Wire colors in electrical engineering: standards and marking rules + ways to identify a conductor
In modern life, marking wires by color is not an advertising ploy by the manufacturer to stand out
Comparison of wires of the same cross-sectional area, but of different structures - single-core and stranded
Stranded wire - device, flexibility, wire composition, advantages of single and stranded wires, choice, connection methods
When it is necessary to install or replace electrical networks inside a home, the question often arises - what type
making of wires
Power cables. Parameters, designation, classification of power cables
Electrical wiring in a house or cottage serves to transport electricity to various types of electricity consumers:
Main dimensions of cable channels
The best plastic boxes for electrical wiring: how to choose the size and type of box for wiring installation
Plastic boxes for electrical wiring have become very popular today. They have proven themselves to be
All about plug sockets, classification, degrees of protection, selection criteria, installation features
Electrical installation devices 6.6.21. The requirements given in paragraphs. 6.6.22-6.6.31, apply to devices (switches, switches and
The Better To Cut Cable Channel For Installation Preparation For Installation
When it is impossible to conceal the cable in the wall, and this happens quite often, especially in
Drain coupling
Connecting coupling for pipes made of different types of materials: differences, installation methods
Couplings: description, classification Couplings: description, classification A coupling is a device for connecting shafts. Main purpose
What wire is needed to ground a private house?
What wire is needed to ground a private house?
Good day. When laying wiring in a private house, how to properly ground? For
Types of wires
Which wire to use for wiring in the house: recommendations for choosing
Physically, an electrical cable is an assembly consisting of one or more conductors with their
The warm floor does not heat.
The warm floor does not heat. Causes of malfunction and solutions
It happens that after installation or a long break in work, the warm floor does not heat well, the reasons
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