Current power in parallel and series connection
Various types of connections of standard passive elements are used to solve practical problems in electrical, - and
Electric current load is a quantity characterizing its properties. Shows how much energy is consumed by electrical appliances. The current power is measured using a special device - a wattmeter. If you connect a meter in series, you can check the current strength. When connecting in parallel, the voltage is determined. The amount of circuit consumption is calculated using the formulas: P = I x U or P = U2/ R = I2 x R. The electrical load is equal to the voltage at the consumer multiplied by the amount of current flowing through it. P = U x I The formula indicates which measurements determine this parameter. If the load is active, it is measured in Watts, the reactive unit of electrical power is VA.
Mechanical power: formula, instantaneous and average force calculation
Rated speed Another key indicator of the electromechanical characteristics of the engine is the shaft speed.
Arduino Leonardo board: description, diagram, connection and comparison 
How to choose a microcontroller When purchasing a microcontroller, you need to decide on the platform. One of the most popular
How to make grounding and lightning protection of a television antenna yourself?
During a thunderstorm, many of us do not unplug household appliances and home electronics.
Do-it-yourself lighting wiring in the garage
LED lamps and strips for garage lighting: how to calculate power?
You can install lighting in your garage without involving specialists to save money. The job is not difficult, just figure it out
Direct and reverse battery polarity
Direct and reverse polarity when welding: what it is, descriptions and examples
A car battery is designed with a specific architecture so that it can be installed on different types
Troubleshooting your computer's power supply and repairing it yourself
The power supply in a computer (PSU) is an independent pulsed electronic device designed to convert
Automatic switching on and off of lights in the toilet and bathroom
Smart light: a detailed guide about an intelligent lighting system
Automation of all processes today is an integral part of technological progress. It allows you to do
What is the lighting standard for an office workplace? What does it depend on and how to calculate?
How to measure ripple factor? Experiments have confirmed that light inevitably affects our well-being.
What is electrical wiring in the loft style?
When making repairs or constructing new buildings, each owner wants to create his own unique and inimitable
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