Will a special plug for the socket protect against the ingress of water and foreign objects?

After repair and electrical installation work, socket holes are sure to appear in a house or apartment. They spoil the aesthetic appearance and can be good conductors of noise from neighboring rooms or apartments. You need to get rid of such defects, and we will tell you in today’s article by what means and how to do this.

Partially sealed hole in the wall from an outlet Source stucco-club.ru

Effective protection and features for choosing the right outlet plugs

Here are some criteria that we recommend taking a closer look at:

  1. Quality plastic, stability. This means that it is not allowed to purchase products made from fragile materials.
  2. Strong position of sealing inserts.
  3. Fastening and additional elements must match the socket itself. For installation indoors and outdoors, with or without grounding.
  4. Socket type. Each variety has its own modification of plugs.

Using plastic: preparing the socket

Making a more reliable plug for an outlet than using a cork with your own hands is also absolutely not difficult. In this case, to make the device you will only need a small piece of plastic. Also, in order to make such a plug, you will need to prepare:

  • screwdriver;
  • ruler;
  • metal scissors.

The first step in making a plastic protective device is to prepare the outlet itself. To do this, use a screwdriver to unscrew the central screw from the device. Next, remove the front cover from the socket.

What other options are there?

You can find other types of devices on the market:

  • waterproofing.

With increased density, although the material remains plastic. Rubber or silicone is added to enhance environmental protection. After installation, the entry of traces of moisture into the interior is blocked.

  • decorative.

It is better to hide the keys to protect the structures from children. Such models are created to complement the interior, making the room cozy and attractive. Unusual colors are used for decoration. Mask the rosette regardless of its original shape.

  • models for socket box.

Types of Stubs

  • Childproof caps. The main requirement for such devices is to prevent a child from having free access to the electrical connector. Such sockets are equipped with rotary or push mechanisms, which can only be activated when using a standard electrical plug.

  • In addition, there are locking mechanisms that can only be opened using a special key.

  • Temporary plugs for socket boxes, which are used during repair work to prevent unintentional touching of electrical wires brought into the socket box. Thus, the plug for the socket not only ensures the safety of children from electric shock, but is also used to improve the appearance of the room during a forced break in repair work.
  • Plugs for sockets designed to protect electrical contacts from moisture. Such devices are made of dense rubber or silicone. They can be removed from the connector without the use of special devices, which does not provide a complete guarantee of safety for children.
  • Decorative plugs. They are products whose purpose, in addition to protecting the child, is to improve the appearance of the outlet.

  • Protective cases for sockets and extension cords. They are devices fixed at the connection points of plug connectors in order to limit access to them when an electricity consumer is connected. The use of such pencil cases allows you to achieve reliable protection of the child from operating electrical equipment.

When choosing a decorative plug model, you should be guided not only by the correspondence of its appearance to the overall design of the room, but also by the inconspicuousness of such a product. This quality can significantly increase the likelihood that a child will simply not pay attention to the outlet.

Sockets with curtains are devices in which access to current-carrying contacts is normally closed. To open the protective mechanism, you must simultaneously press both curtains. For a small child this often turns out to be quite a difficult task.

DIY plugs for sockets: recommendations

If desired, it is easy to make the products yourself. The method requires some effort and time, but it gives you the opportunity to save money. The algorithm for performing actions will be as follows:

  1. Start with the inner parts of the plugs. You need to decide what size the product will be.
  2. Next, a sheet of plastic is prepared. The minimum required thickness is 2 millimeters.
  3. A bar with specific dimensions is made from it.
  4. Holes are made in this strip. It is needed to secure the screw and create a central entrance.
  5. Remove the existing screw inside the box. Replace the product with a longer version. Or choose standard options.
  6. The last step is screwing the box to the inner strip. After this, the structure rotates 90 degrees.

Making your own protection device

How to properly install a socket in drywall

If you have the opportunity, a tool and, of course, the desire, then you can make this simplest type of product with your own hands. To do this, you need to find a piece of dielectric material, it can be any strong plastic or carbolite, textolite, etc., its thickness should be from 2 mm. Then you need to measure the inside of the socket and make a round strip. Drill three holes in it, two of which will correspond in diameter to the input holes for the plug, and one in the middle for fastening. The diameter of the central hole is made equal to the thickness of the screw onto which the front part of the socket is screwed.

Next, the plug is installed in the socket and secured with a central screw along with the front cover. When plugging in the plug, you need to turn the outer protective element so that the connectors match. And after turning off and pulling out the plug, in order to protect the child, you need to turn the circle you made with your own hands into a position that covers the voltage holes.

Remember, if you securely close the sockets with special devices, this will protect your child from being exposed to voltage.

Additional recommendations for selection

The plugs are made strong so that they can withstand any impact from the inhabitants of the apartment and the environment. But in any case, you will have to pay more for products that provide maximum protection.

The advantages of such products are obvious:

  1. No need to worry about the safety of children.
  2. High level strength.
  3. Attractive appearance of the socket.
  4. Safe installation in the bathroom due to additional protection against moisture.

General recommendations for filling holes in walls

To restore a defect after dismantling a socket in the wall, you need minimal skills, as well as following several useful recommendations:

  • be sure to clean the holes and remove any kind of debris and easily separated particles from them;
  • Before grinding a clogged hole, wait until the solution has completely dried not only outside, but also inside the gap;
  • if the damage is small in diameter and it is difficult for the solution to penetrate into it, it is expanded slightly for the convenience and efficiency of filling the space.

Some application features

The plugs can be used in any room; installation problems should not arise.
When installing, use screws. Take the usual varieties or those that came with the kit. Some models are simply inserted inside the boxes and then snapped shut. Decorative varieties are mounted on top, on top of the box. In the case of socket boxes, the plates cannot simply be snapped into place. Aluminum inserts with screws create a reliable fastening.

In terms of installation and appearance, waterproofing caps provide buyers with more choice. It all depends on what design decision was made by the developers at the initial stage. The usual plastic design in the shape of the letter P is the simplest option available. To install, simply plug the product into an outlet. Special tools are used to install complex products.

Installing the plug

After the protective device has been made, the socket should be inserted back into the socket. After this, you can begin installing the plug itself. To do this, a circle with holes is inserted into the round recess of the socket and secured with a screw in the center. The front cover removed at the first stage is first installed on top.

Now, in order to plug the plug into the socket, you will need to insert the plugs into the outer holes in the manufactured plug and carefully turn the circle until they coincide with the holes in the socket itself. To protect the child in the future, when pulling out the plug, the circle should simply be turned to its previous position.

17 useful tips to help make your home absolutely harmless for a small child

Thanks to the clear division by type, choosing the optimal modification will not be difficult. You just need to understand what kind of protection is required in your case.

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Choosing the right sockets for maximum safety

Depending on the configuration, the following types of sockets are distinguished. Which will be safe for children:

  1. With the addition of screw terminals.

The wire is clamped between several plates. Thanks to this we get high-quality contact. But, over time, there is a high probability that it will weaken. Smoke may appear at the junction. That’s why sparks occur when something is pulled out of a socket, or, conversely, when something is plugged in. Therefore, it is important to inspect the devices at least once every six months. Such sockets are used very rarely.

  1. Screwless, with self-clamping terminals.

One and a half times more expensive than those described above. But excellent quality justifies any initial costs. When clamping the contact, special plates are used. Fixation is provided by a spring element. Reliable contact is created due to the fact that the parts constantly press against each other. Screwless sockets rarely fail.

  1. With grounding.

They are supplied with a third grounding wire, yellow-greenish in color. For household equipment, grounding is important.

  1. Waterproof products with special protective covers.

Covers on top protect the structure from moisture.

  1. Sockets with protective curtains.

They will ensure maximum safety for families with small children. Made from thick rubber. Only pressing the plug will ensure passage into the sockets.

  1. Sockets for electric stoves and instantaneous water heater.

They are connected to input panels via a separate three-core cable.

Benefits of using secure connectors

The main advantages provided by the use of protected sockets are:

  1. Ensuring the protection of young children from electric shock. A socket with a cover can protect a child even if he deliberately tries to touch live parts or insert a metal object into the device's socket.
  2. Additional protection against penetration of moisture or foreign objects.
  3. The ability to choose a plug model that will make the appearance of the outlet more aesthetically attractive.

What materials are sockets made from?

The main mechanisms are usually bronze or brass.
The latter option often suffers from oxidation. And it is not protected from corrosion. Tinned brass contacts are the best choice for any situation. Better contact between wiring elements is ensured with a bronze base. But such products are more expensive. If you purchase plastic, it is important that the markings are pressed out and not applied with regular paint. Cheap options are based on duroplast. This is a hard material, but in terms of fragility it is inferior to others. Such sockets are easily broken even if dropped from a small height.

Modern models involve the use of thermoplastic. It allows you to create overlays in various color options. Plastic materials are characterized by a high level of resistance to temperature changes.

Now the sockets themselves are supplied with everything necessary for the safety of the residents of the house or apartment.

In the case of small children. They explore the world around them and take their first steps. This is why it is so important to minimize the risks of the surrounding area.

You can think about safety during repairs and after completion. The choice of different models of plugs on the market is large. The products have low prices, so you can purchase several varieties at once, and then decide which one is better.

How to make a plug for a socket from cork

With the help of such a homemade device, you can protect a very small child from electric shock. In this case, you will not have to perform any special actions.

All you need to do to close the socket holes is to remove the cork from the wine bottle, rinse it and dry it thoroughly. Next, simply, with a little force, insert the plug into the recess of the socket, thereby closing the holes. If the cork is longer than the diameter of the recess, you simply need to shorten it, for example, with a stationery knife.

Due to the elasticity of the material, such a plug is held in the socket quite tightly. However, a device of this type is suitable, of course, for protecting only very young children from electric shock. An older child will most likely still be able to pull out such a plug.

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