Does the SNT board have the right to demand the installation of meters on poles?

Residents of private houses, as well as members of garden cooperatives and partnerships, are now required to install meters that monitor electricity consumption on the street on nearby utility poles.
These measures are aimed at combating uncontrolled electricity consumption. Moving the meters outside should provide access to it for company employees. In addition, on the street it is more difficult to manipulate the meter aimed at changing its readings and uncontrollable electricity consumption.

Types of meters

All installed electric meters can be classified according to several parameters. For example, the connection method, the type of measured quantities or the type of design.

Today, in residential buildings and apartments you can install one of the two most popular types of electricity meters:

  • An induction meter measures energy consumption using a rotating aluminum disk. This type of meters is gradually being forced out of the market, as it has a number of disadvantages, one of which is low protection against electricity theft;
  • Electronic meters allow you to control electricity consumption at differentiated tariffs. In addition, such devices can be controlled from a distance.

Which one will work better depends on many factors. Electronic meters have become most widespread. This became possible due to greater measurement accuracy and ease of use. In addition, you can take the device outside.

Which metering device is best to install depends on the characteristics of the use of electricity in the house, as well as its location - outdoors or indoors. Each of the existing types of meters has certain advantages and disadvantages.

When purchasing an electricity meter, you need to pay attention to the presence and integrity of the seal that is installed by the state trustee. The production time of the filling is of great importance. For a two-phase device it should not exceed two years, for a three-phase device - one year.

Who can install the meter

Theoretically, anyone with the appropriate skills can install an electric meter. But only those who have appropriate access from the electricity supplier can connect electricity. When installing the meter on poles, the meter connection is carried out only by a representative of the electrical network.

If the removal of the meter and the installation process is carried out by an employee of the local power grid, then there should be no complaints against you. Before carrying out such work, documents are requested that indicate the boundary of division of balance sheet ownership and the requirements for installing the meter.

The balance sheet boundary in private residential buildings is not indoors, but outdoors. The exact location is determined by the relevant technical documentation. Removing meters to the street is possible only with the consent of its owner.

Where can electronic electricity meters be installed?

The current regulations state that electronic electricity metering devices must be installed in dry rooms where the temperature does not fall below 0°C. This is due to the fact that exposure to moisture and low temperatures negatively affects the operation of the device. An electronic meter installed on the street in violation of these requirements begins to work incorrectly.

Today, meters are installed in the house, on the veranda, on the front side of the house and on poles. The consumer decides for himself which method to choose.

Recently, energy sales companies in different regions have required owners of private houses to install meters on the street on nearby poles. Removing metering devices outside the house allows for unhindered inspection by company employees. When the meter is installed on a pole, you can approach it at any convenient time, even if the electricity consumer is not at home.

The electric meter is installed at the balance sheet boundary. As a rule, this place is determined by mutual agreement of the parties. Such a border can be on the facade of the house or on the nearest pole, which is located on the territory of the site. In some cases, it is possible to place the meter outside it, on the street. To carry it out, it is necessary to explore all available placement possibilities; street poles may be the most suitable place.

Such requirements from energy companies do not comply with current instructions and rules for installing electricity meters. Some citizens argue and defend their right to place the meter inside the house. Others prefer to agree to the requirements and take the meter outside.

It is possible to circumvent the requirements of representatives of electrical companies. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the current regulations. And if necessary, feel free to go to court.

How to refuse to install a meter on a pole?

The SNT board does not have the right to require the installation of a meter on a pole, but in practice such situations occur quite often.
The management explains this need by the presence of discrepancies in the readings of personal meters and the total amount of electricity actually consumed, as well as the need for constant monitoring of the readings. A representative of SNT may argue that a person who refuses to install an external meter is clearly hiding some information. Direct accusations of electricity theft are common. What to do in such a situation and how to resolve the conflict?

Members of cooperatives are advised to:

  1. ask for a written order to install the meter. It must be stated that a response will only be given after a formal request signed by the Chairman;
  2. require provision of technical installation parameters. It is necessary to indicate that the location of the meter outside the premises is not in all respects consistent with the PUE and other legal norms;
  3. clarify at whose expense the installation will be carried out. SNT management often requires that meters be installed at personal expense. But such costs are often unacceptable to citizens, so they refuse to install them.

The management of the partnership does not have the right to force participants to install meters on poles. Such decisions are illegal in nature since this is a purely voluntary matter.

Meter installation

After agreeing on the location of the meter with the electricity supplier, you can begin its installation. The height of its placement can vary from 0.8 m to 1.7 m. There are cases when an electric meter is mounted on poles at a height of about 3 meters, citing protection from vandals. But at such a height it will be extremely inconvenient to take meter readings.

To carry out the metering device outdoors, an electrician only needs to have an average level of qualifications. All work is carried out in several main stages:

  • the input line must be de-energized. To do this, you will need to obtain the consent of the electricity supplier;
  • the wires through which electricity enters the house are first connected to the circuit breaker, and then to the meter itself;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of grounding. It is necessary in order to protect electrical appliances;
  • then the wiring to the house is connected to the meter output.

When performing this work, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of current regulations.

After the meter is installed on the pole, it is necessary to call a representative of the electrical networks, who will seal the meter and register it.

Rules for replacing an electric meter in a private house

Important! If the meter needs to be replaced, the following measures must be taken:

  • First of all, you should obtain permission to replace the meter. To do this, you need to contact the company that supplies electricity. The application must include accurate information about the address of the house where the appliance needs to be replaced. The reason why the replacement must be made is also stated. After receiving the application, the company sends its specialist to inspect the device. Permission is given in writing. If the specialist makes a negative decision, then the reasons for such a decision must be indicated;
  • After receiving permission, a meter is purchased. It is worth choosing a device in accordance with the recommendations given by the company supplying electricity;
  • Next, the counter is installed. Installation can be carried out by any person who has access to electrical devices at least level 3. Electricians recommend inviting a company specialist. After the meter is installed, the person must be given a certificate signed by the person who installed the meter, as well as the seal of the organization that removed the old device.

Please note that independent dismantling without following the above procedure is not permitted. Replacing the device in this case may be punishable by penalties, according to which from the day the seal on the old device is removed until the date of elimination of the unauthorized dismantling of the meter, electricity consumption will be the product of the sum of the powers of all devices in the house and their operating hours

Replacing the device in this case may be punishable by penalties, according to which from the day the seal on the old device is removed until the date of elimination of the unauthorized dismantling of the meter, electricity consumption will be the product of the sum of the powers of all devices in the house by their operating hours.

After installing the device, it must be accepted for operation, that is, the authorized body must establish that the device is working properly.

To do this, the owner will have to:

  • submit an application to the authorized body;
  • attach data about the old meter;
  • submit technical documents about the new meter;
  • submit a document that identifies the applicant;
  • attach a document confirming ownership of the residential property.

When the meter is accepted, the specialist will put a seal on it.

Timing for verification of electricity meters.

Arrangement of a cabinet for a meter

If an electronic electric meter was installed on a pole, then measures must be taken to protect it. Typically, such a device is mounted in special metal boxes equipped with a viewing window for taking readings of electricity consumption. It must be installed before installing the meter.

The metal box performs several functions:

The wires from the meter must be hidden in a protective metal pipe. Only one circuit breaker is installed in the box itself, and it is better to install a distribution panel with circuit breakers for individual groups of consumers in the house.

Connection diagram

The height at which the meter box should be installed should be in the range from 80 to 170 centimeters. According to the rules for installing an electricity meter in a private house, the device is located vertically, with a deviation not exceeding one degree.

There must be a switch in front of the meter that performs protective functions. Protective grounding must be provided. It can not only save you from a lightning strike, but also protect all electrical appliances in the house in case of a short circuit.

According to the diagram, the phase and neutral lines are input. Similar outputs are available. A panel with automatic switches is connected to them, which represents the wiring for a private house. The installed electric meter must have an inspection date with a period that has not yet expired.

When frost exceeds 5 degrees, the readings of the meter may be inaccurate. The error can reach 10%. To increase the accuracy of measurements, a heating device is installed inside the shield.

If the meter is installed during the construction of a private house or cottage, it will be useful to install sockets that will provide electricity to the devices used during the construction process.

Electronic counter with remote control

When all apartments had induction electric meters, craftsmen invented various ways to change their readings downwards. With the advent of electronic analogs, this became almost impossible.

But on the Internet you can find a large number of offers for the sale of modified meters with remote control. The basic principle of operation of such a meter is that the electricity consumer can independently turn it on and off. At the same time, electricity enters the house, but remains unaccounted for. With such a remote control you can stop the counter completely or slow it down.

Almost any electronic meter can be modified and equipped with a remote control, but in this case the device case is opened, which means the factory seal and sticker with a digital code are broken. Sellers of meters with remote control claim that they are able to restore all this. New seals and stickers do not differ from the factory ones, and a visual check of the meter body before its installation is not able to detect these changes.

Such proposals are especially appealing to those who have moved their electric meter outside. With such a remote control, you can influence its operation. There is an opinion that it is better to place the device outside and stop it as needed from home.

Interfering with the operation of metering devices is illegal. If uncontrolled use of electricity is detected, the supplier company may impose a large fine on the consumer. Therefore, before purchasing meters with remote control, you need to think carefully about everything.

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