What is tension?
The unit of voltage is volt.
When studying Ohm's law at school, students often face the following questions: what is the name of
Color marking of the resistor with colored stripes.
Determining the nominal value of a resistor by marking with color stripes: online calculator
A resistor, especially a low-power one, is a small-sized radio element. But put the denomination marking on it
Electrical diagram of normal operation (a) and short circuit (b)
What is a short circuit and how to protect yourself from it
What is a short circuit? This term is usually used to refer to the state of the network in which it has
Trigger logic circuit
From visual triggers to unconscious reactions: how knowledge about the workings of the buyer's brain will help you win the heart of the client
Definition What is a trigger? A trigger is an electronic device that has the ability to remain for quite a long time.
How many machines should I install in a two-room apartment?
General information Provides short circuit protection for wiring. As a result, the currents in the line
Difference between series and parallel resonance
Resonance effect A striking example of the mechanical class of resonators is a spring pendulum. Professor from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What is transformation ratio - what does it depend on and what does it show?
What is the transformation ratio - what does it depend on and what does it show?
The main parameter of a transformer The main characteristic of any transformer is the transformation ratio. It is defined as the relation
Adjustable voltage regulator with adjustable output current limiting
Compensating series Compensating series regulator has feedback. It compares the output voltage with
Calculation of system power dissipation on AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X and case selection in December 2022
Calculation of a resistor for an LED Program for calculating the resistance of a resistor for an LED You can make the necessary calculations
frequency generator
Constructor for assembling a simple DDS signal generator
High frequency generators High frequency generators High frequency generators. Scope of application and classification. High frequency
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