculating the required power of an electric heater

Electric heating of premises can always come to the aid of the main heating system, replace it in the autumn or spring off-season, and in special cases, even become the main source of heat in the winter. It all depends on the thermal power of the purchased electric heaters.

Calculator for calculating the required power of an electric heater

Despite the wide variety of modern electric heating devices - convectors, fan heaters, oil radiators, infrared emitters, etc., the power parameter for any of them is decisive. It is this that shows the operational potential that the manufacturer has built into this product. This means that before you go to the store to make a purchase, you need to clearly understand what evaluation criterion to use when choosing a particular model. A calculator for calculating the required power of an electric heater will help with this.

Some necessary explanations on the procedure for carrying out calculations will be given below.

Calculator for calculating the required power of an electric heater

Go to calculations

Explanations for calculating heater power

The calculator program is based on taking into account the characteristics of the room in which the electric heater is supposed to be used.

Prices for electric heaters

Electric heaters

  • First of all, it is necessary to decide what mission will be assigned to the device - whether it will become only a “help” for heating, or it is necessary to provide an option when the heater will have to cope with the function of the main heat source.
  • The area of ​​the room is the initial value for calculations.
  • External walls - the more there are, the higher the total amount of heat loss that requires some compensation.
  • Walls on the northern and eastern sides almost never receive “solar charge”, unlike the southern and southwestern ones.
  • Walls located on the windward side cool much faster than others - this is taken into account in the calculation algorithm.
  • When indicating temperature levels, record lows should not be indicated - this should be a value that is typical for the region of residence in the coldest decade of winter. Thus, the calculator will already take into account the existing climatic features.
  • Degree of wall insulation. If thermal insulation work was carried out fully, based on the thermal engineering calculations carried out, then the walls can be classified as high-quality insulated. A brick wall approximately 400÷500 mm thick, and similar ones, can qualify for an average degree of insulation. Walls without any insulation at all, in theory, should not be considered at all, since in such a room, even with prohibitively high energy consumption, a comfortable microclimate still cannot be achieved. Purchasing an electric heater in such conditions becomes a pointless undertaking.
  • Ceiling height affects the overall volume of the room.
  • The next two input windows are the nature of the rooms located above and below the room in question. Naturally, the amount of heat loss through the upper and lower ceilings depends on their characteristics.
  • Next is a block of fields relating to the windows in the room. It is necessary, first of all, to indicate the type of windows - the calculator will take into account their heat-saving capabilities. Next, after specifying the number and size of windows, the program will calculate the glazing coefficient (relative to the area of ​​the room) and make appropriate adjustments in the calculations.
  • Finally, the room may have one or even several usable doors that open onto the street or into unheated rooms. Naturally, every time such a door is opened, a considerable volume of cooled air enters the room, which will require additional consumption of thermal power.

The result is given in watts and kilowatts. Based on these parameters, it will be possible to evaluate the electric heater model you like in the store.

How to choose the right electric heater?

In addition to power, there are many other criteria for evaluating such devices - dimensions, safety in operation, ease of use, mobility, degree of automation and others. Read more about the aspects of choosing energy-saving electric heaters in a special publication on our portal.

What affects the electricity consumption of a heater?

The main characteristic by which you can determine how long the heater will run is the power consumption of the device. The higher it is, the correspondingly greater the electricity consumption will be. It is also worth noting that consumption depends on the mode in which it operates.

Convection heaters generally have an energy consumption of 750 W, 1 kilowatt, 1500 Watt 2 kW, maybe more. For fan heaters, consumption is 1500-2000 W per hour. For oil-based ones, the same limits range from 1000 to 2000 W/hour.

Let's calculate how much electricity the heater will consume if it operates at full power of 2000 W. In total we get 2 kW per hour. If we assume that in winter the heater heats for an hour and rests for 2 hours, we get 8 hours of operation.

2*8 = 16 kW per day, and if we take the average price for 1 kW of electricity as 4 rubles, then we get 16*4 = 64 rubles. in a day. The numbers may be lower if you initially use it at full power for a couple of hours and then use a lower consumption mode to maintain the temperature.

Based on the data obtained during the calculations, you can calculate how much electricity the heater will consume in 1 month and for the entire cold period.

Thus, in order to determine how much electricity a heater consumes, it is enough to know its power consumption in the absence of operating modes, and if there are heating modes, to know how much electricity each consumes.

Oil heating radiators will be indispensable assistants during the period when the air temperature in the room becomes too low and uncomfortable for living. They serve as additional sources of heat in the off-season, when the central heating system is not yet operating. The devices are used on cool days in the country house, country house, garage, construction trailer, etc.

How much does an oil heater consume per day?

This type of heater burns a small amount of oxygen and consumes little electricity. In addition, they are not as fire hazardous as other devices.

The disadvantages are high cost and heavy weight. On average, an oil heater consumes 750W per hour. More powerful heaters consume about 1 kW. But you can find devices with less power.

Since the device operates several hours a day, electricity consumption is significantly less.

Oil heater

The higher the power of the device, the more electricity it consumes. When the device is turned off and in rest mode, it does not waste energy. Despite some disadvantages, there are more advantages. That is why it is popular among residents of private houses. You can calculate the amount of electricity consumed after 1 month of using the device.

Design and principle of operation of the heater

The operating principle and design of the oil heater are the same for all types of such devices. It is a sealed metal structure consisting of several sections. The working fluid is mineral oil, which is heated by a tubular electric heater located inside the device. The heated oil transfers thermal energy to the housing, which already heats the air in the room.

Understanding how a household oil heater works and works, it is much easier to decide on the choice of model.

Classification of oil radiators

Oil electric heating devices are classified as follows:

  1. Floor radiators. The most popular and widespread type of oil heaters. The device is equipped with special wheels for ease of movement. Often such devices are universal in terms of installation type, i.e. they allow the use of both floor mounting and wall mounting.
  2. Wall radiators. Using the brackets that come with these heaters, they are hung on the wall. Compared to floor-mounted structures, wall-mounted modifications are less powerful and have lower heat transfer.
  3. Baseboard heaters. The latest modified development of the device with wall mounting. The device is placed at the bottom of the wall, which ensures good air circulation. It is used as a full-fledged heat source, which is an alternative to central heating.
  4. Heaters with thermostat. In order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the device for a long time and reduce energy consumption, electronic thermostats are built into the heaters, maintaining the set temperature and eliminating possible changes.
  5. Heaters with fan. To speed up air heating, the devices are equipped with built-in fans, which additionally redistribute the flow of air masses. A negative point inherent in these varieties is the noise when the fan operates.

How much energy does an infrared heater consume?

On average, such a heater consumes 0.5 kW per hour. This indicator indicates a high efficiency compared to other heating devices. If it works for about 10 hours a day, then it will consume 150 kWh per month. This electricity consumption can be considered a good indicator.

When purchasing a heater, you need to pay attention to the electricity consumption and power of the device. When choosing an infrared heater, power calculations must be made taking into account the area of ​​the room, so as not to overpay for unnecessary electricity consumption.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oil-fired electric heating radiators have a number of positive qualities, including:

  1. Compactness. These batteries take up little space.
  2. Mobility. Thanks to wheels, most models can be easily moved from room to room.
  3. Safety. The metal body does not heat up above +60…+70°C, which eliminates the possibility of burns and injuries. All working elements heated to high temperatures are located inside the casing.
  4. Silence. Oil batteries do not make noise during operation (except for models equipped with fans).
  5. They do not dry out the air in the room, do not burn out oxygen and do not emit unpleasant odors (compared to devices with open heating elements).
  6. Reasonable price.
  7. Easy to use. You just need to plug the cord into a power outlet and follow simple rules.

The disadvantages of such structures include the following qualities:

  1. Inertia. Mineral oil takes a long time to reach operating temperature (due to its large heat capacity) and the room heats up slowly. But the liquid does not cool down immediately, gradually releasing the accumulated heat.
  2. Quite a lot of weight and dimensions, which is not always convenient. The disadvantage is compensated by the presence of wheels.

How to calculate the heater power?

All modern appliances are equipped with thermostats that allow you to maintain a certain temperature. The type of heater itself has little effect on the efficiency of its operation - it is important to make the correct calculation.

To warm the air in an apartment, you need to use a convector to maintain the air temperature with a certain heat capacity.

When calculating the heater power, the following indicators are taken into account:

  1. Minimum outdoor temperature in winter.
  2. Comfortable temperature in the room.
  3. Air density – 1.3 kg/m3.
  4. The heat capacity of air is 0.001 MJ.
  5. Heat 1 MJ – 0.277 kW/h

The amount of heat required to warm up a particular room can be calculated using the formula: c = Q/m(t2 - t1), where c is the specific heat capacity, Q is heat, m is air mass.

Let's transform the formula, we get: Q=c*m*(t2-t1), now we need to find out the mass of air in the room.

The formula for calculating it is simple: m= ϱ*P*h, where ϱ is the air density, P is the area of ​​the room, h is the height.

Thus, the heat consumption formula takes on the formula: kWt= 0.277*c*ϱ*P*h*(t2-t1).

So, you can calculate the approximate energy costs for heating a small room (40 sq. m. with a ceiling height of 3 m. at a minimum temperature of 10 and the required temperature of +20).

kWt= 0.277*0.001*1.3*3*40*30= 1.29636 (kW/h).

How to choose an oil heater, which one is better

To understand which oil heater is better, you need to consider a number of important characteristics:

  1. Power. The most important parameter to choose from is the power of the heating device. It is believed that it is optimal to take heaters at the rate of 1 kW per 10 m² of area. It is recommended to purchase a radiator with a power reserve so that it does not constantly work at maximum and does not exhaust its resource too quickly. For rooms with a large area, it is better to take several low-power devices and place them in different places in the room than to use 1 powerful device. This way the heating will be more uniform.
  2. Width and thickness of sections. These indicators should have average values. Excessively thick sections take a long time to heat up, which directly affects energy costs. Narrow sections heat up faster, but have a small area and less heat transfer.
  3. Weight. Structurally, oil heaters cannot be lightweight. If a large-sized device has a suspiciously small mass, then you should not choose it. Such a device may be made of thin metal or the oil level in it may be lower than required.
  4. Power switch. The presence of different power modes, overheating protection functions and an adjustable thermostat significantly increases the efficiency of the device and reduces energy costs.
  5. Humidifier. Such heaters dry the air to a much lesser extent than similar heating devices. But with prolonged use, the humidity may decrease, so it is recommended to use devices equipped with a water container. This is especially important for residential premises (bedrooms, children's rooms, etc.).
  6. Built-in fan. To increase the heating speed, manufacturers equip heaters with fans that promote rapid movement of air flows. This way the heat spreads throughout the room more efficiently.
  7. Functionality and safety. The best oil heaters are equipped with overheat protection, a protective cover (for children's rooms), remote control and other useful features.

Which heater is the most energy efficient?

Before the start of the heating season, it is worth considering in advance which equipment will be optimal for your home.

There are several types of heaters:

  • Electric (convector).
  • Infrared.
  • Micathermic.
  • Air conditioner.
  • Ceramic plate (panel).

Electric heater in the interior

Electric convector

Its operating principle is similar to that of an oil cooler. Air circulates through the heating element. The heated air rises and, after cooling, falls to reheat.

The most popular are Atlantic models. The power of convectors varies from 0.5 to 2.5 kW. To heat a room of 20 sq. m. it will take 4-5 hours.

Electric convector Atlantic

Infrared heater

Oil and electrical products have been replaced by a new type of heating equipment. The energy consumption of such equipment is significantly less. A quartz emitter is a heating element that heats up and transfers heat to nearby objects. Such equipment does not heat the air. It is suitable for quickly heating a room. But it is not able to efficiently heat the entire house for a long time.

The infrared device can be installed outdoors. The equipment can be mounted to the ceiling or installed on legs. For heating a room up to 20 square meters. m. it will take 2 hours.

Popular models: Eko, Saturn, Beko, etc. The product consumes an average of 90 W per sq.m.

How much electricity does an oil heater consume?

The main criterion by which you can calculate how many kilowatts an oil heater consumes is the power consumption of the device. The higher this indicator, the greater the energy consumption of the device. But the equipment does not always work at full capacity. How much a heating device consumes directly depends on the mode in which it operates.

If you take an oil heater whose electricity consumption is 2 kW, then at full power it will consume 2000 W. The thermostat periodically turns off the heating elements, so the operating time will be no more than 8 hours a day. The consumption will be about 16 kW per day. When you multiply this number by the current tariff (price of 1 kW), you get the cost of consumed electricity for 24 hours of operation. Based on these calculations, monthly consumption is calculated.

It is possible to calculate the cost of heating for a month or for the entire heating period if you know the power characteristic of each heating mode. Most often, the energy consumption of an oil heater is much lower than the maximum values ​​due to the operation of the thermostat, which turns off the device when the desired temperature is reached.

What parameters affect energy consumption

The main criterion that determines electricity consumption is its heater power. The larger and colder the room, the more powerful the heating device is needed. Heat loss in the room is the main parameter for choosing a heating device.

We are talking about how much heat leaves the room through walls and windows. And through the ceiling or floor on the top or first floor. The heating device is designed to compensate for heat loss. Therefore, the thicker and insulated the walls and windows, the less power consumption of the heating device should be. The temperature outside is also important. The lower the ambient temperature, the greater the heat loss will be.

However, modern, more technologically advanced devices can consume less electricity for the same power. Of course, such models are often initially more expensive than their competitors, but they boast compact sizes and lower electricity consumption per month.

The power of heating devices is measured in kW/h. If the declared power of the device is 2 kW/h, this means that for 1 hour of operation it will consume about two kilowatts of energy. The cost of electricity depends on the region, and varies from 1.17 rubles per kilowatt in Irkutsk, and up to 5.66 rubles per kilowatt in Moscow. But the national average is about 4 – 4.5 rubles per kilowatt. For example, let's take Voronezh with the cost of electricity 4.04 per kW. It turns out that for 1 hour of operation of a heater with a capacity of 2 kW/h, a resident of Voronezh will pay 8.08 rubles.

Oil for oil heater

The question of what kind of oil is in the heater rarely has to be decided, since these devices are always hermetically sealed to prevent evaporation and leakage of the working substance. During operation, replacement is required extremely rarely.

If depressurization occurs, then adding oil will not be enough; first you need to repair the housing and solder the leak. After the seal has been restored and if there is a technological hole for filling the liquid, it is possible to refuel or change the oil.

You can fill an oil heater with various transformer, mineral automobile (transmission) and sometimes even waste oils. It is important to remember that you should not mix oils of different origins in the radiator, as an unpleasant reaction may occur (a sediment will form, the composition will thicken, etc.). Only substances of identical composition may be added. It is not recommended to do this on your own. It is better to carry out repair work in specialized service centers.

Why does the oil heater click?

Sometimes the oil cooler cracks during operation. If the device clicks when heating up, and the extraneous noise lasts no more than 3-5 minutes, then this can happen for the following reasons:

  1. Moisture (water vapor) has entered the sealed housing with oil. This can happen if the radiator was assembled in a damp room. When the appliance is turned off and the oil is cold, water condenses. When you turn on the device, the water heats up much faster than oil. A clicking sound is heard when boiling. When all the liquid turns into a gaseous state, the cracking stops.
  2. When the radiator is moved or accidentally dropped, the working fluid is shaken and mixed with air. When the device is turned on and the temperature rises, the air bubbles expand, increase in volume, and then rise up. When they burst, a clicking sound is heard. After the oil has completely warmed up, the sound disappears.
  3. Metal structural elements expand and crack when heated. Most often, the bimetallic switch in the thermal relay clicks. When heated, it opens, and when it cools to the required temperature, it closes again. This process is accompanied by a characteristic click.

Defects are extremely unpleasant, but there is no way to eliminate them. Such noises do not affect the functioning of the heater and therefore are not considered a defect.

If the alarming sounds do not go away after warming up, then the reason is more dangerous, since normal operation of oil radiators should be silent (excluding fan noise). This can be caused by electrical failures or defects in the casing. If the crackling noise lasts too long, the heater must be repaired. It is not recommended to try to repair the device yourself.

Is an oil heater dangerous? Safety precautions

To the question of whether an oil heater can explode, the answer is a clear negative, since oil is not an explosive liquid. If excessive heating occurs, for example in the event of a thermal relay failure, the housing may depressurize and leak hot oil. Heated liquid may ignite and cause a fire.

To ensure safety during operation of oil heaters, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Do not use the devices in rooms with high levels of humidity (bathroom).
  2. It is prohibited to dry laundry on the device without special equipment, or to place things on it or cover it with a cloth. Overheating may result in oil leakage.
  3. Do not place the heater closer than 0.5 m from the walls, as the thermal relay will constantly turn off the device.
  4. The device should only be held in an upright position. The oil in the housing is not filled to the very top, so when the device is laid on its side, the heating element is exposed. This is dangerous due to overheating of the liquid and depressurization.
  5. Do not pull the device by the cord to move it around the room, because a broken cord may cause a short circuit.
  6. It is necessary to ensure that the cable does not touch hot sections, since the braiding (insulation) may melt.
  7. You cannot keep an oil radiator in an unheated room in winter (on a balcony, loggia, etc.).
  8. If the overheat sensor is not working, the device cannot be turned on.

Oil heaters are safe devices to use if simple rules are followed. The risk of unpleasant consequences is minimized.

Manufacturers produce goods, and dealers say that oil heaters burn air or dry it out. In Europe, the temperature of radiators is maintained at 60 degrees Celsius. In Russia, this limit is too high, but in practice we see 37.

So it turns out that we are thinking about buying an oil heater that does not dry the air.

Infrared heaters: how to calculate their power?

Such a device heats objects and people, their heat further spreads throughout the room. Therefore, the required performance is determined differently. You can calculate the power of an infrared heater in space as follows: depending on the model, per 1 sq. m, costs of up to 0.1 kilowatt are expected. This number can start from 0.01 kW.

Pay attention to the factory specifications to understand how to calculate the heater's power. Modern infrared heat producers provide significant savings in unheated rooms. But their efficiency is on average 2 times less. That is, per 1 sq. m costs can reach 0.2 kilowatts.

Operating principle of oil heater

The temperature of the oil heater is controlled by a bimetallic plate located in the electronics unit. Stuck to the side of the main accordion. The air passes from the bottom of the compartment, heats up on the sidewall, and comes out to the surface. Few people think about the temperature of a sectional radiator.

The manufacturer has many models of heaters. Selecting spare parts for each will cost a lot. As a result, the device will lose its main advantage - low price. What to do in this case. Models from the line are equipped identically. There are identical protective relays and bimetallic plates.

On the other hand, an oil heater has high inertia due to its massiveness. This means the air warms up slowly. The operation of the heating element is controlled by a bimetallic plate. The device heats up until the bimetallic plate operates. At the same time, the radiator temperature in oil heaters remains the same.

An oil heater consumes electrical energy, sending it to the heating element. The power of the heating element depends on the resistance of the coil. Both small and large devices consume the same amount. An instance with more oil takes longer to heat up and gives off more heat.

Heater for a small room

  • The power lost by the surface of the heater is proportional to two quantities: the temperature difference between the room and the oil, and the area of ​​the metal accordion.
  • We affirm: a device with 12 sections produces twice as much heat as one with 6 sections, and with the same power consumption.

The fact is that the temperature difference is the same. This means that in a large device the heating element is constantly working, but in a small device it is idle for a fair amount of time. Although the resistance of the spiral is the same. Conclusion: when choosing an oil heater model, focus on the number of sections, and not on power consumption.

By the way, the temperature of the device’s radiator, by definition, does not rise above 80 degrees Celsius. But you can get burned on an oil heater (remember the European standard). They dry the air like a radiator. They have similar temperatures.

Which heater consumes less electricity for a summer house and other homes?

Based on many experiments, we can single out one type that consumes less electricity. Such a device is a convector. The operating principle is similar to an oil radiator, but is distinguished by its safety and modernity.

Air circulates through the heating element, which is located in the convector. Thus, heat exchange occurs. The convector can be left on for a long time unattended, as it is one of the safest devices.

Such heating equipment is ideal for a country house. It does not dry the air, and the heating temperature cannot exceed 60 o C. After turning on the convector, the room will begin to heat up in 20 minutes. It consumes 25% less electricity than other heating devices.

The convector is considered the most economical for the home.

Oil heater operating life

The advantages of oil heaters are fault tolerance. The simplest design is reminiscent of irons that work for years. Lack of electronics that are afraid of power surges. Oil heaters are not afraid of falling; a number of models have protection against this.

Which one will work longer, big or small? For the first, the heating element works more often; for the second, the wear will fall on the bimetallic relay. To check the uptime, we will find facts or ask the manufacturer for information about the time between failures of the first and second parts. Let's calculate the cost of repairs. Single copies stand out from the line, but the statistics, on average, are known.

There is less chance of accordion breakdown on a large radiator. Its inertial properties are great, so the modes are smoother. Consequently, temperature deformations do not have a noticeable force. There are more sections, therefore, the probability of failure increases proportionally. You see, from a longevity perspective, it's hard to settle on a fixed size.

Oil heater power

It has already been said that a heater with a large radiator raises the temperature faster. But consumption may be the same between models. Shows how quickly the oil will reach the set temperature. Manufacturers maintain a surprising consensus regarding consumption. This is 1.5 or 2 kW. It is important to understand that the rate at which the room warms up depends on the size of the device.

We can endlessly discuss the pros and cons of oil heaters, but there is one advantage: you can dry wet things. Moreover, there is little danger in this for the heating element, because in an unforeseen situation the radiator will be turned off by the emergency relay. Try reading the manual for the convector - it says that the device cannot be covered. From this point of view, an oil heater is indispensable in winter.

Heater with dryer

An example of calculating the electricity consumption of a heater per month

As an example, we take a short-wave device with a power consumption of 0.5 kW/h. With this indicator, the efficiency (efficiency factor) will be high in relation to other similar heaters.

The device will be turned on approximately 10 hours a day. Having made calculations for a month, we can say that the device will take 150 kW/h. For an infrared device, this is a relatively small indicator of electricity consumption.

What kind of lighting do you prefer?

Built-in Chandelier

Important! When purchasing a device, it is necessary to take into account the area that it will heat. You should not take a device with high power for a small room, as this will entail extra expenses on electricity bills.

Infrared heaters: electricity consumption

To pay the minimum, you need to use climate control technology rationally. Buying a high-quality and suitable heater will allow you to organize minimal electricity consumption, which means it won’t hurt your wallet.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

In this case, talking about savings will be appropriate and it makes sense to find out how much electricity the heater consumes. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Oil heater weight

The heaters in question are relatively heavy. The body is made of steel and, in addition, oil. Mass is one of the disadvantages of oil heaters, as is the fact that the devices dry the air. The device has considerable inertia. This means that if the thermal effect from an infrared heater disappears as soon as the power supply is turned off, the battery with oil retains the temperature longer. This will allow you to recommend a heater in areas where there are power outages.

An oil heater is not extremely efficient. Raises the temperature above the set one, since inertia is high. Due to this, losses through the walls of the house increase. As a result, we warm the street.

Functions of oil heaters

Oil heaters are considered a primitive product, but they offer interesting options:

  1. Manufacturers of oil heaters looked at convectors and introduced a frost protection function. The thermostat will detect the point where the temperature passes through +5 degrees Celsius and turn on the device. This will prevent the house from freezing. If you take one, then at least with fall protection.
  2. Fall protection turns off the device when the case is tilted. A rod protrudes from the bottom of the electronics compartment and operates a microswitch. This ensures the fire safety of the device.

We recommend considering a means of humidifying the room in which the oil heater operates. It’s a good idea to place a bath of water on the heating radiator. It is not safe to place liquid on an oil heater. Additional capacity will help maintain the humidity level at the desired level.

Many may not understand why there is so much talk about this. The fact is that doctors have discovered that winter epidemics are caused not by frost, but by low indoor humidity. The level must be within the range of 40 - 60%. It is better to use external control devices for measurements.

Types of electric heaters, their differences from each other

Electric heaters come in different types, each of which has its own advantages, disadvantages, principle and speed of action.

Let's list some of them:

  1. Heat fan - this device is somewhat reminiscent of a regular fan, but in front of its blades there is an incandescent spiral, which provides heating to the part of the room to which the air flow is directed. Although a fan heater is quite effective, it is not designed to constantly heat a room. A significant disadvantage of such a device is the short-term effect of its impact on the environment.
  2. The principle of operation of a ceramic heater is very similar to a fan heater, only ceramic plates act as a heater. Such models run on gas and from electricity; they are floor-mounted, wall-mounted, and even table-mounted. The main advantage of a ceramic heater is the preservation of humidity in the room.
  3. An oil-type radiator copes with heating the air in a very short time, but you should not purchase it if there are animals or small children in the house, since both of them risk getting burned. Such a device is considered not the most economical option - it consumes a lot of electricity.
  4. Electric models heat the air to the desired temperature quickly enough, and cool down slowly. The operating principle of these devices is based on convection. At the bottom of the device there are parts that suck in air; heating occurs due to the operation of a heating element - a tubular electric heater, the area of ​​which directly determines the volume of heated gas. That is why heating elements are often produced with a ribbed surface. The advantage of a convector over an oil heater is that the temperature of the coolant rises at a faster rate, which means you don’t have to wait until the room gets warmer. In addition, these devices are much more compact. Wall-mounted models are especially popular.
  5. Infrared heater. The operation of devices of this type is based on electromagnetic radiation - in this case, first objects exposed to the waves are heated, and then the air itself. The structural elements of the device are also heating elements. Another option is open coils, sometimes protected by quartz tubes, or metal mesh, plastic panels with holes, or carbon coating. In rooms, the heater is protected by transparent partitions or metal mesh. Infrared heaters come in different types. Depending on the wavelength, they are divided into short-wave, medium- and long-wave, on the energy source - electric, gas, diesel and water, on the installation method - mobile and stationary.

Fireplace effect in oil heaters

This is a remarkable option that equals an oil heater with a convector. A flat-shaped body with two rows of slits - at the bottom and at the top - will provide directional air movement, due to which the room warms up faster. The infrared effect of the device is greatly reduced. We believe that it is worth choosing an oil heater of this type because it is much more difficult to hit it painfully. The body is made of plastic, and is not as rigid as accordion steel.

We believe that now readers understand the principle of operation of an oil heater. Let's add to this that the heating element consists of two unequal parts. This will provide three thermal modes. It is known that the speed of reaching the regime depends on this. It's logical to do this if you want:

  1. The oil heater is initially turned on at full power (both buttons).
  2. Then, in standby mode, leave one coil (usually a low-power one).

The second step will show the real output power of the oil heater. And not the parameter specified in the passport. In this case, buy an oil heater with lower consumption, but the same radiator size. An oil heater is also used when one coil burns out. In this case, entering the regime will take longer. Such reservations will come into play when the time comes.

We sincerely hope that we helped you decide on the choice of an oil heater. The device is inconvenient to store. It is impossible to find a place for him. People don't like to clutter their closets and apartments. Another disadvantage is that the oil heater does not indicate itself during operation. This means that you can get burned and hit yourself in the dark. From this point of view, convectors hanging on the walls and infrared heaters hiding on the ceiling look better.

The undeniable advantage of the device is its price. Maximum 2500 rubles. This is not bad for the heater segment, except for wind blowers, the danger of which is the subject of many legends.

Choosing a heater for your home: a complete guide

Convectors use different types of heaters (more on this below), and the devices themselves can be made of metal or glass-ceramics (the latter helps to distribute heat faster and more evenly, but first of all, this is a design decision: glass-ceramic devices look impressive and stylish).

Convectors are gaining popularity due to the combination of the advantages of an oil heater (can be used around the clock) and a fan heater (movement of warm air). The main advantage of convectors is fairly fast, uniform heating of the room. In addition, convectors are quite light and mobile, as they have a thin body; most modern models can be hung on the wall - the kit includes installation accessories; there are also baseboard convectors that are installed on walls close to the floor. The electronic content and capabilities are very different: from the basic (thermostat to set the room temperature, on/off timer) to remote control from mobile devices and the possibility of integration into smart home systems. Convectors can be combined into a network by installing them in all rooms, but heating a house with electricity is very, very expensive, and in addition, the wiring must be designed for such a load.

The most interesting type of convectors is infrared, which combines the advantages of convectors and infrared heaters. The air in the room is heated by convection, as well as by heating objects in the radiation zone of an infrared heater (more on “infrared heaters” below). Convective infrared convectors are much more economical than conventional ones.

Fan heaters, or thermal fans: heating with a sight

Large and small, powerful and not very powerful, they work like this: they drive air through the heating element using a fan. As a rule, it makes sense to buy a fan heater for targeted heating of a certain area: for example, a work or sleeping area, a children's corner, or grandma's favorite chair. The fan heater does not have a heated surface - a screen, a panel that is involved in heating the room. Devices of this type are not designed for uniform, stable heat maintenance around the clock, but they are indispensable when you need to warm up or warm up a small room quickly. A good fan heater can rotate the body to direct warm air in different directions, and its grilles that cover the blades should be removable for easy cleaning. Advanced models have a temperature controller, thermostat and timer. The disadvantages of fan heaters are as follows: they are quite power-hungry in terms of electricity, and their effect “evaporates” quite quickly if the device is turned off, and they are also noisy during operation. Dust falling on the heating element (as a rule, it is closed only by a grill), heats up and burns. But there are also advantages. Fan heaters are mobile - they are either transported on wheels or carried by the handle, and can operate as a regular fan, without heating. So they will come in handy in the summer, in the heat. If we talk about heating elements of thermal fans, then ceramic-coated heating elements are preferable; they distribute heat more evenly and are more economical.

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