grounding of a private house
Grounding in a private house - operating principle, requirements and recommended schemes
Among the various possibilities for making your home safe, grounding in a private home occupies a special place: diagram
Classification of automatic devices by purpose.
Classification of automatic devices by purpose. In accordance with the functions performed, automatic devices are divided into
Job description of an electrical engineer: rights and responsibilities
What can an electrician do? An electrician performs assembly and disassembly, adjustment and repair, maintenance of electric motors,
RCD connection diagram
Connection diagrams for RCDs in single-phase and three-phase networks
Today many people are already familiar with the concept of RCD. Installation of these devices is necessary if
Causes of accidents on overhead power lines (OHT): history, who is to blame and what to do?
Causes of breaks in overhead power lines Date: January 4, 2011 | Category: Articles, Electrical installation work
Resettable fuse
"PPTC" redirects here. For information about the Pacific Paramedic Training Center, see Pacific Open Learning Health
PUE Section 1 => General requirements. Measures to protect against direct contact. Measures to protect against direct and indirect contact. Protective measures...
Protection from direct contact To protect a person from direct contact, there are two main protective
Maintenance of thermal relays and fuses
Checking, adjusting and setting up thermal relays such as TRN, TRP Very often you encounter
What happens if you connect ground instead of zero: we’ll tell you in detail
Grounding is the intentional creation of contact between an electrical device connected to the electrical network and a grounding device. It
Double earth faults in a network with an ungrounded neutral
Electrician services: urgent call in Nizhny Novgorod
 Neutrals of electrical installations are the common points of the windings of generators or transformers connected in a star. View
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