Electric meter verification: verification period and verification interval

Why is it necessary to verify electricity meters?

From January 1, 2022, only “smart” electricity metering systems will be installed. This applies equally to both new houses and old ones in which meters need to be replaced.

The advantage of these devices is that the readings do not need to be transmitted anywhere: the device will do this independently. Housing lawyer Svetlana Zhmurko reminds that there is no need to buy meters: they must be installed by electricity suppliers

Unfortunately, this innovation only applies to electricity meters, but for water and gas supply meters everything remains the same: they must be verified and replaced by accredited organizations.

But verification is necessary in any case. This procedure allows people and employees of management companies to determine that the meter is in normal operating condition and is performing calculations correctly. After all, the most important thing is that payments are calculated correctly.

Verification of electricity meters

carries out various works with electrical installations and provides a wide range of other services related to the design, installation, maintenance and audit of electrical installations for various purposes. The work uses a mobile high-voltage laboratory, modern measuring devices and special instruments to obtain all the necessary information and perform work of any complexity.

One of the services that our company provides is verification of electricity meters. These verifications are performed by highly qualified specialists who have undergone special training and are well acquainted with high-voltage work methods and electrical installation diagrams. All work is carried out in compliance with safety standards and the requirements of regulatory documents. Company employees admitted to testing have a clearance of at least fourth electrical safety group.


SI nameSI typeCost of verification in OM (excluding VAT)Cost of on-site verification (excluding VAT)
Active energy electrical energy counters1-phase600.003650.00
Multi-tariff electric energy meters for active and reactive energy1.3-phase1450.003650.00
Counters of electrical energy active or reactive energy3-phase700.003650.00
Electric energy meters for active and reactive energy, bidirectional, multifunctional3-phase3300.003650.00

Checking electricity meters is one of the conditions for the correct functioning of the device. Specialists conduct a full analysis of the suitability of the device for metering the resource consumed. Regular verification of electricity meters reveals the inability of equipment to comply with standards. Verification is primary when it is carried out by the manufacturer. But owners of devices are required to carry out verification within the period established when entering into the state register.

Verification of electricity meters without removal quickly in Moscow

When there is little time or there is no opportunity to take the device to specialists, checking electricity meters without removing them helps out . provides professional services in the field of verification of such equipment. We have extensive experience in carrying out such work. Therefore, verification of electricity meters without removal in Moscow is carried out as quickly as possible.

Attentive employees will prepare all the necessary documentation and coordinate the work with all interested parties.

Verification of electricity meters - price and terms of cooperation.

If verification of electricity meters is required, the starting price is indicated in the price list on the website. In order for managers to accurately calculate the cost, you should send a request or use the feedback form.

The cost of checking an electricity meter is calculated quickly. The price will pleasantly surprise even skeptics. Because we offer the most favorable conditions for cooperation.

Verification of electricity meters in Moscow begins with submitting an application to our accredited organization. The visit of an engineer in our company is free. The specialist will draw up a report and agree on the terms. The frequency of verification of electricity meters is established by the state register. But owners can always call a technician if they suspect malfunction.

Checking the electricity meter at home is a convenient service, since you do not have to dismantle the device. Our specialists perform the work quickly and efficiently, providing full documentary support. Verification of electric meters is required to avoid incorrect measurements. By ordering services from our company, you will be able to avoid overpayments or disputes with the energy supply organization.

Timing for verification of electricity meters

As the general director of the KVS-Service Group of Companies Vadim Ushakov , there are two types of verification of electric meters: primary and periodic.

“The first test is carried out on the device after its manufacture, even before its actual operation begins,” the expert notes. - Periodic testing is carried out before the specified end of the specified verification interval - it is indicated in the device passport.

There are also extraordinary inspections. They should be carried out if there are questions about the condition of the device and suspicions that utility bills are being calculated incorrectly. They are also carried out in cases where the document confirming the periodic verification is lost.

How to check if the electric meter is working correctly

For the sake of curiosity, you can check how accurately your meter measures electricity consumption with your own hands and at home. But such an experiment, of course, cannot be considered a verification.

So, to carry out such a test, you will need access to a meter, an incandescent light bulb as a load, a multimeter, a calculator and a stopwatch. The order of your actions will be as follows:

  1. Measure the voltage (U) in the network using a multimeter.
  2. With the multimeter in ammeter mode, measure the current (I, A) in the light bulb.
  3. Calculate the resistance of the light bulb R=U/I, Ohm.
  4. With the light bulb plugged in, measure how long it takes (T, hour) for the counter to blink (turn the dial) 10 times. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the voltage in the network.
  5. On the front panel of the metering device its so-called constant is indicated (A, imp/kWh). Find this number.
  6. Calculate the actual power consumption P=UxU/R, W.
  7. The error of the electricity meter (D) is calculated based on preparatory calculations using the following formula: D= (PxTxA-1)x100%

Below is a video about checking your electric meter yourself when you have doubts about its readings:

Who verifies electricity meters?

After last year's innovations, verification of meters and their replacement should be carried out by network organizations, energy sales, and so on. It often happens that the verification of such devices is carried out by the suppliers themselves.

“These should be specialized organizations that are accredited by supervisory authorities,” notes Vadim Ushakov . — If you need to dismantle the device, then you should invite an employee of the resource supply organization to record the removal of the seal and record the meter readings.

Accuracy class of electrical energy meter

The accuracy class of an electrical energy meter is the maximum permissible error with which this device measures electrical energy consumption, expressed as a percentage. The accuracy class is also indicated in the technical data sheet of the electric meter.

Accuracy class

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 N 442 “On the functioning of retail markets for electrical energy, complete and (or) partial restrictions on the consumption of electrical energy” regulates the accuracy classes for measuring instruments depending on the location of their installation:

  • individuals – 2.0 and above;
  • at the inputs of multi-apartment residential buildings - 1.0 and higher;
  • other consumers with a power of up to 670 kW - 1.0 and 0.5S (possibly higher);
  • consumers with power over 670 kW - 0.5S and above;
  • electricity suppliers – 1.0 or higher and 0.5S or higher depending on the power in the electrical network;
  • organizations engaged in the production of electrical energy - 0.5S and above.

Note. Thus, when choosing an electrical energy meter for an apartment, you just need to choose a device with an accuracy class of 2.0; it makes no sense to overpay for a more accurate electricity meter.

Certified accuracy classes, calibration intervals, service life for the most popular electric meters are presented to your attention in the table below.

Name of metering device Accuracy class Calibration interval, years Service life, years
SO-I449M1-1 2,0 16 At least 30
SO-I449M 2,0 16 At least 30
SO-50 2,5 16 32
SO-5U 2,5 16 25
SO-I449 2,0 8 32
SO-I449M1-2 2,0 16 At least 30
TsE 2726-21B 2,0 16 At least 30
SO-EU 10 2,0 16 At least 30
SO-EE 6705-4 2,0 16 At least 30
SO-EE 6705-5 2,0 16 At least 30
SO-EE 6706 2,0 16 At least 30
SO-5 2,0 16 32
SO-I446M 2,0 16 At least 30
SO-505 2,0 16 32
TsE-2736 1,0 16 30
SO-2M2 2,5 16 32
ECR2400 1,0 16 32
SO-2 2,5 16 32
CE 102 S7 1,0 16 24
SOLO 1,0 16 At least 30
SO-2M 2,5 16 32
SO-I446 2,5 8 32
Mercury 201.5 1,0 16 32
Mercury 200.02 1,0 16 32
Mercury 230 1,0 10 32
Mercury 231 1,0 10 32
Energomera CE 102 1,0 10 32
Energy meter CE 301 1,0 10 32
STK-1 (Ukraine) 1,0 6 32
STK-1 (Belarus) 1,0 8 32
STK-3 (Ukraine) 1,0 6 32
STK-3 (Belarus) 1,0 8 32
NEVA MT 113 ASOP 1,0 16 30
NEVA MT 124 1,0 16 30
Neva 303-1SO 1,0 16 30

Note. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/04/2012 N 442 also states that electricity meters with an accuracy class below 2.0 must be replaced after the expiration of the verification interval established for such devices or after their failure or loss in the case where this occurred before the expiration of the verification interval.

How electricity meters are verified

Experts offer the following step-by-step instructions for checking electric meters.

1 step. Apartment owners should contact an accredited company and order an inspection, unless the specialists themselves have planned to carry out this event or have not resolved the issue with your management company.

Step 2. If necessary, the device is dismantled and taken away for examination. In this case, do not forget to invite an employee of the resource supply organization, who will record the act of removing the meter and note its current readings.

Step 3. Specialists carry out all the tests and make a conclusion whether the metering device is suitable or not. The user is given a document confirming the serviceability of the device. If the electric meter is not working well, it will be replaced.

The verification procedure itself includes the following processes: external inspection, checking the electrical insulation strength, checking the errors of the electrical network, etc.

What is verification and calibration of measuring instruments

To understand between the concepts, it is worth considering each of them separately. Thus, verification is testing of any measuring or precision instrument using a reference sample. During this process, you can see if there are deviations in the measurement accuracy, and if so, how critical they are. This is the operation that is performed for home water, gas and electricity meters.

After verification is completed, a verdict is made as to whether the device can be used further and whether its accuracy corresponds to a given class. Verification does not include any adjustment or repair actions related to error correction.

In turn, calibration is a more expanded concept. In essence, we can say that verification is part of the calibration process. The instrument is first tested for accuracy to detect deviations from the norm. And only then, based on the data obtained, changes are made to its design to achieve the required level of accuracy and eliminate the consequences of long-term operation. You can order such a service on the RosChet website.


How much does it cost to verify electricity meters?

The cost of checking electric meters depends on the region and many other factors. So, in Moscow and St. Petersburg it is, on average, from one and a half to five thousand rubles.

— You can contact specialized companies, but the easiest way would be to verify the metering device at the resource supply organization that services your home. Such services, as a rule, are provided there,” advises Vadim Ushakov . The cost of verification depends on the prices set by one or another accredited organization. Costs may differ in different localities.

— It all depends on the region. The amount can vary from 1,500 to 3,300 rubles, experts emphasize.

This is useful

Transmitting readings for cold and hot water is a monthly activity for most residents

What is the fundamental difference between verification and calibration?

The verification and calibration processes have both common points and significant differences. Thus, standards are always used to check the compliance of a device with metrological characteristics. They are objects or devices that have clearly defined parameters.

There are no other methods by which the accuracy of any type of measuring equipment can be verified. Reference instruments and objects have a very high value. Therefore, they are used with extreme caution.

During verification and calibration, a number of measurements are carried out in different ranges. For example, if you take a regular household water meter, then checking it involves passing different volumes of water. This is necessary to ensure its accuracy when working with different volumes, since it can count the amount of liquid correctly, for example, during a long flow, but give a large error over a short distance.

If we take classical verification, then this term will correspond to the international designation “verification”. This procedure also provides only for introductory testing of something without making changes to the design. Thus, the key difference between verification and calibration is precisely the intervention in order to increase the accuracy of the device that was sent to the metrology laboratory for examination.

Otherwise, the processes are similar and are carried out using the same techniques. If necessary, additional points can be added to them, but basically the action plan remains unchanged.

How to order verification of electricity meters through your Mosenergosbyt personal account

In your personal account in the “services” section, you can find out when the scheduled verification of your meter is carried out. It is usually done every 5-16 years and there is no charge for this procedure. It is very important that subscribers control the timing of meter verification, since if this interval exceeds 16 years, then after 3 months the tariffs you will pay for utilities will increase significantly. It is worth noting that it is impossible to specifically order an unscheduled meter verification; there is simply no need for this.

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