Which electrical installation is considered operational - correct answer
Nuances and examples in questions and answers Beginners often have the question: “If you turn off
Power in the AC circuit. Reactive power. Apparent power. Complex power.
The author of the article is a professional tutor, author of textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam Igor Vyacheslavovich
Voltage form in a three-phase network
What is zero sequence current protection?
What is a zero sequence? The vast majority of networks are powered by a three-phase system. Which is characterized
Capacitance in an alternating current circuit formula
After closing the electrical circuit, charging begins, after which the capacitor immediately becomes a source of current
GOST 30129-96 Strain-resistor load cells. General technical requirements
Measuring stresses and forces in operating components and equipment structures is considered one of the most
Formula for the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum
Oscillation period. The period of oscillation is the shortest period of time through which a system performing oscillations
Autonomous boiler room equipment
Research work on the topic “Energy saving in everyday life”
Anyone who has learned to save electricity, water, heat, gas in their apartment better understands the need
5 options for three-phase distribution board diagram.
All distribution boards must perform 3 main tasks: cable protection from overloads and short circuits
When does a transformer have maximum efficiency?
What is the efficiency of a transformer and what does the Efficiency factor depend on (full explanation of this
Stove repair
The induction cooker does not work - reasons and do-it-yourself repairs
The most progressive development in the field of kitchen stoves can be considered a unit with an induction hob.
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