Often knocks out traffic jams: reasons and precautions

What are traffic jams?

For those who are not good at electrical engineering, but are left with a dim light, it is worth first understanding what these elements of electrical equipment are.

The electric plug resembles an incandescent lamp in appearance, only with a body made of dialectical material and a slightly reduced size. Its main purpose is to protect the circuit of conductive parts from fire, so when there is a short circuit or a network reboot, they automatically de-energize the entire system.

There are two types of traffic jams:

  • With a fuse link, which after tripping need to replace the internal fuse;
  • Automatic, equipped with on and off buttons.

Regardless of the type, plugs are required in all current circuits, and it is recommended to install several similar elements that control individual wiring elements. Thus, it is popular to divide machines into apartment rooms or separate powerful appliances (refrigerator, titanium, washing machine).

Traffic jams knocked out: reasons

In order to avoid problems during the operation of household appliances, you need to clearly understand the reasons why the machine may break down. In most cases, this negative phenomenon occurs when:

  • Short circuit. This is the most common and very dangerous reason. A short circuit can occur when operating technically faulty electrical appliances, poor wire insulation, or incorrectly connecting household appliances. If the washing machine or refrigerator has served for a long time and is physically worn out, a short circuit, in some cases, not only leads to a shutdown of the power supply system, but also to the fire of these electrical appliances;
  • Overloaded electrical wiring. Occurs if, when you turn on the washing machine, the machine knocks out. This is a clear sign that the wiring is overloaded.

In the case when it knocks out without a load, it means that the electrical appliances are working properly, and the reason lies in the electrical wiring. It doesn't have to be worn out. In some cases, excessive load causes a short circuit. If, initially, the system is designed for low power, then after connecting the water heater, serious difficulties arise.

In order to avoid this, you should immediately check the electrical wiring and make sure that there are no weak points that could cause a short circuit. The electrical wiring located inside the metal pipe deserves special attention. If the insulating layer is damaged, there is a risk of electric current leakage at the points of contact between the bare wire and the metal protection.

You should check the wiring for exposed wires.

Why does the protection work?

There are only three reasons why a traffic jam can be knocked out:

  • Short circuit;
  • Excessive load;
  • Damage to the device itself.

The most dangerous reason is a short circuit, which can be triggered by a weakened or melted insulating sheath of wires, water getting into them, or a burnt electrical appliance.

With such an outcome, a sharp jump in current occurs in the network, the wiring heats up, and the voltage quickly drops, and traffic jams detect the emergency and automatically de-energize the network. Otherwise, a fire or wiring will burn out.

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If plugs in the meter often break out without dire consequences, then the reason lies in the network overvoltage. By connecting several devices to one branch at once, you risk exceeding the permissible rating, which for a machine is 16 amperes, and for one plug is no more than 2.5 kW.

An excessive load on the circuit is fraught with a short circuit and fire, so it is necessary to control the power and the number of devices connected to one outlet group. Also, the protection is triggered by very powerful motors, since when turned on they cause a strong jump in the circuit.

It is not often that a knocked-out plug signals a malfunction, because, like any device, it can simply fail and turn off falsely. Also, a sudden breakdown of a large household appliance triggers the protection mechanism.

How circuit breakers work

Until recently, input panels were equipped with fuses or plugs. After burning out, they needed to be replaced.

Since the loads in the houses were small, two fuses were installed in the switchboards. One protected the phase, and the second was mounted on the neutral wire.

Nowadays, circuit breakers are installed in switchboards. They provide protection for lines and household appliances from overload and short circuit. Several of them are installed in a shield to protect a specific line.

For example, one protects the electric lighting line, and the other protects the washing machine, etc. Thus, it is easy to determine where the malfunction occurred.

Each circuit breaker:

  • Can be turned off a certain number of times. This depends on the type and manufacturer;
  • Triggers when the rated current is exceeded for a certain time. That is, it is not knocked out immediately, but after some time, if there is a load in the network that exceeds the rated load;
  • Has a finite value of short circuit current. This parameter is indicated on the machine body.

Structurally, the switch combines two levels of protection. When the load is exceeded, the bimetallic plate heats up. The higher the load current, the faster the plate will heat up and the protection will operate.

If a short circuit occurs in the network, the current increases sharply and the electromagnetic release is triggered. As a result, the fuse de-energizes the line in a fraction of a second.

In addition to automatic switches, RCD devices are mounted on the switchboard. These devices disconnect lines when there are current leaks that exceed the norm. They are designed for leakage currents equal to 30 mA, and in rooms with high humidity they install an RCD with a shutdown current of 10 mA.

Where to go for help?

What to do if the light in the apartment goes out for no obvious reason? If such a question arises, it is better to immediately contact the electricity supply company. Emergency services also operate around the clock, where a dispatcher will quickly answer a call at any time and dispatch a specialist to solve the problem.

However, you can install and fix the problem yourself.

The problem is in the stopper holder

Sometimes it happens that the load on the electrical network seems to be within acceptable limits, but the traffic jams are knocked out. Moreover, an electric kettle with a power of 2200 W does not knock out the plugs, but a washing machine with a power of 2000 W knocks out the plugs, and not immediately after turning it on, but after some time. In such cases, poor contact of the wires with the terminals in the plug holder or poor contact between the plug and the plug holder is to blame. A clear sign of poor contact is a hot plug.

If the wire was not screwed tightly enough to the terminal or became loose over time and the contact weakened, then the contact area decreases and, accordingly, the permissible load on the wire decreases. Under heavy loads, the wire and terminal begin to heat up and the machine is triggered. Sometimes there is no direct contact between the wire and the terminal and then the electrical energy is transmitted through an electric arc, but this does not last long and the wire burns out quite quickly if it is not screwed in time.

It can be difficult to screw a wire, especially if the wire has already begun to burn out and the insulation has partially melted. In such cases, it is better to call a professional electrician, and at the same time replace the old plug holders with modern machines.

Poor contact between the cork and the cork holder may be due to the fact that the cork was not screwed in completely or the contact in the cork holder was bent or burnt. The result is the same as with poor contact between the wire and the terminal. You can try to screw the plug into the plug holder more tightly, but if this does not help, and the plugs continue to be knocked out, then you need to clean or bend the contacts, and for this it is better to call a professional electrician.

How to turn it back on

The instructions on how to turn on the plugs if they are knocked out are simple:

  • For a plug with a fuse, unscrew the element (you can do it without gloves, since the body is made of non-conducting material), install a new insert, and screw it into place;
  • For a machine - press the power button or raise the lever to the operating position.

Important! Don't rush to turn on the current again! Before restarting the network, it is necessary to clearly determine the reason for the protection operation and eliminate the source of the trouble.

What you need to know in advance

First and most important: if you have knocked out old type plugs with “bugs”, do not reinstall them, not only for safety reasons. Repairing any modern equipment included in a faulty network can cost much more than buying several automatic plugs.

Go to section: Panel equipment

Secondly, before looking for the reasons for the operation of circuit breakers, you must turn off everything that is plugged into the sockets or through standard switches. Trial switching on and off are carried out only on de-energized wiring sequentially: first we turn off the general circuit breaker, then we remove the plugs from the sockets and turn off the switches. If you need to check any device or lamp, first plug it into the outlet and only then turn on the machine. Follow this procedure each time until the problem is identified or until you check everything.

Third, to check the presence of voltage in the apartment during a test run and not risk expensive equipment, use a tester.

View the tester on the website

For the prevention and safety of traffic jams

To avoid any questions about why the plugs are knocked out when you turn on a new device, it is recommended to take note of some tips:

  • Before turning on new equipment, determine its rated power and compare it with the permissible load in the network;
  • Do not turn on several devices at once;
  • Change wiring and electrical equipment in a timely manner;
  • Install special protective covers on sockets in potentially hazardous places, such as kitchens, bathrooms, outdoors;
  • For children's rooms, it is important to choose sockets with special safety latches;
  • At the first sign of a flood (wet spots on the ceiling and walls), turn off the power immediately.

With a competent approach, solving the problem of knocked out plugs is not difficult; the main thing is to carefully inspect all the elements of the chain and not miss the “bad” signs.

  • Difference between wires and cables

  • Why do you need air conditioning?

  • Batteries with a protective board: features, differences

Possible reasons for frequent operation

Serviceable electrical networks are designed to work for a long time. However, situations arise in life when the machine is triggered. If this is an isolated case, then there is no need to panic. But if it is triggered regularly, it is necessary to determine the malfunction.

Possible reasons may be:

  • Failure of the machine itself. This is possible if cheap or low-quality components made in China are used;
  • The protected line includes a load whose power exceeds the permissible one. That is, there is congestion in the network;
  • Line damage. The result is a short circuit. The defect is persistent and requires immediate elimination;
  • Poor contact. He could be anywhere. For example, at the point where the wire is connected to a machine, socket, plug of a household appliance, etc.;
  • Single outages occur when an incandescent lamp burns out or a power surge in the network;
  • It can also knock out when turning on equipment that uses an electric motor. When starting, large inrush currents occur. If the switch is selected incorrectly, this may be the probable cause of the shutdown;
  • The trigger may be caused by increased temperature in the panel. But this malfunction occurs extremely rarely if the shield is mounted in an area of ​​high temperature.

Network congestion

The likely reason for the protection device to trip is network overload. A knockout current appears. It occurs when a powerful load is connected to one line. For example, a washing machine, electric heater, or receiver are connected to one outlet.

After some time the machine will turn off. Do not immediately turn on the protection device. He needs time to return to working condition. That is, the bimetallic plate must cool down.

Only after this can it be put into operation. But before that, the load should be distributed over other lines.

Electrical wiring is short

If a short circuit occurs in the electrical wiring, the machine on the switchboard instantly knocks out. When I try to turn it on again, it does not turn on. Even after a while it knocks him out.

The malfunction requires an immediate solution. If it is not corrected, the house will remain without light until the defect is eliminated.

This malfunction may result in fire or electric shock. If the owner does not have the necessary skills or was unable to eliminate the malfunction, a specialist should be called.

Malfunction of household appliances

Triggering of protection devices can cause malfunction of household appliances. Typically, a malfunction occurs when the device is connected to the network.

If a faulty device is detected, it is de-energized. And a working device is connected to the outlet. If after this the protection does not work, this indicates a malfunction of the first device and must be repaired.

How to turn off power to an apartment from the landing

An apartment panel may contain several groups of switches. One group may be responsible for the light in the rooms, the other for the current in the sockets. In order to de-energize the apartment in this case, it will be necessary to move all the toggle switches of the machine to the lower position or find a common switch to which phase and zero are connected. It is this switch that is responsible for introducing electricity into the apartment. This switch is located under your group in the electrical panel.

In old houses, in addition to the main circuit breaker, it is necessary to turn off the switch, which is responsible for zero.

This switch is located in the panel below. There are often two such switches for a standard landing. You can determine which of them applies to your apartment by logic: the one that is closer to your apartment will be your switch.

In this case, it is necessary:

  • Always check whether the apartment is de-energized (voltage in sockets) using an indicator screwdriver;
  • Warn neighbors about possible outages;
  • Unplug household appliances that require delicate handling (computer, refrigerator, washing machine);
  • Do not touch the plugs if the electric meter is faulty: a broken electric meter can mislead by showing that electricity is not supplied;
  • To continue repair work that requires electricity, it is necessary to use special carrying cords with sockets connected to the machine's wires. At the same time, such manipulations should not be carried out without a specialist.

So that, if necessary, you can quickly find and turn off your machine, you can sign it. So, above the work group you can write the apartment number with a marker.

Sequence of replacing electrical plugs

If the apartment has base-type plugs, you will need to redo the fastening design. The replacement procedure sequence is as follows:

  • using a multimeter or an indicator screwdriver, the location of the phase and zero is determined;
  • the power supply to the apartment is turned off;
  • the base sockets of old fuses are removed;
  • instead, a DIN rail is mounted to mount new switches. The rail is cut to the required size. For installation on a wooden or metal base, self-tapping screws are used; for concrete, you will need to insert dowels, having previously drilled holes in the intended locations;
  • the circuit breaker is connected with the correct wiring. To avoid confusion, the neutral wire is marked with a tag with the letter N;
  • wires are connected to the bottom of the device, supplying electricity to the home network;
  • After connecting the contacts, the device is mounted on a DIN rail.

To ensure additional safety when operating the home electrical network, it is recommended to install a special device, an RCD, together with the circuit breaker. It will turn off the voltage if a person accidentally comes into contact with a bare wire.

The operating principle of an RCD is based on monitoring the value of electric current in the network. If a person accidentally comes into contact with a live wire, the current balance will be disrupted and the device will turn off the network.

The RCD is selected in the same way as a circuit breaker based on the maximum current value. If an RCD is installed, the owner must provide additional space on the DIN rail. The connection is made in the same way, with insertion and crimping of the phase and neutral cables into the installed connectors.

In most cases, you will not need to remove the electric meter. But if the cables are arranged in such a way that the meter needs to be removed, you must first agree with the energy supply company to remove the seals. After the replacement has been made, it is necessary to invite inspectors to reinstall the seals on the meter.

Correctly installed circuit breakers to replace outdated electrical plugs will eliminate the danger of an unforeseen situation and ensure normal operation of the home network. The main thing is to choose fuses with parameters corresponding to the expected operating conditions. To purchase high-quality devices, you need to contact official trusted dealers and choose products from trusted manufacturers. It would not hurt the owner to first consult with a competent specialist regarding the choice of model and place of purchase of circuit breakers.

Replacing base-mount automatic circuit breakers with circuit breakers:

Replacing automatic traffic jams:

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