Rules for drawing up estimates for electrical work

Before starting construction, installation and other work, the contractor must draw up an estimate. Its task is to clearly demonstrate to the customer how much money will be needed to hold the event, how much materials will be needed, what the scope of work will be, etc. In case of disagreement between the contractor and the customer, the document can be adjusted. The estimate for electrical installation work is developed similarly to others, but there are several differences in terms of the documents attached to it. We’ll figure out how to correctly draw up such an estimate in this article.

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Estimates and prices for electrical installation work

Prices for electrical installation work are characterized by great variety and a wide range of application options.
In this regard, the estimate for electrical installation work may include a huge variety of prices, which must be justified by the requirements of the work project at any construction site. The estimate for electrical installation work, as a rule, is compiled using the prices for electrical installation work from the 8th installation collection of estimate and regulatory bases GESN, FER and TER.

In addition, a sample estimate for electrical installation work in Excel, or in another convenient format, may contain standards from 33 construction collections of the same regulatory frameworks. Among other things, repair or dismantling work on electrical networks can be assessed using the standards from the collection 67 of the repair and construction part.

Preparation of documentation for electrical installation

We will start by preparing all the documents, based on which we will draw up an estimate for electrical installation. To perform calculations for electrical installation estimates, you will need the following:

  1. Plan of the equipped room with an electrical diagram.
  2. Diagram of electrical equipment installation locations.
  3. The technical conditions are issued by the organization providing electricity supply. How to do this, and in what cases, we have already described on our website.
  4. Permission to connect to the network (if necessary).

In addition, based on the design features of the facility and the situation, electrical installation may require a balance sheet act, a document limiting the liability of operation, or an order for the supply of equipment.

All this applies more to various enterprises. For a residential premises or house, the first two documents plus permission to carry out electrical installations are sufficient.

Collection of GESNm08 in estimates for electrical installation work of switchgears

As noted above, many estimates for electrical installation work are drawn up on the basis of the 8th installation collection of GESN and FER. This is due to the fact that most of the necessary standards used in determining the cost of EMR are contained in the specified collection.

At the same time, what is necessary in this case are not only the obvious prices of GESN for electrical installation work on laying cables or installing sockets and switches, but in general prices for the installation of all possible materials and equipment for the installation and full functioning of electrical networks. For example, prices for the installation of switchgears and substations.

Standards for the installation of switchgears and substations of various types are found in section 1 of the collection 8 of the State Electrical Service for electrical installation work. At the same time, within the specified department it is possible to select prices for open and closed switchgears, converter devices, battery installations, etc.

So, for example, an estimate for electrics using the standard code GESNm08-01-002-02 will include the installation of three-phase linear transformers 10 kV, and the standard GESNm08-01-102-01 means that the estimate form takes into account the installation of control cabinets and regulation.

If it is necessary to apply a price in the estimate for an electromagnetic lock or for installing a button, then the most suitable in this case will be one of the norms in the table GESNm08-01-081. At the same time, the installation of measuring and protection devices in estimate form is taken into account using the table GESNm08-01-080.

In addition, it should be noted that since, on the basis of the state elemental estimate standards of GESN, standards are developed in other estimate and regulatory bases, it is logical that the FERm08 or TERm08 collections for electrical installation work include standards with similar codes.

Stage of direct budget formation

After preparing the schematic diagram, the direct calculation of the cost of the entire process begins. It can vary greatly depending on the materials and instruments used, the condition of the object, and the list of necessary work. The customer must control the process of drawing up the document in order to be able to adjust it if necessary.

So, the next steps in preparing an estimate are:

  • calculation of the required amount of materials and devices in accordance with the drawn up diagram;
  • selection of the most profitable offers for each position;
  • calculation of expected costs.

If the costs exceed the budget planned by the customer, then you need to carefully review all costs, and, if possible, replace some of them with cheaper ones. Alternatively, you can reduce the number of electrical points (for example, replace the ceiling lighting with a regular chandelier or reduce the number of sockets).

It is best to conduct such a discussion directly on site to avoid misunderstandings.

An electrician's estimate for an apartment or private house is formed from two tables:

  • calculating the costs of necessary materials;
  • local calculation of costs for work performed.

Prices for electrical installation of sewerage and electricity networks

An example of an estimate for temporary power supply to a construction site, as well as an example of an estimate for the installation of external electrical networks, as well as wiring in buildings and structures, contains mainly the standards from Section 2 of the GESNm08 collection.

Figure 1 shows an example of an estimate for electrical installation work using standards from the specified collection. It should be noted that the standards are applied from section 1, which combines the standards for the installation of cable lines up to 500 kV.

Figure 1. Example of an estimate for electrical work

In addition to installing a cable in a trench, the cost of which is determined using the GESNm08-02-141-01 standard, the sample estimate for electrical installation work in Excel in Figure 1 also includes other prices directly related to the installation of cable lines.

Thus, position 1 in the above electrical estimate takes into account the installation of a bed for cable lines. This type of work is assessed using the standard GESNm08-02-142-01.

Another job involved in laying cable in a trench is covering the cable with various materials to protect the cable route. In the sample estimate for electrical installation work in Figure 1, the GESNm08-02-143-01 standard is used, which takes into account covering one cable with brick.

However, based on the standards from table GESNm08-02-143, it is possible to draw up a sample estimate for electrical installation work in 2019, taking into account the work of covering cable lines with slabs. At the same time, both when using bricks and when using slabs, it is also important to take into account the number of cables laid in the trenches.

In addition to laying cables in the ground, section 2 of the collection GESNm08 is used for drawing up local resource estimates and local estimates of other types for the construction of urban and industrial transport networks, as well as metro networks.

Information on how to draw up a sample estimate for electrical installation work for outdoor lighting can be obtained by studying Section 5 of Division 2 in the specified installation collection.

An online estimate for electrical installation work, as well as an estimate compiled using specialized programs and software packages, will include the standards from Section 6 if it is necessary to determine the cost of installing cable networks inside buildings and structures. In this section, it is possible to select prices not only for the installation of cables of the internal electrical network, but also for the installation of cable structures of various types.

Sections 7 and 8 of the second section of the collection GESNm08 will help solve such problems as drawing up an estimate for electrical installation work on installing busbars and grounding using various types of conductors.

In what form are estimate documents drawn up?

For different types of work, different forms of drawing up financial documents are used

Let us pay attention to an example of an estimate for design and survey work (design and survey work), which is drawn up in accordance with form 3p. It is an annex to the contract between the parties, the cost here is determined by labor costs

Form 3p estimate is used to calculate the cost of research, design, environmental engineering, engineering and survey work.

Often such estimates consist of two tables. In the first, the level of labor costs is determined, and in the second, the cost of the work performed is calculated. The cost of work is proportional to the time spent on all processes and the remuneration of designers. The second table may also include other costs, such as depreciation, freight and travel costs, and material costs.

For construction work, other forms of estimates are provided:

Local is prepared for a specific type of work performed; it takes into account the costs of individual sections of construction or repair work. The object one is formed within the framework of one object, combining all local estimates and their calculations related to this object. Its adjustment is made based on the data from the working documentation. The summary estimate calculation is based on site estimates and characterizes the total final cost of constructing a structure or building. If it is not possible to draw up an accurate estimate due to the fact that there is no complete clarity on the specifications of the materials used or changes will still be made to the project, then local and site estimates can be drawn up estimates

Also often used are estimates drawn up in the form KS-2 (act of acceptance of work performed) and KS-3 (certificate of costs and value of work performed)

If it is not possible to draw up an accurate estimate due to the fact that there is no complete clarity on the specification of the materials used or changes will still be made to the project, then local and site-specific estimates can be drawn up. Also often used are estimates drawn up in the form KS-2 (act of acceptance of work performed) and KS-3 (certificate of costs and value of work performed).

Non-profit organizations, including budget ones, are required by law to prepare an annual budget for income and expenses.

Section 3 of the collection GESNm08 in the estimate for electrical

You can gain an understanding of how to read estimates for electrical installation work of electric power and lighting installations by studying the third section of Section 8 of the GESNm collection. This department has collected many standards related to the installation of electrical machines, current leads to lifting and transport installations and equipment for theatrical and entertainment enterprises.

Among other things, both GESN and FER for electrical installation work on ballasts are located precisely in department 3 of assembly collection 08. Also in this department in both databases there are also standards for low-voltage complete devices such as switchboards, blocks, consoles and control cabinets.

As part of Department 3, it is possible to select prices in the estimate for the installation of machines in the electrical panel. As a rule, this role is most often played by one of the norms of the table GESNm08-03-526.

The estimate for electrical installation often contains standards from Section 5, Division 3 in the specified collection on the EMR. This section contains most of the prices for the installation of switches, sockets, lighting panels and meters.

The installation of lamps with incandescent lamps, fluorescent and mercury lamps is determined in the estimates for electrical installation work with prices also based on the standards from department 3, as well as the installation of electric bells or boxes with step-down transformers.

Second phase. Collection of documentation

So, before starting any calculations, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documentation, which includes:

  • a plan of the room in which installation work will be carried out (the location of electrical equipment should be marked on the diagram);
  • information from the electricity supplier about the technical features of servicing the facility;
  • permission to connect the facility to the electrical network and the corresponding act on its service zones (documents must be obtained from the Homeowners Association and the Economic Development Authority);
  • the design of electrical equipment and networks itself;
  • a contract and at the same time a technical specification for a company providing labor. The document should calculate the cost of purchasing electrical equipment (such a document-contract is usually called a work order). The paper must include information about the technical characteristics, features of the composition of the purchased products, as well as information about the manufacturer of the goods.

The listed documents must not only be collected, but also carefully studied the information presented in them.

Particular attention should be paid to the explanatory note and power supply design diagram

After collecting and processing all official information about the property, the estimator must determine whether the upcoming costs are justified. A specialist will be able to answer this question only after familiarizing himself with the current tariffs for each type of upcoming work. It is also necessary to compare the actual conditions in which the electrical installation will be carried out with the information provided on the papers.

Once equipment costs have been calculated, compare them with the amount budgeted for the project. If expenses exceed those planned, start looking for similar equipment options at a lower price.

An important stage in drawing up an estimate is the selection of a contractor company providing electrical installation services. Your opinion about the organization should be formed not only by dry calculations of the cost of services, but also by reviews of previous clients. The costs of finding a contractor and formalizing an agreement with workers are also included in the estimate.

Estimates for electrical installation work on special installations

Nuclear installations, nuclear power plants and installations in mining workings, due to the specific nature of not only electrical installation work, but also other works of the construction and installation complex, require the preparation of sample estimates for electrical installation work, taking into account all the features of electrical installation work.

If you download the estimate for electrical installation work associated with the special installations listed above, then, most likely, the bulk of the prices will be the norms from sections 4 and 5 of the GESNm08 collection.

Installation of electrical wiring in FER or GESN at nuclear power plants and special buildings of nuclear power plants occurs using the standards from department 4. In this department there are prices not only for the laying of power and control cables in installations of this type, but also standards for the installation of cable couplings, terminations and sealing cable passages.

Estimates for the installation of electrical wiring in mining installations are drawn up using the standards from department 5. It should be noted that this department has an internal division into two sections. Section 1 of Section 5 of the GESNm08 collection contains standards for the installation of cable lines, and using the standards of Section 2, the installation of electrical equipment in mining workings is assessed.

Using an online calculator

Many owners use an online calculator after receiving a commercial offer from a specialized organization. This allows you to double-check the data received, calculate and establish how much the required amount of work actually costs.

It is quite possible that you will have to refuse the company’s services and look for cheaper options. If there are certain difficulties with drawing up an online estimate, it is recommended to invite a specialist from a third-party organization to conduct a so-called independent examination. The cost of his work will in any case be significantly lower than possible overpayments at inflated prices.

Currently, most serious companies prefer to familiarize their clients with prices in advance using online calculators. Estimators enter all initial data in the presence of the customer, and the cost of materials is not taken into account. If desired, this data can also be entered based on the average cost on the electrical products market.

You should also take into account the cost of consultations and drawing up the estimate itself, which includes the calculation of electrical installation work. This point is clarified immediately, even during the very first visit of the electrician. In addition, the company can have a significant discount on materials as a regular wholesale buyer. Therefore, in many cases it is more profitable to order them from a contractor rather than purchasing them yourself from dubious sellers.

Estimates for electrical installation work on power lines

According to the theory of drawing up estimate documentation for electrical installation devices, estimates for electrical installations are drawn up on the basis of the collection of installation parts GESN or FER 08, which was discussed in more detail above in the text. However, the preparation of estimate forms for the installation of power lines, as a rule, occurs using standards from the collection of the construction part of GESN33.

In this case, both an estimate for temporary power supply and an estimate form for the installation of permanent power lines can be drawn up. However, it should be noted that most often temporary networks are assessed using the standards from installation collections.

In addition, collection 33 is not used to draw up an example estimate for electrical installation work for open wiring, since all the necessary prices are contained in the same installation collection 08.

It is recommended to refer to the GESN33 collection when drawing up estimate forms for overhead power lines. It must be borne in mind that collection 8 for electrical work in the FER, just like the collection in GESN, does not take into account the arrangement of overhead lines.

Samples of estimates for electrical installation work on power lines contain, as a rule, several prices from the 33rd collection. One of these samples is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Sample estimate for electrical work

As you can see in the above calculation of the estimate for electrical installation work, the first position under the code GESN33-01-016-01 is the norm for the installation of supports. It should be noted that from the collection GESN33 it is possible to use both the standards for the installation of steel supports and the standards for the installation of reinforced concrete or wooden supports.

Next, position number 2 in the estimate for electrical installation work is the price for hanging wires. The choice of price should be justified not only by design requirements, but also by the brand and cross-section of the wire. In this article, all prices and volumes in the example estimates are given for demonstration purposes.

Second phase. Collection of documentation

So, before starting any calculations, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documentation, which includes:

  • a plan of the room in which installation work will be carried out (the location of electrical equipment should be marked on the diagram);
  • information from the electricity supplier about the technical features of servicing the facility;
  • permission to connect the facility to the electrical network and the corresponding act on its service zones (documents must be obtained from the Homeowners Association and the Economic Development Authority);
  • the design of electrical equipment and networks itself;
  • a contract and at the same time a technical specification for a company providing labor. The document should calculate the cost of purchasing electrical equipment (such a document-contract is usually called a work order). The paper must include information about the technical characteristics, features of the composition of the purchased products, as well as information about the manufacturer of the goods.

The listed documents must not only be collected, but also carefully studied the information presented in them.

Particular attention should be paid to the explanatory note and power supply design diagram

After collecting and processing all official information about the property, the estimator must determine whether the upcoming costs are justified. A specialist will be able to answer this question only after familiarizing himself with the current tariffs for each type of upcoming work. It is also necessary to compare the actual conditions in which the electrical installation will be carried out with the information provided on the papers.

Once equipment costs have been calculated, compare them with the amount budgeted for the project. If expenses exceed those planned, start looking for similar equipment options at a lower price.

An important stage in drawing up an estimate is the selection of a contractor company providing electrical installation services. Your opinion about the organization should be formed not only by dry calculations of the cost of services, but also by reviews of previous clients. The costs of finding a contractor and formalizing an agreement with workers are also included in the estimate.

Estimate for electrical installation during repair work

An example of an electrical estimate for internal open wiring or hidden wiring can also be drawn up when carrying out repair work on electrical networks. When drawing up estimate forms for repair work, as a rule, tables and norms from the collection of the repair and construction part of GESN under number 67 are used.

If you download a ready-made estimate for electrical installation work, in which the standards from the GESNr67 collection were used, then in this form the most common standards are for the dismantling and replacement of various electrical appliances. For example, the dismantling of switches and sockets, sockets and hangers can be assessed using the standards of table GESNr67-4.

The estimate price for dismantling electrical wiring can be selected in table GESNr67-1. It should be noted that dismantling can be of either hidden wiring or wires with insulators. The cross-section of the wire in this case plays an important role in choosing the appropriate standard.

You can get an idea of ​​how to correctly draw up a sample estimate for electrical installation work when changing various elements of the electrical network by referring to tables GESNr67-5 - GESNr67-7. These tables contain standards for changing lamps, magnetic starters, package switches and lamps. Changing switches and sockets, as well as electricity meters and sockets, can also be assessed using the standards from the indicated tables.

A sample estimate for electrical installation work for the repair of magnetic starters and group panels on the staircase is most often drawn up using tables GESNr67-12 - GESNr67-15.

However, it should be noted that sometimes cases arise that when drawing up estimate forms for dismantling work, there is no suitable norm in the collection GESNr67. This can happen when looking for a quote in the estimate for dismantling electrical panels or dismantling cable structures of various types.

When dismantling a cable laid in different ways, it is also not always possible to select the appropriate price from those available in the GESNr67 collection. In such cases, it is allowed to draw up estimates for electrical installation work using dismantling coefficients applied to installation prices.

General information

To prepare an estimate, the following documents are required:

  1. An exact plan of the premises where the work will be carried out. The wiring diagram must be marked on the plan.
  2. Customer's project with potential arrangement of electrical equipment. If it is impossible to place certain devices, the contractor will advise the customer on this topic.
  3. Technical conditions. This document is ordered from your electricity supplier.
  4. If necessary, permission to connect the circuit to the electrical network.
  5. Act on the balance sheet of electrical networks. Mandatory for businesses.

Based on these documents, as well as the wishes of the customer, the contractor draws up an estimate. Next, he makes a calculation of the amount of necessary materials based on the floor plan and electrical wiring diagram. After this comes the stage of selecting materials that are more suitable in price and quality, so that the amount does not exceed the customer’s budget.

Important! The customer himself can provide the materials. In this case, the estimate reflects only the costs of work.

In addition to materials, tools and the price of the work itself, the estimate includes:

  • Increasing coefficients for certain types of work. Indicated in the Decree of the State Construction Committee dated 04/05/2004 No. 15/1. This may include work at heights, at high temperatures, in operating buildings.
  • Overheads. Regulated by MDS 81-33.2004 and MDS 81-25.2001.
  • VAT compensation - under a simplified taxation system. Regulated by Letter of the State Construction Committee No. NZ-6292/10 dated October 6, 2003 (For the simplified tax system, leave 20% VAT).
  • Estimated profit. You can learn about it from the Letter of the State Construction Committee dated November 18, 2004 No. AP5536/06.
  • Transport costs (not always).
  • Unexpected expenses.

Important! If amendments are made to the estimate at the initiative of one of the parties, the other party must be notified of this. All changes and adjustments must be documented to avoid future disputes.

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