Which Posters Are Indicative • Mandatory Signs

What are there

The distribution of existing signs by groups and types is established by the current labor legislation, as well as instructions from government authorities in the field of labor protection.

One of the mandatory installations is the presence of the required signs directly in the institution. They are applied, placed and explained by the organization’s occupational safety specialist.

Determining the type of sign depends on the working conditions, the premises of the enterprise, and the requirements of the legislator. There are several types, and they differ in the reasons for their use and the information they contain.

The main signs must be classified into groups:

Contain a ban on dangerous behavior. Emergency situations are not allowed. Designed to warn employees of the institution about the dangers in their work. These are, for example, “Access denied”, “Smoking prohibited”.

A special feature is a prohibition on certain actions: movement, use of specific objects.

In case of violation of the prohibitions provided for by such signs, the employee may be subject to punishment depending on the severity of the consequences.

It is important to pay close attention to these signs in organizations dealing with substances of a dangerous and harmful nature.

Inform about possible danger, call for caution and attention.

Warn employees about possible negative consequences that manifest themselves depending on working conditions and the characteristics of the organization’s activities. Inform about the nature of possible risks. Such signs, for example, include warnings about biological threats, poisons, and flammable substances.

An employee must be attentive to such signs, because they will protect him from negative consequences.

Inform about the places where fire protection equipment is located: hydrants, fire extinguishers, taps, alarm buttons.

These signs will indicate the risk of fire, electrical circuit breakage, and provide information about the telephone numbers of emergency services, the procedure for action in the event of a fire or circuit breakage.

They provide for mandatory actions to avoid danger, that is, those that the employee is obliged to take during work in order to prevent a dangerous situation or violation of established safety standards. These include, for example, those that require workers to wear helmets and protective masks.

Such signs are mandatory for all workers in a certain area.

Evacuation and medical and sanitary purposes

They indicate where to go in case of evacuation, where to seek salvation and first aid. It can be difficult to navigate in a state of danger, and such signs carry a meaning that is understandable at the level of intuition. Employees of the enterprise, when realizing risks, focus on them during the evacuation process.

They inform and allow action. They help provide employees with information about the location of the organization’s services, service entrances, exits, smoking areas, and other premises.

Which of the following posters are classified as signposts?

What is the maximum radius from the point where the electric wire touches the ground that you can get under the “step” voltage?

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

It is installed on all drives, buttons and control keys of switching equipment and means that power supply to the line is prohibited. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Where to get and where to install

It may seem that it is not difficult for an employer to make such symbols on their own. But taking into account the extensive list of GOST requirements for design and production, strict guidelines regarding the materials used, it is advisable to place an order for the production of this specific product in an organization specializing in the named area of ​​activity.

The main requirement for placement is visibility for the people to whom they are addressed. Signs must be placed so that they do not distract attention, do not interfere with the employee’s performance of his task, do not block aisles, driveways, or interfere with the movement of cargo. Thus, the management of the institution selects placements based on established criteria.

In rooms and areas (doors, walls) where flammable substances are contained and where smoking is prohibited.

On the gates and doors of those objects where animals are not allowed, or where they cannot be.

At objects (doors, entrances) where communication means cannot be used.

What kind of lighting do you prefer?

Built-in Chandelier

Obstructing aisles and/or storing is prohibited

On evacuation routes, at exits, where fire-fighting equipment is located, and other places.

In places where such substances are stored, produced and used.

In places where substances hazardous to employees are stored, produced and used.

For work where you need to protect your hands from the dangerous effects of harmful substances or electric current.

When working in areas where the employee needs to use PPE.

Button for turning on fire automatics installations (systems)

In places where fire alarms are manually activated.

Above the doors (or on the doors) of escape routes. On the wall of the facility along with a directional arrow that will tell you where to move to evacuate.

Used only in conjunction with others to show the direction of movement.

On the doors of those rooms where drinking water taps are located.

Directional poster

“GROUNDED” - indicates that a certain section of the electrical installation is grounded and that it is inadmissible to supply voltage to it. It is hung on the drives of switching devices. If directional and prohibitory posters are used simultaneously, the directional poster is hung on top of the prohibition ones.

The poster dimensions are 200x100mm or 100x50mm with a white border width of 13mm and 5mm, respectively. The inscription is made in white letters on a blue background.

In an article previously published on our website on electrical protective equipment, it was mentioned that this category also includes signs and posters on electrical safety (hereinafter referred to as ES). Today we will talk about them in more detail. From the materials of the article you will learn about the different types of posters and signs, their purpose, as well as the nature of their application.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 VIncorrect answer
In electrical installations with voltage from 1 kV to 32 kVIncorrect answer
In electrical installations with voltage from 6 to 110 kVCorrect answer
In electrical installations with voltage from 10 to 220 kVIncorrect answer

Labor safety signs in 2022

One of the mandatory installations is the presence of the required signs directly in the institution. They are applied, placed and explained by the organization’s occupational safety specialist.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

An employee must be attentive to such signs, because they will protect him from negative consequences. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Product classification

Posters and signs warn of the dangers associated with approaching energized equipment. Safety posters may also identify the workplace.

Based on the nature of their application, electrical safety posters are divided into portable and stationary (permanent).

Classifications of posters and signs:

  • Prohibiting,
  • Warning,
  • Prescriptive,
  • Pointing.

All signs and their sizes, more details about each type of sign are written below in the article


Designed to prohibit switching with devices (turning on or off), they are needed so that no one mistakenly applies voltage to electrical equipment. The inscriptions are made in red letters on a white background and with a red frame, or vice versa in white letters on a red background.

Dimensions of rectangular posters (width x height): 200x100 or 100x50 mm.

Prohibition posters


Designed to warn of approaching live parts or parts at a life-threatening distance. Signs are used in electrical installations up to 1000 V and above.

The inscriptions are made in red letters on a white background and with a red frame, or a yellow triangle with a black frame and a zipper, or black paint, which is applied to reinforced concrete supports, fences or slabs.

Dimensions of rectangular signs: 300x150. The dimensions of the sides of the triangle are usually 300x300x300, but if the sign is used indoors or pasted on equipment, then its side dimensions can be: 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 150 mm.

Also read: Switching without excitation - transformer off-circuit switching

Warning signs


They are used to indicate places of work and for a safe approach to the workplace. The inscriptions and frames are made in blue and white letters.

Sizes of square signs: 100x100 or 250x250 mm, 200x200 and 80x80 mm.

Mandatory signs


Indicates that a certain area of ​​the electrical installation is grounded and that voltage must not be supplied to electrical equipment, as well as to indicate the location of various objects and devices. There is only one sign indicating “GROUNDED” in blue on a blue background. Poster dimensions: 200x100 or 100x50 mm The width of the white border should be 5-13mm.

Pointing sign

Question 9. Which of the following posters are classified as indicative?

  1. Prohibiting. Designed to prohibit any actions with switching devices, the inclusion of which could endanger the lives of people, and also prohibit work without protective equipment inside certain objects under certain conditions.
  2. Warning. Inform staff or third-party visitors about the danger of electric shock when approaching current-carrying elements of electrical equipment, equipment or electrical networks that are under voltage dangerous to human life.
  3. Prescriptive. They allow preventive and repair work to be carried out at a specific location of electrical installations in compliance with occupational safety requirements, and also indicate a safe approach to this work area.
  4. Index marks. Indicate the placement of various devices that impose additional requirements for electrical safety. When prohibiting and warning posters are used simultaneously, safety signs are placed on top.

Prescriptive posters

Prescriptive posters are used to indicate workplaces (locations of work) in electrical installations, as well as safe approaches to them.

“WORK HERE” – indicates a workplace.

The dimensions of the prescriptive poster are 100X100 or 250X250 mm. Made in the form of a white square with sides of 80 or 200 mm, respectively, on a blue background. The inscription is made in black letters inside a square. The poster is portable.

“GET IN HERE” is also a prescriptive poster and is used when the workplace is located at a height; it indicates a safe way to climb to the workplace.

Poster dimensions – 100X100 or 250X250 mm. Just like the “work here” poster, it is made in the form of a white square with sides of 80 or 200 mm on a blue background. The inscription is made in black letters inside a square.

Warning posters

Warning posters warn against approaching dangerous distances from live parts.

"STOP!" voltage" - warns of the danger of approaching live parts of electrical installations that are energized. The poster is used in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and higher (applies to portable ones).

Poster dimensions – 300X150 mm. The red arrow is made in accordance with GOST 12.4.026. The width of the red border is 15 mm. The inscription is made in black letters on a white background.

"DO NOT COME IN!" will kill" - this poster warns of the possible approach to live parts that are energized when climbing a structure.

The dimensions of the sign are 300x150 mm. The arrow is red. The width of the red border is 15 mm. The inscription is made in black letters on a white background.

“THE TEST IS DANGEROUS TO LIFE” - the poster warns of the danger of electric shock when conducting high-voltage tests. Such signs are posted on the fences of workplaces during high-voltage tests.

The dimensions of the sign are 300x150 mm. The arrow is red. The width of the red border is 21 mm. The inscription is made in black letters on a white background.

Poster dimensions – 200X100 mm. The width of the red border is 10 mm. The inscription is made in red letters on a white background.

“CAUTION Electrical Voltage” is an electrical safety sign that warns of the danger of electric shock. It is hung in electrical installations of any class and subclass of substations and power plants.

The sign is made in the form of an equilateral triangle with a side of 300 mm - for placement on the doors of premises. If for placement on equipment, machines, mechanisms and containers it can be with sides: 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 150 mm. The arrow and border are black, the background is yellow.

Also, the sign “caution of electrical voltage” can be applied with black paint on concrete surfaces (slabs, fences, outdoor switchgear fences, reinforced concrete supports, etc.) using a stencil.

Warning posters in electrical installations » Electrician School: Electrical and Electronics Engineering

  • Theater posters and playbills. ...
  • Advertising posters. ...
  • Propaganda posters. ...
  • Movie posters. ...
  • Music posters. ...
  • Sports posters. ...
  • Social posters. ...
  • Educational and instructional posters.

After applying grounding, a “Work here” poster is hung at all prepared work sites. During work, brigade personnel are PROHIBITED from rearranging or removing posters and temporary fences installed or entering the fenced areas. "Do not turn on!

The inscription is made in red letters on a white background. “CAUTION Electrical Voltage” is an electrical safety sign that warns of the danger of electric shock. It is hung in electrical installations of any class and subclass of substations and power plants.

  • Poster “Do not turn on! People are working"
  • Poster “Do not turn on! Work on the line!
  • Poster “Do not open! People are working."
  • Poster “Working under voltage. ...
  • "Caution Electrical Voltage" sign
  • Monochrome stenciled sign
  • Poster "Stop the tension"
  • Poster “The test is life-threatening”

Warning posters in electrical installations are intended for:

to warn both personnel servicing electrical installations and strangers about the danger of approaching equipment and parts of electrical installations that are energized,

to prohibit operations with switching devices if they can supply voltage to the equipment on which people work,

to indicate the place prepared for work,

What kind of lighting do you prefer?

Built-in Chandelier

to remind you of the safety measures taken.

In accordance with their purpose, posters in electrical installations are divided into:

Depending on the nature of their use, posters can be permanent or stationary (posters are mounted on a structure, structure, equipment) or portable (posters are carried and installed as needed on various equipment).

Permanent signs in electrical installations are made of sheet steel or plastic materials and must be weather-resistant and not require replacement for as long as possible. The surface of the posters is covered with enamel paint, which is used to create both the background and the design and inscriptions on the poster.

Portable posters are made of insulating or poorly conductive material (plastic, cardboard, wood) because they are mounted directly on the equipment and can accidentally come into contact with live parts.

Portable posters are equipped with devices for securing them at the installation site.

Poster "Live - Dangerous to Life". The poster is used as a permanent poster and is hung on the doors of electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, on switchboard fences with voltages up to 1000 V, etc.

In addition, a poster is hung at the ends of the cable when testing it with high voltage.

Poster "Stop - life-threatening." It is used as a portable device in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, and is hung on fences and structures, like the previous poster.

Poster “Don’t get involved - he’ll kill you.” It is used as a portable device and is hung on open switchgear structures adjacent to the one intended for lifting personnel when the workplace is located at a height.

Prohibiting posters are used only as portable ones:

Poster “Do not turn on - people are working.” It is hung on control keys, handles and steering wheels of drives of switches and disconnectors; if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the equipment on which people work.

Poster “Do not turn on - work on the line”. It is hung on control keys, handles and steering wheels of drives of linear switches and disconnectors; if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the line where people work.

Poster “Do not open - people are working.” It is hung on the valve controls of the air lines of switches and drives, if, if the valve is opened by mistake, high-pressure air may be released to the equipment that is being repaired and on which people are working.

Which poster is an indicator? Answers to questions about training and work

After applying grounding, a “Work here” poster is hung at all prepared work sites. During work, brigade personnel are PROHIBITED from rearranging or removing posters and temporary fences installed or entering the fenced areas. "Do not turn on!

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

Prohibitory posters on electrical safety - Electrical Wiring Magazine During work, crew personnel are PROHIBITED from rearranging or removing posters and installed temporary fences and entering the territory of fenced areas. Ask, I'm in touch!

Prohibition posters

Based on the name of these posters, their main purpose is to prohibit certain actions with switching installations, so that during maintenance activities on electrical devices they are not accidentally supplied with power.

Working under tension. Do not turn it on again! "- no one is allowed to re-turn on the overhead line switches after they have been automatically turned off, without prior consent from the work manager. This type of poster is hung on all overhead line control keys when repair work is carried out on live equipment (U).

" Dangerous! Electric field! Passage is prohibited without protective equipment ” is installed on outdoor switchgear with U exceeding 330 kV at a height of 1.8 meters on the fences of areas with U exceeding 15 kV per meter. It informs about the high probability of dangerous effects of an electric field on operating personnel and prohibits their movement in the work area without personal protective equipment.

" Do not turn on. People are working " is a portable sign used on electrical installations with U over 1 thousand Volts. It is installed on all drives, buttons and control keys of switching equipment and means that power supply to the line is prohibited.

" Do not turn on! Work on the line "is a portable sign installed on all drives and control keys of switching devices. It prohibits power supply to the line.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

The OPERATE LIVE sign, do not re-close, is used to prohibit manual re-closing of overhead line switches after they have been automatically switched off. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Difference between signs and posters

The main difference between them is their purpose. In short, the function of signs is to inform about permanent factors, for example, to warn maintenance and repair personnel about the possibility of accidental contact with live structural elements. Accordingly, fixed places are provided for the location of these electrical protective equipment.

ES signs can be made of metal or dielectric materials; it is allowed to paint them or apply a film with a pattern. In the first case, when a metal base is used, the installation is carried out at a safe distance from live elements.

What kind of lighting do you prefer?

Built-in Chandelier

These safety equipment are displayed in accordance with their intended purpose. Unlike signs, they can be permanently located or portable.

“DO NOT TURN ON people working”

The first poster we will talk about is the prohibitory poster “DO NOT TURN PEOPLE WORKING ON.” This poster serves to prohibit the supply of voltage to the place where repair work is being carried out and is portable. It looks like this:

I will say right away that this is the most common poster that we use in our work.

This prohibitory poster has certain size and design requirements.

The frame of the prohibiting poster “DO NOT ENABLE PEOPLE WORKING” should be red. The frame width is standardized from 0.5 to 1 (cm). The inscription “DO NOT TURN ON people working” is written in red. The background of the poster must be white.

This poster has 2 sizes: 20x10 (cm) and 10x5 (cm).

The prohibitory poster “DO NOT TURN ON people working” is used in electrical installations up to and above 1 (kV).

Above 1 (kV), a prohibitory poster is hung on control keys, prohibition keys and push-button posts of high-voltage switches, as well as on the handles of disconnectors, separators and load switches.

As an example, I will give you a high-voltage cell that was taken out for repairs. The photograph shows that the prohibitory posters “DO NOT TURN ON PEOPLE WORK” are hung on the handle of the bus disconnector, which is in the off state, and also (if you noticed) on the power supply circuit breaker (solenoids) of the oil switch.

Here is another example from my practice. It’s similar here, prohibiting posters “Do not turn on! People are working” are posted on the automatic operating circuits and switching circuits (solenoids), on the handles of the busbar and cable disconnectors, as well as on the oil switch drive control key.

Up to 1 (kV), a prohibitory poster is hung on control keys and push-button posts of automatic switches, contactors, as well as on switch handles.

If there are no switching devices in the circuit, then the poster in this case is hung on the jaws (blocks) of the removed fuses.

Posters on electrical safety: indicative, warning, prohibiting

Posters and signs can be portable or stationary . Portable safety equipment is installed at different times and removed when work is completed. Stationary signs are placed or painted on fences.

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

Electrical safety posters and signs. Classification of electrical safety posters and signs Depending on the installation location, materials of manufacture, size, signs and posters must meet standard requirements. Ask, I'm in touch!

What posters are classified as informational posters?

  1. Prohibiting. They are used to prohibit any actions related to switching equipment. This refers to devices whose activation would endanger people's lives. This type of poster is used to prohibit work without protective equipment in certain industrial facilities under specific conditions.
  2. Warning. This type of poster is intended to inform employees or third-party visitors about the danger of electric shock. They are usually installed next to the equipment and its conductive elements. They can also be located in close proximity to electrical networks or equipment that operates under high voltage.
  3. Prescriptive. This type of poster allows for preventive or repair measures to be carried out at a specific point of electrical equipment. When performing a task, the employee must be guided by labor safety requirements. Such posters may indicate a safe approach to the work area.
  4. Index marks. Used for installation on various devices and machines that impose additional safety requirements. Can be used in conjunction with prohibition signs. But directional posters are always installed on top.

Features of manufacturing electrical safety signs


This classification for electrical safety posters and signs allows you to determine whether the device will be installed on a permanent basis or whether it is portable. The first, for the most part, include signs, for example, voltage indicators, which are a triangular information plate with a stylized image of lightning.


Of the types listed above, these include the signs given in paragraphs 5 and 6, as well as the warning poster from paragraph 10


All other posters that were discussed are portable, that is, those that are installed in new places.

It makes sense to create sets of portable posters only when standard maintenance or repair of electrical network components or equipment powered by it is performed. In such cases, you can take a certain number of mandatory, prohibitive or other safety posters and signs, including “danger to life” signs, in advance.

Electrical safety posters and signs used in electrical installations

The use of safety signs and posters in electrical installations is associated with the need to ensure that operations with switching devices are prohibited (turning them on or off) so that during the operation of electrical equipment no one accidentally applies voltage to it.

Posters and signs warn of the dangers associated with approaching energized equipment. Safety posters may also identify the workplace.

According to their purpose, safety posters and signs are divided into:

  • – prohibiting;
  • – warning;
  • – prescriptive;
  • - pointing.

Depending on the nature of their application, electrical safety posters and signs are portable and stationary (permanent).

Friends, due to the fact that there are constantly disputes and disagreements in the comments, I decided to slightly change the structure and content of this article.

The name and assignment of electrical safety posters and signs to a particular class are taken from the source SO 153-34.03.603-2003 - “INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE APPLICATION AND TESTING OF PROTECTION MEANS USED IN ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS,” which was approved in 2003.

Why are posters and signs needed in the electronic library?

This classification for electrical safety posters and signs allows you to determine whether the device will be installed on a permanent basis or whether it is portable. The first, for the most part, include signs, for example, voltage indicators, which are a triangular information plate with a stylized image of lightning.


Of the types listed above, these include the signs given in paragraphs 5 and 6, as well as the warning poster from paragraph 10


All other posters that were discussed are portable, that is, those that are installed in new places.

It makes sense to create sets of portable posters only when standard maintenance or repair of electrical network components or equipment powered by it is performed. In such cases, you can take a certain number of mandatory, prohibitive or other safety posters and signs, including “danger to life” signs, in advance.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

Posters and safety signs are additional electrical protective equipment; they are divided into warning, prohibiting, prescriptive and indicative. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Where is the "Stop the Tension" poster posted?

Poster “Stop. Voltage" serves to warn of the danger of electric shock. ... In outdoor switchgear, posters are hung during work performed from the ground, on ropes and cords enclosing the workplace; on structures, near the workplace on the way to the nearest live parts that are energized.

  • What types of signs and posters are there!?
  • Posters and safety signs are additional electrical protective equipment; they are divided into warning, prohibiting, prescriptive and indicative.
  • Depending on the nature of their application, posters can be permanent or portable, and signs can be permanent.

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

Types of electrical safety posters according to GOST Thus, when carrying out any work on an existing line or electrical equipment, in order to comply with safety precautions, it is necessary to install the specified signs of the appropriate class and size. Ask, I'm in touch!

Posters and signs on electrical safety and their classification

  • Prohibiting . These posters prohibit any actions with switching equipment, the activation of which by mistake may cause voltage to enter the workplace. They also prohibit moving without protective equipment in electrical installations with a voltage of 330 kV or more and an electric field strength of over 5 kV/m.
  • Warning . Electrical safety signs in this category warn of possible danger when approaching live parts in electrical installations that are energized.
  • Prescriptive . Allow the performance of any actions subject to specific electrical safety requirements.
  • Pointing . They indicate the location of certain objects and devices.

Safety posters and signs used in electrical installations

In electrical installations, safety posters and signs must be used to prohibit actions with switching devices, which, if switched on incorrectly, may supply voltage to the work site, to warn about the danger of approaching live parts that are energized, or to permit certain actions only if specific safety requirements are met. labor and indicating the location of various objects and devices, etc.

Posters and safety signs used in electrical installations, according to their purpose, are divided into four groups: warning, prohibiting, prescriptive and indicative.

Warning posters are intended for:

— to warn about the danger of approaching live parts;

- to prohibit work with switching devices, if they are switched on incorrectly, voltage may be applied to equipment where people work;

- to indicate a place prepared for work, to remind you of the safety measures taken.

Warning posters and signs include:

"Carefully! Electrical voltage." A permanent sign to warn of the danger of electric shock. Scope of application: in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V in power plants and substations. It is fixed on the outside of the entrance doors of the switchgear (with the exception of the doors of switchgear and package transformer substations located in these installations); external doors of chambers of switches and transformers; fencing of live parts located in production premises; doors of panels and assemblies with voltage up to 1000 V.

“Stop! Voltage". A portable poster to warn about the danger of electric shock. It is used in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V in power plants and substations. In closed switchgear, live parts that are under operating voltage are hung on temporary fences (when the permanent fence is removed); on temporary barriers in passages where you should not enter; on permanent fences of cells adjacent to the workplace. In outdoor switchgear, during work performed from the ground, they are hung on ropes and cords enclosing the workplace; on structures near the workplace on the way to the nearest live parts that are energized.

"Trial. Life threatening". A portable poster to warn about the danger of electric shock when conducting tests at high voltage. Post the inscription outside on the equipment and fences of live parts when preparing the workplace for high voltage testing.

“Don't interfere. He will kill! A portable poster to warn about the danger of climbing a structure where it is possible to approach live parts that are energized. The poster is hung in the switchgear on structures adjacent to the one intended for lifting personnel to a workplace located at a height.

Prohibition posters are called:

“Don’t turn it on, people are working.” A portable poster to prohibit the supply of voltage to a workplace intended for use in electrical installations up to and above 1000 V. The poster is hung on the drives of disconnectors, separators and load switches, on keys and remote control buttons, on switching equipment up to 1000 V (on automatic machines, circuit breakers , switches), if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the workplace. For connections up to 1000 V that do not have switching devices in the circuit, the poster is hung near the removed fuses.

“Do not turn on, work on line.” A portable poster to prohibit the supply of voltage to the line on which people work is used in electrical installations up to and above 1000 V. The poster is hung on the drives, keys and control buttons of those switching devices, if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the overhead or cable line, where people work.

“Don’t open, people are working.” A portable poster prohibiting the supply of compressed air and gas. It is used in electrical installations of power plants and substations. The poster is hung on valves and valves of air ducts to air collectors and pneumatic drives of switches and disconnectors, if opened incorrectly, compressed air can be supplied to working people or the switch or disconnector on which people are working can be activated; hydrogen, carbon dioxide and other pipelines, which, if switched on incorrectly, may pose a danger to working people.

The prescriptive posters have the following names:

"Work here." Portable poster to indicate the workplace, used in electrical installations of power plants and substations. It is posted in the closed switchgear at the work site, and in the outdoor switchgear (if there are fences at the workplace) - at the point of passage over the fence;

“Getting in here.” A portable poster to indicate a safe route to a workplace located at a height. It is hung on structures or stationary ladders that allow access to a workplace located at a height.

The signpost is titled "Grounded". A portable poster to indicate the inadmissibility of supplying voltage to a grounded section of an electrical installation. It is used in electrical installations of power plants and substations. They are hung on the drives of disconnectors, separators and load switches, if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the grounded section of the electrical installation, and on the keys and buttons for their remote control.

In electrical installations, safety posters and signs must be used to prohibit actions with switching devices, which, if switched on incorrectly, may supply voltage to the work site, to warn about the danger of approaching live parts that are energized, or to permit certain actions only if specific safety requirements are met. labor and indicating the location of various objects and devices, etc.

Posters and safety signs used in electrical installations, according to their purpose, are divided into four groups: warning, prohibiting, prescriptive and indicative.

Warning posters are intended for:

— to warn about the danger of approaching live parts;

- to prohibit work with switching devices, if they are switched on incorrectly, voltage may be applied to equipment where people work;

- to indicate a place prepared for work, to remind you of the safety measures taken.

Warning posters and signs include:

"Carefully! Electrical voltage." A permanent sign to warn of the danger of electric shock. Scope of application: in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V in power plants and substations. It is fixed on the outside of the entrance doors of the switchgear (with the exception of the doors of switchgear and package transformer substations located in these installations); external doors of chambers of switches and transformers; fencing of live parts located in production premises; doors of panels and assemblies with voltage up to 1000 V.

“Stop! Voltage". A portable poster to warn about the danger of electric shock. It is used in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V in power plants and substations. In closed switchgear, live parts that are under operating voltage are hung on temporary fences (when the permanent fence is removed); on temporary barriers in passages where you should not enter; on permanent fences of cells adjacent to the workplace. In outdoor switchgear, during work performed from the ground, they are hung on ropes and cords enclosing the workplace; on structures near the workplace on the way to the nearest live parts that are energized.

"Trial. Life threatening". A portable poster to warn about the danger of electric shock when conducting tests at high voltage. Post the inscription outside on the equipment and fences of live parts when preparing the workplace for high voltage testing.

“Don't interfere. He will kill! A portable poster to warn about the danger of climbing a structure where it is possible to approach live parts that are energized. The poster is hung in the switchgear on structures adjacent to the one intended for lifting personnel to a workplace located at a height.

Prohibition posters are called:

“Don’t turn it on, people are working.” A portable poster to prohibit the supply of voltage to a workplace intended for use in electrical installations up to and above 1000 V. The poster is hung on the drives of disconnectors, separators and load switches, on keys and remote control buttons, on switching equipment up to 1000 V (on automatic machines, circuit breakers , switches), if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the workplace. For connections up to 1000 V that do not have switching devices in the circuit, the poster is hung near the removed fuses.

“Do not turn on, work on line.” A portable poster to prohibit the supply of voltage to the line on which people work is used in electrical installations up to and above 1000 V. The poster is hung on the drives, keys and control buttons of those switching devices, if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the overhead or cable line, where people work.

“Don’t open, people are working.” A portable poster prohibiting the supply of compressed air and gas. It is used in electrical installations of power plants and substations. The poster is hung on valves and valves of air ducts to air collectors and pneumatic drives of switches and disconnectors, if opened incorrectly, compressed air can be supplied to working people or the switch or disconnector on which people are working can be activated; hydrogen, carbon dioxide and other pipelines, which, if switched on incorrectly, may pose a danger to working people.

The prescriptive posters have the following names:

"Work here." Portable poster to indicate the workplace, used in electrical installations of power plants and substations. It is posted in the closed switchgear at the work site, and in the outdoor switchgear (if there are fences at the workplace) - at the point of passage over the fence;

“Getting in here.” A portable poster to indicate a safe route to a workplace located at a height. It is hung on structures or stationary ladders that allow access to a workplace located at a height.

The signpost is titled "Grounded". A portable poster to indicate the inadmissibility of supplying voltage to a grounded section of an electrical installation. It is used in electrical installations of power plants and substations. They are hung on the drives of disconnectors, separators and load switches, if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the grounded section of the electrical installation, and on the keys and buttons for their remote control.

Posters as means of protection

Brightly colored images with explanatory inscriptions or symbols are called posters or safety signs. They have a certain geometric shape: rectangular, triangular, square.

Posters are needed to warn both workers and bystanders about the potential hazards posed by electrical installation equipment. Some posters directly prohibit performing certain actions, others carry an informational load, others allow and order work.

To make posters or signs catch the eye, contrasting or signal colors and their combinations are used for the background and inscriptions: red/white, blue/white, black/white, black/yellow

The document applies to any means of protection used by organizations of various forms of ownership - both state enterprises and private property, especially if the voltage in electrical installations is above 1000 V.

The main document in which you can find information about electrical safety posters and signs is СО. It is called “Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations”

Workers involved in work in electrical installations must be provided with protective equipment, including posters, and explained how and where they should be used in order to ensure the safest possible working conditions. Portable signs must be part of the inventory that field teams are armed with.

Like other means of protection, signs and posters need to be properly stored and transported, and permanent ones must be in proper condition, that is, clean, dry, undamaged, with clearly readable inscriptions

Posters and signs are made in accordance with GOST. Unlike tools and clothing, they do not require markings and do not need to be numbered or otherwise marked.

Prohibition posters

The “LOGINE OPERATION DO NOT RE-ON” sign is used to prohibit manual re-closure of overhead line switches after they have been automatically switched off. Such actions must be coordinated with the work manager.

These electrical safety posters must be posted on the control keys included in the overhead line switches. They are hung when performing repair work under voltage. The standard size of the poster is 100x500 mm, with a red border 5 mm wide running along the perimeter. The inscription's letters are red and printed on a white background.

Poster “DO NOT TURN ON! People are working” is figurative. It prohibits applying voltage to the line in all cases. It is hung on buttons, keys and switchgear control drives. When you turn it on, the voltage will definitely get to the line, so this should not be done under any circumstances. These posters are used in electrical installations with voltages not only up to 1000 volts, but also above this value.

The poster dimensions are standard – 100x200 mm, with a perimeter border 5 mm wide. The inscription uses red letters on a white background.

Portable poster “DO NOT TURN ON! operation on the line" prohibits the supply of voltage to the line. It is also hung on the control elements of the switching equipment of electrical panels, when turned on, voltage can be supplied to the line. The inscription is written in white letters on a red background without a border. Overall dimensions are standard – 100x200 mm.

Prohibitory signs “DO NOT OPEN by people working” are also portable. They are hung on valves and gate valves that shut off the air supply to pneumatic switching equipment. An error when opening these devices may cause the equipment on which the work is being performed to turn on. This symbol also applies to gas cylinders, as well as hydrogen or oxygen pipelines, which, if opened, could cause injury to workers with serious negative consequences. The dimensions of the sign are standard; there is a red border around the perimeter.

Warning posters

The main purpose of such information signs is to notify personnel about approaching at an unsafe distance to parts of equipment that are under high voltage.

Stop! Voltage " - used in installations with U over 1 thousand Volts. The sign notifies you of being in close proximity to live parts of an electrical installation.

" Don't get in! Will kill " - this sign informs about the danger of approaching live parts when climbing a structure.

" Trial! Danger to life " - this sign is mounted on workplace barriers during high-voltage tests and warns of the danger of electric shock.

" Carefully! Electrical voltage - used in electrical installations of any substations and power stations. It warns against the danger of approaching live parts of the installation.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

It makes sense to create sets of portable posters only when standard maintenance or repair of electrical network components or equipment powered by it is performed. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Where should electrical safety signs be placed in an enterprise?

"DO NOT ENABLE line work"

The second electrical safety prohibition poster that we will look at is called “DO NOT turn on line work.” This poster serves to prohibit the supply of voltage to the line where repair work is being carried out, and is portable.

As with the previous poster, this prohibition poster also has certain size and design requirements.

The prohibiting poster “DO NOT ENABLE line work” has no frame, or is made in the form of a white edge about 0.5 (cm) wide. The inscription is written in white. The background of the poster should be red.

This poster has 2 sizes: 20x10 (cm) and 10x5 (cm).

The use of the “DO NOT TURN ON line work” poster is similar to the “DO NOT TURN ON people working” poster.

The only difference is that it is hung on those switching devices (control keys, prohibition keys, push-button stations of high-voltage switches; handles of disconnectors, short circuits, separators, switches, etc.), if they are switched on incorrectly or spontaneously, voltage will be supplied to an overhead line (OL) or cable line (CL), where electrical personnel (electrician) work.

After applying grounding, a “Work here” poster is hung at all prepared work sites. During work, brigade personnel are PROHIBITED from rearranging or removing posters and temporary fences installed or entering the fenced areas. "Do not turn on!

The inscription is made in red letters on a white background. “CAUTION Electrical Voltage” is an electrical safety sign that warns of the danger of electric shock. It is hung in electrical installations of any class and subclass of substations and power plants.

  • Poster “Do not turn on! People are working"
  • Poster “Do not turn on! Work on the line!
  • Poster “Do not open! People are working."
  • Poster “Working under voltage. ...
  • "Caution Electrical Voltage" sign
  • Monochrome stenciled sign
  • Poster "Stop the tension"
  • Poster “The test is life-threatening”

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

Where should posters be posted to prevent voltage from entering the workplace? What kind of poster is posted when performing live work on manual drives and remote control keys of switching devices? Ask, I'm in touch!

Which posters are prohibitive regarding electrical safety?

  1. Warning signs. They “signal” that there is electrical equipment located at a short distance, close contact with which can cause electrical injury.
  2. Prohibiting. Such posters warn that there is a risk of being exposed to voltage. Often prohibition signs can be found on electrical equipment housings.
  3. Pointing. Usually installed where it is necessary to accurately show the location of portable grounding (grounding location in an electrical installation).
  4. Prescriptive. Indicate that all work must be carried out in full compliance with safety regulations.

Classification of information posters and signs

Electrical safety posters used in electrical installations are used to inform personnel, as well as people who value their own lives.

Perhaps the most common saying is “don’t get involved, he’ll kill you!”, and most often this inscription is accompanied by a frightening picture - a skull pierced by lightning. In general, electrical safety posters and signs are distinguished by their variety of types, so they are usually divided into several groups.

According to the installation principle, they can be both portable and stationary, and according to their purpose, they are usually classified into several groups:

  1. Warning signs. They “signal” that there is electrical equipment located at a short distance, close contact with which can cause electrical injury.
  2. Prohibiting. Such posters warn that there is a risk of being exposed to voltage. Often prohibition signs can be found on electrical equipment housings.
  3. Pointing. Usually installed where it is necessary to accurately show the location of portable grounding (grounding location in an electrical installation).
  4. Prescriptive. Indicate that all work must be carried out in full compliance with safety regulations.

Auxiliary signs

Prohibition signs and posters

To prevent accidental supply of voltage when inspecting and repairing electrical equipment, prohibiting signs and electrical safety posters are used. These types of “informants” include:

  1. Poster “Danger! Do not enter without protective equipment!” It is a warning that a person is entering the zone of action of an electric field, and in order for him to enter, he must take care of the availability of electrical protective equipment.
  2. "High voltage. Life threatening!" - an electrical safety sign indicating a factor that can become a threat to human life.
  3. Poster “Do not turn on! People are working! “Informator” belongs to the category of non-stationary, and this inscription implies that at the current moment in time, supplying voltage is strictly prohibited. Where the poster “Do not turn on! People are working!”? For any control elements of switching devices. This is done in order to prevent the supply of voltage, and in addition, this sign is installed near the removed fuses.
  4. Poster “Working under voltage. Do not turn it on again." This means that you should not turn on the overhead line switches a second time if they have already been turned off. These posters are posted when live repair work is being carried out. Location – control keys.
  5. Poster “Do not turn on! Work on the line." Indicates that energizing the line is prohibited. The “informant” is classified as portable and is hung on control drives or keys.

Warning signs and posters

If a person approaches an unsafe distance from live elements, then warning posters and electrical safety signs will certainly notify him of this.

The same as the previous one, but it is posted on the drives, keys and control buttons of those switching devices, if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the overhead or cable line on which people work. Poster size 200x100 or 100x50. PVC material or hardboard sticker.

To prohibit the supply of compressed air and gas, a DO NOT OPEN sign is used! PEOPLE WORK.

Second step. After turning off the voltage, it is necessary to check the absence of voltage on live parts of the electrical installation at the workplace. Let me remind you that this can be done using a high or low voltage indicator, depending on the voltage class of the installation.

Third step. After checking that there is no voltage on live parts, to ensure safety, it is necessary to ground the disconnected live parts by applying stationary or portable grounding. To indicate the inadmissibility of supplying voltage to a grounded section of an electrical installation, an INDEX POSTER is used.

Fourth step. If some live parts near the workplace remain energized, then a fence should be placed between these parts and the workplace. WARNING POSTERS must be posted on guardrails facing the workplace.

Poster size 300x150. PVC material or hardboard sticker. There are a number of other modifications of warning posters:

Fifth step. Well, to complete the preparation of the workplace, to unambiguously determine the place of work, PRESCRIPTION POSTERS are used:

Poster size 250x250 or 100x100. PVC material or hardboard sticker. The poster is displayed at the workplace. In outdoor switchgear, if there are protective fences, the workplace is posted at the point of passage beyond the fence.

This poster is hung on structures or stationary stairs that allow access to a high-altitude workplace. Well, in conclusion, I will say that all electrical installations must have an electrical safety sign to warn of the danger of electric shock:

Expert opinion

Strebizh Viktor Fedorovich, leading construction foreman

It is hung on the valve controls of the air lines of switches and drives, if, if the valve is opened by mistake, high-pressure air may be released to the equipment that is being repaired and on which people are working. If you need an explanation of unclear points, write to me!

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