Operating principle and connection diagrams of two-color LEDs
Scope of application of two-color LEDs A two-color LED is an integrated assembly with two
Drussel for fluorescent lamps
Purpose and connection of the choke for fluorescent lamps
In the context of constant growth of tariffs for the use of electricity, the population's demand for more
Circuit diagram of a 12V DC motor speed controller and features of its operation
Often, when operating various equipment, it becomes necessary to control the speed of rotation of a DC electric motor. For
Interior lighting: how to choose the right lighting system
Features of modern lighting in the interior Modern lighting in the interior can be of two types: Natural.
Indicator on a car battery
Battery indicator on a car and how the battery sensor works
The battery plays a key role in starting a car engine. And how successful will this launch be?
Proper design of street lighting for a private home
External street lighting in the city or in rural areas is the most important point in ensuring
Parameters and technical characteristics of LED lamps
The vast majority of people when buying an LED lamp pay attention to two parameters - price
Checking the serviceability of the fluorescent lamp and throttle
One of the most popular sources of artificial lighting is fluorescent lamps. They consume at 5-6
How to Correctly Configure a Floodlight with a Motion Sensor • Setting parameters
An outdoor floodlight with a motion sensor can be used as an element of a security system. He
What kind of lighting should be in a greenhouse in winter: types of lamps, reviews
Greenhouse lighting lamps are vital for plants. Without enough light, the stems become elongated and the fruits
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