LED design
How to disassemble an LED lamp and repair it correctly
Now the issue of saving occupies one of the first places for every owner or housewife. Provide
How to connect a chandelier with your own hands: step-by-step instructions
A chandelier is the most common type of lighting fixture for spacious halls and living rooms. Usually
Original Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno R3 board: diagram, description, device connections
The Arduino Uno board is the center of the large Arduino empire, the most popular and most affordable device.
Screw base
Features of replacing a light bulb in a spotlight
Modern ceiling coverings provide the public with not only excellent parameters for a flat and smooth surface, but
Knocks out traffic jams/automatic: when turning on devices and for other reasons - troubleshooting
What to do if the circuit breaker in your apartment goes off? They used to say “burned out”
How to independently calculate the lighting in an apartment without delving into physics?
If the hardware is familiar: light absorption and reflection coefficients, color rendering index, why the ceiling height is
LED lamp circuit
Diagrams and nuances of connecting LED lamps to a 220 V network
For many years now we have been using conventional incandescent lamps to illuminate our homes, apartments,
What is the color temperature of LED lamps?
Characteristics of LED lamps: color temperature, power, light and others
The color temperature of LED lamps is one of the main values ​​that characterizes lighting technology. Her
How to connect a chandelier with a remote control
Connecting a chandelier with a remote control and reviewing possible troubles
The development of technology has led to the use of modern equipment systems in domestic premises, apartments and private houses
Types and characteristics of drivers for LED light sources
The concept of a network driver and its purpose A driver is an electronic component that receives voltage
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