When does a transformer have maximum efficiency?
What is the efficiency of a transformer and what does the Efficiency factor depend on (full explanation of this
What is the instantaneous amplitude and effective value of alternating current?
How to find the amplitude value of AC voltage? In our household electrical network, the current, effective, voltage
How to measure voltages of thousands of volts with a multimeter
Schematic diagram of the attachment for the ability to measure high voltages (many thousands of volts) using a multimeter.
Conductors, semiconductors and non-conductors of electricity
Contents In the last lesson we already mentioned conductors and dielectrics. We have identified them
Current strength in the network: how to find out how many amperes are in the apartment, and what current is in the outlet - alternating or direct?
What is the optimal voltage in a household network for the operation of electrical appliances Voltage level - one of
How to choose a battery for a car
How to choose the right battery for a generator table
 The absence of a battery or its complete discharge is what excludes the possibility
From electrostatics to electrokinetics
Third party electrical forces. EMF. Ohm's law for a complete circuit.
Potential difference Voltage on a non-uniform section of the circuit (where there are external forces) is equal to the sum of the emf
What does a computer power supply consist of - its functions and voltage
TYPES AND TYPES PARAMETERS AND CHARACTERISTICS Power supply unit (PSU) is an electrical device that performs the function
Replacing plugs with circuit breakers
How does an old-style electrical plug work and where is it used?
Electrical plugs are fuses that were previously installed in electrical networks, playing a role in them
Methods for calculating electrical loads: formulas, coefficients, data tables
Methods for calculating electrical loads: formulas, coefficients, data tables
The theory of calculating electrical loads, the foundations of which were formed in the 1930s, aimed to determine a set of
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