Design of power supply for an enterprise with SRO approval
The power supply system (SPS) combines sources, systems for conversion, transmission, and distribution of electricity. Electricity receivers (consumers) are not
Direct current does not pass through the capacitor. Why does alternating current pass through a capacitor, but direct current does not?
Capacitors are devices that store electrical energy in the form of charges. Devices cannot pass
How does a microwave oven work?
How a microwave oven works - the operating principle of the microwave and magnetron
Microwave technology for quickly heating food in normal operation requires compliance with certain safety rules,
Design features and connection diagram of the cotton switch
Design and principle of operation The sound sensor for automatically turning on the light is a microcircuit, the main
When Thomas Edison first demonstrated the light bulb
We are all familiar with the electric light bulb. It gives the room a beautiful amber glow. The room immediately becomes
circuit breakers, phase-to-phase short
What is an interphase short circuit - concept and reasons
Short circuits are the most common problem during emergency operations. There may be a short circuit
Broken fluorescent lamp: precautions
Broken fluorescent lamp: precautions and disposal methods
Fluorescent lamps are highly efficient due to active mercury vapor placed inside the bulb. Under
How to get rid of static electricity yourself
How to remove static electricity: simple methods, rules of protection
Of course, every person on the planet has at least once succumbed to electric shocks when he touched
Changeover switch: markings, types, connection features
A rocker switch, or as it is also called marching, double, reversing, cross, is an element
How to choose a metal hose in PVC insulation: table of types of shells, markings and prices
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