How to choose the right occupational safety signs


Safety signs can be seen in the form of portable signs, posters, stencils, as well as symbols printed on the surface of the electrical installation body or fence. It is important to understand the meaning inherent in them - protection. They require appropriate behavior where they are established; they symbolize rules that cannot be violated under any circumstances.

All electrical safety signs shown in the photo are standardized in size. The text may vary depending on the scope and purpose.

When they are applied to the housing or enclosure of an electrical installation, they are subject to specific requirements.

Resistance to any atmospheric influences and mechanical damage (non-erasability) after applying paint to the surface is a prerequisite.

Depending on their purpose, all safety signs are divided into the following types:
  • Stationary;
  • Pointing;
  • Prohibiting;
  • Prescriptive;
  • Portable;
  • Warning.

Manufacturing requirements

Technical measures when working in electrical installations

The production of milestone signs is clearly regulated by GOST 12.4.026-2001.

  • Warning signs should have a triangular shape with a yellow signal color. The same GOST defines the basis for prohibitory signs. The main signal color here is red. The prescribed predetermined shape is a round shape with a blue signal color.
  • Dielectric materials are used to make signs. GOST recommends the use of non-flammable PVC plastic with a thickness of 2 to 4 mm with a photoluminescent or reflective base. Metal may only be used for signs remote from electrical installations.
  • It is allowed to print safety signs and explanatory notes on film with a self-adhesive backing.
  • It is allowed to mark and place stationary electrical safety signs with paint using stencils. At night, all electrical safety information should be backlit.
  • If safety signs are voluminous, then the quality of the design must be durable, the sign must be securely attached. Installation and dismantling for maintenance and repair should be as simple as possible.
  • Safety signs in electrical installations that are intended to be placed outside buildings must be resistant to various atmospheric influences: rain, snow, frost, dust, fog and sunlight.

For your information! Sign All sizes of signs are calculated from the point of view of readability and are given in GOST 12.4.026-2001.

Review of prohibitory signs on electrical safety

To prevent the unintentional supply of current to disconnected equipment during repair and maintenance activities, portable signs with bright letters on a snow-white background are used:

  • “Do not turn it on again! Work under tension! It is hung on the device responsible for turning on the voltage after it has been directly turned off. You cannot remove the sign or do anything without the permission of the repair supervisor.
  • “People are working! Do not turn on!". Mobile sign. Placed on control buttons, switches, switches to prevent voltage supply during repair and maintenance activities.
  • "Do not turn on! Work on the line! Also prohibits the supply of voltage to a disconnected cable. It is hung on voltage supply devices directly to the disconnected power line.
  • "Do not open! People are working! Placed on various oxygen, hydrogen cylinders, pipelines, the opening of which can cause harm.

Overview of Electrical Safety Warning Signs

When it is dangerous to approach nearby live parts, the following signs are posted (in the form of stationary posters and plates, or painted on the body of the electrical installation):

  • “Stop! Voltage!" A portable sign warning that it is dangerous to approach an electrical installation. The inscription in black letters on a white background.
  • “He will kill! Don't get in!" It is prohibited to climb inside the room or shield.
  • “A test is being carried out! Don't come closer! They are hung directly during work involving high voltage.
  • "Electric field. High danger. Passage without protective equipment is prohibited! Prohibition on movement near high-voltage installations to avoid remote electric shock.
  • “The electrical installation is live! Be careful." The sign is posted on electrical equipment and installations of various classes to prevent electric shock. It can also be applied with paint to the surface of concrete.

Types of email signs safety according to GOST

Safety signs on labor protection at work

There is a division of safety signs into the following groups:

  • prohibiting;
  • warning;
  • prescriptive;
  • index.

This classification is established by GOST 12.4.026-2015.

Prohibitions imply a complete restriction on any actions that could cause harm to workers located in the area of ​​electrical installations and carrying out any actions there. They also prohibit working or carrying out any manipulations without protective equipment inside certain premises and installations.


Warnings serve to indicate possible dangers not only to human health, but also to life, as well as harmful production factors. They perform the following task: to increase attention or warn workers and third parties about an object that is potentially dangerous. Failure to comply with special safety measures can lead to irreparable consequences, severe injuries, injuries, or even death.

For your information! The "Dangerous Voltage" sign is a typical example of a warning sign. It is permanent. An example of a portable poster: “Tests are life-threatening!”

Maintenance personnel should notice the warning sign from afar. Sometimes, for clarification, they are supplemented with electrical safety warning signs in the form of a rectangle.


In electrical safety signs, according to GOST, lightning indicates the presence of voltage in the network. An example of a prohibitory poster: “DO NOT TURN ON! People are working." The prohibitory poster has the shape of a rectangle and is suspended on handles and levers that supply voltage.

Prescriptive ones are needed to identify safe places in which repairs or maintenance of electrical equipment can be carried out. Their purpose is also to indicate safe passage to the area where manipulations are carried out. Example of a portable instructional poster: “Work here.”


The purpose of the signs is to show the location of electrical equipment and devices that require strict adherence to safety regulations.


Important! Sometimes it is allowed to use two signs at once: a prohibition sign and an instruction sign. Then the second one is always located higher than the first one.

The table clearly shows the distribution of signs by groups:

ProhibitingRedCircle crossed out by a stripeProhibition of hazardous activities from an electrical safety point of view
PrescriptiveBlueCircleTips and tricks to avoid dangerous activities
WarningBlack symbol on a yellow backgroundTriangleYou need to be careful and careful, there may be a danger of electric shock
Fire safetyRedRectangular or squareIndicates the placement of fire fighting equipment
PointingBlueInformation or instructions
EvacuationGreenPassages and evacuation areas

Indicative and mandatory electrical safety signs

When you need to inform about a specific place where work can be carried out, about the condition of the electrical installation, these types of signs are used:

  • “Work here!” A direct indication of where it is recommended to be while performing any work.
  • "Grounded." Characteristics of equipment condition. The electrical safety sign explains that the electrical installation is grounded.
  • "Connected." A message indicating that electric current is being supplied to the input contacts. And you can’t get in without turning it off, you can’t repair it!
  • "Live parts". A message about specific elements of an electrical installation that are energized.
  • "Rotating mechanisms." Such signs are used to indicate the dangerous zone of rotation of stationary machines - milling, turning, grinding.
  • "High voltage. Do not open!". This sign can be classified as a warning sign. But it also carries an indication of what cannot be done, prescribes certain limits of behavior, beyond which it is absolutely forbidden to go.
  • "The line is live." The current state of power lines is characterized.
  • “Get in here!” A sign indicating where you need to go up to get to your workplace.
  • “Get up here!” Like the previous sign, it guides along a safe route.
  • “Come here!” The sign indicates the direction of travel that must be followed when moving through a dangerous area.

Letter messages are accompanied by arrows indicating direction. It is important not to ignore what is written so as not to get injured.

The dimensions of the sign plate are 100x100 or 80x200. Usually this is a black inscription inside a rectangle on a white background.

Thus, by understanding what the sign that catches our eye is telling us, you can save your life and health, and not get into places where you don’t need to. Electricity is invisible, but nevertheless has the same danger as an earthquake, flood, or strong gusts of wind. And you should always be careful when interacting with it.

Typical electrical safety signs and plates

The poster (plate) “Grounded” calls for caution and warns that in a certain area of ​​the grounding electrical installation, supplying electricity to it is unacceptable.

The sign is hung on the equipment of power plants:

  • Buttons, remote control keys of switching equipment;
  • disconnector drives;
  • switches and load separators.

You can order the production of “Grounded” posters using any type of coating or material you choose.

The “In operation” sign is intended to notify employees that the mechanism is in an active state.

To fulfill orders for the production of “In Work” signs, we use galvanized metal, plastic and PVC.

The poster “Do not turn on people working” informs about the prohibition of supplying voltage to the place where work is being carried out.

The plate is portable and is used on electrical installations before and after 1 kV:

  • On buttons and remote control keys;
  • on switching equipment;
  • on disconnector drives;
  • on load switches;
  • near the switched off fuses.

The production of the ordered poster “Do not turn on people working” is carried out according to the “Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations” SO 153-34.03.603-2003.

The poster “Do not close people working” is placed near valves and air duct valves. The fact is that their overlap can contribute to the failure of various mechanisms or create a dangerous situation for employees of the enterprise. The sign is used to prevent the supply of compressed air or gas from being interrupted.

Silk-screen printing and PVC are used to produce “Keep People Working” signs. The order can be placed by phone by contacting the managers of our company.

The “Do not open people working” poster is used to prohibit the supply of compressed air or gas. The use of this label is necessary to maintain safe conditions:

  • On pipelines;
  • on valves;
  • on fans.

The production of “Do not open people are working” posters is possible in several sizes. In addition, when ordering, you have the opportunity to select the desired material.

It is customary to hang a “Do not turn on” poster (sign) on buttons, keys and other switching equipment for electrical installations with a power of 1000 V. The sign indicates that it is prohibited to supply electricity to the line on which employees are carrying out any work.

These posters can be produced in various sizes. The client can also individually select the required coating or material.

A “Get Here” sign provides information about the safe direction to the work site. Usually placed in cases where the workplace is located at a high altitude. The poster can be placed on stairs and other possible structures that are intended to be used to climb to the employee’s place of work.

In the production of signs, high-quality materials are used that have increased reliability and resistance to the environment.

You can order the “Get in Here” sign in any form. It is possible to order both a poster and a sign.

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