How to charge Android without a charger and USB cable?

Almost everyone has a mobile phone or smartphone. And we all regularly have to charge our gadgets. At home there are no problems - plug the charger into the socket, and in a few hours the issue will be resolved. But what to do if there is no outlet at hand? In this article, we will look at 7 ways to charge your phone without electricity, and we will look at some “bad tips” about charging and maintaining your phone battery, which abound on the Internet.

Charge your phone without using a charger

Most owners of mobile gadgets have no idea that, in some stores and outlets for other services, chargers are also on sale. In addition, there are terminals where you can charge your mobile phone. It’s a pity, but in our country, they are still available in two capitals and other large cities. But, if you find them, feel free to charge your phones!

Unfortunately, such charging costs money. On average, 50 rubles per hour. If you are walking along the central square and there is a store of your operator nearby, you can contact him with such a request. You should not be refused, since such a service is part of the service provided to subscribers of your network.

But, for the most part, there will be no such service. In this case, let's try to charge the phone without a charger. You can simply use the Air function. In this situation, you can fully charge your smartphone after an hour. If this option does not suit you, then you can recharge your smartphone a little if you turn off the Internet and the GPS network. Only your card should work. However, programs need to be disabled.

Solar battery

Another attractive option for charging your phone without electricity is to use a solar battery. Many experts believe that this is the future.

Moreover, today you can already find mini-versions of solar panels on the market that are capable of accumulating the energy of our daylight. They easily fit in your hand, you can go for a walk with them in sunny weather - and at the same time charge your mobile device.

There is nothing magical about how a solar panel works. Everything is based on physical laws. Light falling from the Sun onto a special plate is converted into electricity. It, in turn, accumulates in the battery - and is issued upon request. For example, if you need to charge your phone without electricity .

How to charge your phone battery without charging

There are quite a lot of different, unusual methods for charging a smartphone. These methods are best used in extreme situations, since the use of such methods is often a consequence of battery failure. But what can you do if you are in the forest, where, of course, they don’t sell chargers, but you urgently need to charge your phone? Even if you have a charger, you won’t be able to connect it anywhere. In such a situation, you need to apply one of these options.

Unusual methods for charging a smartphone battery

  1. Let's try to dent the battery. You can tap it on a tree trunk. Also, some people bite the battery a little. But, this method is used when you don’t really need the battery, since it may become damaged and will no longer be able to absorb charge;
  2. If you are going outdoors, I advise you to buy a solar battery charger. In this case, I think this is a great solution!

  3. Try heating the battery. You need to put it on any object, but only a warm one. You need to make sure that the battery does not melt. When you heat the battery, a chemical process will occur inside it, which will add about 10%. Of course, this is not a panacea, but it can help you in a difficult situation or trouble;
  4. You can also hit the battery on a heavy surface. This will also help start some of the chemical processes inside it, and the battery will be charged by 10%. This energy capacity may be enough for the desired call. Of course, you won’t be able to browse the Internet, but you will have enough energy to call the right person;
  5. In addition, you can try charging with lemon. Take the charger (if you have one) and insert its plug into 2 lemon halves. The phone should charge a few percent, which should be enough for one important call.

Application of Dynamo

Another useful device for replenishing your smartphone battery when away from a power outlet is a dynamo. Unlike solar panels, this device does not require cloudless skies to operate effectively. The dynamo converts mechanical energy into electricity - only after the user twists a special handle for several minutes. Thus, it is quite possible to charge the battery by a couple of percent in case of urgent need.

How to make a charger with your own hands?

There are various unique methods that can help you charge your phone without charging it. This method is suitable when the user finds himself in nature, where there are no charging devices. Of course, if the user has a charger, it is of little use if it cannot be connected to an outlet or the car's cigarette lighter.

  1. You need to find a decent sized pipe. A larger pipe will produce more current. After this, we bury a pipe or some kind of metal piece into the surface of the Earth so that a small piece of metal peeks out from the Earth;
  2. We connect a wire made of copper to a piece of metal. Then, connect it to the battery. Next, we are looking for an electrolyte. It can be a solution of salt or regular salt. Even if you don’t have salt, use chicken broth or lemons;
  3. It even contains salt and can serve as an electrolyte. In addition, you can use river water if it is nearby. If the water has been purified, it will not work. This water contains few minerals. From here, the water will show small electrical signs. So, when there is a river nearby, we pour water over the created structure.

Connection to a gasoline generator

Autonomous current generators - using gasoline or diesel fuel - are quite capable of providing electricity to a small house. It is not without reason that they are used at Arctic stations, in forestry areas and other places remote from civilization.

Nobody forbids you to install something similar at home. True, not in a city apartment, but, for example, in a country house - why not?

The downside is the cost of the generator and the need to constantly take care of the presence of fuel in the tank. And it works far from silently. But it allows us to once again answer the question of how to charge your phone without electricity .

How to charge a smartphone when the charging slot is broken?

Many phone users have found themselves in a similar situation, because if you charge your smartphone frequently, the terminals will wear out faster and become damaged. Therefore, the slot often goes out of working order. Of course, the easiest way to do this is to give the phone to a technician so that he can fix it. Repairs will not cost much. But the master may not be at the workplace and so on.

  1. Let's try to charge the battery directly. You need to take it out of the smartphone and get the charger. Remember, it is better to take an old unnecessary charger, as you will damage it;
  2. So, we cut off the connector that connects to the smartphone. Next, you need to separate the pair of wires that are together under the insulation. Using a blade or knife, remove the insulating layer from these wires so as to obtain thin bundles of copper;
  3. So, we take a blue marker and make a mark with it on the wire that we will have (-), use a red marker to mark (+). On phone batteries, manufacturers usually label where they have (+) and (-). So, unplug the charger from the outlet. After that, we fit these wires to the marks made with a marker on the battery. After this, the wires can be attached to the battery. For example, electrical tape or tape. After that, connect the charger to the outlet;
  4. After some time, your smartphone will be charged. Attention, these methods may damage the battery. Hence, they should be used in case of emergency. When you use these methods repeatedly, the battery will most likely stop working.

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Which smartphones support fast charging?

The charging procedure is nothing more than the absorption of electricity by the battery electrolyte. If you send a current with high power and voltage to the battery, it will still not be able to deliver it with the same parameters. But it charges much faster.

This is what the principle of so-called fast charging is based on. Its essence boils down to the fact that the battery is supplied not with the standard 5 - 6 V and 1 A, but somewhat more. The voltage can increase up to 20 V, the current up to 2 - 4 A. As a result, it takes only 30 - 40 minutes for the battery to absorb a full charge.

The voltage and current supplied to the battery is increased by a multiplier integrated into the device's power controller.

Fast charging significantly speeds up the charging process of the battery, but shortens its “life” by 2 to 3 years. This is due to increased loads that arise due to the supply of increased electric current and voltage to the battery. Therefore, it is worth using technology as little as possible.

The technology is used in Samsung Galaxy, ASUS ZenFone, Google NEXUS smartphones, as well as in some other gadget models. You can find out whether a specific device supports it:

  • from the technical documentation for the device;
  • on the official website of the gadget manufacturer.

How to enable fast charging

The procedure for enabling fast charging may vary depending on the smartphone model. Let's look at it using Samsung phones as an example. To activate the function on them, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • open the Settings application;
  • go to the “Maintenance” section;
  • open the “Battery” subsection;
  • go to battery settings;
  • Move the enable slider next to the “Fast charging” item.

On Samsung smartphones, fast charging can be enabled in the corresponding section of the Settings application. After this, the smartphone will start using the function when connected to a charger.

How to disable fast charging

Turn off fast charging in exactly the same way as turn it on, only in reverse order.

There is an opinion among users that enabling and disabling quick settings is possible on all devices running the Android operating system. In reality this is not the case. Some smartphone models use the technology by default. There is no section in their settings that allows you to disable it. An example is Xiaomi phones.

We charge a smartphone without a slot using a frog

  1. This is a fairly common charger, reminiscent of a device that is plugged into an outlet. The frog has sliders and special clamps that help secure the battery;
  2. We spread the antennae in the opposite direction, equal to the segment between the terminals (+) and (-). We connect them and clamp them using a clamp. Then we connect the created structure to an outlet;
  3. Some experts claim that this option can wear out the battery quite quickly. From here, it is better to repair the cable and connector for charging using the usual method.

Charge your phone battery using an adapter

Some users carry several batteries in their pockets, because in the event of a power outage, all they have to do is insert a new battery and they will not disappear from the network. At the same time, while one battery is working, the second one is charging. But, in this case, you need to take a second phone to remove the battery from it. And when one battery runs out, the second one may not have time to charge. Let's solve this problem.

  1. This action can be performed using a standard adapter. In this situation, the adapter has several cables, and most users will figure them out fairly quickly without damaging them;

  2. Therefore, if the connector is shaped like a pyramid, the user still needs to cut off the tip and split one wire into 2. But, if you do not want to harm charging, use a charger from an outdated smartphone;
  3. You can also use a tablet charger or a laptop charger. The main thing is that the plug is round in cross-section and with a current strength of 5A and 20v. Let's continue our design to charge phones. Let's take a certain number of wires made of aluminum or copper. Also, we need electrical tape;
  4. This device needs to be connected according to the option that we discussed above, but a little differently. You need to insert one of the copper wires inside the slot, and the second should be outside, they will have a charge with different poles. From here, a person will transmit (+) and (-) using these copper wires.

From another smartphone

Some models of modern smartphones have a so-called reverse charging function. That is, they not only receive electricity, but can also give it out. Just like the power banks already mentioned above.

This option is not yet available as often as we would like. Whether mobile device manufacturers will develop this topic further is also not yet clear. However, there is also a way to charge your phone without electricity .

From adequate and relatively adequate ways to charge your phone , you can move on to downright unusual and even harmful ones.

How to make a phone charger with your own hands at home?

Do you know that it is possible to charge a smartphone without a charging device using AA batteries?

  1. So, we need AA batteries and a special device that outputs the contacts. Typically, such devices are available in stores that sell radio equipment;
  2. So, we insert four batteries into the battery slots, and the terminals need to be connected to the battery contacts. Then, we secure them with electrical tape (you can use tape);
  3. The voltage will be 6V. This is quite enough to charge the battery a little more than 50%. Do not expect the battery to be fully charged.

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