All about LED voltage, and how to find out how many volts it is designed for
The concept of voltage drop (operating) A light-emitting diode (also known as LED) has one important characteristic - operating
conductor with current, current, direct current, current in a conductor, current strength
Basic formulas and guidelines for solving problems on the laws of direct current
Electric current Electric current flows through wires. Moreover, it “flows”, almost like water.
The theory of resonance, its application in life
What is resonance? Have you ever wondered how people create beautiful music with...
Inverter for solar panels: types, overview of models, connection features, selection criteria and price
An inverter is one of the integral components of any solar panel and wind generator system. His task is to transform
Series and parallel connection of resistors
Total resistance Rtot With such a connection, a separate current will flow through each resistor. The power of this
Neodymium flat magnets - photo
Magnets: main types, properties, applications, composition
Neodymium magnets are the most powerful new generation magnetic material to date that has been found
How and purpose of the transformer short circuit experiment is carried out, data calculation methodology
In electrical engineering, devices and equipment are systematically tested for resistance to electrical and dynamic
LM317 circuit
Current stabilizer for light emitting diode (LED) on LM317 chip
LM317 is an adjustable voltage stabilizer. It can be used to create various power supplies.
Force in physics - types, formulas and definitions with examples
Force in physics - types, formulas and definitions with examples
What is force How is force measured? Addition of forces Resultant force What does the concept “Force” mean?
Making a USB fan at home with your own hands
Making a USB fan at home with your own hands
On hot summer days, only those with air conditioning feel good. The rest have to stay for a long time
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