Night and double electricity tariff: validity period and calculation technique

With the introduction of multi-tariff meters, citizens quickly tried to switch to them. Indeed, such a system significantly saves the budget, because the cost per kilowatt is lower in the night zone. However, the benefits are not for everyone. It is necessary to understand who should install such a meter, as well as the features of the night electricity tariff, its validity period, the advantages and disadvantages of differentiated metering.

The essence of multi-tariff accounting

It's no secret that electricity consumption differs at different times of the day. Some people use it during the day, while others use it at night. In this regard, meters have been developed that will relieve the power supply during the evening rush hour and thereby increase the reliability of the power supply as a whole.

Who installs

The installation of devices is carried out by representatives of regional operators. For example, in Moscow the regional operator is Mosenergo. Replacement of the meter is carried out on a paid basis. To do this, you need to submit an application to the regional operator, pay the cost of the device and the work of the specialist. After which the specialist goes to the installation site and makes all the necessary settings.

Regulatory acts

The obligation to install an electric meter is regulated by Federal Law on Energy Saving No. 261-FZ dated November 23, 2009, Federal Law No. 102-FZ dated June 26, 2008, as well as Government Decree No. 442 of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012.

Documents on payment for night work

An enterprise must necessarily regulate the conditions for organizing and calculating remuneration for work outside normal hours. This should be implemented in the following local acts:

  • in the regulations on wages (general or issued specifically for night hours);
  • in the collective agreement (the opinion of the trade union body must be taken into account)
  • in an employment contract with an individual employee;
  • in the order to attract an employee to work at specified hours (if this is done one-time or an employee is attracted from a special contingent).

IMPORTANT! An order is necessary only in special cases; with a permanent schedule with night shifts, it is enough to fix the payment procedure in the Regulations.

Two-tariff and three-tariff systems

Today, there are three types of electricity metering devices in use, designed for a specific system. There are different types of accounting systems:

  • single-phase - the price for electricity consumption is the same at any time of the day,
  • two-phase - time days are divided into two zones, and the price for electricity consumption depends on the time of use,
  • three-phase - the day is divided into three zones, and the price for electricity consumption depends on the time of use.

It is easier to pay for electricity using a single-phase meter, but using two- and three-phase devices can significantly reduce costs. Let's look at them in more detail.

Two-tariff system

If a double electricity tariff is applied, then the time in the day is divided into two zones, for which different payments are provided. Day zones with a two-tariff system:

  • day,
  • night.

Payment for night time use is lower than for daytime use. Readings on this meter are transmitted according to two indicators, usually T1, T2. However, the designations may be different, since they depend on the software installation of the meter itself.

Three-tariff system

When using a three-phase system, the temporary day is divided into three zones, for which different payments are also provided. Day zones with a three-tariff system:

  • peak,
  • half-peak (daytime),
  • night

Electricity tariffs for the day, night and half-peak are meant to be different, and if you use powerful household appliances in the “cheapest” zone, you also get good money savings.

How to correctly take readings from a two-tariff meter

The meter has a display on which the readings of the “day zone” and “night zone” are alternately displayed. To switch between them, just press the enter button. Rewrite the T1 readings, press “Enter”, rewrite the next readings. Compare these numbers with the previous ones. Their difference is the actual consumption. It must be multiplied by the tariff for each zone separately.

Peak zone time

The peak zone is a time period when electricity consumption increases sharply. For example, in the morning people get ready for work and use household appliances, or in the evening, when everyone is already at home, again there is an increased use of electricity.

According to statistics, the main peak of use occurs in the morning - from 6 to 9 o'clock - and in the evening - from 18 to 22 o'clock.

At night, most people sleep and the need to use electricity drops significantly. For a two-tariff meter, the daily indicator covers morning and evening and is assessed at one tariff. A three-phase meter implies another additional zone, in which prices are also different. Electricity tariffs during the day and night differ significantly, but depend on the region. There are cities where paying with a single-phase meter is cheaper than paying with a three-tariff meter, taking into account the peak zone.

Time of action

Time frames vary on different systems. Time intervals of electricity metering systems:

  • single-rate - no division, payment is charged at one rate around the clock,
  • two-tariff - day from 7 to 23 am, night from 23 to 7 am,
  • three-tariff - morning from 7 to 10 o'clock, evening from 20 to 23 o'clock, half-peak zone from 10 to 17 o'clock and from 21 to 23 o'clock.

In half-peak zones, the cost of electricity decreases slightly.


Those who have single-tariff meters pay for electricity consumption at one tariff, regardless of whether they used it in the morning or at night.

For consumers who use electrical appliances at night, it will be more profitable to install a multi-tariff meter, since the differentiated tariffs for paying for the night phase are significantly lower than for the day phase.

In addition, in the three-tariff system there are so-called half-peak zones, during which payment is also reduced.


An important disadvantage of a multi-tariff meter is its cost and payback period in the future.

By comparison, a three-phase device costs 3-4 times more than a single-phase one.

In addition, multi-tariff devices are complex devices. To install such a meter, you need to connect it to the power system and correctly configure the metering program - for each dial, a time range is entered in which the device records energy consumption.

What is an electric meter day and night?

As you know, in the domestic sphere, electricity consumption is very uneven.

At night, when the vast majority of people are resting, its analysis is minimal, in the morning and evening hours - maximum, in the daytime - moderate.

It turns out that at some times of the day, supply companies face the risk of network overload, and at other times, even shut down the power plants.

To even out demand, in addition to the regular tariff with a fixed cost per kilowatt-hour, they offer differentiated ones, which provide for the sale of energy during hours of minimum consumption at a greatly reduced price. That is, the population is offered a good deal: you use electrical appliances at night, but at a very low price.

It is clear that a conventional meter is not suitable for a differentiated metering system. We need one that can count consumed kilowatt-hours separately for different times of the day. These devices are called “day and night meters”.

There are two types:

  • two-tariff;
  • multi-tariff.

Each variety corresponds to its own accounting system:

  1. The two-tariff system involves dividing the day into two periods (they are also called zones): night (from 23-00 to 7-00) and day.
  2. Multi-tariff.

The latter already has three zones: night (from 23-00 to 7-00), peak (from seven to nine in the morning and from five to eight in the evening) and half-peak (from 9-00 to 17-00 and from 20-00 until 23-00).

The accuracy of the calculation of consumed electricity directly depends on the accuracy of the meter. Electric meter accuracy class - which one to choose and how to determine?

How long can an electricity meter be used and what is meter verification, you will learn by reading this article.

After installing the electric meter, it must be sealed. Who should do this and how much it costs, this will be discussed in detail in the next article.


All multi-tariff meters (in this case, two-tariff meters are also meant) are electronic and contain a microcircuit inside. Classic counters, called mechanical or induction, cannot keep separate records.

Before use, a multi-tariff meter must be programmed, that is, its internal clock must be set and time intervals must be set. This operation must be performed by an Energosbyt employee. After its completion, the device is sealed.

Two-tariff metering device

If reprogramming is carried out not because of innovations on the part of the supplier company, but, for example, in order to switch to a different accounting scheme (at the user’s request), then you will have to pay from 500 to 700 rubles for this service. When switching from winter to summer time and vice versa (cancelled in Russia), such meters also need to be reprogrammed.

Three-phase or single-phase design

When purchasing, it is important to clarify for which network this electric meter model is intended.
The signs are as follows:

  1. A 1-phase device has two terminals on each side, that is, four in total.
  2. 3-phase has at least four terminals on each side, that is, at least eight in total (there may be additional ones).

Those who live in city apartments need to purchase a 1-phase meter. But owners of private houses, if they do not know the number of phases, should first calculate the number of wires in the line connected to the house. If there are two of them, the network is 1-phase, if there are four, it is 3-phase.

A 3-phase model can be connected to a single-phase network without any problems, so those who currently have one phase, but plan to switch to a 3-phase power supply in the future, can safely purchase a three-phase meter. But, of course, it is impossible to connect a 1-phase meter to a 3-phase network.

The electric meter cannot be returned or replaced if it does not fit. The fact is that when selling a device, a special mark is placed in the passport - because of this, the product, as they say, cannot be returned, unless, of course, a manufacturing defect has been identified.

Therefore, when purchasing, all parameters and characteristics of the meter must be checked with all possible detail. In addition to phasing, pay attention to:

  • rated current: must exceed the maximum of the input circuit breaker by one step;
  • accuracy class.

An important characteristic is the noise level (some models buzz).

Benefits of installation

It is impossible to say unequivocally that the transition to a multi-tariff electricity payment scheme will be profitable.
Yes, suppliers reduce the cost per kilowatt-hour during the period of minimum consumption by 30% - 60%, but during peak loads they increase it - sometimes up to 30%.

Moreover, there is no single system - each region has its own tariffs.

Let's give an example. In Yekaterinburg and the region in 2014–2015, the following price ratio took place:

  • regular undifferentiated tariff: RUB 3.07/kWh;
  • two-tariff scheme: day - 3.09 rubles/kWh, night - 1.46 rubles/kWh.

Under such conditions, the transition to differentiated metering for a homeowner with a standard set of electrical appliances will certainly bring benefits: the daily cost in a multi-tariff scheme is almost no different from the usual one (with a single-tariff scheme), so even if residents use electrical appliances only during the day, they will save due to the operation of the refrigerator .

A slightly different picture is observed in Moscow:

  • regular undifferentiated tariff: 4.68 rubles/kWh;
  • two-tariff scheme, day-night tariff: day - 4.91 rub./kWh, night - 1.26 rub./kWh.

Please note that the daily cost has increased relative to the base single tariff rate. If in Yekaterinburg it is 2 kopecks, that is, less than 1%, then in Moscow it is 23 kopecks, that is, almost 5%.

Three-phase meter Mercury 231 AT 01 i with remote control, two-tariff

Under such conditions, the transition to differentiated accounting should be carefully considered. It is possible that when using devices during normal times, especially if there are many of them or they are quite powerful, the user will have to pay more.

It’s another matter if he is ready to complicate his life a little:

  • reschedule washing;
  • turn on the boiler only at night, etc.

Two-tariff meters are beneficial for those who are away from home all day. Not everyone knows how to take readings from a two-tariff electric meter.

The principle on which an induction electricity meter works is described in detail at the link.

With such a reorganization, the transition to differentiated tariffs will be justified. In general, you need to think and calculate everything.

People who use autonomous heating with an electric boiler can save a significant amount. The heating system must be equipped with a heat storage device in the form of a large reservoir filled with coolant. This will make it possible to turn on the electric boiler only at night, while during the day the house will be heated using the heat stored in the heat storage tank.


Each region has its own tariff rates for paying for electricity, so you should pay attention to their sizes in your region.

Cost depending on time of day

In a multi-tariff system, different tariffs apply. For example, the peak zone cost is usually the highest and can be up to 70% higher than the daily price. But the night phase is paid much cheaper - 50-70% lower than the day phase. Do not forget that each region has its own tariffs, and the difference between phases can be either insignificant or significant.

Tariff comparison

As a rule, tariffs in large cities and rural areas differ significantly. In cities with a small number of residents, the cost of the tariff is 30% lower than in large cities. Let's consider the tariff cost for electricity in large cities. Table 1. Electricity tariffs in Russian cities as of July 1, 2022.

City name Tariff for houses with gas stoves (kW/h)Tariff for houses with electric stoves (kW/h)
Saint Petersburg4,533,40

As for dacha communities, if they do not have the status of a rural area, they must pay at the citywide rate.

What time does the night electricity tariff start from?

When the question arises: what can you save on, few people think that everything needs to start with the basics and, first of all, with electricity. For this purpose, people are presented with established tariffs for electricity. Many people are interested in what hour the nightly electricity tariff is valid, but everything largely depends on the city and the prices fixed there. Fees are usually set by local executive authorities, who also regulate all aspects and nuances of the state regulation of tariffs.

Payment of the electricity bill will directly depend on the tariff rate of the meter, and the time frame of the tariffs will also vary depending on this.

At night, many consumers practically do not use electrical appliances with the exception of stationary ones, such as a refrigerator, Wi-Fi router and others. In connection with this incomplete use, the question arises: how can you get around overpaying for electricity? This is exactly why the authorities came up with tariffs.

Tariffs for electricity meters:

  1. Electricity meter in two-tariff format. In this format, the time frame for the night tariff is from 11 pm to 7 am, and the day tariff from 7 am to 11 pm.
  2. Three-tariff electricity meter. This type of billing is a separate format, as it combines: night billing zone, peak and half-peak. The time frame of the night zone will range from 23 at night to 7 am, the timing of the peak zone will be from 7 am to 10, then from 17 pm to 21.

All remaining time will be counted as a half-peak zone.

Valid time: night electricity tariff

Fixing a certain cost of electricity at night tariff and its duration solves a number of specific problems, such as: reduces excessive load on power grid systems, significantly reduces energy consumption, promotes healthy development of the ecological background of urban or rural areas.

The night tariff is especially important for consumers in rural areas, as it solves the problem directly by reducing the payment for the heating system.

People directly do not know what time the night zone starts and how much the light charge is charged, but this would save a decent annual amount.

Time frame for the night tariff:

  1. From 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. At a fixed rate day-night. The fee for such an electricity supply service is about 70% for ordinary users, and about 40% for institutions, subtracting the cost of the daily tariff from this amount.
  2. From 11:00 pm to 6:00 am. With a fixed differentiation tariff, in other words, a three-zone tariff. The fee for using such a tariff will be 35% for regular users and still 40% for institutions after deducting the amount for the half-peak period.

When deciding to switch to a certain type of tariff, you should consider its benefits and disadvantages and start directly from the needs and time of use of light.


  • Saving money on paying for the use of a centralized heating system; this method is, first of all, beneficial for residents;
  • For those involved in construction, such a tariff will become economically beneficial, as the payment for electricity will be reduced;
  • Increasing the use of electricity services, the use of special equipment for generating electricity, and reducing the release of harmful substances into the environment will be a godsend for energy companies;
  • Production savings benefit institutions.

The disadvantages are as follows. Electricity consumption still continues actively at night and violates the permissible noise level. Entrepreneurs successfully save on electricity bills at night, thereby covering the amount of wages for employees. Meters with phase functionality are quite expensive and can certainly break down quickly.

Electricity and time: day-night tariff

The amount of payment for electricity increases significantly over time and this process is immediate. It is in connection with this problem that saving on electricity becomes one of the most pressing topics for discussion. The most effective way to save additional money while saving on electricity is to purchase a meter with phase functionality.

The time frame for the day-night tariff is from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. inclusive, and from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

In order to switch to this method of calculating the tariff, it is necessary to purchase a two-tariff meter that will comply with the regime of this tariff, and also know the conditions that allow the user to switch to another tariff.


  • No outstanding bills for the use of electricity supply services;
  • Fee for the provision of tariff identification services for electricity supply;
  • Drawing up a special agreement between both parties for the provision of electricity supply and consumption services.

In explaining the concepts of tariffs and their modifications, you can often see that the fees of the population and institutions are different and fluctuate in different percentages.

Who is included in the preferential group of the population:

  • Residents of rural areas, villages in particular, various buildings of local residents, civilian areas at military facilities and prisons;
  • Communities of housing owners, cooperatives of construction and housing scale, private entrepreneurs managing high-rise residential buildings;
  • Summer cottages;
  • Garage buildings.

Churches that rely on civic contributions also enjoy benefits.

Peak Electricity Zone: Time

The peak zone is a special time of day when there is a colossal load on the electricity supply network. This zone is considered double, as it gives the maximum load on electricity. The time interval of load on the network confirms that this zone is daytime, since when getting ready for work, people spend a lot of electricity, actively using household appliances such as a kettle, hairdryer, irons, toasters, TVs, etc.

There are several types of zones:

  1. Night zone. During the influence of the area of ​​influence of this phase, the night time from 23-00 to 7-00 in the morning is the minimum when wasting electricity, since it is at night that all devices intensively producing electricity stop working and the load on the network becomes uniform.
  2. Morning peak. The format of this zone is distributed within the time frame from 7-00 to 10-00 in the morning, mainly during mass gatherings of people at their destinations and their intensive use of electricity.
  3. Half-peak. The area affected by electricity is from 10-00 am to 17-00 pm due to the selective return of residents home and a significant load on electricity.
  4. Evening peak. The zone extends over a time frame ranging from 17:00 to 21:00 in the evening and is determined by the massive return of people to housing complexes and the enormous use of electricity costs.
  5. Half-peak 2. Evening phase timing starts from 21-00 and 23-00 of active work with household appliances that consume huge amounts of electrical charge.

Example of economic efficiency calculation

Let us make approximate calculations of the efficiency of multi-tariff meters compared to single-tariff ones.

Single tariff meter

Payment for electricity using a single-rate meter is calculated using the following formula: P = V * T, where V is the amount of electricity consumed, and T is the tariff in rubles. Let's assume that a gas stove is installed in the apartment, and 239 kW was consumed in a month. The cost of the tariff in this region is 5.38 rubles. Thus, the payment for the month will be: 239 x 5.38 = 1285.82 rubles.

Two-tariff meter

The calculation for a two-phase meter is somewhat more complicated and is determined by the formula: P = (Vday x Tday) + (Vnight x Tnight), where Vday and Vnight are the amount of energy consumption during the day and night, respectively, and Tday and Tnight are the day and night tariff rates. Let’s assume that a two-tariff meter is installed in the same apartment, according to which the readings were also 239 kW, but broken down by phase: day - 167 kW, and night - 72 kW. The rate for the day is 4.19 rubles, and for the night - 2.92 rubles. Thus, we obtain the following calculation of the total cost of electricity for the month: (167 x 4.19) + (72 x 2.92) = 909.97 rubles.

Three-tariff meter

Calculation using this system becomes more complicated, since additional indicators of the peak zone are added here. Formula for calculation: P = (Vpeak x Tpeak) + (Vpolypeak x Tpolypeak) + (Vnight x Tnight). Let's carry out the calculation using the same data, but differentiated by daily zones. The total amount of consumption for the month is 239 kW, of which: peak zone - 120 kW, half-peak - 47 kW, night - 72 kW. The cost in the region for 1 kW is: peak zone - 6.46 rubles, half-peak - 5.38 rubles, night - 1.79 rubles. The total amount of electricity payment for the month will be: (120 x 6.46) + (47 x 5.38) + (72 x 1.79) = 1156.94 rubles.

Tariff for three zones (peak, half-peak, night) for electricity in the Moscow region

from 01/01/2020 to 06/30/2020from 07/01/2020 to 12/31/2020Indicator (consumer groups broken down by rates and differentiated by day zones)Price (tariff) in rub./kWhPrice (tariff) in rub./kWh

1. Urban population
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 - 21.00 7,237,45
Half-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 - 23.00 5,565,73
Night zone 23:00 - 07:002,412,52
2. Population living in houses equipped with stationary electric stoves
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 - 21.00 5,065,21
Half-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 - 23.00 3,894,01
Night zone 23:00 - 07:001,681,76
3. Population living in rural settlements and those equivalent to them.
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 - 21.00 5,065,21
Half-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 - 23.00 3,894,01
Night zone 23:00 - 07:001,681,76
4. Consumers equal to the population (with the exception of gardening, gardening or dacha non-profit associations of citizens)
Peak zone 07:00 - 10:00; 17.00 - 21.00 7,237,45
Half-peak zone 10:00 - 17:00; 21.00 - 23.00 5,565,73
Night zone 23:00 - 07:002,412,52

* — Division by zones of the day is carried out according to the following scheme:

With a two-rate tariff: peak zone – from 7:00 to 23:00; night zone – from 23:00 to 7:00.

With a three-rate tariff: peak zone - from 8:00 to 11:00 and from 20:00 to 22:00; half-peak zone - from 7:00 to 8:00, from 11:00 to 20:00 and from 22:00 to 23:00; night zone – from 23:00 to 7:00.

Gas tariffs in the Moscow region from July 1, 2022

Tariffs for water and sanitation in the Moscow region from July 1, 2020

Who benefits from it?

According to these calculations, we can conclude that the three-tariff system turned out to be the most profitable, since here the consumer can determine for himself in what period to turn on high-power devices and thereby save his budget. A two-tariff meter is also beneficial for those who do not intend to use electricity during certain phases. As for the single-phase meter, it is beneficial only to those consumers whose regional rates are significantly lower than on other systems. However, it is worth remembering that the payback period for a two- and three-tariff meter can take up to 5-6 years.

Rules for choosing an electric meter

There are a huge number of electric meters on the modern market, varying in characteristics and technical properties. Basic parameters for choosing metering devices:

  • type of device - induction or electronic (an electronic meter is famous for its high accuracy of readings, while an induction meter wins in price and durability),
  • number of tariffs - single-phase, two-phase or three-phase,
  • connection method - direct or through current transformers,
  • phase type - single-phase or three-phase,
  • accuracy class - affects the level of measurement error of the device (for residential premises a class of at least 2.0 is recommended),
  • voltage class - 220 V (380 V) or 100 V.

There are other characteristics for choosing metering devices, but these are the main ones that should be taken into account first when choosing a model.

What documents are required to change the tariff?

No documents are required to change from a single-tariff regime to a multi-tariff regime, except if you switch to a tariff with a reduced coefficient. In this case, please provide:

  1. Certificate of registration of rights.
  2. Passport and registration address.
  3. Attach documents to the application, after consideration of which you will switch to a reduced tariff with a coefficient of 0.7.

How to change the accounting system

To switch to another metering system, you will need to change the meter itself. The first step is to contact your electricity supplier to inform him of your intention to change the meter. The specialist will ask you to write a statement. When handling, you must have the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  • documents confirming ownership of the premises.

The specialist will accept the application and require you to pay the cost of the service. Next, a qualified electrician is sent, who in a short time will connect and configure the new device, draw up a report and give the necessary recommendations. Next month, readings must be submitted using the new system.

How to change an electricity meter to a two-tariff one

Before changing your meter, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Replacing a meter is not free; moreover, a two-tariff meter is more expensive than a single-tariff one. You will have to spend money on the device itself and on paying for the work of an electrician. It is optimal to carry out replacement when it is time to replace the old meter.

Reference! In order for the replacement to pay off, it is necessary to change the usual daily routine and active periods of using electricity. For example, program the washing machine for night washing, and start the multicooker until 7 am.

If you nevertheless decide in favor of a multi-tariff meter, then first of all you need to notify the energy sales organization about this in writing. After this, a specialist from the organization will contact you within 10 days. You need to obtain a certificate indicating the need for replacement, and then purchase the device itself. The MES dispatcher will coordinate with you the time of the technician’s visit. You can find a company that provides meter replacement services on your own.

Important! The company must have the authority to replace the device, since changing a two-tariff meter is not an easy, responsible task, and is associated with increased danger.

After the replacement, the electrician is required to issue a certificate of the work done. This paper must be presented to MES employees when they come for a control check. The installed meter is subject to inspection and sealing.

Tips for thrifty owners

Consumers who use electricity a lot can be advised to consider switching to two- or three-tariff devices. And also use household appliances at night, for example, run a washing machine or dishwasher at night, charge cell phones and other equipment. It would be more rational for owners of three-tariff meters to learn the tariffs, time phases and avoid peak hours. This approach will help to significantly reduce energy costs.

How to pay yourself using a two-tariff meter

Rewrite the day and night readings taken from the display. In the payment receipt, enter the readings for the day in the “Current” column, and enter the daily data of the previous month in the “Previous” column.

With the next line, repeat this procedure with night readings. In the “Consumption” column, enter the difference between the readings T1 and T2. This will be your actual expense. In the “Tariff” column, enter the cost per kilowatt at the selected tariff. Multiply the consumption by the tariff and add up the total for the day and night. This will be the amount due.

A blank receipt form can be downloaded from the official Mosenergosbyt website. You can also receive a receipt for payment in any convenient way: electronically, by mail or in your personal account.

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