Electromagnetic induction definition and description of the phenomenon.
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How to become an electrician without education
How to become an electrician from scratch, what you need for this and where to start
In the life of every person, at one stage or another in life, the question of choice arises.
Calculation of current by power and voltage
Algorithm for calculating the electrical load from single-phase power consumers
Connecting consumers to household or industrial electrical networks using a cable of less power than
Use of two- and four-pole circuit breakers (2006)
Question 1 Why are 4-pole and 2-pole circuit breakers needed? Answer A In electrical panels, where
multimeter in car
What is a multimeter and what can it measure at home or in a car?
Hi all! I think many motorists and just electricians will agree that having a multimeter helps a lot
serial connection
AC circuit with series connection of active, inductive and capacitive reactances
Good day to all! In the last article I talked about the effect of alternating voltage on
What color should artificial ground electrodes be painted?
Protective grounding device is a method for electrically connecting a protective conductor to non-current-carrying enclosures of electrical installations subjected to
When a point moves linearly along an axis, the displacement is equal to the difference between the end position and the start position of the point
Vector of velocity and acceleration of a material point and their modules. Example of problem solving.
Along with motion along a straight line, school physics also considers motion in a circle. For him,
In the electricity market, several entities may be involved in the sale of electricity. To determine which organization
Standard symbols on electrical diagrams and typical power ratings
How to calculate resistance knowing power and voltage?
In 1827, Georg Ohm published his research, which forms the basis of the formula used and
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