How to choose the right cable channels: types and sizes of wires

Cable channels for electrical wiring can be installed not only indoors, but also on the streets. They are an electrical box made of a solid profile, inside of which the wires are placed. Before using such material, you need to find out what cable channels are. Types and sizes matter when installing hidden and open electrical wiring. In our review you can find out what cable channels are used for and how to choose them correctly.

Ergonomic boxes allow you to avoid making recesses in the walls in order to conduct and disguise all kinds of wiring

What are the types of cable channels for electrical wiring: what is it?

A cable duct is a metal or plastic box for electrical wiring that can be used indoors and outdoors. The design consists of a body and a cover. Most often they have a square or rectangular cross-section. The body can be perforated or solid. The body part and the cover are connected using a special lock.

Plastic structures that can look like skirting boards are popular

Cable boxes are mounted in different systems. They come in a variety of colors and are highly aesthetic. The internal space can be divided by partitions. This allows you to separate low-current and power cables, which are laid separately. When choosing plastic products, you should pay attention to the non-flammability of the material.

Using a wood channel instead of a plinth

There are different types of cable channels:

  • Mini . The channels have a small diameter and are used for laying Internet, television or telephone lines. 1-2 wires of medium thickness are placed in such a channel. They are made of plastic and attached to the walls using screws and glue. The channel cross-section varies between 10×10 and up to 60×80 mm;

Miniature channels can be made of metal or plastic

  • Parapet guides . They are made of plastic, but are larger in size. Such structures are installed in apartments and offices. You can adjust the rotation angle from 7 to 45 degrees. It is convenient to connect sockets and switches to such guides. The cross-section of structures varies from 10×20 mm to 100×60 mm. In this case, the profile type can be W-shaped, L-shaped or T-shaped. Also, profiles can be universal or curly;

Parapet products are perfectly fixed to the wall

  • Skirting. These channels are installed at the junctions of walls and floors. Inside these skirting boards there are cavities for laying wires. The dimensions depend on the width of the diagonal wall, which can be 50 or 70 mm. Such channels are used for any premises and are resistant to temperature changes. Such channels are fastened using self-tapping screws. The joints are covered with corners and plugs;

Option for plinth with installation of wires

  • Flexible channels. The structures are corrugated and chain. The latter protect the wires from vibrations, mechanical damage and chemical exposure. They are corrosion resistant, flexible and open access. Corrugated structures are made of non-flammable plastics;

Flexible products are often used in office premises for cable routing in difficult areas

  • Corner ceiling channels. They are plastic parts in the shape of a triangle. The joints are cut at an angle of 45 degrees and closed with plugs. The box has a beautiful appearance and color palette. The size of the internal part can be 40×40 mm;

There may be several partitions inside the corner housing

  • Floor-standing. Cable trays are required when you need to run wiring to lighting fixtures or to a table. At the same time, the color scheme is not very diverse. The most commonly used palette is white, black or gray;

Floor channels are complemented by inserts for switches

  • Transparent channels for LED strips. Inside the box there is a partition to which the LED is fixed. The width of the tape can be 5-20 mm.

Channels with LEDs can be located in baseboards.
How to choose the right cable channel can be seen in the video:

When choosing products, you need to pay attention to GOST standards for cable channels. The possibility of installation depends on the degree of flexibility and rigidity. Rigid structures can be in the form of boxes with holes or blind boxes. Flexible cable channels are represented by corrugated pipes, tracks and chains.

Corrugated lines make it easier to install wiring in hard-to-reach places

For your information! The dimensions of the channels are selected taking into account the diameter and number of wires. At the same time, there are no special restrictions on the quantity, but the lid must close freely.

Types of electrical installation channels

Types and types of electrical wiring

Cable channels are classified according to purpose, material of manufacture, number of locks, shape, etc.

Depending on the material, the cable channel is:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wood.

Based on location and purpose, the following types are distinguished:

  • floor;
  • corner;
  • baseboards;
  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • flexible;
  • LED

Types of cable channels

Floor-standing models are used when installing electrical wiring directly on the floor surface.

Skirting - used when laying electrical wiring along the corner formed between the floor and the wall. Such products are hollow plinths, in which there are special niches or channels for placing electrical cables. Some types have separate channels, which allows you to separate wires for different purposes.

Placing wires in the plinth cable channel

If the wiring runs along a corner formed by two walls or a wall and a ceiling, then corner models are used, which in cross-section represent a triangle.

When placing electrical cables along walls or ceilings, wall or ceiling profiles are used, respectively.

Flexible types are used for laying electrical networks to industrial equipment that is not permanently fixed. They are chain and corrugated. Chain - consist of PVC links connected to each other. Corrugated - they are a corrugated pipe, inside of which wires are laid.

LED trays have a special strip inside on which the LED strip is fixed. Installed in those places where lighting of this type is organized. Such designs have a transparent lid.

Flexible plastic cable channel

Based on the type of wires that can be placed inside the product, there are:

  • cable channels designed for laying telephone cables, as well as Internet, signal and television wires (mini cable channels);
  • electrical installation boxes for regular and thick cables.

Materials for cable channels

Wire boxes are often made of metal or plastic. Plastic is a more budget option. Structures made from it are not particularly durable, so they are used for ceilings and walls. Such guides must be non-flammable and not emit a lot of smoke.

Durable metal structures are suitable for rooms with a high risk of fire

Metal elements are of higher quality. Channels made of galvanized steel and aluminum can withstand significant loads.

The designs of cable channels for electrical wiring are as follows:

  • Galvanized steel products are fireproof and are used for installation of video surveillance and warning systems. Such channels are protected from electromagnetic and mechanical influences;

Perforated steel lines are often used in production

  • Anodized aluminum boxes protect wiring from electromagnetic effects. This material is resistant to fire, mechanical damage and durable;

Anodized aluminum baseboards are durable

  • Fireproof plastic boxes are popular. The cross-section of such products can be rectangular, triangular or square.

A box made of fire-resistant plastic is in demand for any premises.
In rooms with a high risk of fire, it is recommended to install metal channels. They are used in factories and workshops.

In the video you can see how cable channels are attached and used:

Metal boxes for laying cables: characteristics of materials

A metal wiring box has many advantages. Here are some of them:

  • protection against mechanical and electromagnetic influences;
  • ease of installation work;
  • excellent level of fire safety;
  • various color solutions;
  • cover with a latch.

Metal boxes are in demand in rooms with special conditions.
Elements of metal boxes for electrical wiring:

  • 90 degree angle for turning upward;
  • outer corner for turning down;
  • flat goal 90 degrees;
  • T-piece;
  • X – shaped section.

Cable channels in the form of metal pipes are used for wall mounting.
Industrial enterprises often use boxes made of anodized aluminum. They are used for installation in open wiring.

The following advantages can be noted in a steel electrical box:

  • increased level of impact resistance;
  • protection against electromagnetic influence;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Choosing a plastic box for wires: degree of rigidity and other characteristics

Common options include plastic boxes for electrical wiring. This option is a closed type design. The cross-section and box can be any: square, rectangular or triangular. Sizes and color palette may also vary.

Before installation, plastic structures often require sawing

It is worth highlighting the following advantages of the plastic cable channel:

  • light weight;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • simple fastening system;
  • the cover is mounted without any tools;
  • PVC cable channel has a low cost;
  • the ability to cut an element to the required length;
  • high decorative properties;
  • ease of care;
  • there is no deformation due to temperature changes.

The difference between cables and wires depending on the core material

Cores of wires and cables for specialized purposes can be made of various metals, but aluminum and copper are mainly used in electrical engineering. Each of them has its own specific properties, advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account when selecting a core material for a specific purpose.

Aluminum conductors

The invention of a relatively inexpensive method for extracting aluminum made a revolution in the global development of electrification, because in terms of electrical conductivity this metal ranks fourth, behind only silver, copper and gold. This made it possible to reduce the cost of production of wires and cables as much as possible and make universal electrification a reality.

Such electrical wires and their types are distinguished by their low cost, chemical resistance, high level of heat transfer and low weight - they have determined the mass of electrification in industrial and domestic conditions for more than half a century.

In light of the relatively recent dominance of aluminum in the wire market, it may seem strange to the uninitiated that the provisions of the PUE prohibit the use of this material in everyday life. More precisely, you cannot use aluminum wires with a cross-section of less than 16 mm², and these are the most common of them for installing home electrical wiring. To understand why there is a ban on the use of these wires, you can familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages.

+ Advantages of aluminum wires

  1. Lighter than copper.
  2. Significantly cheaper.

— Disadvantages of aluminum wires

  1. Aluminum conductors with a cross-section of up to 16 mm² can only be single-wire, which means they can only be used for laying stationary wiring and without bending at an acute angle. All flexible wires and cables have always been made of copper.
  2. The chemical resistance of aluminum is determined by the oxide film that forms when it comes into contact with air. Over time, with constant heating of the contact due to the flow of electric current through it, this film deteriorates electrical conductivity, the contact overheats and fails. That is, aluminum wires require additional maintenance, and the contacts through which powerful currents pass are coated with a special lubricant.
  3. Amorphous material - if you clamp two aluminum wires together, the contact will weaken over time, as the aluminum will partially “leak out” from under pressure.
  4. Soldering can only be carried out using special tools, and welding can be performed in a chamber with an inert gas.
  5. Good electrical conductivity is observed only in pure aluminum, and impurities inevitably remaining during production worsen this indicator.

As a result, aluminum is a good choice if you need to save money here and now, but in the long run its use will be more expensive due to its relatively short service life and the need for regular maintenance. For this reason and additional safety reasons, the PUE strictly prohibits using it for laying new power lines.

Copper conductors

In terms of electrical conductivity, copper is in second place, only 5% inferior to silver in this indicator.

Compared to aluminum, copper has only 2 significant disadvantages, due to which for a long time it was used much less frequently. Otherwise, copper wins in all respects.

+ Pros of copper wires

  1. Electrical conductivity is 1.7 times higher than aluminum - a smaller cross-section of wire will pass the same amount of current.
  2. High flexibility and elasticity - even single-core wires can withstand a large number of deformations, and multi-core wires make cords for electrical appliances with increased flexibility.
  3. Soldering, tinning and welding are carried out without the use of additional materials.

— Disadvantages of copper wires

  1. The cost is several times more expensive than aluminum.
  2. High density - a coil of copper wire, the same length and cross-section as aluminum, will weigh 3 times more.
  3. Copper wires and contacts oxidize in open air. However, this practically does not affect the contact resistance and, if necessary, is “treated” by lubricating the surface of the already tightened contact.

As a result, although copper is a more expensive material, in general its use is more economical, since it is more durable, requires less effort during installation and attention during maintenance.

Dimensions of cable channels for electrical wiring: selection rules

The price largely depends on the size of the plastic cable channels. The manufacturer also influences this indicator. The standard length is the box. The following products are especially popular: 12×12, 40×40 and 100×60 mm. Corner products in demand are 40×40 mm.

The cable must fit freely into the box. In this case, it is better to leave a small margin of space. You also need to select the length of the structure with reserve.

In the table you can see some sizes of cable channels and parameters of additional elements

The standard dimensions of electrical wiring boxes are 2 meters. The main channel is often laid along the ceiling. It should be larger than the vertical outlets to sockets and switches. When purchasing cable channels, do not forget about the accessories. All kinds of plugs, tees and adapters will make installation easier.

The table shows the cross-sectional dimensions of the boxes and their standard length

The quality of the parts is also important. The lock should be easy to close and open. The ends should be smooth and even. The attachment points can be located at a distance of half a meter from each other. As the temperature increases, the plastic may expand.

Let's look at the different sizes of cable channels. For a standard length of 2 meters, the cross-section can be as follows in mm:

  • 12×12;
  • 15×10;
  • 16×16;
  • 20×10;
  • 25×25;
  • 30×10;
  • 40×40;
  • 60×60;
  • 80×60;
  • 100×60.

There is also a cable channel 150×100. But the most popular size is considered to be 25x16 mm.

Selecting cable channels for electrical wiring

The choice of boxes intended for electrical installations is based not only on the types of design, but also on some other factors. Of course, before purchasing, the owner must know exactly what size protective device he needs. Retail outlets usually do not cut channels into the dimensions you need, so it is better to take a device with a small margin.

To plan the distribution of cables at home, it is better to use plastic or lightweight metal boxes. When choosing them to match the main color of your interior, you will have to order designs in advance, since in addition to white cable ducts, you are unlikely to find a shade that suits you.

What can I say about the dimensions of the structure? It is important that there is enough space inside the box to accommodate a certain number of cables, and it is better if there is some reserve left

The presence of accessories for the cable channel is a prerequisite

At the point of purchase, immediately make sure that all plugs, mounting fasteners and locks are in place. Test the box lock for efficiency: it should open easily without any tools

What color solutions are there for cable channels?

The choice of cable channels depends on the overall interior design. There is a large assortment of white products, but colored wire boxes are also often used. Fittings must be used in suitable colors. Different types of tees, adapters and plugs must match the color palette of the cable channels. Products painted to resemble wood are especially popular. Such designs are used in the arrangement of wooden houses and baths. The color palette includes more than 10 items. Colors such as beech, pine and oak are often found.

Depending on the interior of the room and the color scheme used, the color of the wiring boxes is selected

The use of a colored cable channel allows you to select the material taking into account the basic design of the room. The most popular products are white or wood-look, as they are used to decorate office premises. An unusual version of the cable channel in black.

The beige color palette is in demand, especially the wood texture

Installation of a plastic box

So, you and I have calculated everything, and we bought a box of the right size. How to install it now? Let's talk about everything in order.

To work we need the following set of tools:

  • Tools for cutting - this can include: any hacksaw with a fine tooth, so as not to “burst” the cut edges too much; a sharp stationery knife (take only the option with a durable, high-quality blade, so that the blade does not burst during the process and the craftsman does not get hurt); Metal scissors are an excellent solution for quick and high-quality work.

A hacksaw can easily cut through plastic too.

  • Fastening tool. This is where we may need different options, depending on the type of wall to which we will attach the box. If you have concrete and brick in front of you, then you cannot do without a hammer drill, for which you will need to purchase an additional 6 mm drill. If the wall is made of plasterboard, lining or just wood, then you need to use a screwdriver or a Phillips screwdriver.


Methods of using cable channels for laying open electrical wiring

A wide range of components for electrical wiring allows you to implement the most complex projects. Installation of the wall box is carried out taking into account the height of the sockets, junction boxes and switches. For open spaces, designs of wall and floor cable ducts made of metal are used. This provides protection from the effects of electromagnetic vibrations. Such options are relevant when installing information wiring.

Before proceeding with installation, it is worth understanding the basic elements of the electrical wiring diagram.

An angular cable channel is used for mounting the backlight of LED strips. Most often, such products are made of aluminum, and the lid is made of heat-resistant plastic.

Corner cable channel is used to fill the junction of the main line in the corners

For the home, a flexible cable channel for wires is often used. Lightweight metal models are also used. There must be enough space inside the case for a certain number of cables. It is important to check the availability of the necessary accessories for the cable products.

Flexible designs allow you to disguise a large number of wires

When choosing products, you need to count all the locks, mounting fasteners and plugs on the spot.

Electrical wiring can be organized according to an open circuit using the following types of electrical boxes:

  • wall box for wires with double-sided and one-sided lock;

Wall Channel Installation

  • floor plinth with separate sections for low-current wires;
  • ceiling material;
  • designs of cable ducts on the floor with protection from mechanical impact;
  • corrugated pipes and trays used in utility rooms or for external facades.

Related article:

Corrugation for wires and cables. It will not only protect the wires from damage, but will also act as additional insulation, eliminating the risk of electric shock if the integrity of the cable is broken. What types of protective corrugation are there, and how to install them correctly? We’ll talk about this in more detail in the article.

Outdoor cable channels are used for the local area.

Flexible structures can be used for outdoor use

Installation of wall boxes is carried out using self-tapping screws. They should be installed at certain intervals. The load is determined by the number of wires inside. To fix it on a wooden surface or on drywall, it is necessary to screw it in every 40-50 cm. If the walls are uneven, then the distance may be less to hide flaws.

To work with a brick or concrete wall, installation is carried out using dowels. To work, you will need a hammer drill with a nozzle with a diameter of 6 mm. The simplest fastening option is liquid nails, which are construction adhesive.

Wall mounting option

Floor channels will allow you to disguise any wiring so as not to spoil the interior. In this case, the structure is combined with the baseboard. Before installation, markings should be made on the walls and floor. Interestingly, plastic cable channels are mounted not to the floor, but to the wall. Installation is carried out using screws, liquid nails and dowels.

Installation of a floor skirting box

Installation of wiring in the channels is carried out after completion of finishing work. Markings for the cable mesh are marked on the walls. Laying is done from the distribution panel. First of all, main lines are installed, and then branches from them. If the channels do not have holes, you can make them yourself.

Installing a wall channel with wires

The channel section is fixed to the wall. In this case, the line should be positioned in the center of the holes. After this, fastening with dowels is carried out. After installing the connecting parts, the box is cut to the required length.

The features of installing a cable in a box are shown in the video:

Tips for installing cable ducts

hide wiring

Before attaching the box to the surface, you should check its evenness

It is important that there are no bumps or bends, but the owner must take care of this even before the installation of open electrical wiring begins. The cable duct should be cut using a grinder, as jigsaws and knives leave burrs and damage the integrity of the structure. Try to secure cable ducts with liquid nails or special glue. In these cases, it is better not to use self-tapping screws. It is advisable to buy boxes that have an internal partition - this property is very convenient during installation.

Important! By following our advice and selection rules, you will get the ideal aesthetic solution for your home

Using cable ducts for decorative purposes: photo examples

When decorating interiors, decorative cable ducts are often used. For decoration and zoning, disguised lighting is used using corner boxes. Triangular cable channels are placed in niches of suspended and suspended ceilings. Decorative cables can be in the form of brass and bronze tubes. This option is used when installing retro wiring.

Decorative items come in a variety of colors and are used on special occasions.

Round cable channels for electrical wiring are more complex in installation. It is more difficult to insert wires into such a tube than into corrugated boxes.

Decorative cable ducts with a circular cross-section made of bronze are used in a specific color scheme

The main purpose of the transparent cable channel is not only to protect the LEDs from fire, but also to prevent dust from getting on the light element. Dirt can cause a short circuit.

Transparent channels allow you to create unusual lighting

Electrical installation using cable channels is suitable for rooms decorated in any interior style. For installation, you can use a copper or aluminum triangular cable channel. Decorative cable channels are often made in the form of bronze tubes. This option is suitable for antique rooms.

Colored designs are selected taking into account the color palette of the surrounding environment. Gray shades will give the room a more formal and businesslike look. For residential premises, products in a wood or beige color palette are more suitable.

Special decorative wiring has the following advantages:

  • stylish and original design;
  • the best option for log houses and other wooden buildings;
  • the ability to visually monitor the electrical supply of the house;
  • ease of installation without plastering, chipping or cementing.

Corrugated plastic pipes

If cable channels, plastic or metal, are more suitable for flat surfaces, then in the case of frequent transitions between planes or turns, their installation will be extremely difficult due to the need to use a large number of additional components. In such conditions, a more suitable material would be flexible pipes that bend at any angle and are attached along the entire length to standard clips.

Externally, a corrugated plastic pipe looks like an elastic channel with a circular cross-section. It is used for laying any cables and wires, providing them with additional protection from moisture and mechanical damage. Mainly used when installing electrical circuits with complex wire routing paths - raised floors, suspended ceilings, electrical wiring behind plasterboard walls.

Dimensions and components

PVC is used for the production of corrugated plastic pipes

Most often, products with an internal diameter from 16 to 32 mm are used, but when choosing, you must additionally pay attention to the purpose of the corrugation - it can be light or heavy

The first are standard products that are used for installing electrical circuit lines inside buildings. Heavy corrugations provide more solid protection and can be used outdoors, and in some cases, under water.

Since in long highways it is not always possible to push a wire through a pipe without auxiliary parts, additional corrugations can be equipped with probes made of metal single-core “steel”, however, installers usually have their own.

Dimensions of corrugated pipes for cable:

HeadingOuter diameter, mmInner diameter, mm
Corrugated PVC pipe without probe1610,7
Corrugated PVC pipe with probe1610,7

+ Advantages of plastic corrugated pipes

  1. Indispensable for laying wires on uneven surfaces or when it is necessary to make frequent turns in the highway.
  2. Usually sealed along the entire length, therefore they reliably protect the wires from high humidity.
  3. Additional protection of cables from mechanical damage and people from electric shock.
  4. Clip-on mounting is one of the easiest to install and maintain - you can insert or remove the corrugation from them without additional tools.
  5. In addition to fire safety, the plastic from which the corrugation is made contains additives that prevent combustion. When the wiring is shorted, the corrugation will not flare up, but will simply melt.

— Disadvantages of plastic corrugated pipes

  1. They do not tolerate negative temperatures well - when overcooled, they lose elasticity and break, so they are more suitable for interior work.
  2. If there are too many turns and bends, pulling the cable inside the corrugation will be very difficult and sometimes impossible, so you will have to first pull the wires inside and then carry out the general installation.

Where to buy cable channels for electrical wiring: types, manufacturers and prices

You need to understand the manufacturers of such products if you want to buy cable channels for your home. Many companies offer high quality boxes. In such a situation, it is important to distinguish a fake. You need to ask the consultant for the necessary documents for the products.

Let's take a look at some branded manufacturers:

  • Hager. The German manufacturer specializes in office products, but due to the high quality of the boxes, they are also used in residential areas. The products are made in a modern design and are suitable for many interiors. The tehalit.BRP series is used for laying main lines. Universal models are boxes of the tehalit.LFF series, which are characterized by simple installation;
  • Legrand. The company offers profiles in different sizes and widths up to 220 mm. There can be up to three sections inside the case. The cable channel is equipped with two types of partitions. Some are mounted in a special groove, while others are flexible and glued to the wall.
  • DKS. This domestic manufacturer produces 4 types of channels. Wall-mounted ones have a flat lid and are compact in size. Floor boxes are equipped with turns. They are easily connected to each other. The mini channels come in dark brown and white;
  • Schneider Electric. The manufacturer offers the Ultra series with two types of channels. Switches and sockets are mounted in modular frames. Mini channels have a U-shaped cover. For quick installation, you can choose products with self-adhesive tape.

We suggest looking at some types, sizes and prices of cable channels in our table.

Table 1. Average cost of cable channels

PhotoModelDescriptionPrice, rub/linear meter
Elekor 2m IEK whiteSuitable for low-current, information and power communications in offices and residential premises.36
Ruvinil PKK 16×16×0.8 mThe texture of the material is wood, the color is oak. The material used is self-extinguishing polyvinyl chloride. 76
Cable channel 25-25 mm. Mutlusan (pack of 100 m) The material is made to look like light wood.2007 (per package)
Cable channel 20×10 mm (160 meters per package) T.PlastProduct material is white plastic.1390 (per package)
Hager LFF channel 60×110The structure is made of white plastic.422
Legrand DLP with flexible cover 105×50Material white PVC.695
Perforated DKC 25x40, 2 meters.The design has a corrugated structure. Made of high quality plastic. 456

Elekor 2m IEK white

Cable channel 25-25 mm Mutlusan packaging 100 m

Cable channel 20×10 mm T.Plast

Legrand DLP with flexible cover 105×50

Perforated DKC 25×40

When choosing a cable box, you need to take into account the size, appearance, manufacturer and cost of the product. Properly selected cable channels will disguise unsightly wires and become a great addition to a modern interior. We hope that our article is useful to you. If you want to add something, write in the comments.

Advantages of an electrical box

The main advantages of placing wiring in a cable channel are as follows:

  • ease of installation work;
  • mobility;
  • availability of communications for modernization or repair;
  • Possibility of installation in well-finished rooms. The electrical network, packaged in a box, has a completely acceptable aesthetic appearance;
  • scalability. If you correctly calculate the size of the box, there is always the possibility of laying additional cables and wires if the need arises in the future.

Due to the flexibility of the installation process, the technology of using electrical boxes has become widespread in both the industrial and residential sectors.

If any problems occur, the suspicious section of the cable network can be easily opened to eliminate the problem.

Among other things, plastic boxes have a low cost and significantly reduce the risk of mechanical damage to wiring.

They reliably protect power lines from open contact with a person for whom electric current poses a danger.

What do electricians think about exposed wiring?

Open (external) electrical wiring has much more disadvantages than hidden (internal) wiring.

Cables covered with plaster are not damaged, do not interfere with repairs and are completely invisible. Open wiring does not have such advantages, and in the event of a short circuit, it is more likely to catch fire than hidden wiring. The open method of installing electrical wiring is often chosen for wooden houses.

In wooden houses, laying electrical cables in an open way is a necessary measure, because... Hidden cable routing can be difficult or even impossible

The open installation method still has some advantages:

  • Simplification of installation. When laying electrical cables, you do not have to cut walls. This reduces labor costs and the amount of work. After installation there is practically no construction waste left.
  • Cheaper. Here we are talking about saving on electrician fees.
  • Possibility to change the cable layout. If your future plans include redesigning the wiring, then it is better to choose an open installation method.

When choosing an open method for laying electrical wires, you should take into account that they will have to be masked and protected from external influences. There is always a chance of moisture or accidental damage.

Difficulties often arise when installing boxes, sockets, and switches. Before starting work, you need to carefully study the features of their installation or entrust the work to an electrician

If the house is residential, you need to weigh everything three times. It is advisable to consult with an experienced electrician, and during installation it is necessary to take into account the increased risks and especially carefully monitor compliance with safety measures.

Open wiring in retro style

Retro way

It’s called so beautifully now, but previously it was the only option for open wiring. It was used not only in the bathhouse, but also in residential premises. The wires were fixed on porcelain insulating rollers.

Retro wiring in a wooden bathhouse

For such wiring, the electrical wires must only be single-core, the cups are fixed at a distance of no more than ten centimeters, plus one at each turn. The wires had to be twisted, and this was a long and tedious task. In addition, the white insulation became dusty and dirty for a short time, and various spider bugs very often took up permanent residence in it.

Retro style wiring

Today, open wiring using the described method is installed only by great lovers of antiquity, who do not know what appearance it will have in a few years.

Open wiring in retro style

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