VVG cable: decoding, technical characteristics and installation methods
What is the difference between VVGNG cable and VVGNG LS cable and which one is better?
Description VVG cables are used to supply power to electrical equipment and lighting both inside buildings and
Luxmeter. Introduction to the device for measuring illumination
Types of lux meters Various devices for measuring illumination differ in purpose and type of design: Various
How to choose the best lighting for a planted aquarium and everything about it! 
How to choose the best lighting for your aquarium Hello everyone! In this material, we will write everything
LED Strip Light
Why does the LED strip heat up: the main reasons and solutions
When LEDs operate, heat is generated, which is dissipated by the tape substrate or additional base. If
Vasiliev Dmitry Petrovich
TT and TN grounding system: designation, diagram, application, advantages and disadvantages
A generally accepted way to ensure safety when working with electrical equipment is grounding. In the PUE, in the list
Do-it-yourself hidden wiring in a wooden house, step-by-step instructions
Despite the pursuit of modern technologies, in recent years some industries have returned to their roots.
RCD before or after the machine: installation procedure, norms and rules according to the PUE
Correct selection of RCD December 16, 2019 Time to read: In order to create a safe environment
What kind of voltage stabilizer is needed for a refrigerator?
What to do if the washing machine is electrocuted - 4 solutions and video instructions
In this article we will figure out what to do if the washing machine is electrocuted. Breakdowns can be felt
Real generator
Difference between current source and voltage source
It is difficult to imagine the modern world without electricity, the phone will remain without recharging, and watching a movie is simply
Features of electrical wiring in a wooden house
The importance of correct installation The temperature of the electric arc that occurs when the conductors through which it runs are short-circuited
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