Review of single-phase electricity meter Mercury 201 - connection diagram

This device has several modifications from Weight - from to g depends on the model. The difference in weight is g. The maximum service life of the meter is 30 years after installation.

The first check is the correct connection. At this stage, a comparison is made with the diagram that the user was guided by when installing the product. Device for stopping the counter Mercury 201.5

This option for connecting an electric meter is used if it is not possible to seal the input machine. They are equipped with an adapter strip with connecting dimensions for induction meters.

All this time it has been working properly. This allows meters to be installed outside, provided there is a protective canopy. To connect the Mercury meter, the result is multiplied by the cost of one kilowatt-hour.

The reading device operates on the basis of electronic circuits.

Electric meter Mercury 201: installation and connection

How to connect the Mercury-201 meter (video)

Electric meters Mercury of the first series are the most common today.
Meters have many advantages, including their availability and ease of connection. You can connect the metering device correctly by following the above tips and step-by-step instructions. In addition, you can try to “deceive” the meter by twisting the readings or stopping it. But remember that such activities are illegal and, if discovered, can lead to severe administrative penalties. The matter is not difficult if you understand at least a little about electricity. The single-phase electricity meter "Mercury 201" is considered the most common energy metering device in Russia today. Counters of this brand replaced more outdated models equipped with rotating disks. Installation of electricity meter Mercury 201.8

can be made on a DIN rail, the back wall of an electrical panel using an adapter plate that is attached to a DIN rail. It should also be taken into account that since 2015, the adapter plate is not included in the standard package of the Mercury 201 electric meter.

The contact screws must be tightened with sufficient force to ensure good contact. If the wire in the terminal is poorly secured, this can lead to heating, destruction of the insulating layer and short circuit. The terminal cover of the electric meter has a perforation - it must be removed (using pliers or carefully broken off) so that the cover fits tightly to the meter. The lid is screwed to the body. The Mercury 201 electricity meter is suitable for installation in apartments, private houses, garages and gardens. The warranty on the device is 3 years, the service life of the Mercury 201 electric meter is designed for 30 years. When replacing an electric meter, you need to notify the energy sales company, and after installing a new meter, seal it together with their representative. As a rule, this takes time, in addition, you need to wait for the person and waste your time.

Installation Rules

The main issue is connection. How to install Mercury 201? To do this, you need to know that the device on the terminal block has 4 input contacts:

  • contact for phase input,
  • contact for phase output,
  • terminal designed to connect “0” from the external network,
  • output terminal “0” indoors.

The connection must be made in the same sequence. The manufacturer of Mercury 201 has placed a diagram of the device on the meter, which helps you navigate during installation. All wires are laid carefully; there are cells on the cover specifically for this purpose. Then the lid is screwed tightly.

This is how the Mercury 201 5 meter is installed. After this, the device is sealed by specialists and connected to the network. If everything is in order and the installation of Mercury 201 was successful, the red indicator will light up.

Is it possible to install not only an electric meter, but also all the wiring in the house with your own hands? Read. How to install a distribution board for electrical wiring? Detailed instructions in this article.

It is not difficult to determine the indications. The numbers on the red field indicate ten parts of kW per hour, on the black - this is an integer value. As you can see, the Mercury 201 electricity meter is very easy to use. It also features accurate readings and other useful features.

The single-phase Mercury 201 electric meter has become widespread among users, replacing already outdated electricity metering devices equipped with a rotating disk. Those who lived through the Soviet era must remember them. The article discusses the characteristics of this device, price, principles of its operation, installation of the Mercury 201 electric meter.

Connecting Mercury 230 via current transformers

The electric meter is connected via current transformers using a ten-wire cable. This helps to replace and check the connection circuit of the device, allows you to determine the error in measurements directly at the installation site of the electric meter in the presence of load current without disconnecting consumers.

Next, the old meter is dismantled.

The two remaining contacts are attached in the same way.

Data from the transformer terminals is sent to a metering device that records the amount of generated electrical energy. One of them is connection through ten separate conductive wires. As a rule, voltage circuits are made with the same cross-section as current circuits. As was written above, metering circuits must be connected to clamp assemblies or test blocks, so what is a test block?

Basic requirements for the meter

Sample certificate of conformity for a meter

When buying a Mercury electric meter, you should make sure that it meets the following criteria:

  • Accuracy class first or second. The error should be 1-2%, no more.
  • The meter must indicate the date of issue and inspection. These data must match those recorded in the passport.
  • Availability of an identification number by which you can find the meter in the State Register. The number on the case must match what is written in the passport and warranty card.
  • There is a protective hologram.
  • The warranty seal must not be damaged or broken.

Only after checking compliance with all these factors can you make a purchase.

Advantages of installing and operating the Mercury 230 product

Each of them carries information about the date of the last verification, indicating the year and quarter, and also has the seal of the verification organization. Even wire numbers correspond to the load, odd wire numbers correspond to the input.

We will definitely answer you. For the circuit, it is necessary to connect all three meter measuring elements with mandatory strict observance of polarity and with phase alternation in direct order relative to the corresponding U. If the memory function is disrupted, it is necessary to find out the accompanying code and reprogram the option.

Reliability characteristics of the "Mercury" electric meter The following technical reliability characteristics can speak about the quality of the products of LLC NPK "Inkotex": Minimum time between failures up to hours; Interval between verifications: 10 years; The average service life of the device is 30 years; The warranty period for Mercury is 3 years from the date of issue. Indicators are taken in one and two directions. The indicator of this particular voltage is recorded by the meter.

The connection of the three-phase Mercury meter through current transformers is carried out according to the following scheme: Connection of the “Mercury” through current transformers Connection of the electricity meter “Mercury” via CT The “Mercury” meter has the ability to tariff electricity metering by zone of the day, takes into account losses and transmits measurements and accumulated information on energy consumption via digital interface channels. The IKK is equipped with a protective transparent cover and a device for sealing, a screw with a through hole. Mono notate changes when analyzing the event log.

These include nuclear, hydraulic and thermal power plants. The presence of the block greatly simplifies installation.

Important links

Meter "Mercury": indirect connection This option for connecting a metering device is not used in the domestic sphere. Types of three-phase electricity meters There are 3 main types of this type of device: Indirect connection. In the first case, three wires from each of the phase lines plus a neutral and two wires from 3 CTs are connected to the meter distribution box. This helps to replace and check the connection circuit of the device, allows you to determine the error in measurements directly at the installation site of the electric meter in the presence of load current without disconnecting consumers. The presence of the block greatly simplifies installation.

As for the disadvantages, these are the overall dimensions and the need to have experience and skills to install equipment of this type. Today it is completely outdated, despite the fact that it can be found in real conditions. The meter is connected both directly and using a transformer method: connecting current transformers to the Mercury meter allows you to count electricity at facilities where the current load is high. The device records the voltage that appears when electricity flows through the secondary winding. When working with electrical devices, you should use indicator screwdrivers and rubber gloves.

A small margin of about mm when connecting wires to the clamps will help to easily redo the work. At voltage levels of more than 6 kV and above, two current transformers are used, this is the case throughout the country. Connection of the test box (CTB). Scheme #1

Connection features

Before you begin the process of installing an electric meter, you must contact the organization responsible for the supply of electricity to agree on the following details:

  • Mark the location where the measuring device will be installed. Despite the fact that it can be installed indoors, recently residents have been trying to install the meter outside.
  • Device type. It is necessary to purchase meters that comply with all requirements for operation and have been certified in the state register. The device must be in good working order and meet modern standards.

Compliance with standards when installing the electrical circuit of the meter itself, as well as the wiring diagram.

Errors when installing an electric meter arise as a result of a lack of understanding about the correct execution of this process. In general, installation of this measuring device is not difficult.


Technical characteristics of the Mercury 201 meter

Device service life

The electric meter has a standard service life of 30 years. During the first 36 months of operation, it is possible to replace the device or repair it under warranty if it turns out that there is a malfunction associated with a manufacturing defect. The warranty does not cover cases of abuse or incorrect connection. The warranty may extend up to 42 weeks from the date of manufacture if the device has not been connected for some time.

Calibration interval

When purchasing a device, you must make sure that there is a record in the passport documentation confirming the verification of the product at the factory after manufacture. After installation, verification must be carried out regularly with a verification interval of 16 years. The completion of this work is confirmed by the entry of the employee who checked the device in the product passport.

We recommend: Mercury 200 meter - instructions and how to take readings

Meter cost

The meter has an affordable price. It can be purchased for 660 rubles or more if a larger price is set by the seller. The device is offered in specialized stores or ordered online.

Features and Specifications

The electronic electricity meter Mercury 201 is used for electricity metering in networks with a voltage of 220 V. The metering type is single-tariff. It is used equally successfully in the residential and commercial sectors.

The Mercury 201 electricity meter has the following features:

  • small size - Mercury 201 is a compact counter with a modern design;
  • a security system that prevents any attempts to steal electricity;
  • use as a shunt current sensor;
  • The mounting is performed on a din-rail, however, the client can order a plate designed for mounting ind. electricity meters; therefore, there are several ways to install the Mercury 201 electric meter;
  • a PLC modem inherent in some modifications, which quickly records all changes in the state of the device.

The characteristics of the Mercury 201 electricity meter are as follows:

  • nom. current - 60 and 80, voltage - 220 V;
  • the estimated service life of the meter is 30 years;
  • The warranty covers the first 3 years of operation;
  • the time after which it is necessary to check the Mercury 201 electronic electricity meter is 16 years (calibration interval).

Successful operation of the device is possible under the following conditions. The Mercury 201 5 electricity meter must be mounted on a DIN rail in places reliably protected from precipitation and mechanical damage.

Temperature range of use is from +40 to -55 degrees Celsius.

When starting operation, you should make sure that the characteristics of the device meet the following requirements for the accuracy class, indicating the error permissible for the metering device. This indicator cannot be more than two; for this device it is equal to one. The user can verify this by looking at the passport of the Mercury 201 electric meter.

The kit includes:

  • the device itself,
  • instruction Mercury 201 5;
  • adapter plate (however, since 2015 it is not included in the package).

Now about the price issue. How much does the Mercury 201 electric meter cost? The answer to this question depends on the modification of the model, which can be read below. The cost of a Mercury 201 meter for simple models is up to 100 rubles, but there are also more expensive models. In general, the prices for the device can be classified as affordable.

Electric energy meter Mercury 230

Mercury 230 is a multi-tariff three-phase electricity meter. The Mercury 230 meter can be connected to the network either directly or through current transformers. Let's consider the principle of this connection, as well as the features of the above-mentioned device.

Description and technical characteristics of the Mercury 230 meter

This electrical energy meter is designed to operate in three- and four-wire electrical networks (three-phase networks without grounding and with grounding, respectively) with a voltage of 380 volts and a frequency of 50 hertz.

Its calibration interval is shorter than that of its single-phase counterpart and is 10 years. At the same time, the warranty period and service life for the 201st and 230th models are the same - they are 3 years and 30 years, respectively.

The rated current of the Mercury 230 is 5 amperes, and the maximum is 7.5 amperes. Overall dimensions are 258x170x74 millimeters, and weight is 1.5 kilograms.

This meter has a number of additional very useful functions. In addition to measuring and accounting for electricity, it carries out:

  • data storage;
  • data transfer;
  • keeping a measurement log;
  • displaying information on the screen for various periods of time and at various rates.

Mercury 230

This meter is capable of accounting for four tariffs for four types of days in sixteen time zones.

Taking readings from the Mercury 230 meter

It is worth saying a few words about how to take readings from the Mercury 230 electricity meter.

This electric meter is controlled by a pair of buttons located on its front panel (to the right of the screen). The left button (“ENTER”) is designed to switch between readings for different tariffs. The right button (with the image of an oval with an arrow) selects the operating mode.

First of all, you should check the readiness of the device to take readings for individual zones (operating mode A). This is indicated by an indicator in the form of a short line in field A at the top of the display. If this indicator is absent, then the device should be switched to operating mode A by briefly pressing the right control button.

Next, you should take the device readings for each of the tariffs, switching between them by pressing the “ENTER” button. By successively short-term pressing this key, the device display will display data for each zone of the day in turn. If the meter is programmed correctly, the symbolic designation of each tariff zone will be as follows:

  • T1 – peak zone;
  • T2 – night zone;
  • T3 – half-peak zone.

You will see these designations on the screen to the left of the amount of electricity consumption itself.

Important! Pressing the “ENTER” button must be short-term, since otherwise you will switch the device to other operating modes. If such a situation occurs, you should return to mode A again by pressing the right button and continue reading the electricity meter.

How to connect a Mercury 230 meter

Connecting the Mercury 230 meter is carried out according to the same principle as installing its single-phase counterpart, model 201, into the network. Unless you have to connect more wires to it. But, as in the case described above, the current-carrying conductors of the input cable are connected to the contacts with an odd serial number, and the conductors of the cable leading to the load are connected to the contacts with an even serial number.

The connection diagram for a three-phase meter Mercury 230, as mentioned above, may or may not assume the presence of current transformers in the circuit.

Direct, or direct, connection of the metering device in question to the electrical network is carried out directly through input machines. If your house or apartment has only a standard set of power receiving devices (with a power of up to 60 kW), then this connection method is optimal for you.

If it is necessary to operate power receivers of higher power in a local electrical network, a semi-indirect connection should be used using current transformers, in which the phase conductor of the electrical network acts as the primary winding. But keep in mind that for this type of connection, regulatory documents provide for special installation requirements.

So we met the most popular representatives of electrical energy metering devices, and also received detailed explanations on the issues of their installation.

useful links

Oleg, Voronezh We couldn’t find a better device for taking readings. After this, the cover is tightly screwed to the meter body. Design features of meters Depending on the modification, Mercury meters can be: electromechanical. The second position is necessary to connect the load phase wire, it goes to power consumers. The process of connecting the Mercury meter is quite simple and is carried out in several stages: Remove the cover of the contact group, where the input and output wires are connected. This option for connecting an electric meter is used if it is not possible to seal the input machine. It should not be placed too high or too low. Depending on the configuration, these meters can be electromechanical, where a special drum is a reading device, or electronic, where all readings are displayed. For electricity meters connected using current transformers, regulatory documents provide for special requirements for their installation. The readings of the device are not affected by whether the connection is made with direct or reverse polarity. Terminal for connecting zero from an external network to an apartment or house. This metering device is suitable for both a private home and an apartment, and it can even be installed outdoors. They are able to very accurately determine the amount of electricity consumed and perform calculations to pay for it. For this purpose, circuit breakers, plugs or switches installed between the main line and the electricity meter are turned off. How to connect a meter

Replacing the battery

The device's autonomous power supply is installed inside, under the main housing cover. Depending on the design of this structural part, it is removed after unscrewing two screws or releasing the latches.

The battery is designed to last at least the duration of the verification interval, so it must be changed during the verification process. The case cover is sealed, so the user will not be able to get to the battery on his own.

After removing the cover, the old battery is removed and a new one is inserted in its place, with a similar arrangement of positive and negative poles.

Modifications of the meter, its structure

The watershed is drawn between meter models, which are:

  • electromechanical (these modifications are distinguished by the presence of a rotating drum);
  • electronic - they work on the basis of circuits, have a liquid crystal display on which all data is displayed.

Photos of Mercury 201 with various modifications can be seen on the website. There are modifications depending on the maximum current of 60 or 80 amperes, the number of transmitted pulses, etc.

The Mercury electricity meter device is supplemented with a seal on which the date of manufacture of the device is marked.

There is also a stamp from the state verifier, confirming that the device meets all the required parameters. If one of the elements has been broken, the user needs to contact the energy supplier. The same applies if Mercury 201 does not work.

Mercury 201 and its five models

Mercury 201 Mercury 201 is a modern meter for active energy consumption by consumers of the household electrical network. The device is manufactured, model 201 has several modifications, each with its own specifics.

Externally, models of electrical measuring devices differ in indexes. Each of the five modifications of Mercury 201 has its own limit for measuring alternating current strength and its own way of displaying power consumption on the front panel. The maximum operating current of the device is from 5 to 10 A; the method of indicating readings can be either liquid crystal or mechanical.

The operating principle of the Mercury 201 meter is that the primary electricity consumption signals are generated by voltage and current sensors. Then they go to a converter controlled by a microcontroller. After decoding, the signals supply information to a mechanical or liquid crystal type output device.

Connection diagram for an EM located on the general electrical panel of the floor (SNiP 31-110-2003)

The Mercury 201 electricity meter is designed both for independent metering of electricity consumption and for operation in an automatic information-measuring accounting system.

Now Mercury 201 brand meters are the most affordable and accurate. They replace older energy metering devices with rotating disks.

Advantages and disadvantages

When producing the model line of Mercury brand meters, the practices of other developers were taken into account. The tasks were set to manufacture a device characterized by high accuracy and reliability, with the latest element base, low cost, with developed functionality, meeting all requirements.

At the end of the study, the device was improved. The Mercury electric meter is distinguished by its circuit design and has maximum functionality. This was achieved thanks to the use of imported components from leading manufacturers.

The technical potential of the energy metering system at a separate cost guides the correct consumption of electricity. During the period of maximum use, which occurs in the morning and evening hours, the tariff per kilowatt-hour of electricity is noticeably higher, while at night the cost is several times lower.

However, in practice, the number of people who have switched to energy metering at tariffs is not so large. What is the reluctance of consumers to switch to the latest technical equipment? Experts highlight several points:

  • the fairly low cost of electricity, which for some time restrains Russians from spending on modern devices;
  • not all citizens want to change their daily routine and use electrical appliances with more power (for example, a washing machine) at night;
  • not every production benefits from switching to night shifts;
  • Certain groups of the population experience difficulty in taking readings from the meter according to tariffs.

Despite some disadvantages, the advantages of switching to multi-tariff electronic electricity metering devices are beyond doubt.

Mercury-201: connection diagram

The electronic device Mercury 201 keeps track of electricity “modulo”. This means that a connection with reverse current polarity does not affect the meter readings. So, when connecting a single-phase meter, you can swap the phase input and output, connect the phase to the neutral terminal, and the neutral to the phase terminal. However, the manufacturer recommends connecting the electric meter according to the diagram. The meter connection diagram is quite simple.

So, single-phase Mercury has four terminals for wires:

  • The first terminal is responsible for introducing the phase into the home;
  • The second is for phase output to electrical installations;
  • The neutral working wire from the external network is connected through the third terminal;
  • Zero output to electrical installations is realized through the fourth terminal.

To connect the contacts to the terminals, you need to remove the protective cover from the terminal block and unscrew the fastening screws in the wire cells. After that, the stripped, flat section of the wire corresponding to the terminal must be inserted evenly into the contact clamp. The screws that secure the wire can be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver. Fixation should begin with the top screw. Connect the other wires in the same way, and then replace the protective cover.

It is necessary to supply a phase to the machines from the meter, and a phase and zero to the RCD. In this case, bypassing the machines, it is necessary to lay neutral working and protective contacts to the electrical installations connected to them. Grounding must also be carried out to the electrical installation operating through an RCD. Contacts from the machines can be output to lighting and sockets, as well as household appliances. Powerful household appliances (for example, a washing machine, boiler) are usually connected to the RCD. Using the same principle, connect the electric single-phase meter “Aist” from RUE “Gomelenergo”.

Installation Rules

The main issue is connection. How to install Mercury 201? To do this, you need to know that the device on the terminal block has 4 input contacts:

  • contact for phase input,
  • contact for phase output,
  • terminal designed to connect “0” from the external network,
  • output terminal “0” indoors.

The connection must be made in the same sequence. The manufacturer of Mercury 201 has placed a diagram of the device on the meter, which helps you navigate during installation. All wires are laid carefully; there are cells on the cover specifically for this purpose. Then the lid is screwed tightly.

This is how the Mercury 201 5 meter is installed. After this, the device is sealed by specialists and connected to the network. If everything is in order and the installation of Mercury 201 was successful, the red indicator will light up.

Is it possible to install not only an electric meter, but also all the wiring in the house with your own hands? Read. How to install a distribution board for electrical wiring? Detailed instructions in this article.

It is not difficult to determine the indications. The numbers on the red field indicate ten parts of kW per hour, on the black - this is an integer value. As you can see, the Mercury 201 electricity meter is very easy to use. It also features accurate readings and other useful features.

Products today are one of the most widespread on the domestic market. Electric meters from this company are distinguished by their availability, small size, and accuracy. One of the most popular electricity metering devices from Incotex is the Mercury meter and its modifications. Read the article about what operating characteristics the meter has and how to connect the meter.

Connection diagram

The Mercury 201 brand meter is connected without any special features, similar to other electrical energy metering devices. The device comes with detailed instructions that need to be studied, along with a passport and connection diagram

The main thing is the correct connection of the phases and attention when connecting the wires (their markings are highlighted in different colors)

Before connecting Mercury 201, it is necessary to de-energize the system: turn off the machine, switch, and supply line. For safe laying of wires, special cells with perforated grooves are provided on the terminal cover. In these places, the cells are broken out, and a wire is inserted through the holes.

There are 4 positions for connecting the wire:

  1. Supply phase from the input circuit breaker.
  2. Phase load on the room power supply.
  3. Neutral wire from the input machine.
  4. Neutral load wire to power the room.

The wires are connected only in this sequence. It should be remembered that the phase wire is white and the neutral wire is blue.

For ease of use, the connection diagram for a single-phase meter of the Mercury 201 model is duplicated on the inside of the terminal cover. If the device is connected correctly, the red indicator light on it lights up.

Before closing the cover, you should again check the correct connection, paying attention to the tightness of the connections: when tightening the clamps, the insulation should not come into contact. If this happens, it may gradually melt when the meter is under load

The cover should be screwed tightly to the body, leaving no gaps.

For reliable and safe operation of the Mercury 201 meter, it is recommended that the connection be made through circuit breakers using an RCD - residual current device. It should also be installed in the shield. To avoid problems with operation, the cross-section of the wires must correspond to the rated current of the meter

You also need to pay attention to the correspondence in power and diameter

Before installing the meter, you need to check its compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. The passport must indicate:

  • accuracy class;
  • dates of manufacture and verification;
  • registration number in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

It is necessary to check the presence of a warranty seal and a hologram confirming the authenticity of the device.

Watch this video on YouTube

If you carefully study the diagram, follow the sequence of actions, and safety rules, you can install the Mercury 201 electric meter yourself. Then call an employee of the energy company to check the correct connection and sealing of the device. The peculiarity of this process is that the holes for filling are too small and it is difficult to insert wire into them. Fishing line is not suitable for this, so only wire seals are used.

You should pay attention to the date. On meters of the Mercury 201 model, as well as on other control instruments and devices, seals with the stamp of the state verifier no older than 2 years are installed.

The disadvantage of the device design is the difficulty of visual inspection of the seal, because it is located under the terminal block cover. Difficulties also arise when using seals in the form of stickers. This is prevented by an unsuccessfully located fastening screw.

The Mercury 201 model meter provides several options for displaying readings depending on the design of the device. There are more displays on the LCD screen and they are more informative. In addition to data on the electricity used, the date, current and voltage indicators, operating time since commissioning are displayed.

Before taking readings from Mercury 201 with a drum-type reading system, you need to remember that only whole data is taken from settlements with the energy supply company. The device has 6 reels, 5 of which show integer values ​​(they are black and located on the left), and 1 - tenths (it is black and located on the far right). This is done for visual convenience when taking readings.

The device is verified at the manufacturer immediately after assembly. The fact of the procedure is noted in the passport and on the seal. The next verification period for the Mercury 201 model meter is in 16 years.

Review of three-phase electric meter brand Mercury 230

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Four checks of E.M. 201 for the correctness of the readings

After installing the meter, it is necessary to check the correctness of its connection and operation by conducting a series of test activities aimed at recording significant indicators of its functioning.

First check - correct connection

At this stage, a comparison is made with the diagram that the user was guided by when installing the product. Devices of the Mercury series are capable of operating correctly when changing the positions of zero and phase, but electrical safety rules require strict adherence to the installation sequence presented in the standard diagram.

Second check - self-propelled

To carry out this verification stage, you will need to first create a situation of complete absence of electricity consumption in the apartment. To do this, it is necessary to turn off all automatic switches located below the electric meter and supplying lighting fixtures and sockets. If there are no separate switches in the network, the cords of all household electrical appliances and extension cords are pulled out of the sockets, and the light switches are set to inactive mode.

A quarter of an hour after turning off all devices, you need to evaluate the functioning of the electric meter - if it is working properly, the roller on the counting mechanism should stop, and the light on the front of the device should not blink. The permissible maximum is a single blink or the counter turns once every 5-10 minutes.

If the roller rotates or blinks, the check is considered failed. Then a laboratory test of the meter's functionality is required.

Third check – measurement error

Measurement error formula
Here the error of the electricity meter is calculated. You will need to prepare a mobile phone with a stopwatch and a calculator (or these devices themselves separately), an electronic multimeter and an incandescent lamp as a load device. It is not recommended to use household appliances, since practical values ​​when operating devices may differ from those indicated in the data sheets, creating additional errors, sometimes significant.

Sequence of actions during verification:

  • Measure the voltage in the outlet with a multimeter.
  • Place the device in current measurement mode, connect it to the lamp, and measure the value of the indicator.
  • The real power and resistance of the lamp are calculated - for the first case, you need to multiply the two indicators obtained above, for the second, divide the voltage by the current.
  • While continuing to keep the lamp plugged in, calculate the time it takes for the roller to make 10 revolutions (at a stable voltage), and write down this time in seconds.
  • For calculations, record the instrument constant indicated on the front of the housing.
  • Find the actual electricity consumption: square the power and then divide by the resistance.
  • Multiply the figure from the previous calculation by the number of seconds and divide by 3600 (the number of seconds in an hour) - the unit of measurement of the resulting value will be watt-hour.
  • 1000 is multiplied by the number of revolutions (in this case 10) and divided by the counter constant.

Now the actual error is calculated. From the figure obtained in the penultimate paragraph, subtract the one found in the last one, divide this number by the last digit and multiply by 100. The result obtained is expressed as a percentage (for example, -5%). A deviation of up to 10% in one direction or the other is considered acceptable.

The fourth check is for magnetization

This test is very simple: bring a thin sewing needle to the front panel of the device. If it attracts, it indicates magnetization. If a few days after removing the magnet it does not resolve on its own, you will need to purchase a demagnetizing device.

When installing Mercury meters operating on one or three phases, the correct connection in accordance with the established diagram is crucial. After this, you will need to check the functioning, independence of the device and measure the error obtained during the operation of the electric meter.

Electric meter "Mercury": brief description

You can connect the Mercury 201 meter yourself if you study the features of this device and the instructions for it.

Electricity meters "Mercury" have been produced in Russia since 2001 at the facilities of , which produces electricity meters ranging from simple single-phase ones for household needs to complex three-phase meters.

The Mercury 201 counter has several modifications, ranging from 201.1 to 201.8.

The device is also divided into series depending on parameters such as:

  • permissible operating current;
  • a way to display electricity consumption data.

Replacing the electric meter

To replace the previous device with a “Mercury”, the consumer of electricity services must send a request to the HOA branch of his city about the requirements for meters (including regarding the accuracy class). Having received this data, he buys a suitable device.

Before dismantling the old meter, you must contact the authority again, arranging a meeting with an inspector, whose task will be to attest to the integrity of the seal. If a consumer removes the meter without this procedure, he may be charged with theft of electricity and be fined.

The inspector will look at the seal, draw up a report on the dismantling of the old device and set a tariff for the consumer based on data on electricity consumption over the past months.

Before installing and connecting the meter, you will need to de-energize the power line if the switch is located behind the device, or turn off the input circuit breaker.

Therefore, the Mercury 201 counter fully satisfies the requirements.

The standard package of the Mercury 201 meter includes:

  • Actually, the Mercury 201 counter itself.
  • Passport and instructions for the Mercury 201 meter.
  • Adapter plate with connecting dimensions for replacing an induction (disc) electric meter with a Mercury 201 meter. Since 2015, not included in the package.

This series of Mercury 201 meters has several different modifications:

As can be seen from the passport for the Mercury 201 meter, they are produced:

  • with a maximum current of 60 or 80 A;
  • with an electromechanical reporting device (conventional mechanical “drum”) counter Mercury 201.5, 201.6, 201.7;
  • with liquid crystal display counter Mercury 201.2, 201.4, 201.8;
  • can be equipped with a modem for remote readings;
  • different number of transmitted pulses (telemetry).

A hologram is pasted onto the Mercury 201 counter, protecting it from counterfeiting.

The warranty seal, which indicates the release date of the Mercury 201 meter, in our case the month of March (3rd) and the 14th year are painted over. The warranty on the Mercury 201 meter from the manufacturer is valid for 3 years.

The stamp of the state verifier, which means that the Mercury 201 meter corresponds to the declared accuracy class of 1. The stamp can be used to determine the date of verification; our Mercury 201 meter was verified in the first quarter of 2014.

The Mercury 201 counter can be installed either on a DIN rail or

and simply screw it onto the back wall of the electrical panel using an adapter plate, which in turn is inserted into the clamps under the DIN rail. This plate “holds” the Mercury 201 counter quite tightly.

How to install a Mercury 201 meter in an electrical panel can be found in the article “Replacing an electric meter”.

As a rule, the terminal covers of the electric meter on the inside show the wiring diagram for electric meters, and our Mercury 201 meter is no exception.

Perhaps the connection diagram for the Mercury 201 meter on the terminal cover is not entirely clear, so we will complete it to make it easier for you to understand.

A small terminal block with two contacts is the telemetric (pulse) output of the Mercury 201 meter. It is used for remote transmission of data (pulses) about electricity consumption.

So that after connecting the phase and neutral wires to the Mercury 201 meter they do not interfere, the perforation on the terminal cover is broken out and bitten out, and the terminal cover is screwed into place, tightly fitting to the body of the Mercury 201 meter.

After checking the connection diagram of the single-phase Mercury 201 meter and installing the terminal cover, the Mercury 201 meter is sealed by a representative of the network organization through a special hole.

The red light indicator of the Mercury 201 meter lights up when the meter is connected to the power supply.

The readings of the Mercury 201 meter are quite simple to determine; on the mechanical reading device (OD) there are six drums with numbers, the red drum of the Mercury 201 meter is tenths of kW*hours, and the five black drums of the Mercury 201 meter are whole values ​​of kW*hours.

Thus, in the photo above, the Mercury 201 meter accumulated 1.5 kWh. Integer values ​​are transmitted to the network organization and energy sales, so if anyone is confused, you can paint over the red drum of the Mercury 201 meter.

Despite the popularity of Mercury counters, I have my own opinion about them, and not in a very good way.

I’ll explain why, Incotex has a series of single-phase multi-tariff single-phase meters Mercury 200, which literally disfigure electrical panels; you have to cut out a window for the Mercury 200 meter, since they don’t fit there. And in the end it all looks very ugly.

What is also important, when completing the electrical panel, the Mercury 201 meter has larger dimensions than its counterparts in this price category with similar parameters. So, for comparison, the width of electric meters:

Electricity meterManufacturerWidth, mm
Mercury 201Incotex105
CE101-R5Energy meter89
Neva 103Typepit78

Accordingly, Mercury 201 meters take up more space in electrical panels, which sometimes introduces additional inconvenience, and sometimes additional financial costs, because you have to buy an electrical panel for a larger number of modules.

The Mercury 201 meter is inconvenient to seal; several electric meters had to be manually “adjusted” to holes specially designed for this purpose so that a wire or fishing line could fit through them for the seal.

How to properly connect a single-phase meter Mercury 201 to the electrical network can be read in the article “Connection diagram for a single-phase meter”.

Thank you for your attention

Features in design

The Mercury electricity consumption meter has the following characteristic features:

  1. screwless version. Thanks to this, the device cannot be hacked;
  2. Possibility of operation in any polarity. Old induction meters (with a rotating disk) could be “tricked” by switching the phase and neutral positions. “Mercury” in this case will still work properly;
  3. two ways to display information.

According to the last characteristic, counters are divided into:

  • electronic (Mercury 201.2, 201.4, 201.8): data is displayed on a liquid crystal display, there is a function for transmitting readings via a wired network;
  • electromechanical (Mercury 201.5, 201.6, 201.7): the scoreboard is made in the form of several rotating rings with printed numbers (reading device).

In an electromechanical reading device, the last ring is painted red and displays tenths of a kilowatt-hour. Mercury has a wide range of operating temperatures. This allows meters to be installed outside, provided there is a protective canopy.

Electronic electricity meter Mercury 201.2

Electric meters of this brand are produced in single-phase and three-phase versions. The first group includes counters of the Mercury 201 series, the second - Mercury 230. According to the accuracy class, the device has a technological reserve. Its circuit contains a shunt that allows you to accurately measure the direct current component.

The device is equipped with a plastic case with dimensions of 105x105x65 mm (the latter is depth). Weight - from 250 to 350 g (depending on the model). Fasteners - for DIN rail installation. The terminal block contains 4 screw terminals (single phase model) and is protected by a removable cover. The digital display is located on the front panel on the left; technical specifications are also displayed on the right.

In addition to the basic components - a mechanism for metering electricity consumption, a terminal block and an indicator - the Mercury meter contains:

  1. optocoupler - pulse output (telemetry);
  2. built-in memory. Meter readings are regularly recorded here automatically;
  3. optical port An “electronic button” function is provided;
  4. microprocessor;
  5. PLC modem. Allows you to connect the meter to an information-measuring system (remote monitoring of readings) with a wired network.

It is important for a potential buyer to know about the disadvantages of Mercury electricity meters:

  1. relatively large dimensions. For comparison: the width of the CE101-R5 counter with the same parameters and price is 89 mm, the Neva 103 counter from, also similar, is 78 mm. Due to the large width, you have to purchase a larger shield, and therefore more expensive. It is especially difficult to install a multi-tariff meter from this): you have to cut out a window in the panel;
  2. inaccessibility of the place for filling. According to user reviews, sometimes you have to independently widen the hole for the wire or fishing line of the seal.

"Mercury" has a simple design. If installation is planned in an apartment, many prefer more stylish models.

How to connect a Mercury 201 8 meter yourself

Video: How to connect a Mercury 201 8 meter yourself

The matter is not difficult if you understand at least a little about electricity. The single-phase electricity meter "Mercury 201" is considered the most common energy metering device in Russia today. Counters of this brand replaced more outdated models equipped with rotating disks. The Mercury 201.8 electric meter can be installed on a DIN rail, on the back wall of the electrical panel using an adapter plate that is attached to the DIN rail. It should also be taken into account that since 2015, the adapter plate is not included in the standard package of the Mercury 201 electric meter.

The contact screws must be tightened with sufficient force to ensure good contact. If the wire in the terminal is poorly secured, this can lead to heating, destruction of the insulating layer and short circuit. The terminal cover of the electric meter has a perforation - it must be removed (using pliers or carefully broken off) so that the cover fits tightly to the meter. The lid is screwed to the body. The Mercury 201 electricity meter is suitable for installation in apartments, private houses, garages and gardens. The warranty on the device is 3 years, the service life of the Mercury 201 electric meter is designed for 30 years. When replacing an electric meter, you need to notify the energy sales company, and after installing a new meter, seal it together with their representative. As a rule, this takes time, in addition, you need to wait for the person and waste your time.

Features and Specifications

The electronic electricity meter Mercury 201 is used for electricity metering in networks with a voltage of 220 V. The metering type is single-tariff. It is used equally successfully in the residential and commercial sectors.

The Mercury 201 electricity meter has the following features:

  • small size - Mercury 201 is a compact counter with a modern design;
  • a security system that prevents any attempts to steal electricity;
  • use as a shunt current sensor;
  • The mounting is performed on a din-rail, however, the client can order a plate designed for mounting ind. electricity meters; therefore, there are several ways to install the Mercury 201 electric meter;
  • a PLC modem inherent in some modifications, which quickly records all changes in the state of the device.

The characteristics of the Mercury 201 electricity meter are as follows:

  • nom. current - 60 and 80, voltage - 220 V;
  • the estimated service life of the meter is 30 years;
  • The warranty covers the first 3 years of operation;
  • the time after which it is necessary to check the Mercury 201 electronic electricity meter is 16 years (calibration interval).

Successful operation of the device is possible under the following conditions. The Mercury 201 5 electricity meter must be mounted on a DIN rail in places reliably protected from precipitation and mechanical damage.

Temperature range of use is from +40 to -55 degrees Celsius.

When starting operation, you should make sure that the characteristics of the device meet the following requirements for the accuracy class, indicating the error permissible for the metering device. This indicator cannot be more than two; for this device it is equal to one. The user can verify this by looking at the passport of the Mercury 201 electric meter.

The kit includes:

  • the device itself,
  • instruction Mercury 201 5;
  • adapter plate (however, since 2015 it is not included in the package).

Now about the price issue. How much does the Mercury 201 electric meter cost? The answer to this question depends on the modification of the model, which can be read below. The cost of a Mercury 201 meter for simple models is up to 100 rubles, but there are also more expensive models. In general, the prices for the device can be classified as affordable.

Connecting the meter

Before connecting the device, the power supply is turned off. The product is mounted on a DIN rail, the terminal box cover is removed, and the wires are connected according to the diagram presented in the passport documentation. Additionally, the circuit is made on the terminal cover.

Meter connection diagram - Mercury 201

For models with LCD and modem, additional configuration of the product software will be required.

An electrician with an electrical safety group of third and higher is allowed to perform work.

After connection, a corresponding entry is made in the passport column about putting the electric meter into operation.

The single-tariff meter Mercury 201 is designed for commercial metering of active electrical energy at a network voltage of 230 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. The device provides registration and storage of electricity readings and is convenient for installation in an apartment, garage or country house.

Algorithm for installing a single-phase meter

Connecting a single-phase meter consists of the following steps:

  • Disconnecting the premises from electricity and dismantling the old meter;
  • Attaching a new meter in place of the old one.
  • Connecting the phase wire to the first terminal. It is usually highlighted in red, but to be sure, you can test it using an indicator screwdriver. If the wire is phase, the indicator on the screwdriver should light up.
  • Connecting the phase wire of the residential network to the second terminal. This stage completes the formation of the first chain.
  • In a similar way, the neutral wire from the general network and the apartment network is connected to the third and fourth terminals.
  • Before you start connecting the meter, it is advisable to study its connection diagram.

Design features and connection diagram

The device consists of a plastic case, a cover, a terminal block, an optocoupler, a volatile memory device, an optoport, a microprocessor and a liquid crystal monitor. There are two connection options. Can be connected directly or semi-indirectly using current three-phase transformer installations. As for direct connection, the device is connected directly to the power line according to the instructions using input machines.

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Note! As for semi-indirect connection and installation, this circuit uses a phase network conductor. It is worth pointing out that there is also an autotransformer, indicated in the diagram

Mercury connection 201

Features in design

By design, the Mercury 201 counter of any series has the same housing. This is a rectangular plastic case. This counter is screwless, making it maximally protected from break-ins, and the mechanism is quite sealed.

In the foreground (on the front panel) there is a liquid crystal (LCD) display, which displays the necessary information on electricity calculations. Near the LCD display (on the right side) the main technical characteristics are indicated.

The design dimensions are compact and convenient and are: 105 * 105 * 65 mm, where 105 is the width and height of the device, and 65 is its depth. On average, the weight of the device ranges from 250 to 350 grams, depending on the series. Due to this size and weight, the mechanism can be attached to a surface without modification of additional fasteners. The meter is attached to the wall (or to any other surface that the consumer chooses) using a DIN rail.

The bottom panel in the mechanism is removable. Its purpose is to protect the contacts of the device. That is, if you remove it, access to the input electrical contacts of the device will be open. The connection itself to such contacts is carried out using a screw connection, as shown in the photo below:

Some basic technical characteristics make the meter more convenient to use. For example, the accuracy class has a technological margin, and thanks to the use of a shunt in the circuit, the direct current component can be accurately measured.

The figure below shows the overall dimensions (drawing) of the Mercury 201 device.

Replacing the battery

The device's autonomous power supply is installed inside, under the main housing cover. Depending on the design of this structural part, it is removed after unscrewing two screws or releasing the latches.

The battery is designed to last at least the duration of the verification interval, so it must be changed during the verification process. The case cover is sealed, so the user will not be able to get to the battery on his own.

After removing the cover, the old battery is removed and a new one is inserted in its place, with a similar arrangement of positive and negative poles.

Review on Electricity meter Mercury 201.5

Good day. There was a need to replace the old meter. After consulting with an electrician from the housing department, we decided to buy Mercury 201.5. The meter is supplied in a green box made of thick cardboard and is additionally packed in a bubble bag for safety. The box contains various information about the product in the form of pictograms and descriptions.

Manufacturer of the meter holding company in Moscow.

The weight of the meter including packaging is 430g.

The manufacturer puts the production date of the meter on the box. In this case, it is October 6, 2016, (it is hard to see due to the sticker pasted on top) quite fresh, considering that it was purchased on the tenth of December.

Technical specifications

Metering devices are divided into induction and electronic. Electronic meters are distinguished from mechanical measuring instruments by higher accuracy and reliability.

Modern electronic devices, in addition to individual energy control, have additional functions that allow you to control various parameters and the state of the device itself. Data from electronic meters is read at the point of operation, as well as remotely through a software structure.

The high-precision device "Mercury" is a technical solution to the problems of private energy accounting and has the following distinctive characteristics:

  • expanded scale of operating temperatures;
  • technological resource by type of accuracy;
  • various types of interfaces and pulse-triggered outputs facilitate the use of meters in an automated commercial electricity metering system;
  • low own energy consumption;
  • has both manual and automatic methods of taking readings;
  • does not allow energy theft in the event of a faulty connection of the current series.
  • meters are created as a result of advances in new technologies and are simplified as much as possible for widespread use.

The design of the counter is as follows:

  • frame;
  • contact block;
  • protective cover of the connection block;
  • control, determination and accounting device.

The reading buttons are located on the cover and are connected to the control, measurement and display device.

Readings of electronic electricity meters

The newest electricity meters have an electronic display, rather than a mechanical one, with a rotating wheel. The screen displays numbers: date, clock and other information. Regardless of the model, the data is read the same way. The only difference is the number of times you press the button – input. For a multi-zone meter, readings are displayed in order: T1, T2, T3, T4.

In order to take readings from an electronic meter, you need to wait until the required information is displayed and write it down.

The second method is to press “enter” as many times as needed for the desired readings. They are distinguished by certain symbols. After the necessary data appears, as shown in the photo of the Mercury meter, they are written off and calculations are carried out. Remember, numbers after the period are not taken into account.

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