Negative impact of energy-saving lamps on human health
03/16/2016 master Today, lighting is an essential detail of the interior design of a house or apartment. Therefore very
How to turn off the electric meter in an apartment in the instrument panel
How to properly turn off the electricity in an apartment To prevent an emergency, repair electrical networks,
How to independently secure a cable to a wall or ceiling using dowel clamps
Dowel fasteners for cables In most cases, electricians perform the functions of both a designer and
Transformer design 110-35-10 kV TRDN
Design of the transformer 110/35/10 kV TRDN: decoding, diagram, structure, protection, removal for repair
Explanation of TRDN and fundamental differences TRDN is a three-phase power transformer with a split winding
Electrical design using CAD5D software
Categories: Electrical Electrical supply design is an important section of design during construction, reconstruction or repair
Connecting the LED strip to a computer via USB or PC power supply
The purpose of connecting an LED strip to a computer can be either modding the system unit or
PUE: star motor connection, three-phase motor delta connection
Three-phase electric motors can be connected in different ways. Each of the schemes has its own technological nuances, advantages and
Laying cables in the ground
About the advantages of using pipes when laying cables in the ground
Connecting a private house, cottage or any other low-rise building to electrical networks can be
LED lamps T8 600 mm overhead type
All types and types of sockets for lighting lamps - marking rules and what are the differences
How the marking is done The marking is a combination of a letter or several letters in front and
Start charger
Car battery charger
Types of chargers for car batteries There are different types of battery chargers on the market.
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