Programming Arduino using ArduBlock using the example of a robot moving along a strip
mBlock is an excellent program for teaching robot and Arduino programming skills, based on the famous
Why do light bulbs explode when the lights are turned on and how to avoid it
The reasons why light bulbs explode when the light is turned on Very often remains a mystery to us,
How to arrange lamps in the bathroom: everything about the correct placement of light
Kvartblog will study the issue of lighting in the bathroom, where and how to place lamps correctly,
Appearance of LED strip
How to power an LED strip from batteries - 2 ways.
01/26/2017 master The most popular type of lighting today is LED backlighting. Many people
Electricity in a new building
How to check the wiring in an apartment: devices, methods and sequence of actions
Initial inspection after purchase If you have just bought a house or apartment, the first thing you need to do is
Spotlights create uniform illumination
Connecting spotlights - what is a spotlight, types, connection diagrams for 220 and 12 V, installation specifics
The use of point light sources in the home space is justified not only from the point of view of creating
How to remove the base from a light bulb if it has burst: ways to unscrew or remove it from the socket of a chandelier or other lamp
When unscrewing from the base, the light bulb may burst. In some cases the base may remain inside
Incandescent lamp life
Why does an incandescent lamp burn out and how to extend its service life?
The principle of operation of incandescent lamps under load. The filament of an incandescent lamp experiences the greatest load at the moment
LED lamp
Replacing capsule halogen lamps with LED lamps: expectations and reality
On sale you can find very beautiful lamps with miniature halogen lamps. Such lamps
Garland of incandescent lamps
Making a garland of LED lamps with your own hands
A garland of incandescent light bulbs, also called a retro garland, is used to decorate any festive event.
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