What are ASKUE electricity meters and how do they work?

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Electricity metering system ASKUE


Energy resources are of great importance in our age, when electricity has deeply penetrated all spheres of human life, and the operation of any enterprise is unthinkable without a constant power supply. In fact, computers, manufacturing machines, lighting, and often even heating and ventilation operate using electricity. Unfortunately, the price of electricity continues to rise. To optimize energy costs and automatically collect consumption data, ASKUE electricity metering systems are used.

The ASKUE program is an automated system for commercial accounting of energy resources. In general, this system is a set of both technical and software tools with the help of which constant accurate metering of consumed electricity is carried out, as well as analysis, storage and transmission of this information.

An important element of ASKUE are IVK or measuring and computing complexes. These devices are installed at points where measurements need to be taken.

Any automated energy accounting system is designed at three main levels:

1. The first level consists of various measuring instruments and sensors. 2. At the second level there are information transmission devices, cables and wires. This level is a link between the previous and the next. 3. At the last level, find equipment that is used to analyze, transform, and store data. These functions are performed by computer technology, as well as specialized software.

Functions of ASKUE

The main functions of ASKUE include:

1. Maintaining a uniform time throughout the entire facility; 2. Receiving and converting measurement information that comes from sensors, as well as linking data to a specific time; 3. Recording all results in the measurement archive; 4. Transformation of measurement data in order to adapt information to other systems; 5. Sending information to other systems, for example, for printing to a printer; 6. Drawing up graphs, charts and tables for a more visual presentation of statistics and information analysis; 7. Possibility of quick access to all data.


The main advantage of the ASKUE system is the ability to use consumption analysis to identify shortcomings in energy consumption.

ASKUE consists of three levels of accounting, these are:

  1. The measurement level consists of measuring instruments and sensors;
  2. Connecting level. collects and transmits data both for an individual object and for a group of objects.
  3. Creation and storage of archived information in the information and computing complex.

Scheme of connecting a residential apartment building to the ASKUE system

To send information, specially designated wire lines, wireless radio frequency channels, infrared, microwave channels, etc. are used.

Types of ASKUE

The introduction of AKUE electricity metering has a number of advantages. Below are the main ones:

— Optimization of energy costs; — Reduced electricity consumption; — Ability to control and analyze energy consumption, as well as set a limit; — Protection against electricity theft; — The ability to identify shortcomings in the entire electrical system and eliminate them.

The introduction of ASKUE can significantly improve many economic indicators, as well as obtain information about the operation of the enterprise’s electrical system in a visual form and eliminate its shortcomings. In addition, this technology protects against energy theft. SMIS company specialists have extensive experience in creating ASKUE and produce high-quality design and installation of these systems.

Operating principle of ASKUE

ASKUE is a whole complex of devices, each of which performs its own task. The operating principle of ASKUE boils down to the following:

1. Electronic meters, acting as the main metering devices, send signals. As a rule, data transfer is carried out one time. The frequency of sending data is programmed by the AC. 2. Information from metering devices is accumulated in adders, then they are sent to the server for processing, where they are subsequently archived. If the AS is not loaded, the data can be sent to the server, bypassing the adders. 3. The APK processes the received information and archives it.

The quality of accounting and the performance of the system as a whole depend on the quality and performance of each element of the ASKUE. Therefore, ASKUE components are not something worth saving on. In the future, the introduction of such a system will reduce energy consumption, and, accordingly, such an investment will quickly pay off. ASKUE produced by SMIS Expert is a reliable solution for enterprises and organizations.

Installation and implementation of ASKUE (AIIS KUE)

Who benefits from installing and implementing ASKUE (AIIS KUE)

Since 2012, more and more consumers have been moving from organizing traditional electricity metering (using monthly visual readings from metering devices) to installing and implementing an ASKUE or AIIS KUE system.
At the same time, industrial enterprises and legal entities, and even gardening partnerships, homeowners' associations and apartment buildings are switching to using the ASKUE system. How useful the installation of ASKUE will be to the consumer and what the system will allow you to do. We suggest you look into these issues here.

What is the ASKUE system (AIISKUE)

First, let's understand the definition of the term ASKUE system or AIIS KUE.

ASKUE is an Automated System for Commercial Electricity Accounting. AIIS KUE is an Automated Information and Measuring System for Commercial Electricity Accounting.

From a legal point of view, the differences between the ASKUE system and the AIIS KUE system are as follows: the procedure for installation, implementation and maintenance of the AIIS KUE system is regulated by the regulations of the wholesale electricity and capacity market (Appendix 11.1 to the Regulations on obtaining the status of a wholesale market entity). Requirements for ASKUE are determined by the rules of the retail electricity market.

I would like to state that the concept of ASKUE appeared much earlier than AIIS KUE, and is now used exclusively for medium and small facilities of legal entities and household consumers. The legislation regulates only the accuracy class of metering devices and measuring instruments. The key condition for entering the wholesale electricity market is the presence of an automated information system, for which there are many requirements.

What is included in the ASKUE system:

As a rule, an automated electricity metering system (ASCAE) consists of three levels:

  1. The first level is electricity meters.
  2. The second level includes data collection and transmission devices (DCT). USPD can transmit data on electricity consumption in two ways:
  • using the mobile operator's network. That is, in this case, the USPD performs the function of a GSM modem.
  • using other communication channels (fiber optic networks, etc.).

3. The third level includes a server and software for processing data received from electricity meters.

The purpose of creating the ASKUE and AIIS KUE system

The implementation of the ASKEU system will allow any consumer to:

  • Measure the amount of electricity consumed without manually taking readings. Simply put, after the implementation of ASKEU, you will not need to come every month on the 30th and record meter readings. The system will do this automatically.
  • Monitor hourly, daily, weekly electrical energy consumption;
  • Carry out automatic collection, processing and storage of data on the volume of electricity consumed;
  • Calculate electricity balances and control “leakage” of electricity;
  • Analyze electricity consumption;
  • Receive instant information about all metering faults.

All of the above allows the consumer to significantly reduce their costs for electrical energy.

How and due to what does this happen? Let's figure it out.

How will the introduction of ASKUE or AIIS KUE help reduce the cost of electricity?

As has been repeatedly mentioned in articles on the site, the calculation of the cost of electricity is different for enterprises and businesses and for the population.

The procedure for calculating electricity tariffs for legal entities differs from electricity tariffs for the population.

However, for both some and others, the installation of ASKUE will help reduce prices.

Enterprises and businesses can choose different price categories for electricity for calculations. Choosing the optimal price category can reduce the cost of electricity by up to 30%.

But for calculations for price categories 3, 4, 5 or 6, it is necessary to take monthly hourly readings from electricity meters. This requires appropriate accounting.

Of course, ASKUE may not be built for this purpose. But, probably, everyone will agree that taking meter readings every month with a laptop, transferring data to it via an infrared port or optical port, is at least not very convenient.

That is why, by building an automated automated accounting system, a business representative will have the opportunity to manage the cost of electricity consumption and choose the optimal payment option.

If we talk about large consumers planning to enter the wholesale electricity market, then it is definitely impossible to do without the construction of an AIMS KUE. Therefore, if an enterprise is interested in switching to direct payments with electricity suppliers and saving on electricity, then the AIIS system is a prerequisite.

Now let's move on to the second category of consumers - the population.

It seems that the answer here is not entirely obvious. Why does “grandmother” need ASKUE? But personally, the grandmother may not need ASKUE; she regularly and regularly takes and transmits the readings of her electric meter to the management company or resource supply organization.

But if it comes to an apartment building, then installing an ASKUE can solve many issues for residents:

  1. The volume of general house needs is reduced (electricity per day). It is worth noting here that from January 1, 2022, serious changes have occurred for residents of apartment buildings: now residents pay only within the limits of the standard electricity consumption per one. Everything that exceeds the approved standard is paid by the management company. Then the utility service provider is very interested in reducing ODN.
  2. Residents no longer need to take and transmit meter readings.
  3. The possibility of unmetered energy consumption by unscrupulous residents is minimized.

To install ASKUE in already built apartment buildings, there is one difficulty - the need to organize communication channels or intra-house cabling to connect the meters to a common data exchange bus with the USPD.

Therefore, it is better for the developer to immediately plan and draw up a project for the ASKUE system of an apartment building in advance. This will pay off in the future. Although for an already built house, the construction of an ASKUE is a completely feasible task.

Since 2022, the legislation has introduced a requirement: from January 1, 2022, all newly installed metering devices must be able to be included in an intelligent electricity metering system.

Thus, the obligation of energy companies to build ASKUE systems to calculate the volume of electricity consumed by consumers and transfer them data from ASKUE on a free basis is actually legalized.

Stages of creating an ASKUE system.

The system is built in several stages:

  1. A PPO (pre-project survey) is being carried out.
  2. Interested contractors develop a technical and commercial proposal based on the PPO.
  3. The consumer compares offers and makes a choice in favor of the contractor.
  4. Technical specifications for ASKUE and terms of reference are being developed.
  5. In accordance with the technical specifications, design is carried out (a design of the ASKUE system is drawn up).
  6. Equipment supplied.
  7. The ASKUE system is being installed.
  8. Commissioning of the system for pilot-industrial operation, verification.
  9. Putting into commercial operation.

If an enterprise plans to pay for electrical energy using a system on the wholesale electricity market, then all of the above actions must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the above-mentioned wholesale market regulations.

A little about the disadvantages of the ASKUE system (AIIS KUE).

Of course, it would be naive to say that ASKUE is “manna from heaven” for the consumer and only the fact of its existence is beneficial. This is not entirely true.

As in any technically complex system that consists of a large number of elements, ASKUE (and even more so AIIS KUE - as an even more complex system), the likelihood of its elements failing increases significantly. This determines the need for regular system maintenance. “Set and forget” is not about ASKUE. And maintenance costs money. Therefore, many customers require guarantees for the constructed system from the contractor, so as not to spend at least several years on maintenance.

In addition to this factor, there is another not very pleasant factor - the rather high cost of ASKUE.

The cost of constructing an ASKUE for an apartment building is from 400 thousand rubles.

The cost of AIMS KUE for an enterprise to enter the wholesale electricity market is from 700 thousand rubles.

That is why, before making a decision on the construction of ASKEU, it is necessary to correctly assess the future costs and effect of installing the system, and then the investment will quickly pay off and the system will begin to bring benefits - it will reduce electricity costs.

If you still have questions about the construction of ASKEU (AIIS KUE) or you want to calculate the economic efficiency of its implementation and installation, you can contact us for a free consultation using the form or by contacting the contact form below.

Advantages of ASKUE compared to conventional accounting

The introduction of ASKUE makes it possible to keep accurate records of energy consumption, which is at the same time beneficial both to consumers who do not want to overpay, and to resource supplying organizations who do not want to lose their profits.

The ASKUE program allows you to accurately account for active and reactive power for a specific period of time. The implementation of such a system allows you to control the operation of each metering device and prevent the theft of electricity. Data received from each electricity meter is displayed on a single monitor. This greatly simplifies the control process. Electricity does not “flow” anywhere. No position remains unaccounted for.

If individual meters allow you to take into account the electricity consumption of a limited number of consumers, then synchronizing them with ASKUE unites all metering devices into a single network. This facilitates data collection and maintenance of all metering devices, regardless of their number and installation location. The data obtained using ASKUE will help to correctly distribute power. For example, an entrepreneur may come to the conclusion that all the most energy-consuming technological processes in production should be switched to the time of day when the most favorable tariffs for electricity consumption apply. Thus, ASKUE not only pays for itself, but also saves the budget of an enterprise or organization.

Development of ASKUE at enterprises

Trends towards the transition to smart energy metering systems are observed throughout the world. Automatic metering systems allow you to get rid of manual labor, human errors due to incorrect data collection, and most importantly, they ensure accurate, more frequent and simultaneous collection of data from all electricity meters in the network. This allows electricity suppliers to receive operational data on consumption, create accurate balances and effectively reduce their losses.

Legislation constantly introduces new requirements into accounting systems aimed at automation. First of all, ASKUE systems became mandatory in the wholesale market (clause 23.2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 N 1172)

Since 2012, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 No. 442 (see paragraph 139), for enterprises with a capacity of over 670 kW, it has become mandatory to use interval metering devices that allow measuring hourly volumes of electrical energy consumption. This served as the basis for the widespread use of ASKUE in the retail market.

The widespread use of ASKUE in the retail electricity market comes with the adoption of the Federal Law of December 27, 2018. No. 522-FZ, introducing the concept of an intelligent accounting system. This law provides for the phased introduction of smart metering systems, and it is assumed that starting from 01/01/2023, every consumer of electrical energy should have “smart” meters installed.

The use of ASKUE at enterprises also has undeniable advantages, because The following options appear:

  • choosing a tariff adapted to its operating mode,
  • savings by reducing energy consumption during hours of high demand for electrical energy (peak hours)
  • monitoring quality indicators and compliance with electricity supply conditions
  • process control

We talk in detail about hourly tariffs in another article - How to switch to a more favorable electricity tariff

And tariff optimization tools are discussed here - Tariff analytics for electricity on the website YaEnergetik.rf

Electricity meters as part of ASKUE

The automatic accounting system uses the latest generation devices. These are intelligent devices that transform the energy passing through them into measuring impulses. In addition to the fact that they provide accurate readings on electricity consumption. The meters provide information about parameters such as voltage, frequency, current, and phase shift. This is especially important for enterprises where multi-phase accounting is carried out. Unlike induction and electronic devices, such meters have a pulse output or a modem for data transmission.

Such metering devices in remote mode are capable of:

— Transmit signals about the terminal being torn off, the impact of magnets on the counting mechanisms and other interference in their operation. — Receive commands: turn off the relay, change the tariff schedule. — Accumulate and store data on energy consumption. — Electronic meters used as part of ASKUE have different accuracy classes and differ in other parameters, which allows you to select the most optimal metering devices for each specific system.

The modern ASKUE energy accounting software system allows you to maintain technical accounting of energy resources and dispatch the operation of energy facilities. It is used in industrial areas and in the field of housing and communal services (monitoring the operation of electrical networks, thermal communications, water supply, ventilation systems). This is an innovative tool that is very convenient for high-quality and effective monitoring.

Thanks to the automated commercial and technical electricity metering system ASKUE based on SCADA Trace Mode, it is possible to simultaneously dispatch a large number of energy facilities and sources of digital information (meters, measuring instruments), analyzing many parameters for each of them and create databases of any complexity. The system has significant power resources, with a clear and user-friendly interface. It is easy to use, does not require the user to be a programmer, and any engineer can understand it.

Installation cost

The cost of installing an ASKUE system is primarily related to the complexity of the measurements taken and the objects in which they will be carried out: housing and communal services, industrial production, oil and gas production, as well as the regions where the system will be used.

Thus, the cost of ASKUE in the Moscow region is:

  1. Project development, preparation of estimate documentation for ASKUE from 20,000 rubles. up to 40,000 rub.
  2. Installation of a single-phase electric meter, taking into account the cost of the meter from 1500 rubles.
  3. Installation of a 3-phase meter from 2000 rub.
  4. Connecting an electric energy meter to the ASKUE system from RUB 1,000.
  5. Installation of an automation cabinet from RUB 75,000.
  6. Setting up the software for an automated information-measuring system with two metering devices costs 58,000 rubles.
  7. Receipt of a certificate of commissioning of an object, delivery of a detailed design from 10,000 rubles.
  8. Annual maintenance of a system with 50 devices – 35,000 rubles.
  9. An audit of an ASKUE system with 50 metering devices costs 15,000 rubles.
  10. An audit of an ASKUE system with 25 metering devices costs 9,500 rubles.
  11. Replacement of a single-phase electricity meter 2400 rub.
  12. Installation of a single-phase metering meter on a 0.4 kV overhead line support (transfer of electrical energy metering to the balance sheet boundary) RUB 7,000.

This data is only for the main types of work.

Functions performed by the ASKUE system:

collection from registered objects of data characterizing the occurrence of functional technical processes on them; — processing and analysis of the received operational information based on algorithms specified by the user; — compiling and issuing schematic results; — tracking, timely detection of failures in the operation of monitoring objects, signaling about them and preventing possible emergency situations; — implementation of remote computer dispatch control of objects; — storage of collected data and reporting on it for specified periods; — export of collected archival information to WEB format.

Electricity accounting by ASKUE is carried out on the basis of special software modules that allow you to optimize energy accounting, make it detailed and highly accurate. A large number of visually clear accounting forms display the results of the analysis of collected information in graphical form and in the form of tables; a set of templates is also offered for the generation and execution of final accounting reports.

The system operates on the Windows 32/64 platform and its server versions. In one project, separate servers and individual workstations can be used with restrictions and different levels of rights for users, as well as local networks can be created within organizations.

Information about the system manufacturer and supplier

The SMIS Expert company develops solutions for electricity metering of ASKUE based on SCADA Trace Mode. In our activities, we use modern technical and computer knowledge, innovative developments and technologies to create functional products that meet consumer needs at a high professional level. We provide services for the supply of equipment for dispatching, its installation and commissioning for turnkey use. We have extensive practical experience in the field of creating high-quality and effective engineering monitoring and telemechanics systems, we are professionals in our field and invite customers interested in our products to profitable cooperation.

You will learn how ASKUE saves energy resources

An automatic system for monitoring and accounting for electricity (ASCAE) is what allows you to make energy consumption economical and targeted. This system analyzes energy costs and helps optimize its consumption. Thus, installing ASKUE at facilities for various purposes is an excellent way to save and correctly distribute energy resources among all consumers.

Electricity is an indispensable power source for equipment and computers. Lighting and ventilation are connected to the electrical system, and electricity is often used for heating. In this regard, the consumption of this resource at some enterprises is simply enormous, so for them, purchasing and installing ASKUE is a real salvation. Thanks to this system, energy costs are reduced, and the purchase and implementation of ASKUE quickly pays for itself.

System elements

ASKUE is a complex of equipment, communications and processing. Consists of 3 conditional blocks.

A block that includes electricity meters . If the device is electronic, it transmits data through the built-in communication port. On the remaining devices, an interface is installed for inclusion in the system, or a reading device is mounted.

Communication block . Testimony can be transmitted in several ways:

  • Internet;
  • telephone line;
  • mobile communications of different standards;
  • a combination of several methods.

Computer processing tools . This is a complex of servers and computers with the necessary programs.

Areas of application of ASKUE

Installing ASKUE is advisable at facilities that represent many dispersed electricity consumers united into a single network. Such objects can be considered garage cooperatives, apartment buildings, country and cottage villages. However, most often ASKUE are installed at industrial and transport enterprises, transshipment terminals, airports and water transport ports.

The advantage of a commercial metering system is not only that it processes data received from each electricity consumer. It also allows you to reduce energy costs to an optimal level without disrupting any technological process.

Installing ASKUE at industrial facilities allows you to protect the energy system from energy theft. This opportunity is provided by ASKUE produced by SMIS Expert. Our equipment is not only created with the latest technology and is as reliable as possible, but also has a wide range of functions that are individually configured when designing an ASKUE for a specific facility, taking into account its needs. At the same time, the cost of ASKUE fully corresponds to its high quality, which we invariably support.

ASKUE "SMIS Expert" - choosing a trusted supplier produces equipment for monitoring and accounting for energy consumption, which allows you to achieve the following goals:

— Reduced energy costs. — Reducing the amount of electricity consumed without harming industrial processes. — Setting a limit on electricity costs, thereby controlling consumption. — The ASKUE sensor system allows you to promptly identify shortcomings and failures in the operation of the electrical system and promptly eliminate them. — Continuous collection of data from accounting equipment and sending it to the server. — Detection of unauthorized connections and prevention of electricity theft. — offers to order design and installation, as well as buy ASKUE for your enterprise. Our specialists are always in touch and ready to provide the necessary assistance in selecting the optimal equipment for your facility.

Introduction of new technologies

Data storage and processing had to be done by computers. This has become a serious obstacle to the widespread implementation and installation of equipment. The situation was eased by the emergence of affordable personal computers and the reduction in prices for microprocessor technology.

Over time, new products began to appear constantly. For example, electronic metering devices that ensure the accuracy of the set values. Then an inexpensive mobile communication system arose, which created the prerequisites for working with wireless channels. It became possible to quickly access data warehouses, and the productivity of accounting increased.

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