Chip thermistors
About thermistors (NTC 10D-9 Thermal Resistor)
What is an NTC thermistor An NTC thermistor means components whose resistance varies
Providing first aid to a victim of electric current
First aid is a set of measures aimed at restoring or preserving life and health
Wiring fire due to poor insulation
Socket with built-in RCD: device, connection diagram, recommendations for selection and installation
Residual current devices have recently come into widespread use due to the increased number of household appliances.
Premises category B4 according to PUE
Determination of categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazard, zone class according to PUE
Category of premises in 4. Categories of premises according to explosion or fire hazard, pue Categories of premises
Power line supports
Power lines: harmful to health, minimum distance to a residential building
There should be at least 150 cm to balconies and window openings from power lines. Distance
Safety rules for operating electrical installations
Grounding To protect against electric shock, grounding is used. It is organized in any room where
How a wiring protection device against sparking can save an apartment from fire
According to statistics, the majority of fires and resulting fires occur due to malfunction of electrical appliances,
How to properly make grounding in a garage with your own hands?
For any car owner, a garage is not only a place to park the car, but also their own
What Can Be Used as Natural Grounding Electrodes • Grounding loop-grounding electrodes
What can be used as a natural grounding agent?
Types of grounding systems The following types of grounding are suitable for a private house and apartment: TN; IT;
Arc protection system with the ability to be triggered by a current signal
Contents 1 Description 1.1 Valve type sensing protection 1.2 Responsive protection with membrane switch 1.3 Responsive protection switch
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