Which is better for a private home 15 kW 380 volts or 10 kW 220 volts

When starting to build a house, you should immediately think about the question of what voltage will be used and how many phases to supply to the building. The number of devices that consumers use nowadays significantly increases the load on the lines. This must be taken into account when calculating the total load in order to make the right choice.

How to find out how much electrical power is allocated to a house?

To find out the allocated power for a private house or apartment, you need to contact the operating organization (in Moscow and the region - this is Mosenergosbyt OJSC). The help contains information about the allocated and average power consumption.

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Electrical input device 380 volt 15kW

Let's look at a photograph of one of these shields in one of the office premises.

Three phases are connected to the input circuit breaker, zero is connected to the electrical energy meter. Grounding system - TT (not according to PUE). The meter and automatic machine are sealed. On the right side of the shield there are three groups of circuit breakers, each group for its own phase.

Now we can talk about the pitfalls.

Which is better, 220 or 380. How and why to connect 380 Volts to a private house


Advantages and disadvantages of three-phase current in a private house

Quite often you can hear the opinion that for a private home, three-phase power supply (380 Volts) is much better than conventional single-phase power. And they abandon conventional single-phase inputs.

But what are the real benefits of a three-phase network, and does it actually allow you to increase power consumption, as is often believed?

This is not entirely true. The maximum permitted power usually does not depend on the type of network, and is indicated in the technical specifications for the connection. According to the conditions, for one household this value is up to 15 kW for a three-phase network, and from 10 to the same 15 kW for a single-phase network. True, with a three-phase connection you can get by with a wire of a smaller cross-section (since the power consumption is divided into three phases), but there should be not three wires, but 4 or 5. But the distribution board with such a connection will be much larger. Since both the meter and the disconnect devices (RCDs) for a three-phase network are much larger. And the voltage of 380 volts is much more dangerous to life than 220. And, in addition, the work of installing wiring in the house becomes more complicated - it is necessary to prevent “phase imbalance”, evenly distributing the load (electrical appliances) between the phases.

380 volts is also more dangerous from a fire safety point of view.

In addition, it is necessary to pay much more attention to the installation of a common zero - because in the event of a break in the neutral wire, an overvoltage will form in the phases, which can lead to the failure of all electrical appliances in this phase (or even all three phases).

And yet it should be noted that three-phase current has a number of advantages. Among them, first of all, is the ability to connect powerful three-phase motors and other electrical receivers. In addition, if the house has a large number of electrical appliances, then their power can be distributed evenly across three phases, reducing the load on each. In addition, if the energy sales company is loyal to consumers, you can slightly increase the maximum permitted power consumption. And some advantage comes from reducing the cross-section of the input cable and connection currents.

Thus, three-phase input is useful when used in a private residential building, but only in some cases. It is useful when using powerful three-phase motors in a home workshop, or in large houses (more than 100 square meters), with a large number of electrical appliances.

In other cases, the transition to three-phase power supply, alas, will not bring visible benefits.

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How to connect 380 Volts to a private house and why are they needed?

Energy supply issues are relevant for every owner of a private home. However, when the time comes to resolve this issue, we are faced with a dilemma: connect 220 or 380 Volts? In fact, any of these options can be implemented, and many owners, not knowing about the possibilities of the second case, still choose the first solution. But is it really worth it? Today, in private homes, a three-phase electrical network of 380 volts is increasingly common. Today we’ll talk about how to connect it and look at expert advice on why you need to do this.

Is this necessary?

Indeed, 380-volt electrical networks are gaining widespread popularity in private homes today. Actually, they are chosen by the majority of residents of our country who have certain ideas about physics, and electricity in particular. For the average person, it may seem that the differences are insignificant, but if you look in more detail, the advantages of three-phase 380 Volt networks in homes become obvious.

  1. It is important to know that with a two-phase 220 V power supply, the main consumer (i.e. your private home) receives only one phase + neutral wire. At the same time, distortions occur in the electrical network, which are compensated not in the house, but in the transformer that supplies electricity to the area. But in the presence of powerful consumers, the substation does not always cope, which is why the lights in your house may flicker. Such phenomena occur especially often in winter, when powerful electric heaters are used and “load” the transformer. If you connect a three-phase network of 380 Volts, all phases are used only for the home. The formation of distortions in this case is extremely rare. This requires a colossal overload of the substation, which practically never happens.
  2. It is especially recommended to connect a three-phase network of 380 Volts to residents of private houses located in villages. The fact is that in small settlements low-power substations are used, which means that distortions can happen here more often. 380 V may be the optimal solution to this problem.
  3. If the creation of a 380 V network is carried out by a person who understands electrics and knows how to properly connect the input, you will be able to remain with light even in the event of local accidents at the substation. If any failure occurs on the transformer, you risk being left with a power supply of 220 V with one phase. But the light and some consumers will still work.
  4. Such solutions make it possible to simplify the accounting of energy consumption, so the controlling company has virtually no complaints against home owners using a three-phase 380-volt network.

So, as we see, the advantages of this choice are quite simple and understandable. But how to make the connection? Next we will look at this issue in more detail.

Network connection

So, before connecting 380 Volts to the house, you first need to contact the energy company that operates


Connecting three-phase power in the distribution cabinet

After 380 V is connected to the switchboard, correct switching should be performed. Input is made through a powerful machine or feeder switch. After it, an electricity meter is connected, the power from which goes to the protective automation of the home network. It looks like this (elements may vary depending on the wishes of the owner):

  1. A general circuit breaker that can withstand the load consumed by all electrical appliances at home.
  2. Three AVs of lower rated power, by group. This could be the kitchen, other sockets in the house, or a lighting group.
  3. 3 residual current devices, from which power is distributed separately to rooms.

Voltage 220 V and 380 V.

The 380V connection means the input of 4 wires, i.e. you will have a three-phase network. Sometimes this is useful. For example, a three-phase motor can be connected. Sometimes the voltage sags in one phase (for example, a neighbor uses a welder). Then voltage-sensitive equipment (for example, a microwave oven) can be connected to an outlet with a different phase (if consumers in the house are scattered into different phases). And 380V in the house is not necessary, unless you are going to connect the machines. Not a single Russian household equipment uses 380 V (foreign cookers also allow connection to three phases of 380 V, but the savings on supply wires will be questionable. In general, everything is determined by your power limit - 10 kW. And what current will flow through the supply wires is up to you give a damn. The only difference will be in the number of wires to the house - either two thick ones, or 4 thinner ones. There will be no savings. And three-phase meters are more expensive. And wiring around the house with connections from different phases will be more complicated

That's right - it's more profitable in phases.

the line is three-phase, anyway they will connect you either 1 phase or 3; 2 phases are not connected

If you are not going to install industrial three-phase equipment, then there is no difference. By connecting to section 380 or 220 we mean the presence of a three-phase or single-phase network. All household appliances are 220 V (single-phase), i.e. one phase is used. Worrying about phase separation in everyday life is a waste of money and effort, and no one will do it.

Ha, the power doesn’t change, whether it’s 1 phase with zero 10 kW, or 3 phases, there’s just more hassle, and taking that into account....)))

If you use three-phase equipment (for example, a three-phase electric motor), then three phases and zero, and if you have single-phase equipment, then one phase and zero is enough. See how cheap it is for you

According to the instructions of Gosenergonadzor, single-phase power supply is allowed for household loads up to 5 kW (25 A). At 10 kW. (50 A) only three-phase power supply is possible. At the same time, a justified project, carried out in accordance with the Technical Specifications, is required.

the line carries 380 V, but you will get a maximum of 220 V. and no one will allow you to install such a powerful electric stove in the village, since there will be a large overload of the line..) in villages the stoves are powered with gas.


Disadvantages of electrical input 380 volts 15 kW

The weak link here is the neutral conductor

which is connected to the electric meter.
The meter is sealed, the contacts to which the neutral conductor is connected are maintenance-free (due to the presence of a seal); over time, the contacts may become loose. If we get such a malfunction with a single-phase input, then we will simply lose light
With a 3-phase input we will get phase imbalance
. What does it mean?

An electric stove is connected to one phase, and a TV to the other. The neutral wire contact at the electric meter terminals disappears. We turn on the electric stove burner and the TV burns out.

Advantages of a three-phase system in the private sector

Rural areas experience frequent power outages. It is not the energy sales companies that are to blame here, but the deterioration of transformer substations and the low level of qualifications of the electricians serving the area. Most often, the problem is phase imbalance, caused by too much load on one of them with minimal load on the other. In this case, when 380 volts are introduced into the house, the home master can independently check the voltage on each of the lines and decide which of them can be used to power household appliances.

Another advantage is cost-effectiveness. Three-phase users typically have lower electricity bills. But it is worth remembering that in addition to the more complex connection of 380 volts, certain documentation will be required. You will have to run around a bit through the authorities before permission is obtained.

Which boiler to choose: electric 380 or 220v

With the coming year, an increasing number of city residents are striving to provide themselves with comfortable living conditions. the situation worsens with the onset of autumn and winter. Outside the window, the air temperature is gradually dropping, so it’s time to think about fully heating the rooms in your favorite place to live.

The main source of heat production in the apartments is the electric boiler. Its advantages can be summarized as follows:

  1. The cost of maintenance is almost the same in comparison with other types of heating equipment.
  2. The work process is almost silent than when working with gas boilers.
  3. There is no need to install a chimney, as, for example, when installing a solid fuel boiler.

The diagram of the electric boiler and heat consumption by residents is as follows. It consists of the boiler itself, a heating element, as well as a circulation pump, radiator or collector. The coordinated work of the above elements contributes to the complete heating of an apartment or house. Only high-quality equipment can cope with such a task. Otherwise, you will additionally have to insulate the facade of the house, install metal-plastic bags, change batteries and purchase other heaters. The conclusion is obvious: it is much more profitable to purchase a powerful electric boiler for your home.

Assortment you can find

More experienced users will share information about what power is best to choose an electric boiler for heating a home. If we are talking about low-power boilers, then we should distinguish two types - single-phase and three-phase models. The former have the well-known power of 220V, the latter have a slightly increased rating - 380V. Therefore, if you are offered electric boilers larger than 12 kW, then the product is three-phase. In addition, the electric boiler is additionally classified according to the type of object - apartment, cottage, semi-industrial and industrial.

Details about purchasing electrical equipment

You can make a purchase using the services of the online store. For detailed advice and answers to any questions regarding the product range, you can contact the hotline. Or use the electronic application form. They will contact you as soon as possible and provide all the necessary information, including the availability of goods and the terms of delivery of the electric boiler.


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