Checking radio components with an oscilloscope, for beginner radio amateurs
What is an oscilloscope An oscilloscope is a device for visually displaying and measuring signal parameters
Characteristics of high-power zener diodes and stabistors
Types of semiconductor diodes: zener diode, stabistor, Schottky diode, varicap, etc.
Zener diode and stabilistor Zener diodes and stabilistors are semiconductor diodes designed for stabilization, i.e.
Design and operating features of lighting panels
Home » Electrical installation » Electrical panels » Assembly and installation of a lighting panel Today
Generator calculation, main parameters and manufacturing
Home >Making generators The main indicator of a generator is voltage, and knowing the voltage you can calculate everything
How to connect the oven to electricity yourself
Types of ovens Before connecting the oven, you need to find out its power Correct connection of the electrical
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Residual current devices: how to choose the right RCD?
What function do residual current devices perform? Its use can save from electric shock, prevent
Circuit of a high-axis DC voltmeter (pointer)
How to draw a scale on a dial indicator Hello dear readers. In this article I want to tell
Instructions for installing a dryer in a column with your own hands
Connecting the drying machine to communications Installing a drying machine in a column also requires further connection
The effect of electric current on the human body
The widespread use of electrical equipment in production and in a variety of electrical equipment in everyday life contributes to the increase
ADSL splitters for the Internet: what they are, device and circuit
Transferring information to the Internet requires the correct configuration and installation of communication routes. When connected
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