What Tesla actually invented and why he was a hoaxer
Wires have completely enslaved humanity. Modern cities are drowning in a web of cables - on the ground, under
Overloads in the power grid
How overloads occur in the power grid and what they lead to: possible causes, consequences and how to overcome them
Overloads are abnormal situations in the operation of the electrical network that you may not pay attention to.
Architectural lighting of buildings and facades - norms and varieties
Lighting of architectural buildings at night solves at least 2 problems: Functional -
How to check the starting current of a battery with a multimeter?
Batteries are widely used in various areas of human life and activity. They can be found in
electromagnetic radiation
How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation in your apartment?
What it is? Sources of electromagnetic radiation in an apartment Sources of radiation on the street Sources of radiation
HACK What to do to prevent Lightning cables from breaking for years
Scotch tape, electrical tape, etc. On forums and other sites it is recommended to wrap the Lightning cable with tape
Scope of application of twisted pair cable for outdoor installation
Author of the article Anton Bogdanov Communication network design engineer Despite the fact that optical cable lines
Causes of sparking and ways to improve MTP switching
Engine diagram For a clearer understanding of the principle of operation of a commutator motor, there are two visual types
How to connect and configure a time relay to lighting
How to connect a three-phase motor through a magnetic starter. Power supply 380 V (three phases) is carried out in the same way,
Construction and repair of an electromechanical stabilizer
Due to unstable voltage in houses and apartments, people are forced to install voltage stabilizers
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