Brands of copper wires and cables: markings, characteristics, manufacturers and application features

Basic Concepts

A wire is understood as a single or multi-core structure, which can be bare (without insulation) or braided with rubber or plastic. Examples of the use of wires are motor windings, parts of radio equipment and power lines.

A cable is an assembly of one or more insulated cores having a single shell. To protect against damage, armor is placed on top.

Where is it used?

Copper wires are used to transmit electricity. They have excellent performance properties and a wide load range (60-600 V), which is why they are gradually replacing their aluminum counterpart. Product classification:

  • power. They transmit current from stations to substations, industrial facilities, and utilities. Insulated with paper, rubber and plastic. There are armored cables coated with lead or aluminum;
  • household They connect various electrical appliances to the network. Single or multi-core wiring;
  • control. They connect electrical devices and distribution mechanisms. Allowed for installation indoors and outdoors;
  • special. Signals are transmitted through them. These are high- and low-frequency products (the former are used for long-distance communications).

Note! Most often, copper wires are used to lay power lines. They have high fire safety, therefore they are in demand for enterprises where the risk of fire or explosion is high. They are used no less often in residential and public buildings.

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Flexible copper cables, also called control cables, are insulated with a rubber layer. Thanks to this, they can be used for laying even under harsh climate conditions. To improve performance, the insulation is diluted with special components.

Armored cables with double insulation are used when laying networks through tunnels, routes, air or in the ground. Graphite chips are added to their outer layer, which increases the product’s resistance to mechanical damage and fire.

These wires carry current into the house.

Advantages of copper conductors

It is not without reason that copper is chosen as a raw material for the manufacture of cable products. Compared to aluminum, it has a number of advantages:

  • The resistance of copper wires is lower than that of aluminum. This allows the use of a smaller cross-sectional diameter and reduces heating losses.
  • Good corrosion resistance. Complete replacement of supply networks is carried out after 30-35 years of operation.
  • Plastic. Copper wire is very flexible, which makes the installation process easier and eliminates kinks.

Insulation layer

It is no secret that the insulation of copper wires prevents human contact with a potentially dangerous current-carrying circuit. Another role is to prevent short circuits between adjacent phases.

The manufacturing material is subject to strict requirements for withstanding voltage, temperatures, UV radiation, and mechanical properties. Most often used:

  • PVC. It is characterized by low cost, wear resistance, and satisfactory chemical resistance. The downside is the release of harmful gases when overheated.
  • Rubber. Characterized by increased flexibility and resistance to negative temperatures.
  • Polyethylene. It has excellent dielectric properties, but not as good flexibility as the first two materials.
  • Carbolite. A distinctive feature is heat resistance combined with sufficient ductility.

Section calculation

The cross-section of a copper wire is the area that the core has in cross section. The value is influenced by the long-term permissible load and current strength.

The easiest way to calculate the cross-section is to use data from tables that take into account operating conditions and maximum current. To do this, you will need two more indicators - the total power of electrical consumers (kW or W) and voltage (V). The first is indicated in technical data sheets or on the housings of devices, and the second for city apartments is 220 V.

Next, the obtained power values ​​are found in special tables and compared with the diameter of the conductor. Remember that in calculations it is necessary to leave a small margin in diameter. After all, when connecting new equipment, the load will increase.



Non-insulated wires for overhead lines are intended for the transmission of electrical energy in overhead electrical networks and electrified transport lines. Under operating conditions, these wires are insulated from the ground and from each other using porcelain, glass and other insulators on which they are suspended. The distance between the wires is selected depending on the transmitted voltage. Split two to four wires are under the same voltage and are suspended on one garland of pendant insulators. The list of brands of bare wires for power lines and contact wires for electrified transport is given in Table. 2.1, and the assortment is in table. 2.2.

Table 2.1. Nomenclature of bare wires

Brand OKP code The wire GOST, TU
Wires for overhead power lines
A 3511410100 Twisted from aluminum AT wires GOST 839-80
automatic transmission 3511410200 The same, but the interwire space, with the exception of the outer surface, is filled with neutral lubricant with increased heat resistance Same
Up 3511410300 Twisted from aluminum wires ATp
ApKP 3511410500 The same, but the interwire space, with the exception of the outer surface, is filled with neutral lubricant with increased heat resistance
AJ 3511910100 Twisted from wires of heat-treated aluminum alloy ABE
AZHKP 3511910400 The same, but the interwire space, with the exception of the outer surface, is filled with neutral lubricant with increased heat resistance
AN 3511910200 Twisted from wires of non-heat-treated aluminum alloy ABE
ANCP 3511910300 The same, but the interwire space, with the exception of the outer surface, is filled with neutral lubricant with increased heat resistance
AC 3511510100 Consists of a steel core and aluminum wires AT
ASKS 3511510400 The same, but the interwire space of the steel core is filled with a neutral lubricant of increased heat resistance
ASK 3511510200 The same, but the steel core is insulated with two PET tapes
ASKP 3511510300 The same as the AC brand, but the interwire space of the entire wire, with the exception of the outer surface, is filled with neutral grease with increased heat resistance
ApS 3511510700 Consists of a steel core and aluminum wires ATP
ApSKS 3511511000 The same, but the interwire space of the steel core is filled with a neutral lubricant of increased heat resistance
ApSC 3511510800 The same, but the steel core is insulated with two PET tapes
ApSKP 3511510900 The same as the ApS brand, but the interwire space of the entire wire, with the exception of the outer surface, is filled with neutral lubricant of increased heat resistance
M 3511110100 One or more stranded copper wires
B 3511630100 Twisted from bronze wires TU 16.501.017-74
BS 3511730100 Consists of a steel core and bronze wires Same
PS 1265000100 Twisted from galvanized steel wires TU 14.4.661-75
PA 3511440400 Aluminum hollow TU 16.505.397-72
PM 3511140200 Copper hollow Same
Contact wires
BrF 3513630300 Bronze shaped GOST 2584-75
BrFO 3513631000 Same oval Same
MK 3513120100 Copper round
MF 3513130200 Same shaped
MFO 3513130300 Same oval
NLF 3513700100 Low alloy copper, shaped
NLFO 3513700200 Same oval
PKSA 1264000100 Steel-aluminum TU 14.4.419-73

Table 2.2. Assortment of bare wires

Wire brand S, mm2
A, AKP, Ap, ApKP 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120, 150, 185, 240, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800
ApS, ApSK, ASKP, ApSKP, ApSKS, AS, ASK, ASKS 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120, 150, 185, 205, 240, 300, 330, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 1000
AZH, AN, AZHKP, ANKP 16, 25, 35, 50, 120, 150, 185
B 50, 70, 95, 120, 150, 185, 240, 300
BS 185, 240, 300, 400
M 4, 6, 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120, 150, 185, 240, 300, 350, 400
BrFO, MK, MFO 30, 40, 50, 65, 85, 100
BrF, MF, NLF 65, 85, 100, 120, 150
BrFO, MFO, NLFO 100, 120, 150
PA 500, 640
PKSA 80/180
PM 240, 300
PS 25, 35, 50, 70
Notes: 1. For wires ApS, ApSK, ApSKP, ApSKS, AS, ASK, ASKP and ASKS, cross-sections are indicated only for layers of aluminum wires. 2. Numerator is the cross-section of copper wire equivalent in conductivity, denominator is the total cross-section of steel-aluminum wire.


Aluminum wires for power lines of grades A, Ap and AKP are twisted in concentric layers in alternating directions from AT aluminum wires, and wires of grades Ap and ApKP are twisted from ATp wires in accordance with GOST 6132-79. The outer heave has a right direction. The appearance of aluminum wires of grades A and AKP is shown in Fig. 2.1. In wires of the AKP and ApKP brands, the gaps between the wires (with the exception of the outer layer) are filled with a neutral lubricant of increased heat resistance. The design data of aluminum wires, weight, resistance R over a length of 1 km at 20ºC, tensile failure load and wire length are given in table. 2.3. Wire connections in a single-wire core are not permitted. In wires with more than seven wires, it is allowed to connect them in all layers. The splicing of wires is carried out in rapid succession, the distance between the places of welding of different wires or the same wire is at least 15 m.

The place where the wires are welded is annealed at a distance of no more than 0.2 m in both directions. The conversion factor of the mass of aluminum wires to the mass of copper wires is 2.

The predominant area of ​​application of aluminum wires A and AP in the air atmosphere of types I and II, subject to a sulfur dioxide content of no more than 150 mg/(m2H day) (1.5 mg/m3) on land in all macroclimatic regions according to GOST 15150-69, except for TV and vehicles , and AKP and AKP wires - on the coasts of seas, salt lakes, in industrial areas and areas of saline sand, as well as in adjacent areas with an air atmosphere of types II and III, on land and at sea in all macroclimatic regions according to GOST 15150-69 . The service life of wires A and AP is at least 45 years, and the wires of AKP and APKP are at least 25 years.

Figure 2.1. Bare wires A and automatic transmission

Table 2.3. Design data and parameters of aluminum wires A, AKP, Ap and ApKP

S, mm2 n*d, mm D, mm g, kg/km Breaking tensile load, kN Wire length, m, not less
aluminum in wires lubricants in automatic transmission, automatic transmission R, Ohm, no more from wire AT from wire ATp
16 7*1,70 5,1 43 0,5 1,8376 2,9 4500
25 7*2,13 6,4 68 0,5 1,1650 4,3 4000
35 7*2,50 7,5 94 0,5 0,8502 5,9 4000
50 7*3,00 9,0 135 0,5 0,5880 7,6 8,2 3500
70 7*3,55 10,7 189 1,0 0,4204 10,64 11,3 2500
95 7*4,10 12,3 252 1,0 0,3147 13,77 14,6 2000
120 19*2,80 14,0 321 16 0,2510 17,97 19,6 1500
150 19*3,15 15,8 406 20 0,1978 22,75 24,1 1250
185 19*3,50 17,5 502 25 0,1611 28,12 29,8 1000
240 19*4,00 20,0 655 33 0,1230 36,68 37,8 1000
300 37*3,15 22,1 794 54 0,1017 44,27 46,9 1000
350 37*3,45 24,2 952 65 0,0848 53,2 56,4 1000
400 37*3,66 25,6 1072 73 0,0756 59,8 63,4 1000
450 37*3,90 27,3 1271 84 0,0666 67,94 69,8 1000
500 37*4,15 29,1 1378 94 0,0588 74,53 79,2 1000
550 61*3,37 30,3 1500 117 0,0540 83,59 88,7 1000
600 61*3,50 31,5 1618 126 0,0503 90,2 95,6 800
650 61*3,66 32,9 1771 138 0,0459 98,6 104,6 800
700 61*3,80 34,2 1902 149 0,0425 106,3 112,7 800
750 61*3,95 35,6 2062 161 0,0393 114,9 118,3 800
800 61*4,10 36,9 6160 173 0,0365 120,0 127,5 800


Wires made of aluminum alloy ABE (0.3-0.5% magnesium, 0.4-0.7% silicon and 0.2-0.3% iron) are twisted from AST grade wire, which has a breaking tensile stress before twisting in wire of at least 0.24 kN and elongation of at least 1.5%. Heat-treated ASZ grade wire has a tensile failure stress of at least 0.3 kN and a relative elongation of at least 4.0%. The electrical resistivity at 20ºC of AST grade wire is no more than 3.0*108 Ohm*m, and ASZ grade wire is no more than 3.25*108 Ohm*m. Bare wires of the AZh and AZHKP grades are made from heat-treated wire of the AST grade, and the AN and ANKP grades are made from non-heat-treated wire of the ASZ grade. The wire is twisted in layers in alternating directions, the outer layer is in the right direction. The connection of wires in wires twisted from seven wires is not allowed. In wires with more than seven wires, it is allowed to connect the wires in all layers. The splicing of wires is carried out at speed, the distance between the places of welding of different wires or the same wire is at least 15 m. The place of welding of wires is annealed at a distance of 0.2 m in both directions. In AZhKP and AHKP wires, the space between the wires (with the exception of the outer layer) is filled with a neutral lubricant of increased heat resistance. Structural dimensions, weight, electrical resistance, temporary resistance and length of wires AZH, AZHKP, AN and ANKP are given in table. 2.4.

The predominant area of ​​application of AZh and AN wires in the air atmosphere of types Ι and II, provided that the sulfur dioxide content is not more than 150 mg/(m2*day) (1.5 mg/m3) on land in all macroclimatic regions according to GOST 15150-69, except for TV and vehicles, and AZhKP and AHKP wires - on the coasts of seas, salt lakes, in industrial areas and areas of saline sand, as well as in adjacent areas with an air atmosphere of types II and III, on land and sea of ​​all macroclimatic regions according to GOST 15150- 69.

The service life of wires AZH, AZHKP, AN and ANKP is at least 25 years.

Table 2.4. Design data and parameters of wires AZH, AZHKP, AN and ANKP made of aluminum alloy

S, mm2 n*d, mm D, mm g, kg/km R, Ohm, no more Breaking tensile load, kN, not less Wire length, m, not less
without lubrication lubricant AZHKP AN, ANKP AZHKP AN, ANKP
16 7*1,70 5,1 43,0 0,5 2,1130 1,9505 4,66 3,55 4500
25 7*2,13 6,4 68,0 0,5 1,3396 1,2365 6,97 5,11 4000
35 7*2,50 7,5 94,0 0,5 0,9775 0,9023 9,60 7,03 4000
50 7*3,00 9,0 135,0 0,5 0,6761 0,6241 13,83 10,14 3500
120 19*2,80 14,0 321,0 16 0,2836 0,2664 32,69 23,97 1500
150 19*3,15 15,8 406,0 20 0,2289 0,2113 41,36 30,31 1250
185 19*3,50 17,5 502,0 25 0,1850 0,1707 51,06 37,45 1000


Steel-aluminum wires consist of a steel core of twisted aluminum wires. The core of steel-aluminum wires is twisted from galvanized steel wires in accordance with GOST 9850-72. On top of the steel core in steel-aluminum wires of the AS, ASK, ASKP and ASKS brands, strands of AT aluminum wire are applied in alternating directions, and in wires of the ApS, ApSK, ApSKP and ApSKS brands, strands of ATp wires are applied in accordance with GOST 6132-79. The outer heave has a right direction. The connection of solid core wire is not allowed. In wires with more than seven wires, connections are allowed in all layers. The splicing of wires is carried out at speed, the distance between the places of welding of different wires or the same wire is at least 15 m. The place of welding of wires is annealed at a distance of no more than 0.2 m in both directions. The appearance of the AC and ApS wires is shown in Fig. 2.2. In ApSKP, ApSKS, ASKP and ASKS wires, the gaps between the galvanized steel wires of the core are filled with a neutral lubricant of increased heat resistance, and in ApSK and ASK wires, the steel core is wrapped or covered longitudinally with one or two strips of PET (lavsan) film. Design data of wires ApS, ApSK, ApSKP, ApSKS, AS, ASK, ASKP and ASKS, weight, conversion factor of the mass of steel-aluminum wires to the mass of copper wires (used when planning non-insulated wires), tensile failure load, electrical resistance over a length of 1 km and The lengths of the supplied wires are given in table. 2.5. In the marking of the cross-section of steel-aluminum wires, the cross-section of aluminum wires is given in the numerator, and the cross-section of galvanized steel wires is given in the denominator.

The predominant area of ​​application for APS and AS wires is in air types I and II, provided that the sulfur dioxide content in the atmosphere is no more than 150 mg/(m2*day) (1.5 mg/m3, on land in all macroclimatic regions according to GOST 15150-69 , except for vehicles and TV; wires ApSK, ASK, ApSKS and ASKS - on the coasts of seas, salt lakes, in industrial areas and areas of saline sand, as well as in adjacent areas with an air atmosphere of types II and III, provided that the atmosphere contains sulfur dioxide gas no more than 150 mg/ (m>2*day) (1.5 mg/m3 and chloride salts no more than 200 mg/ (m2*day) on land in all macroclimatic regions according to GOST 15150-69, except for TV; ApSKP wires and ASCP on the coasts of seas, salt lakes, in industrial areas and areas of saline sand, as well as in adjacent areas with an air atmosphere of types II and III on land and at sea in all macroclimatic regions according to GOST 15150-69.

The service life of AS and ApS wires is at least 45 years, ApSKP and ASKP wires are at least 25 years, and ApSK, ApSKS, ASK and ASKS wires are at least 10 years.

Figure 2.2. Bare AC Wire

Table 2.5. Design data of steel-aluminum wires of the brands ApS, ApSK, ApSKP, ApSKS, ApSKS, AS, ASK, ASKP, ASKS

S*, mm2 n*d, mm D, mm Coefficient of conversion of natural mass to copper mass g, kg/km Breaking tensile load, kN, not less R, Ohm, no more Wire length, m, not less
steel aluminum aluminum parts of all brands AS, ApS ASK, ApSK ASKP, ApSKP ASKS, ApSKS AT ATp
1*1,50 6*1,50 4,5 1,36 28,9 42,7 43,26 43,7 43,7 4,09 2,7663 3000
1*1,85 6*1,85 5,6 1,36 44,0 64,9 65,46 65,9 65,9 6,22 1,800934 3000
1*2,30 6*2,30 6,9 1,36 67,9 100,3 100,86 101,8 101,8 9,3 1,1759 3000
1*2,80 6*2,80 8,4 1,36 100,0 148,0 148,84 150,5 150,5 13,5 0,7897 3000
1*3,20 6*3,20 9,6 1,36 132,0 195,0 195,84 198 198 16,64 17,11 0,60298 3000
1*3,80 6*3,80 11,4 1,36 188,0 276,0 278,12 300,5 300,5 23,47 24,13 0,42859 2000
19*2,20 18*2,20 15,4 2,0 188,0 755,0 777,0 793 793 96,83 0,42760 2000
1*4,50 6*4,50 13,5 1,36 261,0 385,0 386,4 391 391 32,43 33,37 0,30599 1500
37*2,20 24*2,20 19,8 2,0 251,0 1357,0 1387 1420 1426 180,78 0,32108 1500
7*1,85 26*2,40 15,2 1,38 324,0 471,0 482 506 482 41,52 0,24917 2000
7*2,20 30*2,20 15,4 1,22 320,0 528, 542 565 542 49,47 0,25293 2000
7*1,85 24*2,80 16,8 1,48 407,0 554,0 565 596 566 46,31 0,19919 2000
7*2,10 26*2,70 17,1 1,37 409,0 599,0 612 643 613 52,28 0,19798 2000
7*2,50 30*2,50 17,5 1,21 406,0 675,0 692 723 693 62,64 0,20065 2000
7*2,10 24*3,15 18,9 1,47 515,0 705 718 758 719 56,24 58,08 0,15701 2000
7*2,30 26*2,98 18,8 1,38 500,0 728 743 780 744 59,63 62,06 0,16218 2000
7*2,80 30*2,80 19,6 1,21 509,0 846 866 907 869 77,77 0,15762 2000
37*2,10 54*2,10 23,1 2,0 517,0 1525 1552 1626 1588 183,82 0,15762 2000
7*2,20 24*3,30 19,8 1,47 566,0 774 788 831 789 61,73 63,74 0,14294 2000
7*2,40 24*3,60 21,6 1,47 673,0 921 937 987 938 72,66 75,05 0,12060 2000
7*2,65 26*3,40 21,6 1,37 650,0 952 970 1023 974 78,58 80,90 0,12428 2000
7*3,20 30*3,20 22,4 1,21 665,0 1106 1131 1184 1136 95,89 98,25 0,12182 2000
7*2,65 24*4,00 24,0 1,47 830,0 1132 1150 1219 1154 89,16 90,57 0,09747 2000
7*2,95 26*3,80 24,1 1,37 812,0 1186 1208 1273 1213 97,76 100,62 0,09983 2000
19*2,10 30*3,50 24,5 1,22 796,0 1313 1333 1408 1350 123,44 126,3 0,10266 2000
7*3,50 30*3,50 24,5 1,21 796,0 1323 1343 1418 1360 114,70 117,52 0,10266 2000
37*2,65 54*2,65 29,2 2,0 823,0 2428 2467 2578 2530 284,58 0,09934 2000
7*2,30 48*2,98 24,8 1,6 924,0 1152 1166 1264 1168 84,56 88,85 0,08799 2000
7*2,80 54*2,80 25,2 1,47 918,0 1255 1276 1368 1278 103,80 0,08888 2000
7*1,85 42*3,40 26,0 1,73 1052,0 1199 1211 1330 1211 81,86 85,6 0,07752 1500
7*2,00 76*2,57 26,6 1,73 1089,0 1261 1273 1396 1273 95,12 0,07501 1500
7*3,05 54*3,05 27,5 1,47 1090,0 1490 1514 1624 1518 115,40 120,48 0,07477 1500
7*3,40 26*4,37 27,7 1,37 1074,0 1572 1600 1707 1607 125,37 129,18 0,07528 1500
19*2,50 30*4,15 29,1 1,21 1119,0 1851 1878 2000 1904 169,74 173,72 0,07247 1500
7*3,20 54*3,20 28,8 1,47 1199,0 1640 1665 1785 1670 127,11 131,37 0,06786 1500
7*2,20 42*3,90 30,0 1,73 1384,0 1592 1606 1750 1607 107,28 112,19 0,05877 1500
7*2,20 76*2,84 29,4 1,74 1329,0 1537 1551 1689 1552 106,40 112,55 0,06129 1500
7*3,40 54*3,40 30,6 1,47 1354,0 1852 1880 2015 1885 143,45 148,26 0,06040 1500
37*2,65 90*2,65 34,5 2,0 1374,0 2979 3002 3209 3084 312,31 319,61 0,06025 1500
61*2,65 54*3,40 37,5 2,0 1355,0 4005 4054 4275 4173 461,83 466,65 0,06040 1500
7*3,60 54*3,60 32,4 1,47 1518,0 2076 2106 2260 2114 160,78 166,16 0,05381 1200
19*2,20 54*3,70 33,2 1,48 1603,0 2170 2192 2364 2209 178,15 183,84 0,05091 1200
19*2,30 96*2,90 34,7 1,48 1752,0 2372 2395 2602 2414 192,37 200,45 0,04655 1000
19*2,40 96*3,02 36,2 1,48 1900,0 2575 2599 2828 2621 209,01 217,78 0,04289 1000
19*2,50 96*3,15 37,7 1,48 2068,0 2800 2827 3072 2849 227,11 234,45 0,03939 1000
19*2,65 96*3,30 39,7 1,48 2269,0 3092 3121 3402 3149 252,02 260,07 0,03586 1000
7*3,20 76*4,10 42,4 1,48 2769,0 3210 3235 3565 3240 214,21 224,05 0,02936 1000

Table 2.5. Design data of steel-aluminum wires of the brands ApS, ApSK, ApSKP, ApSKS, ApSKS, AS, ASK, ASKP, ASKS

S*, mm2 n*d, mm D, mm Coefficient of conversion of natural mass to copper mass g, kg/km Breaking tensile load, kN, not less R, Ohm, no more Wire length, m, not less
steel aluminum aluminum parts of all brands AS, ApS ASK, ApSK ASKP, ApSKP ASKS, ApSKS AT ATp
1*1,50 6*1,50 4,5 1,36 28,9 42,7 43,26 43,7 43,7 4,09 2,7663 3000
1*1,85 6*1,85 5,6 1,36 44,0 64,9 65,46 65,9 65,9 6,22 1,800934 3000
1*2,30 6*2,30 6,9 1,36 67,9 100,3 100,86 101,8 101,8 9,3 1,1759 3000
1*2,80 6*2,80 8,4 1,36 100,0 148,0 148,84 150,5 150,5 13,5 0,7897 3000
1*3,20 6*3,20 9,6 1,36 132,0 195,0 195,84 198 198 16,64 17,11 0,60298 3000
1*3,80 6*3,80 11,4 1,36 188,0 276,0 278,12 300,5 300,5 23,47 24,13 0,42859 2000
19*2,20 18*2,20 15,4 2,0 188,0 755,0 777,0 793 793 96,83 0,42760 2000
1*4,50 6*4,50 13,5 1,36 261,0 385,0 386,4 391 391 32,43 33,37 0,30599 1500
37*2,20 24*2,20 19,8 2,0 251,0 1357,0 1387 1420 1426 180,78 0,32108 1500
7*1,85 26*2,40 15,2 1,38 324,0 471,0 482 506 482 41,52 0,24917 2000
7*2,20 30*2,20 15,4 1,22 320,0 528, 542 565 542 49,47 0,25293 2000
7*1,85 24*2,80 16,8 1,48 407,0 554,0 565 596 566 46,31 0,19919 2000
7*2,10 26*2,70 17,1 1,37 409,0 599,0 612 643 613 52,28 0,19798 2000
7*2,50 30*2,50 17,5 1,21 406,0 675,0 692 723 693 62,64 0,20065 2000
7*2,10 24*3,15 18,9 1,47 515,0 705 718 758 719 56,24 58,08 0,15701 2000
7*2,30 26*2,98 18,8 1,38 500,0 728 743 780 744 59,63 62,06 0,16218 2000
7*2,80 30*2,80 19,6 1,21 509,0 846 866 907 869 77,77 0,15762 2000
37*2,10 54*2,10 23,1 2,0 517,0 1525 1552 1626 1588 183,82 0,15762 2000
7*2,20 24*3,30 19,8 1,47 566,0 774 788 831 789 61,73 63,74 0,14294 2000
7*2,40 24*3,60 21,6 1,47 673,0 921 937 987 938 72,66 75,05 0,12060 2000
7*2,65 26*3,40 21,6 1,37 650,0 952 970 1023 974 78,58 80,90 0,12428 2000
7*3,20 30*3,20 22,4 1,21 665,0 1106 1131 1184 1136 95,89 98,25 0,12182 2000
7*2,65 24*4,00 24,0 1,47 830,0 1132 1150 1219 1154 89,16 90,57 0,09747 2000
7*2,95 26*3,80 24,1 1,37 812,0 1186 1208 1273 1213 97,76 100,62 0,09983 2000
19*2,10 30*3,50 24,5 1,22 796,0 1313 1333 1408 1350 123,44 126,3 0,10266 2000
7*3,50 30*3,50 24,5 1,21 796,0 1323 1343 1418 1360 114,70 117,52 0,10266 2000
37*2,65 54*2,65 29,2 2,0 823,0 2428 2467 2578 2530 284,58 0,09934 2000
7*2,30 48*2,98 24,8 1,6 924,0 1152 1166 1264 1168 84,56 88,85 0,08799 2000
7*2,80 54*2,80 25,2 1,47 918,0 1255 1276 1368 1278 103,80 0,08888 2000
7*1,85 42*3,40 26,0 1,73 1052,0 1199 1211 1330 1211 81,86 85,6 0,07752 1500
7*2,00 76*2,57 26,6 1,73 1089,0 1261 1273 1396 1273 95,12 0,07501 1500
7*3,05 54*3,05 27,5 1,47 1090,0 1490 1514 1624 1518 115,40 120,48 0,07477 1500
7*3,40 26*4,37 27,7 1,37 1074,0 1572 1600 1707 1607 125,37 129,18 0,07528 1500
19*2,50 30*4,15 29,1 1,21 1119,0 1851 1878 2000 1904 169,74 173,72 0,07247 1500
7*3,20 54*3,20 28,8 1,47 1199,0 1640 1665 1785 1670 127,11 131,37 0,06786 1500
7*2,20 42*3,90 30,0 1,73 1384,0 1592 1606 1750 1607 107,28 112,19 0,05877 1500
7*2,20 76*2,84 29,4 1,74 1329,0 1537 1551 1689 1552 106,40 112,55 0,06129 1500
7*3,40 54*3,40 30,6 1,47 1354,0 1852 1880 2015 1885 143,45 148,26 0,06040 1500
37*2,65 90*2,65 34,5 2,0 1374,0 2979 3002 3209 3084 312,31 319,61 0,06025 1500
61*2,65 54*3,40 37,5 2,0 1355,0 4005 4054 4275 4173 461,83 466,65 0,06040 1500
7*3,60 54*3,60 32,4 1,47 1518,0 2076 2106 2260 2114 160,78 166,16 0,05381 1200
19*2,20 54*3,70 33,2 1,48 1603,0 2170 2192 2364 2209 178,15 183,84 0,05091 1200
19*2,30 96*2,90 34,7 1,48 1752,0 2372 2395 2602 2414 192,37 200,45 0,04655 1000
19*2,40 96*3,02 36,2 1,48 1900,0 2575 2599 2828 2621 209,01 217,78 0,04289 1000
19*2,50 96*3,15 37,7 1,48 2068,0 2800 2827 3072 2849 227,11 234,45 0,03939 1000
19*2,65 96*3,30 39,7 1,48 2269,0 3092 3121 3402 3149 252,02 260,07 0,03586 1000
7*3,20 76*4,10 42,4 1,48 2769,0 3210 3235 3565 3240 214,21 224,05 0,02936 1000


Copper wires grade M are twisted from copper wires grade MT according to GOST 2112-79. The structural dimensions of the copper wire, mass, tensile failure load, electrical resistance over a length of 1 km and the length of the supplied wires are given in table.

2.6. The connection of individual wires when twisting the wire is done by welding. The distance between the points of connection of different or the same wire is at least 15 m. The place where the wires are welded is annealed on each side of the connection for a distance of no more than 0.2 m in both directions. Solid copper wire connection is not allowed.

The primary area is the use of copper wires in the air atmosphere of types II and III on land and sea in all macroclimatic regions according to GOST 15150-69. The service life of grade M copper wires is at least 45 years.

Table 2.6. Design data and parameters of copper wire grade M

S, mm2 n*d, mm D, mm g, kg/km Breaking tensile load, kN, no more R, Ohm, no more Wire length, m, not less
4,0 1*2,24 2,24 35 1,55 4,60092 2200
6,0 1*2,76 2,8 52 2,30 3,09019 1500
10,0 1*3,57 3,6 88 3,67 1,81978 900
16,0 7*1,70 5,1 142 5,91* 1,15730 4000
25,0 7*2,13 6,4 224 9,29* 0,73367 3000
35,0 7*2,51 7,5 311 12,90* 0,52386 2500
50,0 7*3,00 9,00 444 17,50* 0,36882 2000
70,0 19*2,13 10,7 612 25,22 0,27238 1500
95,0 19*2,51 12,6 850 35,02 0,19449 1200
120,0 19*2,80 14,0 1058 43,60 0,15603 1000
150,0 19*3,15 15,8 1338 52,39 0,12338 800
185,0 37*2,51 17,6 1659 68,20 0,10015 800
240,0 37*2,80 19,9 2124 87,30 0,07890 800
300,0 37*3,15 22,1 2614 101,96 0,06379 600
350,0 37*3,45 24,2 3135 122,67 0,05309 600
400,0 37*3,66 25,2 3528 137,68 0,04713 600
* In the absence of welding of individual wires.


Bronze and steel-bronze wires of grades B and BS are made from BrMg 0.5 alloy according to TU 48.21.118-72. The design of wire B, electrical resistance to direct current over a length of 1 km, tensile failure load, mass and length are given in Table. 2.7, and the BS wires are in table. 2.8. Length of wires (1800±180) m. The core of steel-bronze wires is twisted from galvanized steel wire in accordance with GOST 9850-72.

PS grade steel stranded wires are made from galvanized steel wires in accordance with GOST 3282-74 group I with 1st class zinc coating. Breaking load when stretching the wire is 0.065 kN, relative elongation is not less than 6%, the number of bends is 6, the electrical resistivity at 20ºC is not more than 1.38 * 10-7 Ohm * m. The wire design is given in table. 2.9. The twist pitch of wires from 5 and 7 wires is no more than 22 >D wires, and from 12 and 19 wires - no more than 20 D. In a wire, individual wires can be spliced ​​by welding, the distance between welding points is at least 5 m. Welding points must be protected from corrosion and annealed. Wires are supplied in lengths of at least 1500 m.

Table 2.7. Design data and parameters of bronze wire grade B

S, mm2 n*d, mm D, mm g, kg/km R, Ohm, no more Breaking tensile load, kN, not less
50,0 19*1,83 9,2 452 0,624 23,80
70,0 19*2,17 10,9 642 0,447 33,48
95,0 19*2,53 12,7 872 0,326 45,51
120,0 19*2,80 14,0 1069 0,266 55,72
150,0 37*2,27 15,9 1374 0,2089 68,20
185,0 37*2,53 17,7 1706 0,1676 84,70
240,0 37*2,86 20,0 2181 0,1312 108,10
300,0 61*2,53 22,8 2801 0,1026 139,62

Table 2.8. Design data and parameters of steel-bronze wire grade BS

S, mm2 n*d, mm D, mm g, kg/km R, Ohm, no more Breaking tensile load, kN, not less
steel bronze
185 7*2,0 30*2,8 19,6 2088 0,1688 134,00
240 19*2,8 46*2,55 24,2 3122 0,1333 232,63
300 37*2,4 48*2,8 28,0 4102 0,1058 312,63
400 37*2,8 48*3,2 32,4 5347 0,0825 421,69

Table 2.9. Design data and parameters of wire made of PS grade galvanized steel wire

S, mm2 n*d, mm D, mm g, kg/km
25 5*2,5 6,8 194,3
35 7*2,5 7,5 272,0
50 9*2,3 + 3*2,2 9,2 389,4
70 12*2,3 + 7*2,2 11,5 616,6


Aluminum and copper hollow wires without a supporting support are intended for overhead power lines, for open substations and switching points. Hollow wires consist of shaped aluminum or copper wires, forming one layer and connected to each other in a lock (without a supporting frame). The appearance of the PA and PM wires is shown in Fig. 2.3. The design of hollow wires PA and PM, the weight and length of the supplied wire are given in table. 2.10. The breaking load when stretching aluminum wire before twisting into a wire is no less than 0.145 kN and copper wire is no less than 0.38 kN with a relative elongation at break of no less than 1%. The electrical resistance of an aluminum wire to direct current, recalculated per 1 mm2 of nominal cross-section, 1 m of length and 20ºC is no more than 0.0283 Ohm, and that of a copper wire is no more than 0.0179 Ohm.

Figure 2.3. Hollow wires PA and PM

Table 2.10. Design data and parameters of hollow wires of PA and PM brands

Brand S, mm2 Number of wires D, mm g, kg/km Wire length, m
outer interior
PA 500 12 45,0 37,0 1330 600
640 16 59,0 51,5 1620 600
PM 240 9 30,0 23,4 2110 600
300 11 35,0 28,0 2630 600


Bronze, copper and steel-aluminum contact wires are designed to power electrified transport. The appearance of the contact wires BrF and MF is shown in Fig. 2.4, cross-section of contact wires BrF and MF - in Fig. 2.5, cross-section of contact wires BrFO and MFO in Fig. 2.6. The design dimensions, weight and length of the supplied wires are given in table. 2.11. The contact surface of the wires is smooth, even, without cracks, sunsets or delaminations. Wires of all types, with the exception of wires made of cadmium bronze, are supplied seamless (without soldering or welding) along the entire construction length. For wires made of cadmium bronze, the number of joints (soldering and welding} is no more than four per 1 ton.

Copper contact wire is made from wire rod of the MKLPS brand in accordance with GOST 13842-80, low-alloy and bronze wires are made from wire rod containing alloying additives and impurities (Table 2.12). The mechanical properties of the wires are given in table. 2.13. The wires are maintained until they fail in the plane of symmetry at least three kinks. The number of twists around its axis until destruction of wires of the MK, MF, MFO, NLF, NLFO brands with a cross-section of over 50 mm2 is at least four, and for BrF and BrFO wires - at least five. The electrical resistance of a copper wire to direct current, recalculated per 1 mm2 of nominal cross-section, 1 m of length and 20ºC, is no more than 0.0176 Ohm, low-alloy wire - 0.0185 Ohm, cadmium bronze wire - no more than 0.0205 Ohm, magnesium bronze - no more than 0.0220 Ohm, zirconium bronze - no more than 0.0200 Ohm, magnesium-zirconium bronze - no more than 0.0215 Ohm.

Steel-aluminum contact wires are made by joining steel and aluminum blanks using the cold rolling method. They are designed for tram and trolleybus traction. The appearance of the contact wire PKSA is shown in Fig. 2.7. Wire cross-section 180 mm2 (aluminum cross-section 125 mm2), profile height 17 mm, heads 3.7 mm, base width 14 mm, necks 5.7 mm, heads 3.2 mm. Wire weight 760 kg/km, length no less than 2300 m. The contact surface of the wire is smooth, even, without cracks, sunsets or delaminations. The wire is made of low-carbon steel in accordance with GOST 1050-74 and an extruded profile made of aluminum grades A5, AE in accordance with GOST 11069-74. The workpieces are connected by electric butt welding, the distance between the welds of aluminum and steel in the finished wire is at least 5 m, the tensile breaking load is at least 35.0 kN, and at the welding points is at least 29.75 kN. The adhesion force of steel and aluminum parts is at least 5 kN per 100 mm of length. Electrical resistance over a length of 1 km at a temperature of 20±5 is not less than 0.19 Ohm. Delamination of a wire (steel part from aluminum) at the place of greatest deformation after a single twist of 180º, followed by return to its original position on a sample 250 mm long and at the place of greatest deformation after one bend of 50º in a plane perpendicular to the plane of symmetry, and two bends of 45º in the plane of symmetry should not exceed 1.2 mm.

Figure 2.4. Contact wires BF and MF

Figure 2.5. Section of contact wires BF and MF

Figure 2.6. Cross-section of contact wires BFO and MFO

MFO, NLF and NLFO (Fig. 2.5, 2.6)

S, mm2 Dimensions, mm g, kg/km Wire length, m, not less
30 6,2 267 1800-5500
40 7,1 356 1400-4200
50 8,0 445 1100-3300
65 10,19 9,3 0,5 5,3 9,1 578 850-2500
85 11,76 10,8 1,3 6,0 10,4 755 1400-2000
100 12,81 11,8 1,8 6,5 14,92 10,5 13,0 20,0 1,8 11,3 890 1400-1800
120 13,90 12,9 2,4 7,0 16,10 11,5 17,0 25,0 2,3 1068 1400-1800
150 15,50 14,5 3,2 7,8 18,86 12,5 27,0 36,0 2,3 1335 1400-1600

Figure 2.7. PKSA contact wire cross-section

Table 2.12. Content of alloying additives in wire rod for bronze and low-alloy wires

Brand Alloying component Content, %
Low alloy
NLMG 0.05 Magnesium 0,04-0,06
NLCr 0.05F Zirconium 0,04-0,06
MLOL 0.04F Tin 0,03-0,06
NKLr 0.04F Silicon 0,03-0,06
NLTi 0.03F Titanium 0,01-0,04
BrMG 0.25F Magnesium 0,15-0,30
BrKd 1.0F Cadmium 0,8-1,1
BrMGTsr 0.15-0.15F Magnesium 0,1-0,2
Zirconium 0,1-0,2
BrTsr 0.5F 0,4-0,6
* Alloying component in copper.
Note. Impurities in the alloy are no more than in copper grade M1

Table 2.13. Mechanical properties of contact wires MK, MF, MFO, NLF, NLFO, BrF and BrFO

S, mm2 Breaking tensile load, kN, not less Relative elongation, %, not less Flexible radius, mm
magnesium zirconium magnesium and zirconium cadmium
30 3,97 4,02 1,5 1,5 10
40 3,87 3,92 2,0 2,0 10
50 3,87 3,92 2,5 2,5 10
65 3,72 3,82 4,21 4,41 4,31 4,31 3,0 3,0 3,0 13
85 3,63 3,82 4,21 4,41 4,31 4,31 3,5 3,0 3,0 16
100 3,63 3,77 4,12 4,31 4,21 4,21 4,0 3,5 3,5 16
120 3,58 3,67 4,02 4,21 4,12 4,22 4,0 3,5 4,0 18
150 3,58 3,62 3,92 4,12 4,02 4,02 4,0 3,5 4,0 20

Wire brands

The marking of the wires contains instructions on the material design. If the designation does not contain the letter “A”, then the product is made of copper. The most popular brands are:

PBPP (PUNP) - the abbreviation stands for household, industrial flat wire. This product has a cross section of up to 6 sq. mm with PVC insulation. Operates in the range from -15 degrees to +50 degrees. Suitable for installation of lighting systems.

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PBPPg (PUGNP) - unlike the previous one, contains stranded conductors. In the name, the letter “g” means flexible. The smallest bending radius is equal to six diameters. Otherwise similar to PBPP. Sold in coils of 100 m, 200 m.

PPV is a flat wire with an insulating layer of PVC plastic. The number of cores can be from 2 to 3 pieces, the cross-section being 0.75-6 sq. mm. Operates on AC or DC voltages of 450 V and 1000 V, respectively. Temperature operating conditions from -50 degrees to +70 degrees. Found application in the installation of lighting systems and power lines.

PVA is a heat-resistant, wear-resistant stranded conductor with colored PVC insulation. The cross-section ranges from 0.75 sq. mm to 16 sq. mm. Network parameters - voltage 380 V, frequency 50 Hz. Used for installing sockets and producing extension cords.

Cable flexibility classes

Depending on the number of cores and their cross-section, the flexibility may be different, so the cables are divided into six classes.

  • No. 1 - wire cross-section from 0.03 to 1000 mm² with a number from 1 to 59 (normal flexibility);
  • No. 2 - wire cross-section from 0.5 to 2000 mm² with a number from 7 to 91 (increased flexibility);
  • No. 3 - core cross-section from 0.5 to 500 mm² with a maximum wire diameter from 0.33 to 0.87 (increased flexibility);
  • No. 4 - core cross-section from 0.5 to 400 mm² with a maximum wire diameter from 0.11 to 0.69 (increased flexibility);
  • No. 5 - core cross-section from 0.03 to 625 mm² with a maximum wire diameter from 0.09 to 0.61 (high flexibility);
  • No. 6 - core cross-section from 0.03 to 300 mm² with a maximum wire diameter from 0.06 to 0.41 (high flexibility).

Cable classes

Cable brands

According to their purpose, cables can be power, control, radio frequency and control. Let's look at popular brands:

VVG - refers to power devices with the number of cores from 1 to 5 pcs. The alphabetic code can be translated as vinyl-vinyl-naked. Withstands humidity up to 98%, temperature -50/+50 degrees. Used as a current conductor for networks with parameters 660-1000 V and 50 Hz. The outer shell is black or gray, the insulation is colored (white, yellow and blue). It has a non-flammable version - VVGng, flat - VVGp, etc.

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NYM is a copper product with an insulating layer in the form of non-flammable polyvinyl chloride. The space between the insulation is filled with coated rubber, which ensures high strength and heat resistance. Number of cores - 1-5 pcs, cross-section 1.5-16 sq. mm.

Unlike VVG, it is more expensive and is produced only in round shapes, which is not very convenient when laying under plaster. Can be installed outdoors. The bending radius is equal to 4 sections.

KG - abbreviation means flexible cable. It is used in conditions of constant (660 V) or alternating (1000 V) voltage to power portable equipment and welding machines.

Types of cable

Depending on the operating conditions, flexible multi-core cables are divided into subtypes, which have both their own characteristics of use and differ in markings.

Power cables

The transmission of three-phase current from industrial enterprises is carried out using power cables, including flexible ones with PVC insulation. They are used for stationary installation in electrical networks where the rated alternating voltage is 0.66 kV. 1-6 kV in accordance with GOST 16442-80 for connecting non-stationary machines and mechanisms.

Note! A polyvinyl chloride coating provides low cost, but also the possibility of use in various weather conditions, since special additives to the plastic compound provide it with frost and heat resistance.

The marking is represented by the abbreviation VVG (vinyl-vinyl-naked). Depending on the features, it is supplied with additional symbols:

  • VVG-P - flat cable, PVC insulation and sheath, without protective cover;
  • VVGng(A) - round cable, PVC insulation, PVC sheath of reduced flammability;
  • VVG-Png(A) - flat, PVC insulation, PVC shell of reduced flammability;
  • VVGng(A)-LS - insulation, like the shell, is made of PVC, which has a reduced fire hazard, low smoke and gas emissions.

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Power cables withstand any temperature changes

To protect against mechanical damage during cable production, armor is used, which consists of two galvanized steel strips or intertwined steel wires, which are necessary to isolate the core from possible mechanical damage. This product is used both when laying underground power lines and in open spaces where mechanical damage is likely.

Reservation scheme

Armored power cables are marked with the letter code VBSH (vinyl-armor-hose) with additional symbols indicating the peculiarity of this cable:

  • VBShv - cable armored with two galvanized steel strips, with a PVC protective hose;
  • VBShvng(A) - armored with two galvanized steel strips, protective hose made of low-flammability PVC;
  • VBShvng(a)-LS - armored with galvanized strips with PVC insulation and a protective hose of reduced fire hazard.

Note! Additionally, they can be marked with a digital code indicating the number of cores and cross-sectional size, for example, 4×1.5 - marking a four-core cable with a cross-section of 1.5 mm².


The main difference between a wire and a cable is the way it is laid; it cannot be used underground or underwater. They also have one or more aluminum or copper cores and PVC insulation. Wires with copper conductors are characterized by increased electrical conductivity, higher ductility and are more often used in household power supply than in industrial power supply.

Stranded copper wires in PVC

Marked with an alphanumeric code with the following designations:

  • P - wire;
  • B - PVC insulation;
  • G - flexible.

The numbers indicate the number of cores and their cross-section.

Wires of grades PV1, PV2, PV3, PV4 are copper with polyvinyl chloride insulation, where the numbers indicate the flexibility class.

  • PPV - two or three-core, flat with PVC insulation (used in lighting systems laid on walls);
  • PVA - copper with twisted conductors in PVC insulation (used in everyday life as an extension cord, as well as for connecting household appliances, for example, vacuum cleaners);
  • PBPP, PUNP - copper with PVC insulation, containing two or three cores (used in low current devices).

Cables for information transmission

The main characteristics of cables for information transmission include their flexibility, moisture resistance and low resistance of the conductor itself, which ensures data transmission with minimal delays. This applies to television, communication channels, etc. Therefore, cables with copper conductors in PVC insulation are most often used for these purposes.

For your information! RK-75, produced in accordance with GOST 11326, is often used as antenna cables that must provide high-speed signal transmission for radio and television. RK-75 has one or more copper cores and PVC insulation, which allows it to be used outdoors.

RK-75 are suitable for connecting antennas

Among the multi-core RK-75, the following modifications are distinguished:

  • RK 75-2-13M. It consists of a stranded inner conductor insulated with solid polyethylene from the outer conductor, which is a braided copper wire. This radio frequency cable is used in television for transmitting satellite and cable television signals, as well as as a connection for video surveillance systems. The PVC shell allows it to be used both indoors and outdoors;
  • RK 75-3-34M is a cable used in radio frequency communications, consisting of a multi-wire inner conductor and a braid of copper wires, separated by insulation made of porous polyethylene foam with white PVC insulation.

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Important! The service life of such cables is 12 years.

The cables used to transmit digital information with minimal electromechanical interference are so-called twisted pair cables. Used primarily in computer networks and represents a physical medium for data transmission.

A twisted pair is a system of insulated conductors twisted together and combined into a single shell. Depending on the operating conditions, twisted pairs are produced in various modifications. They come in both shielded and unshielded, with the number of pairs from one to one hundred and in various shells.

Twisted pair cable is suitable for connecting a modem

The following concepts are used in labeling:

  • F/FTP, S/FTP, S/STP - cables shielded with foil and/or braid;
  • U/UTP - unshielded.

Types of shells are designated as follows: PVC shell - PVC, PVC shell fire-resistant, UV-resistant - FR-PVC.

Polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) coatings can also be used.

Special twisted pairs include the following:

  • FR-LSZH - do not emit smoke and do not support combustion;
  • Plenum - self-extinguishing cables that do not ignite again. Used in air ducts.

LED and electroluminescent

For decorative purposes, flexible LED and electroluminescent wires are used.

An LED cable is a flexible wire with a copper core that conducts current. Along it there are additional wires with multi-colored LEDs connected in series at a distance of 2 cm.

LED wires are more for decoration

Electroluminescent wires are thin cords made of polyvinyl chloride, inside of which there are copper conductors coated with a special substance - electroluminescent phosphor. The glow appears due to the effect of electroluminescence when exposed to alternating electric current. The central wire of such a cable is wrapped around a second contact - two wires, while the electroluminophor is covered with a thin layer of dielectric.

Note! The entire structure is enclosed in a PVC shell, which can be either transparent or colored.

Special types

Special-purpose cables and wires are designed specifically for operating conditions that differ from the average. These include both high humidity and abnormal weather conditions, as well as the aggressive environment in which the products are located.

Special cables are needed for aggressive environments

Marine cables intended for operation in conditions of high humidity can be produced either in PVC insulation or in a rubber sheath. Depending on the technical conditions, they are produced with increased fireproof properties, in which combustion does not spread in the bundles.

For rolling stock they are produced mainly in a cold-resistant PVC shell and are used in the operation of trolleybuses and rail transport.

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When carrying out geophysical work, cables are used that can withstand the temperature range from −40 °C to 50 °C.


The quality of the connection of copper wires directly affects the electrical contact. There are several connection methods:

Twisting. The easiest option involves removing the insulation and twisting the bare wires. After which the product is re-insulated using PVC tape or special caps. Dissimilar alloys cannot be twisted.

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Soldering. The work takes longer than twisting. But the process guarantees a reliable connection. To solder copper wires, you need solder and rosin.

Terminal blocks. This is an insulating plate on which the contacts are located. Ideal for assembling dissimilar materials. Depending on the type of conductor fixation, they are available with a tightening screw or clamping plates.

Spring terminals. Fast and effective option. It is enough to tear off the insulation, exposing the core, and insert the terminal with a spring clip.

Photos of copper wires and cables

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