The best magnets from Aliexpress - neodymium, search and household

The search magnet is based on a rare-earth supermagnet based on a neodymium-iron-boron alloy. This compact product can attract and securely hold metal objects whose weight is tens of times greater than its own mass. Thanks to their high power, search magnets successfully lift objects of impressive size from the bottom of wells, lakes and rivers. They can be used to quickly and easily check large littered areas for metal objects (including scrap metal). But which search magnet should you choose? In this article, we have compiled a review of the most powerful search magnets in the form of a top, which will help the reader understand what he is looking for from a given magnet.


Search magnet F25


Wondering which brand search magnet is best to buy, experts turned their attention to product F25. With its help, you can get metal objects lost by you and time from all kinds of bodies of water. High-quality galvanic coating will provide protection against corrosion. The special steel body of the search magnet enhances the magnetic fields, directing them towards the working surface.

Search magnet F25


  • Quality
  • Price
  • Light weight
  • Compactness

Neodymium magnets: what and how

These magnets are very powerful. They are strong and fairly safe, but heavy. Some of them can weigh hundreds of kilograms. These are unique pieces of magnetic alloy endowed with super-powerful adhesive force. Such devices can be encased in an additional steel casing, which will increase their weight and grip. They may also be devoid of such an additional shell. Accordingly, they will have less grip and weight.

Thanks to the power and strength of such devices, it became possible to lift up loads weighing up to 1000 kg.

Search magnet F300


The powerful search magnet F300 attracts fragments of metal products weighing up to 300 kg in air and water. Thanks to a special galvanized coating, it does not rust in salt and fresh water, does not scratch or wear out. Coating – nickel. Optimal temperatures for working with it are from –50°С to +50°С.

Search magnet F300


  • Quality
  • Price
  • Light weight
  • Compactness

Search magnet FROTON F=400X2kg


The rating of search magnets continues with the product FROTON F=400X2kg. This double-sided search magnet has an all-metal milled body with a glued neodymium magnet made of NdFeB 48 alloy. The body is coated with a protective layer of zinc, and the magnet itself is coated with a layer of nickel. The use of a magnet involves lifting and holding ferromagnetic objects from hard-to-reach places, separating ferromagnetic objects from others. FROTON F400x2 can be used both in everyday life and in industry.

Search magnet FROTON F=400X2kg


  • Versatility
  • Quality
  • Reliability

Powerful and strong neodymium magnets

There are permanent magnets that can have the same attractive strength as the most powerful neodymium magnets. They are called AlNiCo magnets. Such devices are usually created on the basis of aluminum, cobalt and nickel. When producing larger magnets, casting and its complex shapes are used.

According to experts, these types of magnets have excellent thermal characteristics. Thanks to this, they have found their use in the production of automotive ABS braking systems, products with reed switches (for example, fuel supply sensors) and guitar pickups.

As you can see, magnets are an important part of our lives. They are used in various areas of our activities and for different purposes.

Double-sided search magnet NEPRA 2F600


The NEPRA 2F600 search magnet can withstand operating temperatures up to +80°C. Nickel and zinc plated. With its own weight of 3.3 kg, it is capable of lifting up to 600 kg. 100% of the magnet's surface is in contact with the surface of the object. The directions of the tearing force vector are perpendicular to the plane in which the magnet is located. So if you’re still thinking about whether it’s fake or redmag, then the answer is quite obvious.

Double-sided search magnet NEPRA 2F600


  • Reliability
  • Load capacity
  • Quality
  • Smooth surface
  • Efficiency

Do magnets affect humans?

The increasing medical use of magnets raises an obvious question: are magnetic fields good or bad for the human body? In recent years there has been much debate about the consequences of living near high-voltage power lines.

But since the magnetic field strength drops quite quickly, someone living just 50 feet from a power line would likely experience no more than two milligauss. In the latest study, there was no evidence to suggest that this level of exposure would have harmful effects on the body.

Search double-sided MP-700/2


A simple but reliable search magnet made of A3 steel. There is no gap between the housing and the magnet. It is used for cleaning wells, searching for treasures, and scientific experiments. Can be used in separation to separate ferromagnetic metals from the main product. If you don’t know which search magnet is better, then take a closer look at this option.

Search double-sided MP-700/2


  • Simplicity
  • Reliability
  • Quality
  • Load capacity

Application of magnet in medicine

Any most powerful magnet can easily find its application in medicine. The use of these devices allows us to solve the problem of modernizing modern medical equipment.

For example, the largest magnet used for tomography is located in Florida. This 24-ton giant allows you to examine the brain and spinal cord, revealing not only various diseases, but also injuries the patient once received. The higher the magnetic field, the more accurate the results. Brain University believes the use of super-powerful magnets will help in research into brain and spinal cord injuries.

One of the projects plans to use functional imaging of living cells using a powerful magnet. During the experiment, scientists will learn how much brain tissue is damaged over time and how medications can affect this.

MRI technology, which also includes magnets, uses a powerful magnetic field to align the cell nuclei of the body. In this case, one magnet is stationary, while the other rotates the nuclei and generates a signal. This is what computers read. They then process and convert the received signal into a three-dimensional visual image.

Search magnet double-sided Redmag F600x2, strength st. 600 kg


The search magnet is double-sided, so it is suitable for searching for scrap metal in ponds, tunnels, quarries, as well as in excavated soil. It is necessary for treasure hunters, archaeologists, and individuals who collect metal. Scrap metal can be recovered from any environment, provided that its temperature does not exceed +80°C. Thanks to the zinc coating, it can be used in salt and fresh water. Two removable eye bolts facilitate the process of separating the magnet from metal fragments. If you need a magnet to detect metal in water, give this sample priority.

Search magnet double-sided Redmag F600x2, strength st. 600 kg


  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Load capacity
  • Equipment

Search magnet double-sided Forceberg F600x2, strength st. 690 kg


The double-sided search magnet F600 from the Forceberg brand, despite its small size, can lift metal products weighing up to 690 kg from the bottom of rivers, lakes and depressions. It is double-sided, so it is convenient to use for trawling reservoirs and excavated soil. The search device consists of a permanent neodymium magnet, a metal case that prevents magnetic fields from dissipating, and two eye bolts. Water will not cause corrosion because the product has a special zinc coating. Forceberg F600x2 is the most powerful search magnet.

Search magnet double-sided Forceberg F600x2, strength st. 690 kg


  • Reliability
  • Power
  • Load capacity
  • Quality
  • Efficiency

Unusual magnet or giant horseshoe

Hearing this name, a huge horseshoe immediately comes to mind. However, in this case, everything is not so. We are talking about a universal magnetic system from Florida. It consists of two huge curved magnets working together. The outer layer is the most powerful magnet with supercooling and superconductivity. It has no equal among similar devices ever created by man. The magnet is constantly cooled with superfluid helium to temperatures close to absolute zero. At the center of the system is a huge resistive magnet.

Search magnet FROTON F=600X2kg


The optimal search magnet FROTON F600 is an all-metal milled body with a glued neodymium magnet made of NdFeB 48 alloy. The body is coated with a protective layer of zinc, and the magnet itself is coated with a layer of nickel. Areas of application of FROTON F600: search and lifting of ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal with iron parts from the bottom of reservoirs, including heavily silted or covered with sand, from wells, funnels, crevices; lifting very large objects - large parts from equipment, cases, mechanisms; cleaning the ground before searching for valuable jewelry and non-ferrous metal coins; removal of ferrous metal from loose soil, leaves, pine needles, from under moss; collection of scrap metal for delivery and improvement of material well-being. So the question of which magnet to choose has probably already found its answer.

Search magnet FROTON F=600X2kg


  • Reliability
  • Power
  • Load capacity
  • Quality
  • Efficiency
  • Versatility

Search magnet double-sided Redmag F800x2, strength st. 800 kg


The most powerful in the Redmag line of double-sided search magnets has an adhesive force of 800 kg. Double-sided search magnets are thrown into the water from the shore, and they trawl the bottom of the reservoir from a boat. Super-powerful magnets are installed in feed dispensers for separation and in installations for cleaning dry products and liquids. Using search magnets, you can clear the area of ​​small metal debris (nails, wire, etc.). The zinc coating of the search magnet protects it from corrosion. A neodymium magnet demagnetizes very slowly - by 1% in 10 years.

Search magnet double-sided Redmag F800x2, strength st. 800 kg


  • Durability
  • Load capacity
  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Efficiency
  • Versatility

Search magnet F 600 * 2 K


A search magnet, despite its small size, can lift metal products weighing up to 600 kg from the bottom of rivers, lakes and depressions. It is double-sided, so it is convenient to use for trawling reservoirs and excavated soil. Water will not cause corrosion because the product has a special zinc coating. The search magnet weighs less than 5 kg, so it is easy to transport. The search magnet can withstand operating temperatures up to +80°C.

Search magnet F 600 * 2 K


  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Durability
  • Convenience
  • Load capacity
  • Simplicity

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