Power lines: harmful to health, minimum distance to a residential building

There should be at least 150 cm to balconies and window openings from power lines. The distance is measured in the horizontal plane at the maximum deviation of the wires and is calculated in accordance with the established SanPiN and SNiP standards. It is important to fully comply with these standards, since the fire safety of residential premises depends on their implementation.

Field with power line supports Source asutpp.ru

What is a power line

High-voltage power transmission lines are the main element of the country's energy system. Most often, the wires are placed above the ground on special supports.

Experts have long noticed the negative consequences of constantly being near power lines, so standards for a safe distance from residential buildings were determined, which take into account the voltage of the lines. The result of the calculation was the emergence of special sanitary zones - areas located next to high-voltage supports. Such areas are also called “encumbrance zones,” where it is prohibited to erect buildings or sell plots for individual housing construction and gardening non-profit partnerships.

Sunset and power line supports Source rusenergetics.ru

Harm to health

A power transmission line is a high-voltage power transmission line that is a major component of the energy system. The most common option is the overhead method of placing wires.

The health hazards of electromagnetic waves are very real, so there is no need to build buildings very close to power lines and overhead power line (OHL) supports. In order to protect people's health from the negative effects of electric fields, sanitary protection zones are created.

When purchasing housing, you should know what distance and how many meters there should be from a support or power line pole to the house.

Near the power plant

Possible ailments

Scientists have proven the negative impact of electric and magnetic fields of power lines on general condition and health. In the 60s, they carried out research work, during which a number of ailments of the following nature were noted in people living in apartments near power lines:

  • high general fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • depressive states;
  • frequent headaches;
  • weak muscle tone;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • memory problems;
  • insomnia.

The list of physiological disorders can be continued endlessly. Foreign scientists have found that children living less than 150 meters from a power line are 2 times more likely to suffer from leukemia, and almost all of them have problems with the central nervous system.

Near the city

It has also been proven that sensitivity to electric and magnetic fields varies from person to person. Increased sensitivity to electrical radiation is called electrical allergy. Thus, one person will continuously feel the negative impact of power lines, while the other will not feel any ailments.

The risk group includes pregnant women, people suffering from allergies and nervous ailments, and children. The longer a person stays in the area of ​​influence of electric fields, the more severe consequences this leads to. All vital systems suffer: immune, reproductive, hematological, nervous, endocrine, cardiac, vascular. Moreover, the risk of cancer increases sharply.

The influence of power line radiation on humans

Electrons pass through the wires, resulting in an electric field. Different types of current can have a constant or variable value. If the current constantly changes from plus to minus, then the field strength changes more frequently.

At the end of the 20th century, research began on the influence of electric fields on the human body, vegetation and wildlife. As a result, WHO determined the maximum permissible radiation doses in Hertz. In many states, documentation has appeared prohibiting the construction of industrial and residential facilities in close proximity to high-voltage cables.

Wires on power transmission towers Source ntc-retec.ru

Sanitary protection zones of power lines - what are they?

The sanitary-protected zone of the power line is the space on the sides of the power line, on the territory of which you cannot build or plant anything. Their size is determined according to established standards. The boundaries of these territories are determined as a result of officially conducted land surveys. Protected areas are recorded in the State Cadastral Register.

Low-power (up to 10 kV inclusive) power lines pass through populated areas near residential buildings. There are no separate protected areas for them. The territory is limited only for more powerful networks.

In sanitary protection zones it is prohibited:

  • launch any objects into the air (quadcopters, kites, balloons, etc.);
  • block passage;
  • park;
  • pour something into the soil;
  • arrange landfills;
  • plant or arbitrarily cut down shrubs and trees (specially trained people are engaged in cutting them down);
  • launch fireworks and salutes;
  • light fires;
  • use agricultural and specialized equipment, the height of which when unfolded exceeds 4.5 m (driving under power lines with equipment whose tall equipment is folded is allowed);
  • organize public events for people;
  • build sports and children's playgrounds, etc.

Voltage danger

High-voltage lines differ in dangerous and safe voltages. The higher the power of the line, the greater the distance the electric field operates.

There is a direct relationship between these values. To accurately calculate the voltage, it is necessary to take into account that the connecting phase of one phase may have a different number of wires. For example, 2 wires typically correspond to a voltage of 330 kV, 3 wires to 500 kV, and 4 wires to 750 kV.

Power line supports and pond Source energybase.ru

Safe distance to power lines

The standardized width of the sanitary zone does not meet the standards for maintaining a safe distance for the construction of residential buildings. Its value is 2 times less and its measurement is carried out not from the outermost wires of the power line, but is indicated by one value with the center of the overhead line axis.

Sanitary zones of overhead lines:

Permissible distances from buildings to power lines and their dependence on the voltage indicator:

  • 20 kV – from 10 meters;
  • 35 kV – from 15 meters;
  • 110 kV – from 20 meters;
  • 150 – 220 kV – from 25 meters;
  • 300 – 750 kV – from 30 meters;
  • 750 – 1150 kV – from 40 meters.

Definition of remoteness

The size of sanitary zones along power lines depends on the voltage level. To determine their boundaries, draw a conditional line along the projection of the wires onto the earth's surface. For even greater security, these values ​​should be multiplied by 10.

Power lines against the backdrop of sunset Source elektrovesti.net

A distance of 100 meters from power lines can be considered completely safe for humans. During rainy weather, a large number of oppositely charged ions are released into the atmosphere, which leads to an increase in the area of ​​electric fields and their spread to adjacent areas.

Not only residential and industrial buildings, but also garages, fences and other structures cannot be located on the territory of the sanitary zone. It is also prohibited to plant trees in these areas.

Residential buildings, children's and educational institutions should not be located under the wires. In this case, it is allowed to build production structures of the first and second levels of fire resistance in accordance with fire safety standards.

Wires with birds Source birdsandpowerlines.blogspot.com

The distance from power lines is a conditional value that provides for the safe functioning of people at a sufficient distance from wires and supports. Such a distance cannot guarantee the complete absence of any exposure to the residents of the house.

Underground installation significantly reduces the size of the danger zone, which is no more than 1 meter on each side of the electrical cable. At the same time, moving power lines underground requires investing a significant amount of money. Compared to the air type, the cost of underground installation increases several times. Therefore, this solution is still rarely used in practice.

For large urban settlements, underground cable laying is more typical. In this case, the wires are placed in special trenches, which are laid in blocks or tunnels. The depth of installation is about 1 meter. In this case, it is necessary to organize quick access to the lines during an emergency.

At what distance should you not live near power lines: safe distance to live

At what distance should you not live near power lines:

  • To avoid risks, the routes of electromagnetic fields that pass through such lines are delineated by sanitary protection zones. Their size corresponds to the voltage class and ranges from 20 to 55 meters (in Moscow these values ​​range from 10 to 40 meters ).
  • The distance is calculated from the wall of the house to the wires. Within these zones, the construction of housing, summer cottages, public buildings, as well as the location of gardens and vegetable gardens is not allowed.
  • These values ​​do not take into account the magnetic field surrounding the power line. Therefore, experts recommend that to fully guarantee safety, consider the distance to be ten times the specified standards.
  • For example, the distance around low voltage lines within a radius of 100 meters is a completely sufficient sanitary protection zone. The fact is that there are no official data regarding harmful emissions from power lines, so you should focus on the standards established by documents and your own well-being.

Opinions vary about how dangerous it is to live near power lines . Those who consider them dangerous cite statistics of deaths in areas where high-power power lines pass to prove that they are right. Doctors do not completely agree with this statement and refer to their own indicators and calculations.

Opinions about the harm vary

The truth, as usual, is in the middle: constantly being near the support of a 750-kilovolt line, it is quite possible to feel unwell. If the contact with the power line is not constant and the correct distance from it is maintained, the body is unlikely to react to the influence of the electromagnetic field.

Voltage in residential areas

Within cities, there are numerous power lines on the streets, the voltage of which usually does not exceed 10 kV. Such values ​​do not pose a risk to human health. The wires provide electricity to homes; they pass over residential areas and fenced areas.

Mountain and power line supports Source neftegaz.ru

Standards for safe use are also taken into account here. Buildings and structures are located at a distance from power lines of at least 5 meters. This line is the front boundary along which all communications pass. All wires are within this zone, except for the cable connected to the house itself.

An insulator with a fixed wire is placed at a height of 275 cm on the wall of the building. It should not enter the building in the areas of bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms. The use of storage rooms, utility rooms and corridors is allowed.

City and power line pylons Source fadedead.org

The wires can hang over the tracks no more than 350 cm. Moreover, this distance should be more than 6 meters above the tracks for cars.

In single-story residential areas, power lines are usually located on one side of the road. On the plan this place is marked with a red line. The distance from the power line support to residential buildings must fully comply with PUE standards. To connect the building from the opposite side to the wire, it is necessary to use additional poles. Insulators should be located at a height of 620 cm. The shortest distance from a 6 kV line to vegetation is 2 meters.

Is it dangerous to live near power lines?

  • in the electromagnetic field of power lines for a long time, depending on the state of human health, can have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system, reproductive and immune, endocrine and nervous systems ; it is possible that the level of leukocytes in the blood may exceed the normal level, it is possible and the risk of cancer.

Despite everything, power lines are quite important

  • A person may feel a constant loss of strength, become overly irritable, and the immune system is weakened. There is a version about the ionization of dust particles and impurities near them by power lines, which has a harmful effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.
  • Is it dangerous to live near power lines? Pregnant women, children and people with weakened immune systems should stay away from them It has been noted that this category of people may experience headaches and increased blood pressure.

There are countries in which a person exposed to the harmful effects of power lines can, at public expense, change their place of residence to a more comfortable one in this regard.

  • It should be noted that electromagnetic fields surround a person not only near power lines . They are emitted by any household and office equipment, mobile phones, which are much closer to human brain cells.
  • How strongly such a field influences a person or an ecological system depends on the power and duration of stay in it. In addition, industrial current has a frequency of 50 Hz, and humans perceive much lower frequencies.
  • In order to reduce the adverse effects of power lines , shielding devices and means that reduce field strength in the area where power lines are located can be used.
  • If the power line is located close enough to the residence, good protection is corrugated sheeting or metal tiles used in the manufacture of roofs; reinforced concrete walls, which weaken the effect of radio waves due to the reinforcing mesh, are considered the safest in this regard. In this case, both the grid and the roof must be grounded.
  • By the way, it is important to know that fishing near power lines is strictly prohibited. And if near your dacha there is a lake with fish, and nearby there are dangerous power lines, then refuse to relax with a fishing rod.

You can't fish

  • If a person lives near power lines or is often close to operating electrical equipment and feels ailments that he associates precisely with the influence of electromagnetic fields, it is useful for him to often travel to environmentally friendly areas located outside the range of power lines: to the mountains, to the sea coast, to forests. arrays.

There are special accredited laboratories that can carry out the appropriate measurements. Their findings and conclusions have the force of a legal document. The maximum permissible field strength is 0.5 kV/m indoors and 1 kV/m for the building area.

Electromagnetic radiation protection

As you move away from the power line, the electric field has less and less influence. The standards specify the values ​​when this indicator becomes acceptable, but the radiation does not completely disappear. For greater safety, it is necessary to take into account a distance of 10 times the recommended values.

Various cables and electrical equipment are also located inside the home. During their operation, electromagnetic radiation is created, which can spread over a distance of up to 2 meters.

Some of the most dangerous devices are irons and refrigerators, and a person can receive the greatest amount of radiation from a TV because they stay near it for a long time. As a result, the total radiation rate often exceeds all permissible standards.

Buildings that are located at a distance not exceeding 100 meters from wires with household voltage, as well as 200 meters from high-voltage cables, must be additionally protected from possible radiation.

During the construction of a house, you should carefully study the placement of power lines and, if necessary, immediately shield the facade of the building. If the home has already been built, it is necessary to organize repairs and carry out work to protect against electromagnetic radiation. The roof must be covered with a metal covering. A steel mesh is laid around the perimeter of the walls, which is hidden under the interior decoration.

The new building should be constructed from cinder block. This material has the ability to reflect and absorb radiation well. The roof and mesh in the walls must be grounded.

Harm to technology and means of communication

The increase in the length of electricity transmission routes across the country has led to the fact that the electromagnetic field of power lines began to affect the reception of television signals and radio communications.

What are the causes of radio interference from overhead lines, and why do they affect TV reception? As a result of a corona discharge in space, electromagnetic disturbances arise near the wires, which cause interference for radio receiving devices.

How does weather affect radio interference? Depending on meteorological conditions, interference may decrease, increase, or disappear temporarily. For example, when rain washes away contaminants from wires, the level of interference on radio channels and communication lines also decreases. They do not increase during fog or dew. But in rainy weather, the increase in interference on terrestrial television occurs in proportion to the intensity of the rain.

When using overhead line supports for the installation of fiber-optic communication lines, it is necessary to take into account that the fiber-optic line will be subject to an electromagnetic field. The potential induced in this case will cause its premature failure. To avoid this moment, you need to find the point of zero potential and attach the optical cable to it.

High-voltage power lines have an unsafe effect on steel main pipelines, including gas pipelines in the following cases:

  • parallel running of the pipeline and power lines;
  • at the places of their intersection;
  • in places of approaching and moving away from each other.

The danger lies in the fact that the alternating electromagnetic field created by the overhead electric line affects the pipeline located in the ground. The induction that appears in this case leads to the formation of a longitudinal EMF in the pipeline. The health and life of service personnel is at risk.

How does this process affect the pipeline itself? Due to alternating current, electrolytic corrosion of the metal occurs. Electrical devices associated with the pipeline may fail. In addition, if a power line breaks, the pipeline may be under high voltage.

To ensure safety, pipeline protection devices (PPD) are used:

Does the magnetic field of overhead lines affect mobile communications and phones? Much depends on the operator, on the technical capabilities of the phone, on the distance to the power lines. At high humidity, when corona discharges are clearly audible, the connection at the support may be weak or even absent. But, in general, overhead lines do not have a significant impact on cellular communications.

The same can be said about the effect of overhead lines on drones and other radio-controlled models. Interference occurring on power lines can interfere with the control of these devices. But, basically, nothing interferes with the movement of quadcopters. They are even planned to be used for technological inspections of overhead electrical routes.

Consequences of exposure to electromagnetic fields on the human body

After numerous experiments and observations, it has been proven that:

  • Electromagnetic fields induce both potential differences and currents in the human body. Short-term exposure to such values ​​is not hazardous to health, but prolonged exposure to radiation can seriously impair the functioning of internal organs.
  • A long period under electromagnetic radiation leads to an increase in the body’s temperature - a fact that is very doubtful and unproven, and today exists only as a theory.
  • Even weak, but long-lasting radiation from power lines leads to an increase in migraines and headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, a constant feeling of fatigue, and incorrect functioning of the entire nervous system.

Research has been conducted in the field of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the body of pregnant women. Conclusion: an increase in the number of premature births, miscarriages, too low weight of newborn babies. Long-term exposure to the field is one of the causes of cancer.

The impact of power lines on a person is also characterized by the flux density of magnetic induction. This is a quantity measured in Tesla. For humans, the normal level is 0.2 - 0.3 µT (microTesla), but these are foreign studies not accepted in Russia. We do not have a standard for this value.

Important! Knowing the safe distance at which you should be from the line, you can save not only your health, but also your life.

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