Organization of lighting in a greenhouse and tips for choosing lamps

LED efficiency

From high school physics classes we know that white light can be broken down into three primary colors: red, green and blue.
All plants on earth are green because they absorb all colors except green. Plants do not need green color for photosynthesis.

Why is the butterfly in the meadow yellow? Butterfly wings made of white sunlight absorb blue light and reflect red and green. They mix and give yellow color. White plants reflect the green we see, while red and blue absorb.

Red and blue colors mix to create purple. That's why LED lights shine with such a ghostly purple color. But it is precisely what plants need most.

Color Chart

The design of the LED is such that it can, under the influence of an electric current, emit light in advance of a given wave. There is no unnecessary green color in LED lamps, no infrared and ultraviolet components harmful to plants. All the light that LED lights provide is absorbed by the plants. Therefore, today there are no more effective lamps for illuminating plants than LED ones.

Advantages of using lamps for lighting greenhouses

Self-installation of additional lighting systems for greenhouses and greenhouses can significantly increase the quality of the crop and maintain functionality throughout all seasons. The equipment must be based on a lamp that is resistant to moisture and constant operating loads. This allows you to significantly save on system maintenance and optimize costs. The main features of using an additional lighting system:

  • the ability to significantly increase the yield of the greenhouse, ensure stable development and growth of plants throughout the entire growing season;
  • replace natural lighting in conditions of insufficient or complete absence of sun;
  • the equipment can be installed in private greenhouses, as well as in large agricultural complexes;
  • A large selection of equipment with different characteristics and types of lamps is available;
  • installation of equipment is carried out as quickly as possible, subject to a number of technical requirements.

To answer the question of how to make lighting in a greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account in advance the type of crops that you plan to grow. This applies to the type of lighting, functional parameters of lamps

When synchronizing the greenhouse with the electrical network, it is necessary to select a cable that will be able to provide high network voltage. The use of fluorescent or LED lamps, as well as the addition of an automatic adjustment system to the base, will help optimize energy costs. If all technical requirements for the installation of equipment are met and the necessary parameters are entered into the autonomous device, the greenhouse can support the cultivation of crops without direct human intervention.

When purchasing lamps and related communications, it is recommended to pay attention to the manufacturer’s brand and select only proven and reliable equipment. This is one of the main requirements for ensuring long service life and safety when used in harsh conditions.

Installation is carried out on special stable structures with a reinforcement base. To adjust the height, the method of hanging products at the optimal height for growing different types of plants is used. Greenhouse lighting is the best solution for increasing productivity, stimulating growth and providing comfortable conditions for the growth of useful crops.

How to properly make lighting in a greenhouse: practical tips

Before implementing artificial lighting in the greenhouse, preliminary electrification is performed. After this, the optimal equipment is selected. The power cable can be laid on contact poles or laid in a trench. The optimal trench depth for laying cables is 80 cm. It is important to isolate the product from the drainage system to prevent constant contact with water. The cable is covered with tiles on top to prevent damage to the equipment during the digging process. When mounted on poles, the device is firmly fixed using a stable wire.

After this, the cable is connected to a pre-prepared distribution board, from which further wiring of electrical equipment to switches and sockets is carried out. Due to high humidity, installation of equipment requires compliance with fire safety requirements and protection against electric shock.

Installation of lighting in a greenhouse

After synchronizing the wires, you can move on to the next stage of making lighting in the greenhouse yourself - installing switches and lamps. When installing equipment, it is important to calculate the placement of equipment in order to provide plants with high-quality vegetation and subsequent fruiting, and an accessible spectrum.

High pressure sodium lamps exhibit a hot spectrum of 2700 Kelvin, which corresponds to the classic spectrum of the summer sun. Standard energy-saving models are also suitable, as are daylighting devices. Products at 6400 Kelvin are standard parameters of the spring spectrum, which are used for all-season supplementary lighting. The ideal arrangement of sodium lamps is 100 W for 30x30 cm. In all other cases, 155 W for 30x30 cm. Knowing these characteristics, you can calculate the number of lamps for the entire perimeter of the greenhouse. The calculation of greenhouse lighting is carried out separately in each individual case, based on the specified design parameters.

The lamp can be installed over a whole bed or individual plants. When creating an automatic system in a greenhouse, which will start equipment without human intervention and turn it off at a predetermined time, electronic sensors and special switches are used. In the process of installing ultraviolet lamps for a greenhouse and laying communications, special attention is paid to wire insulation. This eliminates the risk of short-circuiting the system in conditions of high humidity and constant temperature exposure.

To fully cover the greenhouse area, it is necessary to install lamps at a minimum distance from each other so that each plant receives a sufficient amount of light. It is recommended to use pulsed lighting of the greenhouse or special equipment with the ability to adjust the intensity of the light beam. When growing crops using intensity adjustment mechanisms, better quality indicators for growing different types of crops are achieved.

Features of greenhouse lighting

The subtleties of installing artificial lighting for plants largely depend on the material of the covering structures, the season and time of day. The slightest violation of agrotechnical and biological norms will negatively affect the number of inflorescences and ovaries. The following recommendations will help you avoid this.

Important! It is advisable to hang the cables combined into trunks inside the greenhouse by air or on a wooden crossbar. Be sure to check the integrity of the insulating layer, since its violation in conditions of high humidity can cause a short circuit and fire.

Polycarbonate greenhouse lighting

To create maximum comfort for plants, a gardener needs:

  1. When installing a polycarbonate structure, take into account the possibilities of maximizing the use of sunlight by orienting it to the southeast.
  2. Every six months in the fall and spring, thoroughly wash the external and internal surfaces of the greenhouse with disinfectant soap solutions. These measures will allow natural light to freely reach the foliage of the seedlings. After all, every month the amount of solar ultraviolet radiation indoors decreases by 15–20%.
  3. Plan planting of vegetation in such a way that opaque structural elements do not cast a shadow. It is advisable to paint them with white paint, which will improve light scattering. Also, in places where more sun hits, reflectors will not be amiss (even homemade options made from polycarbonate or plywood covered with foil are possible).

Industrial greenhouse lighting

Artificial light sources are simply irreplaceable in the industrial production of flowering or fruiting plants. After all, they allow the use of greenhouses year-round, increasing the yield of grown crops. Such large-scale structures may have infrared lighting systems and additional blue lighting. The main mechanisms in them are installations for heating, watering, shading and ventilation.

The distribution and power network consists of cables, the laying of which involves special trays embedded in the material of the structure. Control of additional lamps, which are assigned the function of short-term illumination at a certain time, is carried out automatically.

Find out more about how to choose the best greenhouse.

The number and layout of the required light sources is determined based on the design parameters of the greenhouse (span width, length, height of tray attachment), as well as the specific characteristics of the plants. The level of electric lighting in industrial structures can correspond to 6–24 thousand lux. It depends on the light type of the crop.

It is characteristic that 95% of modern greenhouses prefer to use sodium lamps, as well as their mirror variations with a power of 600 to 1000 W. In addition, in such structures, lamps are required in the central passages and along the perimeter of the complex for illumination at night.

Greenhouse lighting in winter

Taking into account the short daylight hours in the cold season, owners of functioning greenhouses should provide their plants with 12-hour lighting. At the same time, a natural light source cannot be excluded. The operating time of additional light sources is calculated depending on the characteristics of the cultivated seedlings.


  1. Nightshades, pumpkin crops, cucumbers and sweet peppers can grow in short daylight conditions. If they are illuminated daily for 12 hours a day, the ripening period of the crop will accelerate by 2 weeks.
  2. Greens, carrots, beets, onions and tomato varieties zoned for the northern regions can bear fruit only when illuminated for 13-14 hours a day.

You will be interested to know how to choose or make a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands.

Lighting in a greenhouse at night

Greenhouse lamps should not be allowed to operate around the clock in winter. They should be turned on for no more than 16 hours. This limitation is due to the biological characteristics of plants. For convenience, it is advisable to equip the room with an automatic on and off system.

Types of artificial lighting for greenhouses and automation guide

For normal development, most plants require at least 12 hours of light per day, but round-the-clock lighting or its lack can greatly harm the crop. Today we will talk about how to choose the right lighting for greenhouses.

What kind of lighting should be in the greenhouse?

Do you need light at night?
When selecting the location of the greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account the natural illumination of the area, because it is light that plays the most important role in the development of plants. Proper additional lighting of the greenhouse leads to an improvement in the vegetative process and, as a result, an increase in yield.

Round-the-clock lighting does not bring any benefit, since plants need at least six hours to slow down metabolic processes inside the cells and “rest” from light.

Experienced breeders believe that each cultivated plant requires individual lighting conditions:

  • for cucumbers there should be no gap between natural and artificial light, and additional lighting should be installed after the first seedlings emerge;
  • for onions and herbs, installation of additional lighting is required at the initial stages of development;
  • strawberries require additional lighting both day and night;
  • for tomatoes, the total illumination is about 12 hours.

Lighting time

The greenhouse lighting time is selected depending on the type of plant. The most light-loving crops include:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • salad;
  • bell pepper

These vegetables and herbs require at least 10 hours of light every day. But with the onset of cold seasons, natural light becomes insufficient, so for the favorable development of the crop, the installation of additional artificial lighting is required.

What are the benefits of ultraviolet light?

Due to the fact that ultraviolet greenhouse lamps have a wide illumination area and light as close as possible to natural light, such lamps have a positive effect on plants due to the required range of radiation.

Also, the advantages of ultraviolet lamps include the durability of the equipment and the bactericidal properties of ultraviolet radiation.

What kind of lighting should be used in a winter greenhouse?

The best option for lighting a greenhouse is natural light, but since in winter the duration of daylight hours is greatly reduced, sunlight becomes insufficient.

The use of lighting equipment allows you to provide plants with the necessary amount of light.

The main factors influencing plant development are the duration and power of lighting.

Attention: The range of radiation required by plants is in the range from 400 to 700 nanometers.

An important factor is also the amount of lighting equipment located inside the greenhouse. Depending on the stage of development, plants require different amounts of light. For example, in the early stages of growth, most vegetables require up to 20 hours of lighting, and in the later stages this figure drops to 12 hours.

In order for additional lighting of the greenhouse in winter to bring the desired result, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the greenhouse. It is important to ensure that the lighting is uniform. The use of lamps with reflective reflectors can help with this.

Lighting for different types of greenhouses


One of the main conditions for year-round harvesting is properly installed and distributed lighting. It is extremely important to correctly combine natural and artificial light, because only in this case can you get the maximum return from each square meter of the greenhouse.

The greatest lack of sunlight is felt in spring and winter, so using polycarbonate as a covering material is the best option. The material has good light transmittance, but does not require careful maintenance, unlike glass.

However, even polycarbonate greenhouses are not able to provide plants with sufficient sunlight throughout the year, so in certain cases it is impossible to do without sources of artificial light.

The experience of farmers shows that it is best to use several types of lamps at once, which will ensure full development of plants.

There are several types of greenhouse lamps:

  • conventional incandescent lamps (provide excessive radiation of light unfavorable for plants);
  • mercury (give additional heating to the room);
  • sodium (give high light output in the yellow-orange spectrum, which has a positive effect on flowering and fruiting of plants);
  • fluorescent (the most preferred type of lamps, they allow you to place lighting at a point, interact well with ultraviolet lamps);
  • halogen (most accurately replicate the spectrum of natural light);
  • LED (provide useful radiation in the blue and red spectrum).


As practice shows, ordinary incandescent lamps are never used in industrial greenhouses, since low efficiency and excess light unfavorable for plants negatively affect productivity.

Basically, industrial greenhouses are equipped with sodium lamps, which have a spectrum that is as close as possible to sunlight. In addition, this type of lamp is quite economical and has a long service life.

The advantages of sodium lamps also include high performance in the red and blue radiation range.

Metal halide lamps are also often used on an industrial scale, as they have a wide spectrum of radiation and are compact in size, but the high cost of this equipment is a significant disadvantage.

In winter greenhouses

For artificial lighting of greenhouses in winter, the following types of lamps can be used:

  • incandescent lamps: low efficiency;
  • mercury lamps (high voltage discharge lamps): long operating time, compact, provide bright lighting;
  • sodium-based lamps: high luminous efficiency, long service life, less energy-consuming than the first two types;
  • fluorescent lamps: daylight, ideal for winter lighting, suitable for mature plants and seedlings, low cost;
  • metal halide lamps: wide spectrum of radiation, compact size, high cost, difficult to install, need to be disposed of in a special way;
  • LED lamps: used to produce white, blue and red radiation, good brightness and luminous efficiency, energy efficient, high cost;
  • LED strips: long service life, compact size, high cost, difficulties with self-installation.

Greenhouse lighting systems: characteristics and photos

Using sodium lamps

Sodium lamps have a low range of radial illumination, with infrared radiation accounting for most of the energy.

When using such a lamp, there is a high probability of overheating and burns to the plants, so it is best to place such a lamp away from the plants themselves.


LED lamps are an environmentally friendly and modern way of winter lighting for greenhouses. The advantages of LED lighting are:

  • highly efficient return;
  • proximity to sunlight;
  • durability of lamps;
  • resistance to high humidity and temperature changes;
  • high resistance to mechanical damage.

Attention: One LED lamp can last up to 15 years without replacement.

Artificial light

Artificial lighting of greenhouses using conventional incandescent lamps is practically useless. The thing is that such lamps have low efficiency and a low spectrum of radial radiation, while most of the energy is spent on emitting infrared light.

When using such a lamp, it is better to place the equipment away from the plants to avoid overheating and burns. In addition, during the heating process, such lamps do not have a blue color, which is unacceptable for use in greenhouse conditions.

Energy saving lamps

The most suitable option for lighting greenhouses is the use of fluorescent lamps, since they do not heat up during operation and provide a microclimate favorable for plants.

The cost of such lamps is low. However, when purchasing a fluorescent lamp, it is necessary to take into account that the lamps cannot be called miniature, so a certain amount of free space will be required.

Types of lighting for different types of plants

For cucumbers

The lighting of the greenhouse in which cucumbers are grown must obey certain rules:

  • if there is a lack of natural light, additional lighting must be installed in the greenhouse;
  • a break between artificial and daylight should not be allowed (the use of light relays will provide automatic lighting);
  • The daily lighting requirement for cucumbers is 12 hours;
  • the plant should be in the dark for 6 hours;
  • when using artificial light, it is necessary to maintain the daylight temperature +/- 8 degrees;
  • Blue radiation is required for growth;
  • During flowering and ovary formation, red radiation is required.

For the bow

Experienced breeders claim that onions develop normally in the natural light of a greenhouse, but the plant is characterized by a pale green leaf color.

To increase the elasticity of the leaves and the intensity of their color, it is recommended to use additional lighting using phytolamps.

For strawberries

For growing strawberries indoors, it is preferable to use meter-long fluorescent lamps with a power of 40-50 watts. As practice shows, one such lamp is enough to illuminate from 3 to 6 square meters of a greenhouse. To evenly distribute light, you will need to regularly rearrange and rotate bags and other containers with seedlings.

The degree of illumination is of particular importance when growing strawberries. As a rule, for this crop it is necessary to obtain 130-150 lux over 12-14 hours. The emitted light must be in the warm spectrum.

For strawberries

Despite the fact that the formation of strawberry flower buds is facilitated by short daylight hours, the formation of inflorescences requires long-term lighting for 14-18 hours.

Under natural conditions, such a length of daylight hours occurs only in the spring, due to which the plant blooms already in May.

However, at other times, the required length of daylight can be achieved using neon, fluorescent or mercury lamps, due to which photosynthesis and growth of strawberries will increase, and the leaves will acquire a dark green color.

As a result of the use of additional lighting, fruiting occurs much earlier, and its volume surprises many experienced farmers who do not use lamps.

For tomatoes

After seedling germination, tomatoes require additional lighting. Experienced farmers recommend illuminating the seedlings for 20 hours in the first days, gradually reducing the daylight hours in the greenhouse to 16, and then to 12 hours.

Attention: The culture prefers direct rather than diffused light.

24-hour lighting is detrimental to tomatoes, as it can cause physiological disorders, including chlorosis.

How to calculate lighting in a greenhouse: formula

If there is a need for additional lighting in the greenhouse, you need to pay attention to a number of certain parameters, including:

  • height of placement of light sources;
  • type and power of lamps;
  • variety of culture;
  • the total area of ​​the greenhouse requiring lighting;
  • season.

For an approximate calculation, it is permissible to use the formula : F = ЕxS/Kи, where F denotes the required luminous flux; S – area of ​​the greenhouse requiring lighting; Ki is a coefficient that determines the use of the stream. (For lamps with a built-in reflector - 0.8, with an external one - 0.4). For example, you need lighting for a greenhouse with a total area of ​​12 square meters; let’s take 10 thousand lux for the illumination level. In this case, the formula will look like this: F = 10,000x12/0.4 Total: 300 thousand lumpen.

For the “Dnat” lamp type at 250 volts (27 thousand lumpen), the required flow can be provided by equipment with 11-12 lamps (300 thousand/27 thousand).

To select the height at which the lamps will be placed, it is necessary to take into account that the brightness level is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. For an accurate calculation, it is necessary to measure the intensity with a lux meter, selecting the height experimentally.

Practice shows that a 20-30 Watt lamp placed at a height of 50 to 300 millimeters is suitable for illuminating a single plant.

For a group of plants, it is recommended to select 50-watt lamps, and the distance to the top leaf should be about 400-600 millimeters. If a large lighting area is required, then the power can be increased to 100 watts.

For large winter greenhouses, 250-watt lamps are most often used, located at a height of 1,000 to 2,000 millimeters.

How to make: instructions


In order to automate lighting in a greenhouse, you can use a time relay, which must be mounted in the circuit for each individual lighting group. On the timer you need to set the on and off times, which will allow some lamps to turn on and others to turn off automatically.

In order to understand how to properly make lighting in a greenhouse, you can watch a video in which a gardener talks about installing lighting fixtures in his own greenhouse:


The cost of greenhouse lighting depends on many factors, especially the type of lamp chosen.

As practice shows, the most effective and at the same time the most expensive are metal halide and LED lamps. If desired, you can resort to simpler equipment, but at the same time, the effectiveness of such artificial lighting may not give the desired results.

Thus, well-organized additional lighting can significantly improve the quality of fruits and increase the volume of the harvest. But it must be remembered that for each type of plant it is necessary to select individual conditions, since excessive or insufficient daylight hours can not only not bring benefits, but also ruin the crop.

The cost of a lighting element for a lighting device in a greenhouse depends on:

  • overall dimensions of the device;
  • from power;
  • on the amount of electricity consumed;
  • from the manufacturer.

It should also be taken into account that when purchasing in bulk, the price of products can be significantly reduced. Also, the cost of the lamp will also vary depending on geographical location. For example, in the northern regions of the country, equipment of this type will cost many times more, because the price of agricultural products there is much higher. The price of lamps for greenhouses varies from 850 to 5200 rubles.

The photo shows a greenhouse with LED lighting

Where to buy lamps for lighting greenhouses?

Before purchasing equipment for lighting in a greenhouse, you need to find out about quality certificates. Low-quality products may not satisfy all buyer requirements.

In Moscow:

  1. Company Vegetable garden all year round Moscow, Shchelkovskaya metro station, 104 km. MKAD, Contact phone number;
  2. Trading company GrandInterLine Moscow, st. Novoposelkovaya 6, building 217, 4th floor, office 415 (you must have an ID card with you) Contact phone number, 8 (919) 970-68-30;
  3. Torgovaya Moscow, st. Privolnaya, 65/32, BC "On Privolnaya" office 8, Contact phone: +7 (495) 748-97-72,,.

In St. Petersburg:

  1. MarketLed company St. Petersburg, Ligovsky pr., building 153, office 229, art. m. Obvodny Canal, Contact phone: +7 (812) 905-31-30, 677-59-62;
  2. DiodeSystem company, St. Petersburg, st. Kubinskaya, 75, Contact phone (calls within Russia from all phones are free);
  3. Trading company LED formula, St. Petersburg, Nevsky district, st. Knipovich, 15, office 102, Contact phone: 8 (812) 905-40-86.


Watch the video for recommendations on lighting greenhouses:

Every vegetable grower must be aware that skills in caring for vegetable crops and experience in carrying out this type of work are only 50% of the whole matter. The remaining 50% comes from external structures and the quality of equipment used to grow plants in greenhouse conditions. Only together do these indicators make it possible to achieve a positive result and obtain the desired volume of harvest.

READ ALSO: Advantages of LED lighting Bel Light

Should the economy be economical?

The fact that LED lights are beneficial for plants is an indisputable fact. But the price! For plant growers, the timing of product sales plays a major role. The use of LED lamps accelerates the development and ripening of plants by 2 weeks. And in two weeks the price of crop products can fall 2-3 times.

The energy consumption of LED lamps is 10 times less compared to conventional lamps. And compared to sodium lamps it is 3-4 times.

The continuous operation time of modern LEDs reaches from 50,000 to 100,000 hours of continuous operation. If you turn on such a lamp for about 10 hours a day, then its operation will last 5000-10000 days. Or 10000:365=13.5-27 years!

And this is not a fact that the lamp will burn out and fail. Over time, the glow power simply decreases.

LED lighting in greenhouses accelerates the development and ripening of plants by 2 weeks. And in two weeks the price of crop products can fall 2-3 times.

The energy consumption of LED lamps is 10 times less compared to conventional lamps. And compared to sodium lamps it is 3-4 times.

Features of greenhouse lighting in winter

Additional lighting of greenhouses in winter is a necessary measure to obtain an early harvest in conditions of lack of sunlight. The equipment must provide high-quality imitation of natural light and stimulate the growth and development of plants. In practice, it has been proven that LED lamps are one of the most effective means.

The equipment is distinguished by its affordable cost for completing a full-fledged artificial system and low energy consumption. In winter, to maintain crop growth, the operating life of the equipment increases in proportion to the reduction in daylight hours. This provokes an increase in energy costs and maintenance of the system. LED lamps help to significantly reduce the actual costs of maintaining equipment.

When laying main communications and power cables outdoors, it is necessary to take into account the likelihood of exposure to strong winds and sub-zero temperatures on the equipment. The remaining parameters regarding resistance to lamps and wires of high humidity do not differ from similar requirements for standard demi-season equipment. In winter, the lamps must maintain stable operation of the system for 12-16 hours. Lighting greenhouses in winter allows for the high-quality development of agricultural crops and promotes early harvests.

LED strip for greenhouse

An LED strip is a narrow, up to 5 meters long strip of flexible material - essentially a plastic modification of a printed circuit board with ice elements located at an equal distance and with a given density. Among other advantages, its ease of use lies in its ease of installation - on the reverse side there is a self-adhesive base with which the product can be fixed to elements of a metal frame or a special profile.

The scope of its application is quite wide - it can be mounted both for the main and for additional lighting of greenhouses, hotbeds, covered beds, as well as simply on a windowsill with seedlings. It is especially important to use such an LED lamp when the height is small and the structure is sufficiently long for growing plants. When choosing an LED strip, it is important to consider several important parameters:

  1. Type of diodes. They are mainly characterized by crystal sizes 3528, 2835, 5050, etc. The main difference between them is the intensity of the light flux. Thus, the LED element 5050 produces 12 Lm, and 3528 – 5 Lm. Knowing the required power for a specific crop, you can calculate how many lamps should be on 1 meter of ice strip.
  2. LED strips, specially produced for greenhouses, have a specified frequency of ice crystals that glow only in blue and red. This characteristic is indicated in the product labeling. For example, 15:5 means that 15 red diodes replace 5 blue diodes and this alternation continues along the entire length of the strip. The combination of two main segments of the light flux spectrum allows you to optimize and accelerate plant growth.
  3. Degree of moisture resistance. For greenhouses, conservatories and greenhouses, the protection index should start from IP65 and above.

Artificial lighting

To grow various crops in the summer, natural light is usually sufficient; even light-loving crops such as lettuce, tomatoes or cucumbers develop well under 10-hour daylight conditions. But for seedlings and some types of plants this is not enough, and therefore additional lighting is used even in late spring and summer

This is especially important for young plants that need 16 hours of daylight.

The second important point is the choice of the level and spectrum of light. It is best to use lamps of different colors, providing the necessary conditions at certain periods of time. For example, orange and red lamps are used to improve photosynthesis in autumn and winter; ultraviolet lamps are excellent for increasing frost resistance, which also increase the content of vitamins in plants. Among the most useful are yellow and green neutral lamps.

For proper lighting in greenhouses made of polycarbonate or glass, it is best to use the red spectrum with a wavelength of 600-700 nm, which is necessary for the development of root crops, roots and active flowering. Monochrome lighting has a negative effect on plants and creates stressful situations that you should try to avoid. Many vegetables under such conditions become generally unsuitable for food. But for flowers, such light is preferable; the color of the buds becomes richer.

When choosing illumination and color of lamps for greenhouses and greenhouses, it is recommended to consider the following:

  • ultraviolet lamps provide conditions under which resistance to low temperatures significantly increases and the content of vitamins increases - this is the best option for greenhouse winter farming;
  • the orange-red spectrum is necessary for abundant flowering and proper development of fruits, but such light in excess will be very harmful;
  • monochrome green and yellow spectra are undesirable for plants, as they lead to diseases, excessive stretching, and inhibition of photosynthesis;
  • Blue and violet lamps are useful for photosynthesis, they promote active growth and strengthening of plants.

Lighting ranges

Lack of lighting or poor quality artificial light can lead to plant death.
This is due to the fact that with a deficiency, the process of photosynthesis, on which the life and development of crops directly depends, is weak. With low sun consumption, the growth process will slow down, fertility will deteriorate, and cuttings and stems will unnaturally lengthen. Daytime natural light is the best lighting for plant life. Artificial greenhouse lighting can affect crops in a variety of ways. It can be divided into ranges based on wavelength:

  • 320 nm – 400 nm – such lighting is required by plants in small quantities;
  • 400 nm – 500 nm – blue is required for vegetative growth of vegetation;
  • 500 nm – 600 nm – green is necessary for photosynthesis of the lower leaves;
  • 600 nm – 700 nm – red illumination is necessary for photosynthesis during flowering;
  • 700 nm – 750 nm – far red is required in small quantities;
  • 1200 nm – 1600 nm – biochemical reactions are accelerated.

Vegetation reacts differently to each spectrum at a certain stage of its development. But during the entire life of the plants, the radiation must be complete and contain all colors. If any part of the radiation spectrum is missing, the harvest will be of poor quality.

Since lamps have not yet been invented that can completely imitate and replace solar lighting, it is necessary to combine several lamps.

Incandescent lamps

Any year-round greenhouse needs proper lighting and heating, usually classic incandescent lamps are used for this. They not only provide the necessary level of additional artificial light, but also heat the air. However, this option cannot be called profitable from an economic point of view - for a large structure the energy costs will be too high.

Greenhouse lighting with incandescent lamps

In addition, the 600 nm spectrum, when in excess, becomes quite dangerous, since it emits too many rays of the orange, red, and infrared spectra. Plants can suffer serious burns and die, especially for seedlings and young plants, whose leaves begin to become deformed and whose stems become very elongated.

But when used in moderation, the heating function of incandescent lamps and the 600 nm spectrum are useful, and in some cases even necessary.

Greenhouse lamps - pros and cons of different types

A lamp that would ideally reproduce sunlight has not yet been invented. Therefore, greenhouse owners are most often guided by the characteristics of the selected lamp. So, a good phytolamp for plants should:

  • emit a balanced amount of red and blue rays (to the human eye such light appears violet-pink);
  • be durable and economical;
  • consume a small amount of electricity;
  • be easy to use and environmentally friendly;
  • Do not get too hot during operation.

Now let's look at several popular types of greenhouse lights that will help you grow tasty crops.

LED lamps for greenhouses

LED lighting for greenhouses is considered the most economical and safe. The fact is that there is high humidity in greenhouses, and a low-voltage power supply is sufficient to operate these lamps. The service life of the equipment can reach 50 thousand hours. But such lamps also have a significant drawback - the high price, which significantly increases the cost of the grown crop.

Currently, greenhouses use LED lamps equipped with LED lamps. Depending on their number, it depends on how much light the plants will receive and what the power consumption will be.

ICE (LED) lamps for greenhouses can also be installed in winter gardens and greenhouses. Photo source: promled. com

In greenhouses, you can also use an industrial LED lamp, which consumes little electricity and instantly lights up to the desired brightness.

Sodium lamps for greenhouses

Sodium lamps for greenhouses emit a red spectrum of light, which is indispensable for plants during the period of flowering, ovary formation and fruiting. Such equipment is durable and economical. But sodium lamps also have disadvantages. If used during the growing season, the plants may become too elongated due to the predominance of red-orange light in the lighting. In addition, they heat up quickly (which can be a plus in winter) and contain toxic metals, so they require careful handling. Breaking such a lamp is dangerous to health.

A sodium lamp is sometimes abbreviated as sodium arc tube lamp.

DNaT lamps are used not only for greenhouses, but also for greenhouses, flower beds, nurseries, greenhouses, growboxes (boxes for growing plants), etc.

Infrared lamps for greenhouses

Infrared lamps are used to heat greenhouses and create comfortable living conditions for plants. Thanks to these devices, you will no longer need stove or electric heating. Moreover, such lamps do not heat the air, but transfer heat directly to the ground, which itself releases the received energy into the surrounding space. As a result, the air does not dry out, and the plants feel almost like they are under the real sun. The device operates silently, is easy to adjust and saves energy. The spectrum of such a lamp is not suitable for high-quality lighting, so you will have to purchase other lamps.

Rules for installing and choosing lighting

To protect plants from deformation and ultimately get a rich harvest, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. You need to vary the colors and not use only one color of lighting. If, for example, you use only ultraviolet rays, then such a decision will negatively affect the harvest.
  2. It is necessary to accurately determine the optimal distance from the source of illumination to the surface of the plant.
  3. It is important to comply with lighting standards, which are described in detail in specialized literature. Each variety needs a certain amount of light. When organizing lighting, it is extremely important to adhere to all norms and regulations.
  4. Lights should be installed so that they do not block the sunlight that plants need most.
  5. The surface of greenhouses or greenhouses must be constantly cleaned so that contamination does not prevent sunlight from entering.
  6. The material from which the lamp is partially made must be stainless and not susceptible to the negative effects of humidity.
  7. There is competition among manufacturers in the market, so it is extremely important to make a choice in favor of a reliable lamp company, focusing on reviews and advice from friends.

It is important to know the power and amount of energy that a particular lamp emits, as well as the spectrum of its illumination, in order to also know how to calculate lighting for a greenhouse.

Lighting time

The lighting time depends on how light-loving the crop is. For tomatoes, cucumbers, salads and bell peppers, the length of daylight should be 10 hours or more.

There are short day plants. It is the short daylight hours that cause them to begin to bloom. When daylight hours become longer, their growing season comes to an end and they begin to develop as usual. In long-day plants, flowering occurs when the daylight hours are more than 13 hours. If it is shorter, their fruits will become small or stop appearing altogether.

There are cultures for which the length of daylight hours does not matter. They grow independently of it, the main thing is that there is not too little light. If there is not enough of it, the plants will die.

The importance of light for plants

Greenhouse plants, along with watering and fertilizers, vitally need light, which promotes the growth and fruiting of crops (Figure 2).

Note: The basis for the growth of any plant is photosynthesis - the process by which leaves absorb energy from the sun and transform it into oxygen. Thanks to this, the process of growth and expansion of green mass starts.

Each type of crop requires light of a certain intensity. For example, root vegetables or cabbage need it for 12 hours a day, while zucchini or beans will need only 8 hours for flowering and fruiting.

How much light is needed and what kind of light it should be

As mentioned above, each type of plant requires a certain intensity and duration of sunny days. Therefore, in the process of calculating lighting for winter structures, it is necessary to take into account the type of crops that will be grown indoors.

Figure 2. Effect of the sun on plant development

All garden crops are divided into several types, depending on the intensity and duration of light.:

  • Long day - plants that need to be artificially illuminated for 12 hours a day to speed up the onset of flowering and fruiting. Such crops include garlic, onions, cabbage and most root vegetables.
  • Short-day plants do not need intense light, so it is recommended to turn on the lamps only at certain times and for no more than 10 hours a day. Such crops include eggplant, zucchini, beans, tomatoes and bell peppers.
  • Neutral plants are practically independent of the length of daylight and bloom regardless of the intensity of the sun or backlight. Such crops include roses, but if you want to maintain the health of the plants, it is recommended to turn on the backlight only at certain hours, strictly adhering to the schedule.

Natural sunlight is considered the best for plants, but if it is not enough (for example, in winter), you can use LED or fluorescent lamps.

Backlight requirements

All plants are by nature adapted to white sunlight, but it is quite difficult to provide similar lighting indoors, so it is recommended to use light in the red and blue spectrum, alternating them during periods of fruiting and vegetative growth (Figure 3).

When making calculations for winter greenhouses, you need not only to calculate the amount of energy required to provide all plants with light, but also to make a rough plan or layout of the lamps. This is necessary because different groups of plants require light of different intensities and durations.

What plants need and how much light?

All plants are divided into light-loving and shade-tolerant. Based on this, the lighting intensity is calculated.

All green crops, cucumbers, tomatoes and green onions require fairly intense light, and the day should be at least 10 hours long. Therefore, when growing such crops indoors, you need to adhere to a clear schedule to preserve the harvest in winter.

Figure 3. Organization of lighting in the greenhouse

Most types of flowers tolerate moderate shading well, which does not affect flowering. However, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to illuminate the building with ordinary incandescent lamps, because they often fail and quickly heat up, disturbing the fragile microclimate of the greenhouse or greenhouse.


Greenhouse lighting with LEDs is becoming increasingly popular. More and more new lighting devices are appearing. The operating principle of the LED is simple.

A current is supplied to the semiconductor, which is converted into light radiation. An LED lamp is a rather complex device.

It has an optical system, a housing, and a substrate for heat removal. The only disadvantage of LEDs is their high price. For LEDs, lowering the ambient temperature does not matter.

At high temperatures, LEDs may reduce luminous output. Their resource decreases until they fail.

Greenhouse with heating and lighting: what is better to install

To grow plants, the greenhouse must maintain its own microclimate. To do this, you need to take care of lighting and heating.

It is known that soil temperature is important for seedlings. To do this, experts came up with the idea of ​​laying hoses or pipes in the soil through which hot water would circulate. In this way, not only heating of the soil is achieved, but also optimal distribution of heat over the entire required area of ​​the greenhouse structure. Pipes with hot water can be partially run outside so that the air in the room is also warm.

There is another way to heat the soil - installing infrared heaters. The infrared heating system works like the sun. Such heaters do not dry the air or even heat it. This type of heating is considered one of the most economical.

Artificial lighting is also very necessary for greenhouse plants. Especially in winter, when the sun is not enough for the productive growth of vegetables and herbs.

Greenhouse lighting should supplement or completely replace sunlight, while providing the light rays necessary for plant photosynthesis. It is necessary to monitor the required amount of light emitted, depending on what is being grown, at what stage of growth the plant is and take into account seasonality.

The best option would be to install special lamps with LED lamps. They have beams of balanced concentration and only useful spectra. This is achieved through special phytodiodes, which will also save energy.

Lighting day and night

Based on the nature of the work, lighting can be divided into two types: constant and periodic. The first gives plants the necessary hours for growth and development with a light flux of 400 to 1000 µmol/m2/s. The second option is used at night as an extension of the day to slow down or speed up flowering. The light flux density varies from 5 to 10 µmol/m2/s.

For the correct arrangement of plantings inside, during the calculation, a greenhouse diagram is drawn up, which marks the location of plants with certain preferences for light. A cyclic light supply is also used, in which the illumination is alternately provided at different intervals. To organize uniform coverage of the luminous flux, reflective reflectors are used in the design of the lamps.

Greenhouse lighting: mercury and sodium lamps

Diagram of a sodium lamp.

A high pressure mercury vapor lamp is a good choice to place in a greenhouse for efficient lighting during the winter. Some models are specifically designed for artificial lighting in greenhouses. These devices have a beneficial effect on the process of photosynthesis, maintaining optimal air exchange

It is important to emphasize that mercury, which is part of the lamp base, is very dangerous. In this regard, it is imperative to comply with all storage and use rules.

It is strictly prohibited to throw a mercury lamp into a container. It requires proper disposal. You should also know that if the lamp breaks, it will be almost impossible to collect the mercury; vegetables and any objects on which the substance has come into contact will have to be thrown away.

Industrial greenhouses often use special sodium lamps. This type is one of the most effective and most suitable for greenhouses. Sodium lamps have a similar spectrum to sunlight. They also have improved performance in the blue and red ranges.

Mirror sodium lamps are designed specifically for use in greenhouse conditions. The mirror surface tends to reflect light, which leads to an increase in efficiency. The base, which rotates, helps to correctly direct the light flux. Sodium lamps can be controlled using a ballast. The lamp is very easy to install. This is done by connecting the ballast. After the lamp is turned on, the luminous flux is directed in the appropriate direction.

In order to independently install lighting in a greenhouse, it is necessary to select the correct ballast and pulse-ignition device.

Diagram of a mercury lamp.

Metal halide lamps are another type that is actively used for lighting greenhouses. These lamps provide good nutrition to plants because they emit light that is close to sunlight. These devices are quite expensive. There are also restrictions on the combustion position.

you can do it yourself

It is important to take into account that this type of procedure requires good training and experience.

When choosing lamps, pay attention to the manufacturer and technical specifications. It is recommended to purchase products from well-known brands

A ballast is also needed, which distributes light among the lamps and controls their operation.

If you do not want to deal with the long and painstaking process of equipping lamps, you can use ready-made ones. Lamps can be built into the lamp itself or made into separate units. Thanks to this system, the light flux is distributed evenly. A consultant will help you make an accurate calculation of luminaires for a specific greenhouse.

It is important to choose lamps of appropriate power

Today, there are new, modern LED lamps on the greenhouse market. They cover the entire visible spectrum. You can make a combination of spectral groups and make a lamp with a suitable light composition. This way you can easily adjust parts of the spectrum. In order to get enough light, you need to have a sufficient number of LEDs.

LED lamps are economical and resistant to mechanical stress, they help make lighting more uniform. Such lamps are very rarely damaged and are ideal for greenhouse conditions. LEDs do not require any special, special disposal. The main feature of this type of lamps is that they are environmentally friendly.

Lamp selection

There are no universal lighting systems for all plants! To create the most comfortable conditions, it is customary to use different types of lamps, dividing the greenhouse into several zones. Once the maximum balance is found, yields will increase significantly and plants can be grown all year round.

Incandescent lamp

In theory, such light sources can be used for greenhouses. It is not recommended to use “Ilyich bulbs” in polycarbonate structures. The light emitted by incandescent lamps is in the red range, which has a negative effect on plants.

The advantages include low cost, but there are significantly more disadvantages:

  • lack of blue spectrum (only red and orange rays);
  • the possibility of damage to the surface of the leaves, which leads to deformation and thinning of the stems;
  • high temperature during operation, harmful to seedlings;
  • high consumption of electrical energy.

Fluorescent lamps

The most suitable for greenhouse lighting are fluorescent lamps; they are characterized by durability, low cost and low thermal output. According to the principle of operation, they are energy-saving, but ordinary “housekeepers” illuminate only a small area.

The use of protective boxes is mandatory for installation. In rare cases, vertical plastic cases are suitable.

Ultraviolet lamps for greenhouses

The principle of operation and design are similar to fluorescent ones. Mercury vapor is pumped inside the flask and interacts with an electromagnetic discharge. The tube is made of quartz glass, capable of transmitting ultraviolet rays. An excellent option for additional lighting of plants in small rooms where sunlight penetrates. Photosynthesis is significantly accelerated and efficiency increases.

Uviol (instead of quartz) tubes, which do not affect the formation of ozone, are considered safer. To adjust the light spectrum, other components are added to the glass.

Mercury vapor lamps

DRL is a type of lamp with a bulb filled with mercury. They are characterized by fast heating and luminous flux in the near ultraviolet range. Recommended for use in small rooms instead of ultraviolet lamps. Suitable for lighting during fruit ripening. During operation, ensure stable voltage with fluctuations not exceeding 5% of the set value.

Sodium lamps

High-pressure sodium fluorescent lamps guarantee the best luminous efficiency in relation to the energy consumed. A person does not perceive the radiation spectrum well, but the red, yellow and green shades of such sources are very useful for plants. Very common in greenhouse lighting systems.

The main advantages of sodium lamps:

  • low cost;
  • low power consumption;
  • durability – service life exceeds 20,000 hours;
  • high luminous efficiency compared to conventional incandescent lamps;
  • high thermal output - savings on heating the greenhouse in the winter;
  • the red-orange spectrum accelerates flowering and fruit growth;
  • Efficiency exceeds 30%.

As for the disadvantages, we note high heating, which reduces fire safety and requires additional precautions.

LED bulbs

An LED lamp creates monochrome lighting, but manufacturers select the right combination of LEDs to obtain a favorable spectrum individually for each plant. These are economical, durable devices operating from a low voltage power supply.

To change the light intensity, adjust the number and height of installation of LED diodes. Blue LEDs are ideal for seedling growth, and red-orange LEDs for fruit ripening.

Infrared lamps for greenhouses

Such lamps are comparable to heaters and are used primarily for heating greenhouses. The energy-saving system creates better conditions for plant growth, similar to natural ones. To improve operation, the devices are supplemented with regulators. In the case of convectors, the air is heated. Infrared lamps affect plants and soil, and then transfer heat through the air.

What types of lamps are there for additional lighting in greenhouses?

Today the market offers a large selection of lighting lamps for greenhouses, which differ in performance, spectrum width, and range. On private farms and large industrial farms, fluorescent, mercury, sodium, metal halide, and LED lamps are actively used. For installation in small greenhouses and greenhouses, one of the most common models is luminescent devices. The advantageous advantage of this technique is the absence of heating. For this reason, equipment can be installed near plants. The equipment is used to create optimal conditions for the growth of agricultural crops. The lamps are installed in greenhouses with lettuce, bell peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers.

A comfortable temperature is maintained inside the greenhouse and humidity balance is ensured. Along with luminescent equipment, ultraviolet models are used in greenhouses and greenhouses. Such equipment also stimulates the development and growth of plants and eliminates the spread of pathogens and pests. A special feature of LED lighting for greenhouses is significant energy savings.

Greenhouse lighting diagram

As a result of numerous studies, it became known that the phases of crop growth and intensive saturation of cells with nutrients depend on a number of colors of the solar spectrum. LED models allow you to make adjustments to brightness and choose the optimal color. To determine a product suitable for installation in a greenhouse or greenhouse, you need to refer to the current technical parameters of the equipment and physical features.

Incandescent lamps. The equipment is suitable for high-quality lighting of the greenhouse and provides comprehensive heating. The equipment is characterized by increased energy consumption and produces a light spectrum in the range of 600 nominal values. The models are characterized by intense radiation in the red, orange and infrared spectrum. Such devices are optimally suited for greenhouses and greenhouses when growing parsley, onions and many other green crops. The lighting lamp for greenhouses is installed at a distance of 50 cm from the plant. The optimal lighting period is 6-18 hours in the absence of natural light.

Greenhouse lighting with incandescent lamps

Sodium lamp. The equipment is distinguished by the affordable cost of equipping the entire system, high-quality light output with a physical power of 400 W. During operation, the technique generates a special monochromatic light field with a characteristic yellow-orange light. Sodium devices provide high-quality imitation of natural sunlight.

Lighting with sodium lamps

Fluorescent lamps. The models are suitable for completing large-area greenhouses, are characterized by a long service life under intensive use, and an affordable price. The equipment is installed in a horizontal position with a minimum distance between the lamps and fixed to rectangular fittings. Installation with a vertical frame design with the introduction of additional housings is allowed.

Greenhouse lighting with fluorescent lamps

Mercury lamps. The products are distinguished by relatively fast heating compared to similar equipment

Pay attention to ultraviolet radiation within the near spectrum of ray propagation

Mercury vapor lamps

Metal halide lamps. They are distinguished by an extended power range, as well as a large spectrum of permissible radiation. The equipment is extremely close to solar. The equipment is placed in a classic horizontal position, covering the entire perimeter of the greenhouse.

Metal halide lamps

LED lights. The models provide high-quality illumination of greenhouse plants with one of the selected colors or a combination of them. The devices are characterized by low power consumption. Greenhouse lighting with an LED base is ideal for growing flowers and fruit crops. Installation is carried out in special linear systems based on flexible cables with functional height adjustment. The finished system is lightweight, which reduces the load on the greenhouse frame.

LED greenhouse lighting

When installing a lamp for a greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the greenhouse or greenhouse, the physical level of humidity, and the temperature that must be maintained.

Greenhouse electrification

Step 1. First you need to draw a detailed plan indicating the locations of light sources, switches and wire routes.

How to properly place plant lighting

This greenhouse lighting diagram shows power outlets at both ends, four HID lights above the growing areas, fluorescent lights above the aisle for general lighting, and outlets for heat mats and power tools

Step 2. The required footage of wires, the number of junction boxes, lamps, switches and auxiliary materials are calculated.

Table of recommended lighting power relative to greenhouse area

Advice! Wires should be preferred with a cross-section of at least 2x2 cm. To facilitate future wiring repairs, you can use wires of different colors. One color will indicate phase, the other will indicate zero.

Step 3. Everything you need is purchased (with a small reserve). All elements must be moisture resistant.

Step 4. The wire is removed from the distribution panel located in the building. An automatic greenhouse switch is installed in the common meter of a residential building.

Distribution panel

Step 5. Electrical wiring to the greenhouse is carried out.

Example of electrical circuit diagram in a greenhouse

Method A - underground:

  • a trench is dug at least 80 cm deep; it should not intersect with the drainage;
  • the wire with a protective screen must be covered with tiles in order to protect it in the future when digging up the earth.

Underground cable laying diagram

Laying electrical cable in a trench

Method B - by air:

  • pillars are installed;
  • at a safe height, the cable is tied to the wire connecting the two poles.

Cable supply by air

Electrical wiring must be located away from trees, which can break the cable with branches in a strong wind.

The nuances of laying electrical wiring in a greenhouse

Step 6. The cable is connected to the shield inside the greenhouse.

Step 7. Wires in a special corrugation are routed to sockets and switches. All fasteners and terminal blocks are insulated.

Connecting a corrugated wire to an outlet

Connecting wires with a screw terminal block

VAGO clamp for connecting wires

PPE cap for connecting single-core wires

How do different greenhouses light up?

Polycarbonate greenhouses are often found in summer cottages and private areas. Greenhouse structures for industrial purposes are made of glass. Different types of greenhouses use different light sources, depending on the crops growing in them.

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Lighting for polycarbonate structures

Small greenhouses are built from polycarbonate for growing homemade vegetables, fruits, and berries. The good light transmittance of polycarbonate sheets makes it possible not to use additional light sources in the summer. In autumn, winter and early spring you need to learn the right combination of natural and artificial lighting. If you calculate everything correctly, you can make a profit from every square meter of a greenhouse or greenhouse.

The following are used as artificial light sources:

  • fluorescent lamps;
  • LEDs;
  • ultraviolet.

Industrial greenhouse complexes

Incandescent lamps are not used in industrial greenhouses. For lighting industrial greenhouse complexes the following is used:

  • sodium lamps;
  • metal halide lamps.

As already noted, the light spectrum of sodium lamps is similar to sunlight. Despite the risk of attracting harmful insects, sodium light sources are economical and can be used for a long time. Growers value sodium lamps for their red and blue spectra, which are necessary for all types of crops.

The wide spectrum of radiation of metal halide lamps also allows them to be used on an industrial scale. The high price does not stop professional growers, because metal halide lamps are compact and have a wide light spectrum.

The effect of light on crops

Without light, no plant will grow. Without it of sufficient intensity and duration during the day, it will happen, but it will be bad. In any case, there is no need to expect a good harvest. Moreover, all plants, including cucumbers, need a certain area of ​​the light spectrum at different periods of the growing season.

Principles of additional lighting for cucumbers

Based on these postulates and taking into account the needs of cucumbers, the following principles should be observed when growing them:

  • Additional lighting in greenhouses for cucumbers with a lack of natural light should be used from the moment shoots appear;
  • There should be no break between periods of natural and artificial lighting;

Advice. Continuity of lighting can be ensured by using light relays that respond to a decrease in its intensity and automatically turn on the lighting fixtures.

  • The total illumination of cucumbers throughout the day should be at least 12 hours;
  • To ensure natural physiological processes, plants must be provided with at least 6 hours of complete darkness. If this is not done, they will lag behind in development and drop flowers;

There is absolutely no need to light the greenhouse at night

  • Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse with artificial supplementary lighting should be organized so that between the dark and light periods the air temperature difference is no more than 6-8 degrees;
  • During the period of vegetative growth, young plants are recommended to be exposed to the blue part of the spectrum (wavelength 400-500 nanometers), and during the period of flowering and ovary formation - to the red part (600-700 nanometers).

Despite the almost unlimited possibilities of artificial lighting, it is advisable to make maximum use of natural sunlight. And not only for the purpose of saving energy and own funds. Because only in conditions as close as possible to natural conditions can you obtain high-quality, tasty and aromatic products.

The sun is the best lamp

Benefits of additional lighting

If you grow vegetables in a greenhouse only in the summer, and your region is in an area of ​​high light activity, there will be no practical benefit from artificial light sources. But it is very noticeable in northern latitudes, as well as in winter greenhouses and shelters for growing seedlings. So:

  • With properly selected additional lighting, seedlings grow almost twice as fast, and subsequently allow you to receive the first fruits 2-3 weeks earlier than usual.
  • Lighting cucumbers in a greenhouse allows you to increase their yield by 25-30%;
  • Despite energy costs, the cost of vegetables is reduced by 15-20% due to increased productivity.

For reference. Electricity costs depend on the latitude in which the greenhouse is located, the time of year, the technology used for growing cucumbers and the degree of their early ripening. And also on the type of lamps used.

Only artificial lighting allows you to obtain ripe fruits in winter. True, this requires an increase in the power of the lamps and the duration of additional illumination over several months. To make this event economically profitable, it is necessary to choose the right type of lamps.

Features of greenhouse lighting

For full growth and development, plants need a large amount of light. Under its influence, the process of photosynthesis is activated in green biomass - the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen and nutrients. Another important factor influencing the germination of seedlings, the development of the stem, leaves, root system and fruit ripening is photoperiodicity - the length of daylight hours. For example, lighting of “long-day” crops should last 12 hours or more, “short-day” crops - at least 10 hours a day. If in the summer there is enough natural daylight for the full development of plants, then in other seasons most agricultural crops need artificial additional light. Greenhouse lamps are used for these purposes. A properly organized lighting system will generate enough light to ensure high yields of both traditional Russian plants and exotic fruits and flowers.

Light in the greenhouse

Natural light is ideal. In order to provide them with the maximum amount of plants, the greenhouse should initially be installed taking into account the location to the cardinal points. The greatest amount of light enters the greenhouse in the north-south direction. The design of the greenhouse itself plays a significant role.

Correct location of the greenhouse on the site

Illumination of greenhouses of various designs

If one of the walls of the greenhouse is in contact with the building, it (the wall) is made reflective using mirrors or foil or painted with glossy white paint.

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