How to pay for electricity by meter: taking and calculating readings
It is necessary to transmit the data of an individual meter within a certain period of time. This ensures payment is calculated according to
How to make electrical wiring in a private house or apartment
The need for a three-phase connection In a single-phase network, often the only phase is overloaded due to the use of powerful
The simplest converter
Full Wave Rectifier - Single Phase, Three Phase, Bridge
The full-wave rectifier is more common than the half-wave rectifier, this is due to the numerous advantages of such a circuit. To
Differences between an induction cooker and an electric one, its operating principle, pros and cons
What is induction The principle of electromagnetic induction is actively used in the production of household appliances. What
Photo 2
DC electric machines: design and principle of operation
DC machines: what is it? The application of electric current mainly consists of converting it
What is a microcircuit? How is it designed and produced?
Just twenty-five years ago, radio amateurs and older generation specialists had to study new
MTZ with time delay
Overcurrent protection: principle of operation, types, examples of circuits
For various reasons, accidents in electrical networks occur quite often. A short circuit is fatal
How to start understanding electrics: a tutorial from scratch for novice electricians
What does electrical engineering study? Science began to develop rapidly in the 19th century. At that time there were
current clamp
For what purposes are Electrical Clamps used? Types of Clamps
The device is distinguished by the presence of a pincer clamp located in the upper part of the device. This allows you to measure current
The simplest rectification circuit
Voltage rectifier: operating principle and types
History of invention In 1873, the English scientist Frederick Guthrie developed the operating principle of vacuum tubes.
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