How to get rid of static electricity at work and at home

A person constantly moves in space. He walks and uses transport, and with any movement, quickly formed static charges are known to be redistributed. As a result, the internal balance between interconnected electrons and atoms is disrupted. As a result, electrification begins to occur, that is, static electricity is formed. There are various ways to get rid of static electricity. However, first of all, it is necessary to know the nature of this phenomenon.

What is static

The situation can be aggravated by dry air in the room or workshop, as well as the presence of reinforced concrete walls. Removing static is a top priority for employees of any enterprise. It is important to properly combat its formation. However, first of all it is necessary to understand the physical laws and reasons for formation.

An electric field is formed by contact between two materials, cutting rolled materials and under the influence of an electric field. The primary production task is effective voltage neutralization.

Reasons for the formation of charges

The reasons may be the following processes:

  • Friction of various materials.
  • The interaction of objects as a result of rotation.
  • Irradiation.
  • Sudden temperature change.
  • Cutting or otherwise destroying physical bodies.

In everyday life, static electricity appears:

  • When wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics.
  • As a result of walking on the carpet in rubber shoes.
  • When using various plastic items.

The magnitude of the electric charge is influenced by the conditions in which this occurs. For example, the presence of dry air will increase static electricity.

There are other reasons for the formation of an electric charge, which can lead to quite dangerous consequences. One of them is the accumulation of static electricity in the atmosphere during bad weather. When the charge becomes large enough, lightning is formed.

In this case, a positive charge accumulates in the atmosphere, and a negative charge is formed in the ground. Lightning can be deadly to humans. Lightning rods are usually used to combat this phenomenon. But in a desert area, during heavy rain, lightning can strike a person.

The accumulation of static electricity sometimes occurs due to the operation of electrical appliances. The cause could be, for example, a malfunction. In addition, in everyday life a situation may arise when, according to the operating instructions, grounding is required for equipment, but it is not done or it is created incorrectly.

When traveling by car, you need to remember that charges can also accumulate on it. If you don't remove them, it can be an unpleasant surprise. The source of electricity accumulation is the friction of the car body against the air while driving.

How static is created: reasons

There is a harmonious balance of negative and positive particles in the physical body. It ensures a neutral state of the physical body. A charge occurs when the balance of charged particles is clearly upset. Refers to the state of the physical body without movement. When charges separate, electrification begins. The charge moves from a nearby object or from one part of the product to another. The following factors may be the reasons:

  • sudden temperature change;
  • friction of various materials;
  • rotation of materials;
  • irradiation;
  • separation of physical bodies.

Charges are distributed over the entire surface of the object. If the body is not grounded, then they are on the contact surface. If the object is connected to the earth's circuit, then static voltage will quickly drain from the physical body. Electrification occurs if an object receives a large number of charges that are not subsequently consumed into the external environment. This situation needs to be actively combated. It is important to provide timely, effective protection for equipment and the operator.

This situation indicates that all objects must be grounded. In everyday life and at work, it is extremely important to get rid of charges acquired by objects. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to remove static electricity.

Physical basis of the formation of electrostatics

As you know, substances consist of atoms and molecules. The nuclei of atoms, in turn, consist of protons that have a positive charge and neutrons that do not. Electrons, which are carriers of negative charges, rotate around the nucleus.

The charges of protons and electrons are equal. Their number must also match, ensuring the neutrality of atoms and molecules. Some electrons are weakly attached to their nucleus and, with the slightest influence, break away and begin to move freely. At the same time, they carry a negative charge, and the rest of the atom becomes positive.

As free charges accumulate, they create static electricity. When touching such areas, a person feels a discharge. Most often, electrostatics accumulate on the surface or inside a material that does not have the ability to conduct current. In other words, charge is collected and stored until a certain point in time on a dielectric or insulated conductor.

The formation of static electricity and the flow of charges occurs at the same time. If the first process occurs more intensely compared to the second, then the charge will accumulate. This phenomenon is common both in everyday life and in nature.

For example, during bad weather, static tension begins to accumulate in the atmosphere in a certain place. At this time, the negative charge on the ground beneath him increases. The result is a “structure” that looks like a giant capacitor. If there is a sufficiently large potential difference, a breakdown occurs in the form of lightning. In this case, the current flows along the path where the resistance is minimal.

If there is a building, electricity will enter the ground through a grounded lightning rod, without causing harm to anyone. In open areas, lightning is most likely to strike a tall tree. If there is a car standing under it or a person hiding under it, they may get hurt.

Lightning has another type of destructive effect. We are talking about the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Since lightning is an instantaneous electric current, it creates a powerful electromagnetic field, which in turn creates an electric current in metal parts. This is another reason for the accumulation of static charge, which can reach a significant value. In multi-storey buildings, a potential equalization system is used, which prevents this effect from occurring.

Another option for causing harm is the impact of accumulated electrical charge on electronic devices and other equipment. Moreover, even a simple touch to the conductor can cause its breakdown.

Effective struggle in production

There are various methods for removing electrical charges from different materials. However, first of all, it is necessary to assess the voltage level.

In any production environment, very high voltage is inevitable. This can be especially obvious in the production of textiles, various PVC films, foil, and paper. It is important to understand that high electrostatics are often the cause of material fires and work-related injuries.

You can get rid of static by knowing about the interaction of different materials. Positive charges accumulate:

  • glass;
  • quartz;
  • nylon;
  • silk;
  • air;
  • leather;
  • asbestos;
  • aluminum;
  • mica.

Paper, wood, steel, and cotton have neutral charges. Negative charges are distributed over the surface:

  • silicone;
  • Teflon;
  • Selena;
  • brass;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • latex;
  • amber;
  • polyurethane;
  • polystyrene.

The above knowledge makes it possible to understand how different bodies interact during friction. An example of the interaction of bodies: a person walking on a carpet in woolen socks. In such a situation, the human body will acquire a certain charge. Every car driving on a dry road acquires a charge of about 10 kV. In ordinary life, the potential can be very great. However, in most cases the charge does not have much power and is therefore not dangerous. It is worth knowing that with increased humidity, static current appears less.

If you are working with a semiconductor board, then it is worth ensuring a high charge drain rate. For this purpose, use a floor covering with low electrical resistance. Forced shunting of electrical boards and special tools with a grounded head are also used.

When working with flammable liquids, the vehicle carrying them must be grounded. The aircraft is also equipped with a metal cable. The cable provides reliable protection against accumulated static.

The main methods of protection are:

  • removal of accumulated charge into the environment;
  • reduction in generation;
  • increased conductivity of solids;
  • reduction of overvoltage in structures;
  • neutralization of charges when using special induction neutralizers in production, as well as modern radioisotope means.

During neutralization, charges are compensated by opposite signs. They are generated by a special device. The enterprise must have protective equipment.

Other measures to reduce the statistical field:

1. Wherever possible, according to production technology, it is important to exclude the spraying of flammable substances, splashing of compounds, and crushing.

2. If technologically feasible, it is necessary to purify flammable gases from suspended solid/liquid particles. In turn, liquids should be cleaned of contamination by impurities.

3. It is necessary to ensure that the speed of movement of materials in devices and production lines exceeds those specified in the project.

Note! In explosive industries, it is recommended to produce any transport and technological equipment exclusively from those materials that have a specific volumetric electrical resistivity of no more than 105 ohm m.

What and how to remove static from yourself

Numerous studies prove the harm of such a field. Human health suffers from it. When interacting with an electrified object, household and industrial equipment may fail. This often causes injury at work and at home. It is also worth considering that too frequent passage of discharges through the human body causes various deviations in the well-coordinated functioning of the body. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to remove static electricity. Discharges accumulate on workwear, work coats, and shoes.

Every worker in any industry should know how to remove static electricity. The most effective ways are:

  1. Equipment grounding.
  2. Human contact with a grounded battery.
  3. Touching a grounded industrial pipeline.
  4. Use of antistatic coatings.
  5. Application of antistatic spray.

Let's consider these methods in more detail. The company must follow certain safety precautions. Their use is especially important when interacting with flammable materials. Any spark can cause a fire. Therefore, it is imperative to prevent static electricity from entering the work area. It is important to increase the conductivity of materials, increase the stability of all mechanisms and reduce the processing speed of the objects used. Remember that creating proper grounding and knowing how to remove static electricity will be effective safety measures in the workplace.

For industrial safety regulations to apply, it is important to:

  1. Increase the stability of various mechanisms and block the formation of electrification in the workplace.
  2. Protect the functionality of the equipment with a metal mesh.
  3. Eliminate the formation of a discharge.

Various physical, mechanical and chemical principles prevent or reduce charge formation. The situation can be improved by:

  • coronation;
  • air ionization;
  • elevation of the working surface;
  • competent selection of interacting materials.

The above gives a complete idea of ​​how to remove static electricity in an industrial environment and how exactly to eliminate the charge.

Discharges that occur during the production of semiconductor materials can cause great harm. Equipment in the workshop may fail. A discharge can also occur accidentally. The reasons for this are often:

  • high energy potential;
  • transition process;
  • electrical resistance of contacts.

The current increases for a minimally short period, reaches a maximum and then decreases. However, the discharge may have time to pass through the body of the device operator.

How to get rid of static electricity on clothes

There are various ways to remove static electricity from clothing. If you are wearing woolen clothing, you should take it off very slowly. To protect the body, silk items should be pre-treated with an antistatic spray.

There are also some simple and effective ways:

  1. Wet your hands with water and run your wet palms over your clothes.
  2. Attach a safety pin to the wrong side of the garment.
  3. Pass the work coat inside out through the metal hanger.
  4. Use antistatic spray or hairspray.

It is important for all production employees to know exactly how to remove the charge. It is important to protect the health of workers in their daily activities. A closet with work clothes must have metal and wooden hangers.

A safety pin and antistatic spray will help keep your clothes from sticking to your body. When using these means, the electrification of the material is significantly reduced. The pin can be attached to a clothing tag to keep it out of the way.

How to remove static electricity with a spray? The use of antistatic agents requires special care. A product containing alcohol is safe for various materials. This spray can only be used on clothes in a ventilated room. Alcohol quickly evaporates from the fabric, but leaves a specific odor. There is another type of antistatic agent. The aqueous base of these products contains surfactants. These active substances are completely safe for human health, but are not suitable for overly sensitive skin. Once on the skin, they can cause severe irritation. Considering the above, great care should be taken when choosing an antistatic agent.

Choosing the Right Antistatic Device

Electrostatics is not an exact science, and many of the rules may seem counterintuitive to engineers. Some problems may have obvious solutions, but most are more complex and require expert analysis.

It is always worth contacting us for advice on specific applications before making a final choice in favor of a particular device.

Companies like Fraser have years of experience diagnosing static problems and offering the most suitable equipment to solve them.

How to remove static from plastic

Removing it is of great importance in the production of PVC products. According to production technologies, the accumulation of discharges is not allowed. However, in production workshops there are plastic windows, pipelines, and air ducts. How can you relieve stress from plastic? In this case, it is important to regulate the humidity in the room. Shop workers must also wear personal protective equipment against current. The protection rules are described in detail in the current industrial safety regulations.

The use of various antistatic equipment is an effective way to combat current. It can be removed with:

  • antistatic brushes;
  • ion air knives;
  • discharge bars;
  • ionizing guns;
  • discharging power supplies;
  • other neutralizers of accumulated charge.

Integrated solutions prevent charge accumulation and prevent fire. It is especially important to use special voltage neutralizers in explosive areas. A simple and yet economical solution is to install inexpensive antistatic cords and brushes. The devices will minimize possible risks and effectively neutralize the static field in the workplace. Antistatic equipment is widely in demand at various enterprises.

Plastic is an excellent dielectric. It is worth noting that the material does not conduct electric current, which is why a field is formed on its surface. Charge protection is especially necessary in enterprises that produce various polymers, paper and fabrics. It is important to properly equip the operator’s workplace and constantly use antistatic protection and safety shoes.

You can temporarily neutralize the discharge on plastic in the following ways:

  1. Use isopropyl alcohol. You need to periodically wipe the surface of the plastic with it.
  2. Carry out ionization with antistatic bars and air knives.
  3. Add internal antistatic additives to material production.

You can also use a universal polymer antistatic agent. The properties of this product do not depend on environmental humidity. However, such a product is expensive, so its use is advisable when long-term protection of polymers is required. It is also important in production to use special blocks that reduce the accumulation of charge in the material.

How to remove static electricity at home

Typically, the accumulation of charged particles in a body occurs due to rapid friction. All material bodies are made of atoms. Electrons move around the nucleus of an atom. As soon as a person takes off his blouse and throws the item on the sofa, electrons are erased from their own orbits and transferred to the item. Electrons are negatively charged particles. And the jacket becomes negatively charged. In the structure of the material, electrons are now in excess. And the human body becomes positively charged. If you touch another person or a metal object at this moment, you can feel a clear electric shock. In this case, the human body will absorb the missing number of electrons, and the energy will be balanced. That is, the plus and minus will balance again.

As already stated, static electricity accumulates in the human body due to an imbalance of charged particles. In this case, there is absolutely no need to take off anything from your clothes. For example, you can just sit in a car, and your body will rub against the seat as the vehicle drives. Any friction certainly provokes the transfer of a certain number of electrons. As soon as a charged material body comes into contact with a conductor, it will discharge. That is, it will absorb the missing electrons from the object.

The accumulation of charges in the body can be felt by a person in the form of tingling fingers, decreased performance, and loss of energy. Large doses of static electricity are extremely harmful to human health. It is believed that a small current does not pose a danger to humans. However, it is worth constantly monitoring the field strength.

You can get a charge:

  • from woolen items;
  • when interacting with various technical devices;
  • when combing hair;
  • when moving on the carpet.

If you wear rubber flip-flops at home, it is advisable to put leather insoles in them. This measure helps to remove the charge. What else can you do to reduce the harmful formation of static current? Regularly do wet cleaning at home, remove dust from objects, and ventilate the premises. Wet materials placed on a hot battery will help reduce the formation of electrification. You can also use a special humidifier.

Many household appliances accumulate charge. The technique must work when the potentials are equalized. It is worth knowing that acrylic and cast iron bathtubs, as well as other structures made from these materials, are highly electrified. It is necessary to provide some protection against static electricity in the home.

It is important to remember one basic rule - static electricity does not accumulate on grounded objects. That is, those bodies that are constantly in contact with the surface of the earth. This is why it is so important that the shoes you use have conductive soles. However, unfortunately, modern shoes are made of rubber, caoutchouc, and synthetic polymer material. Safety shoes, in turn, are produced taking into account the removal of static stress in the workplace. And all operators must wear it.

Increasing indoor air humidity is one of the most effective measures when it is urgent to remove electrification in the workshop. In this case, the air itself becomes the discharge for the charged body. With increased moisture, static current does not form. It also will not occur if a person gets wet in the rain. This is a scientifically proven fact.

Methods for relieving static tension

The ESD Guidelines also provide a number of measures to help minimize and eliminate the harmful effects of a discharge. Here are the main ones:

  • purification of gases and liquids passing through pipelines from foreign impurities (for example, solid particles);
  • prevention of spraying and splashing of substances;
  • strict compliance with pipeline speed requirements.

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